Metal Overlord (5e Class)

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The Metal Overlord[edit]

(The Metal Overlord Forms)

The -Ironblight Plague- is a whispered rumour passed around by scholars of the arcane, its a dangerous and magical substance that some say crawled out of the abyss itself. This otherworldly virus has the mysterious affliction that can transform living tissue to lifeless metal at an instant. It spreads insidiously, beginning small, leaving metallic patches on the skin, often mistaken for harmless or minor curses. Over time the afflicted flesh hardens into a pure metal plating, leaving your affected tissue and body parts immobile to any senses and causing your veins to glow like electrical wiring. You were unlucky enough to come into contact with the Ironblight Plague and now suffer under its affection. However you don't seem like you are under its control, more like you have gained control of the virus itself, making you stronger then your wildest dreams could of imagined. You are able to transform into liquid metal at will, control the mind and will of other mechanical creatures and maybe, you could even ascend beyond your current body... You are the ruler of all things Metallic now, the Metal Overlord. Why not spread your influence so more can experience the blessings of this virus?

Creating a Metal Overlord[edit]

When crafting your character, think of a couple things. Did your purposefully seek out this virus or fall victim to it? Did someone you know infect you or were you tested upon? Things like this can elevate your characters purpose and goals within a campaign

quick build

You can make a Metal Lord quickly by following these suggestions: Firstly intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by dexterity.

Class Features

As a Metal Overlord you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Metal Overlord level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Metal Overlord level after 1st


Armor: none
Weapons: heavy weapons
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills: Choose 3 from athletics, sleight of hand, investigation, perception, deception and intimidation


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) 1 Martial Weapon or (b) 1 Simple Weapon
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4x10 in funds.

Table: The Metal Overlord

Level Proficiency
Features Flying Speed Energy Points
1st +2 Homing Attack, Energy Charge --- 1
2nd +2 Black Shield --- 2
3rd +2 BODY UPGRADE, Jet Booster 15 Feet 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 15 Feet 4
5th +3 Dash Boost 15 Feet 5
6th +3 BODY UPGRADE, Robotic Allies 20 Feet 6
7th +3 Evasion, Extra Attack 20 Feet 7
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 20 Feet 8
9th +4 Ring Spark Field 20 Feet 9
10th +4 Plasma Pulse Attack 20 Feet 10
11th +4 BODY UPGRADE, Maximum Overdrive 25 Feet 11
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 25 Feet 12
13th +5 Copycat 25 Feet 13
14th +5 Neo Form, Liquidity 25 Feet 14
15th +5 Virus Influence Spread 25 Feet 15
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 25 Feet 16
17th +6 Infinite Reserves 40 Feet 17
18th +6 BODY UPGRADE 40 Feet 18
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 40 Feet 19
20th +6 Chaos Control 40 Feet 20

Homing Attack[edit]

Starting at 1st level, you can channel your energy into a focused attack on an enemy, raising your chances of landing a successful attack and jumping towards the enemy to land a heavy kick. Alternatively, you can just use the homing attack without the jump attack in conjunction with a different weapon/spell.

Using homing attack will use 1 Energy point and cost a turn to charge the move. Once the move has been charged add +2 to your die roll.


Starting at 1st level, your new metallic body allows you to harness raw energy itself. Energy is your main form of offensive, defensive and mobility skills, most of your skills require some form of energy so keeping it high is very important as if it runs out during battle your sitting ducks.

  • At 1st level you have one energy point, this increases by one each level you gain (2nd level = Two Energy Points, 14th level = Fourteen Energy Points)
  • You can recharge your energy after a 10 minute rest. At the end of a long rest you regain all your energy back

Black Shield[edit]

Bending your knees, and crossing your arms, you harness your energy to create an invulnerable shield, protecting you from any incoming attack regardless of what skill it may have been.

At 2nd level, you can create a shield in the shape of a see-through octahedral, that surrounds your whole body. While this shield is active, you are immune to all damage. You can spend 2 Energy Points to activate this move and once you do, roll a 1d6 and get a 4 or above. This skill lasts one turn and evaporates after.

This ability improves again at level 14, where you must roll a 3 or higher to activate it.

Body Formation Path[edit]

As you grow more and more powerful, you now must choose what path you want to go down in your new life, melding your body to your desired needs...

At 3rd level you choose a Body Formation Path. There is three to choose from;

  • The Overlord
  • The Supreme
  • The Kai

All choices are detailed at the bottom of the page.

your choice grants you unique abilities at the 3rd, 6th, 11th and 18th level.

Jet Booster[edit]

As the virus spreads through your tissue and skin, you adapt to your new heavy body and meld a jet engine into your chest, allowing you to reach new speeds and heights.

