Keystone (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

(NOTE: Please feel free to re-imagine any of this to suit you customization preferences and your character!) As a Keystone, much of your appearance depends on where you were born, or which subrace you are. But, all of them have double jointed legs, long arms, unique, all black rabbit-like eyes and some have a nose similar to a rabbits, to some extent.

Forest Prey: If your going with the deer, you will have fawn-like ears, small nub antlers (If female) and large spike antlers (If male), you will have long legs covered in a thin lair of brown fur and hooves at the end, a long with a small deet tail and stand around 5ft to 5'7ft. But, if you've chosen to go elk you will not have antlers (If female) and have large bullelk antlers (if male), your fur will be a nice tan and your typically taller, around 6ft to 6'7ft. Forest Predator: You are a large, sturdy man (or woman) and have large paws and hands, maybe to a weird proportion. Your ears are round, angled down and you hate it when people call them cute, but you also fail to see the lie. You have large teeth but even larger and more impressive claws, a long with big, strong legs ended with huge paws. You stand around 6ft to 6'7ft

Tundra Prey: You a small, frankly cute fellow, you have thin yet bushy fur that changes from white to brownish grey according to the seasons, large thighs and long ankles ending in wide paws, all adding up to an impressive jump. Your ears are very long and you decide if they stand up or flop down, you only have three fingers and your nose looks like a rabbit nose, creating a very adorable face, you stand around 3'5ft to 4'5ft. Tundra Predator: Your ears are sharp and large, your tail is long and bushy and your legs are a bit stubby, your fur changes like the Tundra Preys fur and you have Canine teeth, allowing you to bite, you stand at around 4ft to 5ft.

Aquatic Predator: Your an otter. A small, sleek, brown mammal that stands on two legs. You may choose to be a humanoid with otter traits or a tall otter standing on two legs. IF you are a humanoid with otter traits you have round ears, a small black nose, the usual eyes, webbed paws and feet, stubby legs but large thighs, a long brown otter tail and small fangs, you stand to around 4ft to 5ft. Aquatic Prey: Your a tall, elagant creature, with long, flowy fins coming off your arms, long spikes from the sides of your head connect a veil like thing behind your head, your legs end on a tip that you elagantly balance on and your mouth have small sharp edges, almost fish-like, your skin is pale white with beauitful water-color looking splotches of orange and red, and on rare occasions grey and blue.

Cave Prey: Your a weird sight, for sure. You have very large sadalite ears, a nose similar to a bats, leathery wings connecting your arms and sides, double jointed legs with long, large black hooks at the ends that allow you to hang upsidedown, but aren't much help in have a thin lair of brown, black and orange fur, you stand from 4ft to 6ft. Cave Predator: You look similar to a Yaun-ti, but you must be a Beauty Ratsnake.

Mountain Predetor: Your a tall, slim creature with tale tan fur, round, large ears and a long tail. Your Legs are long and strong, allowing you to pounce and attack things. Mountain Prey:You have small, stubby horns, sheep-like ears, sharp fingers, long arms, double jointed legs, and lots of fur.

Desert Prey: You have long, down-facing ears, beautiful, full, thick and long eyelashes, a calm face, your legs are extra long and your feet are two large toes each. Your hands are big and stubby and you can choose to either have two or one large hump on your back. Desert Predator: Your a slim figure, with large ears and canine teeth, a bushy tail, large paws and three stubby fingers.


The distant relitives of the Eladrin


Highly depends on where you live and what sub-race you are, WIP!

Keystone Names[edit]



Keystone Traits[edit]

A distant relative of the Eladrin, they are deeply connected with the environment, and physically change depending on the environment around them.
Ability Score Increase. varies in subraces
Age. Keystone mature at 18 years old, and can live to 150 years old.
Alignment. usually neutral good
Size. varies from 4 ft. to 6.5 ft. you can choose to be size small or medium when you choose this race.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. other movement speed may varie in subraces
Sight. you get darkvision, other sight may varie in subraces
Environmental changing. depending on the environment your born in, you get features of that place, explained in subraces.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Elvish, and druidic.
Subrace. Keystones change depending on the environment they are in. these are:

Forest Keystone(Prey, Deer/Elk)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. your dexterity increases by 2.
Hooves. your speed increases by 5, but you get disadvantage on climbing
Antlers. you can take a ram action on your turn, it does 1d6+3 bludgeoning damage

Forest Keystone(Predator, Brown bear)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. your strength increases by 2.
Claws. you have huge claws at the end of your hands and feet,as an action you can attack, 2d6+strength slashing damage
Thick skin. you have thick, leathery skin, which gives you unarmed defense

Tundra Keystone(Prey, Snowshoe Hare)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. your dexterity increases by 2.
Snowshoe paws. you can long jump standing still the normal long jump, and you get a plus 3 to running long jump, you can high jump as high as strength score, instead of modifier.
Ears. you can hear an extra 10 feet away.

Tundra Keystone(Predator, Artic Fox)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. dexterity increases by 2.
Fox paws. you can run at a 35 feet speed and your wide paws make it easier to run on thick snow and ice
Hunting hop. your large ears allow you to hear things moving underground, which then allows you to hop in the air and dive directly downward, catching whatever your aiming at with a successful dexterity roll

Aquatic Keystone(Prey, Veiltail goldfish)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. your dexterity increases by 2.
Gills. you get a swimming speed of 35 feet and you can breath underwater
Veiltail fins. you have long, gorgeous fins and hood-like veil on your head that entrances others, which increases your persuasion, performance and deception by 2

Aquatic Keystone(Predator, Otter)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. your dexterity increases by 2.
Swimming. you get a swimming speed of 35 feet
hold breath. you can hold your breath up to an hour and a half.

Cave Keystone(Prey, Flying Fox)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. your dexterity increases by 2
flying. you get a flying speed of 35 ft. but your walking speed becomes 25.
vision and echolocation. your large ears allows your sight to be replaced by blindsight, and you get tremorsence.
hooks. you can hang upsidown, its hard to sleep when not upsidedown.

Cave Keystone(Predator, Beauty Ratsnake)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. your dexterity increases by 2
Cave dweller. Allows you to navigate cave tunnels and dark areas with precision
vision. your sight is replaced by blindsight, and you get tremorsence.

Mountain Keystone (Prey, Goat/Ram)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. your strength score increases by 2
climbing hooves. you get a climbing speed of 25 ft.
horns (customizable between ram and goat). you can make a ram attack, damage is 1d6 + 1

Mountain Keystone (Predator, Mountain Lion)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. your strength and dexterity score increases by 2
Mountain cat. Due to your large paws, you get a climbing speed of 15 ft and your long tail helps you balance, giving you a plus 5 in acrobatis
Cougar legs. you can make a Pounce attack, same mechanics as in the Panther stat block

Desert Keystone(Prey, Camel)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. your constitution increases by 2.
padded two toes. your stealth increases by 2.
extra food. you don't have to eat or drink for a long amount of time.

Desert Keystone(Predator, Black-Backed Jackals)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. your constitution increases by 2.
Social. You naturally like to be around others, you may use advantage agienst an enemy once per long rest if an ally is within a 5 ft radius
Canine jaws. you can make the bite attack as an action, 2d4+strength piercing damage

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
d6 Ideal
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw
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