Koopa, 2nd Variant (5e Race)

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The term Koopas refers to many different species. From Lakitus to Spikes to the notorious King Bowser, the Koopa race has plenty of unique forms to choose from.

Physical Description[edit]




Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Koopas reach adulthood by the age of 10 and live for about 150 years.
Alignment. koopas have many different cultures depending on their home and their alignment is often dependent on the place they call home.
Size. koopa troops are slightly shorter than dwarves and average at about 4 feet tall. your size is Medium.
Speed. koopas tend to be quite slow in most cases. your walking speed is 25.
Shell. {{{description1}}}
Retract. all koopas have a durable shell that they use as a defense. As an action, you may retract into your shell and gain +5 to your AC along with a resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, and thunder damage. however, you cannot move unless another creature kicks your shell or you are on a slope causing you to move 50 feet downhill or in the direction you were pushed in and deal 1D6 bludgeoning damage on contact with a creature.
Languages. Koopas able to understand language and can read, write, & speak Common, and one other language depending on the place where they were raised.

Koopa Troopas[edit]

koopa troopas are the most common type of koopa. they have yellow scales, large eyes, sharp beaks, short tails, and a shell that comes in a multitude of colors. they tend to follow the strongest koopa or integrate themselves into other societies and adapt their culture. they tend to be good at finding value in objects and tend to disregard danger to accomplish their goals whether it be gathering vast wealth or facing powerful opponents and these feachers tend to lead them to become merchants or are recruited into a military force and become foot soldiers.

Ability Score Increase. your Charisma score increases by 2.
brave. you have advantage on on saving throws against being frightened.
skilled merchants. koopas tend to be good at finding how much things are worth and avoiding being swindled. you gain proficiency in the insight and are considered proficient at any skill check involving estimating the value of objects or attempting to sell an object of value.
Fast Reflexes. you may use retract into your shell as a reaction to a melee attack targeted against you. once you use this trait you must finish a short or long rest to use it again
extra language. you can speak, read, and write two extra languages of your choice.

Koopa Paratroopas[edit]

koopa paratroopas are a race of koopa troopas who's ancestors obtained wings using a ritual to infuse the power of the elemental plain of air into them. although they canot remember how they got their wings, koopa paratroopas take great pride in them and often spend there days flying arownd the mountins they call home. koopa paratroopas often live along aarakococra who have made their home in the matiral plane and take up roals that allow them to explore. however some paratroopas seem to feel the need for a powerfull entity to protect them and folow the strongest entity they can find, becoming scouts with unyealding loyalty to that creatre untill they are bested in combat.

Ability Score Increase. your dexterity goes up by 2.
Winged. you have large wings that allow you to fly. you gain a fly speed of 30 feet.
Keen Senses. you have proficiency in the perceptionn skill.
dive bomb. while flying you may use your action to use your retract into shell trait and dive bomb towords a creature that you can see and is on the ground. when you use this trait you do not take fall damage on the turn you use this and deal 1D6 bludgeoning damage and another d6 bludgeoning damage for every 50 feet you travle whilst diveing.
extra languages. you can speak, read and wright auran and aarakocora


the magikoopas are a unusual type of koopa who mostly looks like a koopa troopa with slightly larger beaks and squinty eys. they reaserch the arcane and always have for as long as they remember seemingly serching for a secret they themselvs canot remeber and follow anyone who can offer more knowledge. this obsession has led many magikoopas to make deals with fiends, fey, liches and even mind flayers. even among other koopas the way of the magikoopa is a strange path to follow to a point that some insted try to find a diferent way in life. while most people are wary of a magikoopa, a few are aware that the informaton they cary is invaluble and many tyrants have had a magikoopa to asist them in reserch for ultimate power.

Ability Score Increase. your intelligence score increases by 2
Size. magikoopas are slightly smaller that koopas, only being slightly taller than halflings. your size is small
Arcane step. using your knowledge of the weave you can use it to travel short distances instantaneously. you may cast misty step as a bounus action. you may use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all expended uses when you have a long rest
arcane tricks. your reserch has led you to master some magic. you learn any cantrip from the wizard spell list. when you reach 3rd level you can cast magic missile as a second level spell without using a spell slot once using this trait and regain it after a long rest. at 5th level you can cast counterspell as a 3 level spell without using a spell slot once using this trait and regain it after a long rest.
magical researcher. you have spent your life reserching the arcane. you have proficintcy with arcana
Extra Languages. you can speak, read and wirite deep speach and undercommon


koopalings are the largest and most powerfull of the koopas. having a bloodline that can be trased to dragons, the koopalings possess grait strenth and arrogance that are can only be rivaled by the true dragons. they frequently because rulers of a large number of koopas and are often tyranical in their actions. because of ther draconic blood they look quite diferent that a normal koopa. they have a longer tail with spikes on it, horns on thair head which has a diferent colloraton of scales than the rest of there large body, hair, claws, large jaws lined with sharp teeth and a spiked shell.

Ability Score Increase. your strenth goes up by 2.
Size. your size is large insted of medium.
Breath weapon. When you use the atack action you can replace a atack with a breath weapon. you exhale a stream of fire in a 30 foot line that is 5 feet wide. every creature in that area must make a dexterity saving throw. on a failed save the creachre takes 2D8 damage and half as much on a successful save. it increases by 1D8 at 5th level, 11 level and 16th level. you may use this breath weapon once and you regain it after 1 minute.
natural weapons. your claws, tail and fangs are natural weapons. using your claws to make a unarmed strike does 1D4 slashing damage, using your tail to make a unarmed strike does 1D4 bludgeoning damage and using your fangs to make a bite attack does 1D4 piercing damage.
Spiked shell. when retracted into your shell you can still move by spining yourself in your shell, doing 2D4 slashing damage if you move into a creachre.
darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

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