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to use your energy to power your chest to fly and levitate small distances. As you gain levels 6th, 11th, and 17th, the distance you may travel increases. You can activate this technique as an action or bonus action. This technique remains active until you either run out of energy points or choose to deactivate it as another bonus action. You must have at least 1 Energy Point to activate this feature.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Dash Boost[edit]

Using your Jet Booster as your means of attack could make you a deadly force, at enough speed.

At 4th Level, you can fly forward at 4X speed that is within your flying speed range, making one Unarmed Strike. At the 7th Level this can increase to two unarmed strikes at the cost of your action and bonus action.

Using this skill costs 2 Energy Points to perform

Robotic Allies[edit]

At this stage your whole body has succumb to the virus, you are almost unrecognisable to the person you once were.

At 6th Level, You gain advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and Charisma (Deception) checks when interacting with constructs or robotic creatures. You can also understand and communicate in any non-magical, mechanical code or signalling they use, such as clicks, hums, or flashes of light. If you are to encounter a hostile construct however, you can attempt to pacify them using a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by their Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the construct hesitates and will not attack you for 1 hour


As you get used to your new body, you adapt to the new weight and improve your reflexes.

At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Extra Attack[edit]

Your power grows as the virus leaves no trace of your DNA behind. Show it.

At 7th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn.

Ring Spark Field[edit]

You channel the radioactive like energy within yourself to create an electrical barrier around yourself, pulsing with raw, destructive power.

At 9th level, as an Action, you can activate an spark field around your body. The field lasts for up to 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. Any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of you or enters the field for the first time on a turn must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, the creature takes 3d8 lightning damage and is pushed 5 feet away from you. On a success, the creature takes half damage and is not pushed.

This skill costs 6 Energy points to use, and once the spark field ends, it leaves your body overheated and worn out. (movement speed and flying speed halved, disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws). Additionally, you lose 1d8 hit points at the end of each turn the field remains active.

Plasma Pulse Attack[edit]

Using the same method to create visible energy attacks as the Ring Spark Field, you decide to condense the energy into a smaller range and create a lethal projectile.

At 10th Level, As an Action, you fire a compressed plasma ball at a target within 50 feet. When you fire the attack, the target must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, each creature takes 3d10 force damage and 2d6 lightning damage. On a successful save, creatures take half damage

This Skill costs 6 Energy Points to activate

Maximum Overdrive[edit]

Unleashing the full, unchecked potential of your body, you channel immense power to accelerate your body to unprecedented speeds, creating a destructive energy field that tears through anything in your path.

At 11th Level, As an Action, you can activate Maximum Overdrive, propelling yourself in a straight line above the targets, raining down a lightning storm from up to 60 feet in a direction you choose. This movement ignores difficult terrain, barriers, and objects of Medium size or smaller (which are destroyed). Once activated, all creatures below the path of your movement must make a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). After the attack is finished, the path you leave behind is electrified, forcing creatures that enter it to succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d10 lightning damage.

This skill costs 10 Energy Points to use and after using Maximum Overdrive, you immediately suffer 3d8 damage as your systems overheat. In addition, you are Staggered (movement halved, no reactions, disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks) until the end of your next turn. If you use Maximum Overdrive again before completing a long rest, you must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or fall to 0 hit points.

  • If the move is executed for a distance shorter than 30 feet, you can reduce the self-damage by half, as the strain is slightly mitigated
  • Maximum Overdrive can be used as a last-ditch effort: if you drop to 0 hit points during combat, you can activate it as a Reaction, dealing double damage but instantly reducing yourself to death saving throws after its completion.


As you test around with the circuitry in your body, you realise you have the ability to store creatures data in your mind, allowing you to copy targets skills.

At 13th Level, As an Action, you attempt to grapple a creature within reach. This is resolved with an Athletics check contested by the target's Athletics (Strength) or Acrobatics (Dexterity). If you succeed, you perform a brief scan of the target’s signature abilities, making various beeps as you calculate how to replicate it. You can use the target's Signature Move on your next turn, provided it does not require equipment or unique physical traits you cannot replicate. The move's effect and damage mimic the original ability, but it uses your proficiency bonus and relevant modifiers for attack rolls and saving throw DCs. The copied move is stored in your memory until the end of combat, allowing you to use it once per short rest without needing to re-scan the target.

The limitation to this ability are that you can only replicate abilities of creatures with a CR or level equal to or less than your own. This skill also requires 8 Energy Points to activate.

Neo Form[edit]

As you come to terms with the realisation that your old life is but a distant memory, you set your ideals on a new goal. If you want your new life to be without any imperfections, you need to set your eyes on the perfect body.

