(SETTING NOT FULLY DEVELOPED) MC Origins: Dragourne (5e Class)

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A creature birthed by the fusion of two souls, of a dragon and a mortal. A creation of departing soul joining the arrived one. Being who us split into two natures- into draconic and into mortal. Dragournes (or drogournes, both are viable) are beings created by a fusion of a dead ender dragon spirit and newborn child, soul of which is distorted and twisted due to this spiritual link. This spiritual distortion makes dragournes extremily strong beings with natural scales and claws surpassing nearly every weapon made, able to spew energy out of its mouth and having constitution simmilar to the dragons- these brings are extremely efficient warriors, able to level anything in their path.

A fate worse than death[edit]

This comes at a price, though. Constant struggle between spirit of the ender dragon and spirit of the mortal constantly rips at the dragournes body and mind, leaving the being in constant physical and mental pain. Sympyoms of this affiliation start to show from early childhood as dragourne starts to grow claws, scales and jaws simmilar to dragons, typically at age of five. Growth is miniscular at start, but when the dragourne reaches age of 15 growth accelerates rapidly, bringing the Pain of both growing draconic fearures and mental pain from spiritual clashes. Pain from the growth and from mental damage quickly takes the toll on the psique, slowly erroding the mental stability of the dragourne. Unless it learns how to control the pain, they devolve into animals, unable to think straight and only seeking to ravage others to inflict their own suffering on others. Others that do learn how to control the pain only crack slightly with pain still taking toll, without capacity to fully remove it from its spirit. Dragournes suffer from this for their whole lifetime- a lifetime of pain and madness.

Creating a Dragourne[edit]

Constructing a dragourne is bit trickier than other classes because this class is passed down from the birth, uncontrolled by the character. When you start creating this character, start with determining the origin story of why is your character a dragourne- what event killed the dragon which inflicted this curse on you? Monster hunters? Attack on one of the end bastions by the dragon? Or was it villain slaying the dragon to accure its heart? In addition, determine how did the community react to you and how did you learn to control the pain to stop yourself from going mad. Did your parents leave you when you started to transform, beliving you to be cursed? Did the community openly shoe its disdain towards you, treating you unwelcomely? How did you incorporate yourself into it once you grew up? How did you learn to control your pain? Did other dragourne taught you hoe to do it, or did you learn it yourself? Maybe you learned hoe tk take pain from even before pains started to come, from being punished by parents or bullied by other kids?

Quick Build

You can make a Dragourne quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength.  Second, choose any background. Dragournes don't start with equipment because they dont need it, but they start with money, which you can use to buy items that signify what your character does for the living.

Class Features

As a Dragourne you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d12 per Dragourne level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Dragourne level after 1st


Armor: none
Weapons: Unarmed Strikes
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution, Wisdom
Skills: Choose any two


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Dungeoneer's pack and 50 gold pieces or (b) Explorer's pack and 50 gold pieces

Table: The Dragourne

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Draconic Transformation, Pain Endurence, Pain Fury
2nd +2 Pain Negation
3rd +2 Draconic Breath
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Ravaging Strikes
6th +3 Clarity Retaination
7th +3 Extended Draconic Transformation
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Improved Pain Negation
10th +4 Ruining Strikes
11th +4 Improved Draconic Breath
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Extended Draconic Transformation
14th +5 Improved Pain Negation
15th +5 Focused Fury
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Improved Clarity Retaination
17th +6 Powerful Strikes
18th +6 Improved Draconic Breath
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Full Draconic Transformation

Draconic Transformation[edit]

At 1st level, your body has already started to undergo draconic changes, growing out claws, jaws, tail and scales appropriate to you. Choose two draconic transformations from the listed options. Chosen draconic transformstion grows onto you, giving you all associated benefits. You can't choose same transformation more than once.


  • Claws: you grow draconic claws on your arms. You can make claw attacks instead of your unarmed strikes. You are considered proficient in your claw attacks and attack deals 1d6 slashing or piercing damage. Your unarmored AC also increases by 1. When you take an attack action on your turn and attack with claws, you can use a bonus action to make one claw or tail attack.
  • Tail: you sprout spiky draconic tail from your back. You can make tail attacks instead of unarmed strikes. You are considered proficient in your tail attacks, attack has 10 ft reach and attack deals 1d8 piercing or bludgeoning damage. You have great control on your tail, allowing you to manipulate simple objects or hold light items. You can't weild weapons or shields with this tail, manipulate intricate objects or hold items that weight more than 3 pounds.
  • Scales: your skin gets covered in tiny draconic scales. your unarmored AC is 12+Your Dexterity Modifier.
  • Jaws: you grow a monsterous, scale-covered jaw on your face. You can make bite attacks instead of unarmed strikes. You are considered proficient in bite attacks and attack deals 1d8 piercing damage. You regain half damage dealt if target creature isn't undead or construct.

