Dark Matter, Variant (5e Race)

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Dark Matter[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

Dark matter whithout a consciousness take the form of a shapless black substanse. after being shaped by a hive mind they take the form of dark sphere but when doing almost anything they take a huminoid form with 2 arms, 2 legs, jet black skin, and a single eye. phisical differences seem to depend on the type of subrace the individual is part of, for example the standerd type of dark matter posses a frill of orange petals around the "head".


The creaturs born from a matter most dark seem to have no begining and many have gone mad from trying to find the truth of their birth. the dark matter seem to be made of a substance that does not have a natural form and is simply bound together by a consciousness from whatever being is their master. some dark matter seem to naturaly have this mind to think and use it to create make this substance take differant forms to act as workers in a metaphorical hive although if the workers escape the "hive" then they develop a consciousness of their own.


Dark matter society is a hive mind with a very specific type of consciousness originating in one body and creating many more to controll like pupets, sharing all information between them all. Some dark matter who are broken or kept away from the Hive start to develop a mind of their own, often reforming themselves to blend in with the first form of society they find and lose all the information they had as part of the hive, often spending all that remains of their life without descovering their origin.

Dark matter Names[edit]

Dark matter go without names unless the hive mind gives them one. the few that are independent take a name from the race they live among.

Dark matter Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Dark matter seem to have no limit to their life span as long as a will to live is present. however dark matter who are not part of a hive mind seem to have a limit on their existence due to their body deteriorating over the couse of 30 years, although powerfull magic can remove this limitation.
Alignment. Dark matter often live in a hive mind that is orderly and structured causing them to be lawful, even the few that escape, although some that are away for a long time do posses a more chaotic alignment
Size. Dark matter have many different shapes but allways stand 5 to 7 feet tall. your size is small
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. you also have a fly speed of 15 feet and can hover.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
limited telepathy. you have a short range telepathy as a side efect of once being in a hive mind. you can comunicate to any creature that shares a language with you that is in 15 foot cube centered around you.
Dark Matter Superiority. As dark matter you are both matter and energy itself as such. You multiply any energy points you have by 3
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and deep speech
Subrace. you must select a subrace. pick one from the list below

Dark matter standerd type[edit]

Ability Score Increase. your intelligence increases by 2
dark lightning. you may fire a bolt of dark enery that resembles lightning. you can cast the Witch bolt spell at its lowest level once and you can do so again after finishing a short rest. this spell deals Necrotic damage insted of lightning
improved hovering. you travel by hovering at almost all times. your fly speed increases by 10 feet
dark guard. your whole body is made of a Dark substance meaning that it works in a bizarre way causing you to resist some typs of damage. you resist necrotic damage.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
d6 Ideal
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw
(0 votes)

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