At 14th Level, you tap into melding your body into something grander. You protrude long, flat spikes out the back of your skull, grow an extra 2 foot tall and acquire black, almost regal garments that hang around your waist. It isn't any natural material, its just a result of you shapeshifting your metal around to give the illusion of clothing. Your new form is to signify your new status and how you view yourself. Its your story, you decide how it will end.

This form isn't just for show, it comes with some added benefits.

  • You gain an additional +2 to AC
  • You gain +2 to Dexterity and Strength
  • If you are rendered unconscious or go to sleep in this form, you revert to your base form
  • If your Energy Points drop to zero, you revert to your base form


As you test around with your new form, you realise you can melt your body at will. Becoming a puddle of liquid Metal. Not only that but you could reform your metal state into something entirely new, or someone familiar...

At 14th level, As an Action, you liquefy your body, melting into a metallic puddle. You can maintain this form for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1). Reverting to your normal form is a bonus action. While in Liquid Metal Form, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can flow under doors, through grates, and into spaces as small as 1 inch wide.
  • You gain resistance to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage from non-magical attacks.
  • You gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while moving in this form.

If the creature your thinking of is proportional to your body mass, you may transform into it and disguise as them with voice replicated and all. When in this state you the following benefit:

  • You gain an advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks while disguised

Alternatively as a bonus action, you can reform into a solid object or simple shape proportional to your body mass (e.g., a blade, shield, cage, or wall). If transformed into an object or weapon, you can be wielded by an ally, granting bonuses based on your Constitution modifier:

  • If you turn into a weapon, add your Constitution modifier to attack and damage rolls.
  • If you turn into a shield, it will grant a bonus to AC equal to your Constitution modifier.

You will revert back to your base form if your Energy Points drop to zero

Virus Influence Spread[edit]

With all the shapeshifting you do with your forms, you seem to leave behind an excess waste of metallic liquid. This is the Ironblight Plague itself. When applied to non-construct creatures you can take over the influence of them, stuck to your will and command.

At 15th Level, As an Action, you release the Ironblight Plague in a 30-foot radius centred on yourself. The virus takes the form of shimmering, metallic spikes, targeting all creatures within the area. All creatures in the area must make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier). On a failed save, the target is infected with the Ironblight Plague for 1 hour, or until removed by a Greater Restoration spell, similar magic, or an advanced technological cure. Infected creatures become part of your team, similar to a hivemind. They obey your verbal commands (no action required) as long as they remain infected. The max amount of creatures you can infect is the same as your Initiative (+ your Constitution)

Infected creatures act on your initiative count (after your turn), using their actions to follow your commands. As a bonus action on your turn, you can command all infected creatures to perform the same action, such as attacking a specific target or defending an area. Your infected creatures can also spread the virus if they perform Melee Attacks against other non-infected creatures, spreading the virus on hit. The new targets must make the same Constitution saving throw or become infected.

Maintaining control over your influence takes a lot of strain on you however. If your Energy Points drop to zero, you lose control of 1d4 infected creatures, which become hostile to all creatures.

Infinite Reserves[edit]

You are almost at the peak of your potential, as your energy grows you realise the energy optimization you have, unlocking the ability to tap into a limitless reserve to push beyond your normal limitations.

At 17th Level, As an Action, you activate Infinite Reserves, channelling the full power of your internal systems. your durability has largely increased, you gain temporary hit points double your current level at the start of the turn. Your sheer output is quantified, all damage you deal is doubled, and your attacks ignore resistance and immunity to non-magical damage. You also gain advantage on all saving throws and ability checks.

Once this ability ends, you will enter a catastrophic overheat. You take 6d10 force damage, which will bypass resistance and immunity. If this damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you automatically fail one death saving throw due to the internal backlash. The ability will also end if your Energy points drop to Zero, if it didn't drop to Zero during Infinite Reserves, it will automatically drop to Zero once the ability has ended.

Chaos Control[edit]

You have reached your peak potential, Harnessing advanced temporal processors and chronometric energy reserves, you temporarily disengage from the normal flow of time, allowing you to act unimpeded while the world around you freezes. This is TRUE POWER.

At 20th Level, as an Action, you activate Chaos Control. The world around you freezes as you step outside the normal flow of time. This state lasts for 1d4 + 1 turns or until you take an action that directly affects a creature. While Chaos Control is active, you can move, take actions, and interact with objects as though time has stopped for everyone but you. Creatures and objects in the environment remain completely frozen. You cannot directly interact with creatures during this state (e.g., no attacks, spells, or effects that require a saving throw). You may manipulate objects, set up traps, or prepare the battlefield, but any changes you make take effect only when time resumes. If you end your Chaos Control early by attacking or directly affecting a creature, the effect ends immediately.