As you gain levels in this class, you transform further through your draconic corruption. You can choose one additional Draconic Transformation Options when you reach 7th and 13th level.

Pain Endurance[edit]

Due to your distorted condition, you are under constant unbearable pain, and you have learned how to keep this pain at bay. Beginning from 1st level, you gain resistance towards psychic damage and you have advantage on all wisdom saving throws.

Pain Fury[edit]

You are constantly hold back the excrutiating pain caused by your draconic transformations to keep yourself becoming frenzied, until pain distracts you. Beginning from 1dt level, whenever you take damage, you must make a Constitution Saving throw (DC equal to 5 or half damage taken, whichever is higher) or become pain mad for one minute. You can choose to fail this saving throw voluntarily when you take damage or as an action on your turn.

While you are Pain Mad, you reduce all damage taken by your proficiency modifier, your Strength Score temporarily increases by 2 (even beyond 20), your Intelligence Score drops to 2 and you become animalistic. While animalistic, you can't speak, read, understand speech, cast spells or concentrate on spells, you automatically fail constitution saving throws to avoid extending Pain Mad condition, are hostile towards anyone you were fighting or has dealt damage to you since you became pain mad, friendly towards your allies who has not dealt damage to you since you became pain mad, and straightforwardly try to kill anyone you are hostile to. When there are no creatures you are hostile towards in your line of sight, a creature you are firendly towards can attempt to calm you using an action to attempt an animal handling check against DC 14, ending your Pain Mad condition on sucess.

Pain Negation[edit]

At 2nd level, you learn hoe to better fight off the pain. You reduce all nonmagical damage dealt to you by 2.

Damage reduction increases to 4 when you reach 9th level and to 6 when you reach 14th level.

Draconic Breath[edit]

When you reach 3rd level, your spirit becomes capable to resonate with draconic energies to spew it from your mouth.

When you gain this feature, choose to have either conic breath of linear breath. When you use this feature, you either affect 15 ft cone if you chose conic breath or 60 ft line if you chose linear breath. All creatures or objects eithin effect must succeed on dexterity saving throw (DC equal to 8+Your Prodiciency Bonus+Your Wisdom Modifier), taking 2d10 force damage on failed save and half on successful.

You can use this feature twice, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest or one expended use when you finish a short rest. Your breath damage increases to 3d10 and you can use this feature three times between long rests when you reach 11th level and your breath damage increases to 4d10 and you can use this feature four times between long rests when you reach 18th level.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.  As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Ravaging Strikes[edit]

Starting from 5th level, when you make a claw, tail or jaw attack as a part of your attack action on your turn, you add your proficiency bonus to your damage rolls with claw, tail or jaw attacks. In addition, all your Claw, tail or jaw attacks are considered as magical for purposes of overcoming resistances (but not immunities) towards nonmagical damage.

Clarity Retaination[edit]

Beginning from 6th level, your exposure to Pain Madness has sloely developed into capscity to resist its full ferocity. Whenever you you fail your constitution saving thros to become Pain Mad, you can make a wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 20-Your Proficiency Bonus) to retain your conciousness. On a successful save, your intelligence score is reduced by 6 instead of dropping at 2, and you don't become animalistic, but still unable to cast spells if your intelligence score is 6 or higher.

Ruining Strikes[edit]

At 10th level, your attacks become so weighty that they temporarily displace enemies you strike with your raw power. Once per turn When you hit a creature with a claw, bite or tail attack, you can reduce target's AC by 2 until start of your next turn. In addition, all your Claw, tail or jaw attacks are considered as magical for purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities towards nonmagical damage.

Focused Fury[edit]

Beginning from 15th level, your fury becomes channeled towards anyone who has hurt you recently, not who has hurt you in general. While you are Pain Mad, if you make a claw, bite or tail attack against a creature that has dealt any damage to you since beginning of your previous turn, you add +5 to attack and damage rolls with that attack.

Powerful Strikes[edit]

Starting from 17th level, when you make a claw, tail or jaw attack as a part of your attack action on your turn, you add double your Strength Modifier to your attack and damage rolls with claw, tail or jaw attacks.

(So, if you have str 18 and prof of +5, your claw, tail and bite attacks has +13 to hit and 1d6/1d8/1d10+13 damage if you made that attack as part of your attack action)

Full Draconic Transformation[edit]

When you reach 20th level, Your transformation towards half dragon, half mortal has been completed, inmproving already existing draconic features and sprouting you wings.

Your claw attack now deals 1d8 piercing or slashing damage, your tail attack now deal 1d10 Piercing or Bludgeoning damage, your bite attack deals 1d12 piercing damage and you sprout pair of draconic wings from your back, giving you 45ft flying speed.


Due to how Drogournes exist in the world, you can't multiclass into the Drogourne beyond first level, but you can multiclass out of Drogourne.

Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing out from the Drogourne class, you must meet these prerequisites: Wisdom 15, Constitution 13, Strength 13

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