Fey'ri Tiefling (5e Race)

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Fey'ri Tiefling[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

In the realm of ethereal beauty and enchanting realms, the Fey'ri Tieflings emerge as a captivating sight to behold.

Fey'ri bear a distinct departure from the typical visage of their Tiefling kin, forgoing the draconic heritage in favor of an otherworldly grace. Adorned with elegant antlers that crown their heads, their countenance is a breathtaking spectacle, further enhanced by their unique feature—a soft, light pink skin tone that seems to radiate an aura of subtle magic.

Like whispered secrets from the realm of the fey, their presence carries an air of mystery, and their fey-touched heritage manifests through their enchanting appearance and innate affinity for the arcane.


Following the convergence of the Material Plane and the Feywild during the Spellplague, a group of Tieflings swore a pact of fealty to the goddess Beshaba. This pact transformed them into Fey'ri Tieflings, diverging from their draconic kin. Their horns evolved into graceful antlers, and their skin took on a captivating shade of light pink.

Embracing their fey-touched nature, the Fey'ri delved into the mysteries of the Feywild, becoming seekers of wisdom and arcane knowledge. They now serve as liaisons between realms, their enchanting appearance and innate connection to the fey weaving tales of their magical heritage.


Fey'ri Names[edit]

Most Fey'ri are named after the customs of their home in the Feywild.

Male: Malachai, Asher, Eldric, Thorne, Lucian, Felix, Silas, Dorian, Orion, Soren

Female: Seraphina, Evangeline, Rosalind, Lilith, Astrid, Elara, Esmerelda, Lirelle, Morgana, Ravenna

Fey'ri Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Tieflings mature at the same rate as humans but live a few years longer.
Alignment. Fey'ri possess a strong affinity for the unpredictable and ever-changing nature of the fey. As such, their alignment tends to lean towards chaotic, embodying both the whimsical benevolence and capricious mischief often associated with the fey creatures of the world.
Size. Tieflings are about the same size and build as humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Thanks to your fey heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet​ of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Mystical Insight. Due to your fey-touched nature, you have a heightened intuition and a keen perception of magical energies. You have advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks.
Natural Agility. Due to your fey heritage, you possess natural grace and agility. You have proficiency in the Acrobatics skill.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Sylvan, and one additional language of your choice.

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