Gym Rat (5e Background)

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Gym Rat[edit]

When you were young you watched The giant classic and the strong giant competitions and have been inspired ever since it model your life into one of strength and discipline and now as you adventure all the fruits of your hard labor are starting to ripen. You are often seen leaving to the forest in search of giant's that are willing to challenge your strength. Not to mention you are great with the ladies even though you have a type of ego that could aggravate anyone which sometimes gets you into unwanted trouble.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Performance

Tool Proficiencies: Cook's tools

Languages: Giant

Equipment: Dumbbells, lifters tools, Potion of Pre-Workout,workout bag

When you would gain an ability score increase, you may instead take this feat

Feat: Powerlifter[edit]

Prerequisites: Strength 13 or higher

You have trained to lift weights and push your limits. You gain the following benefit:

Increase your Strength by 1, to a maximum of 20. The weight you can carry,push, drag, or lift is doubled. You have advantage on all Strength checks made to push, drag, or lift objects. You have advantage on all Strength saving throws and Strength (Athletics) checks against being shoved or grappled.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

As a gym Rat you use your strength to help others and with your overflowing confidence it's never a problem for you infact you find it as one of your greatest pleasures. But you understand the benefits of being left alone to your own accord and your actions speak enough for you whenever you don't feel like talking

d8 Personality Trait
1 I'm easy to get along, I don't choose sides only my own.
2 Those who are lazy or take the easy way make me angry.
3 I'm a great speaker! Some one has to make it up for the stubborn rouge or a shy wizard!
4 I'm always ready for the next challenge. It only adds more to my skills.
6 I'm someone of action rather then words.
7 Everyone is deserving of my trust till they break it.
8 I'm friendly to all and many can pull up a chair and make a new friend
d6 Ideal
1 Past. I look to the greats of other generations to inspire me and to help me through my tribulations. (Lawful)
2 Power. Knowledge is power? Say that to this right hook! (Chaotic)
3 Solidarity. If we all work together, nothing in our way can take us down! (Neutral)
4 Empathy. I will always come to help. I just need to hear the call. (Good)
5 Selfishness. I will drop everything at even the slightest to train and lift. (Evil)
6 Family. My mother still cooks me meals and help me prepare for competition. (Good)
d6 Bond
1 The giants are my family and I have sworn my life to them as they to me.
2 I love my weights more then anything. I keep one on me always.
3 I hope my children follow in the great footsteps I lead for them.
4 I'm not just another (race/sub-race) I will prove my worth.
5 I hold the strongest man title in my home town and regularly defend it to this day.
6 I have a lover waiting for me back at home.
d8 Flaw
1 I am quite possessive. I find it hard to allow others to touch my things.
2 I will never let someone win even if it is not competitive I must beat them and win.
3 Anything new sends me into an overexcited frenzy.
4 I am a megaphone in speech and have trouble controlling my speech.
5 I don't like to learn new methods the golden age was the best and refuse other ways of thinking.
6 If I fail a task, I will fly into a fit of rage.
7 I have a bad habit of drinking caffeinated drinks.
8 I can let my confidence blind me into doing stupid things, especially if someone makes it a bet.
(3 votes)

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