Null Human (5e Race)
<Null Human>[edit]
Physical Description[edit]
The external appearance is similar to that of a normal human but with a much larger and stronger body and no trace of mana or other power, his body is empty.
There are rare cases of humans who were born without any trace of mana in their bodies, they say that despite their bodies not having any trace of mana, their bodies are highly developed and because they have no mana they say that they are the nemesis of any magic.
Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]
They do not have a society because they are extremely rare among common humans, but their attitudes depend but they all normally fight the same, hitting with all their strength and resisting any magic thrown in their direction, and only stop when they can no longer move because they are highly resistant to pain as well.
Null Human Traits[edit]
The nemesis of magic...
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence , Constitution , Dexterity , score increases by 3, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Age. reach maturity at age 16 and live to be 120 years old normaly.
Alignment. because they are rejected from magic and sometimes even from the world they become aggressive or only care about those around them so their alignment is chaotic neutral or evil.
Size. Null humans vary widely in height and build, but typically have a large, muscular body so their height varies from 7 feet to well over 8 feet tall. Its size is large.
Speed. They are stronger and faster than most of humans. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
Absolute Resilience. You are resistant to diseases and poisons. Additionally, you can add half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) to Constitution checks, even if you are already proficient.
Aversion to Magic. You cannot cast or be the target of beneficial spells or potions that require mana, magical energy, or divine energy or something magical. However, you have resistance to magical damage (such as damage from spells or magical effects), and Creatures that cast or use magical abilities have disadvantage on attacks or ability checks that rely on magic when they target you.
Inhuman Body. You reduce any non-magical damage you take by 5 points (minimum of 1), you also have Advantage on Athletics and Acrobatics Checks in addition to
Natural Regeneration At the end of each short rest, you regain a number of hit points equal to twice your level without expending hit dice. Additionally, at the start of your turn, if you have less than half your hit point maximum, you regain your Constitution modifier hit points (this ability does not work if you are at 0 hit points).
Memento Mori. When reduced to 0 hit points, you can activate an inhuman, unstoppable, death-defying rage. In this state, you gain the following benefits for 1 turn:
Invulnerability: You become immune to all types of damage; Inhuman Fury: You can make an additional attack as part of your attack action, and melee attacks deal extra damage equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum +1); Supernatural Speed: Your speed increases by 20 feet.
After your turn ends, you automatically drop to 0 health unless you receive healing or another form of stabilization before then.
You can use this ability once every 3 days.
Immutable Presence. The absence of magical energy in his body causes the world around him to react in curious ways. You gain the following benefits:
You cannot be detected by spells or abilities that track magical energy, such as Detect Good and Evil or Detect Magic.
Within a 15-foot radius, the environment appears to "normalize": Magical lights become dimmer, losing intensity and brightness; Magical sounds, such as sound illusions, become muffled or distorted; Artificial smells created by magic disappear, and you can touch or examine physical illusions (such as a fake wall created by magic) and automatically realize that they are not real.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common.
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