After Chaos Control ends, you suffer Chaos Feedback, leaving you disoriented. You take 3d12 psychic damage and cannot take reactions until the end of your next turn. This move costs 12 Energy Points to activate.


As your new body progressively become less recognisable to the person you once more, you decide to start moulding it into a form you are happy with. One that comes with its own unique abilities and traits, a form fit for a ruler.

The Overlord[edit]

The Overlord path is one for those who seek conquest and power, why let your traits go to waste? Overlords specialise in raw strength and formidable size, great for taking on many targets at once.

Rulers Aura[edit]

As you begin your new conquest, you remove all emotions of fear and doubt in your mind about your actions. What's a king if they are nothing but a coward?

At 3rd Level, you gain proficiency in Intimidation. You are also immune to the frightened condition.

Afraid of Nothing[edit]

Your body begins to protrude long, thin claws from your finger tips, with the your arms growing to a bigger size. Made easier to fight off larger creatures.

At 6th Level, your weapon attacks score a Critical Hit on a roll of 19 or 20 when targeting Creatures larger than Medium. Against creatures of Huge size or larger, your critical range increases to 18-20.

Metallic Restoration[edit]

A ruler needs to make sure they are always in top condition, as they never know when their next battle is.

At 11th Level, as an Action, you can melt down a creature that has died in the past 24 hours and is within 5 feet of you into liquid metal. Once the corpse is melted down you can absorb it into your body and regain hit points equal to 3d10 + your Constitution modifier. The corpse must be Medium or Smaller, however this move upgrades when you reach Level 18 where you can absorb Large and Huge creatures.

You cannot use this ability on Undead, Constructs, or Incorporeal Creatures. Attempting to absorb a creatures remains with a CR higher than your level requires a Constitution saving throw (DC = 10 + the creature's CR). On a failure, the absorption fails, and you take 2d10 Psychic Damage due to feedback denial. This move requires 4 Energy Points to activate.

What I'm Made Of[edit]

As you've gathered strength over time, you decide its time to transform into a body that is more suited for a ruler. The Metal Overlord. Your body instantly begins to expand, your arms reach out and turn into long claws ready to snap creatures in half, long spikes that protrude from all over your back, large mechanical wings that sprout out from just under your waste, a long. cable like tail with a sharp end and your face contorts into one of a dragon. This is the power of the one true ruler! Some side effects of the transformation however were that you had to lose your legs to create the wings, meaning your stationary should you choose not to fly.

At 18th Level, this form grants:

  • Your Strength score increases to 30 (+10 modifier), and your Constitution score increases to 28 (+9 modifier).
  • Your AC becomes 22 (natural armour) unless your current AC is higher.
  • Your Melee Attacks gain a reach of 15 feet.
  • Crystal Storm: As an Action, you fire a volley of massive crystals created from your wings by drawing out your bodies raw materials and energy reserves at your enemies. You launch a cluster of long, thick crystals that explode on impact. Choose a point within 120 feet. Creatures in a 20-foot radius of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, creatures take 5d10 Piercing damage and are knocked Prone. On a success, they take half damage and are not knocked prone. This move requires 6 Energy points to activate
  • If you fail a Saving Throw, you can choose to succeed instead.
  • Your size increases to Gargantuan in this form
  • Your movement speed on land is 0 (+5 to all Speeds not on land)
  • You can no longer use Melee Weapons, Spells, or any form of items.

This form creates a lot of strain on the user, should you de-transform from Metal Overlord you must wait 30 days for it to recharge. This form requires 14 Energy Points to activate. If your Energy Points drop to Zero you de-transform from Metal Overlord.

The Supreme[edit]

For those who seek to not only be the best, but show it. Supreme bodies specialise in flight and extreme speeds, being able to better dodge enemy attacks. All that glitters, is not gold.


Your veins begin to show a golden glow as they run through your body, giving your exterior a golden web pattern, mesmerising to look at.

At 3rd Level, you gain proficiency in Persuasion. You are also immune to the Paralyzed condition.


Your golden veins seem to generate an excess amount of energy, and begin spreading the gold tint to the rest of your metallic skin.

At 6th Level, you get an extra +2 energy points (up to a max of 22 in total). You also gain an additional +10 feet to all Speeds.


The gold tint has enveloped most of your body by now, and all it does is fuel your thoughts of you being the best.

At 11th Level, you can take 2 more reactions, and you also gain a +2 bonus to your initiative rolls.

Golden Plated[edit]

After a lot of thought and consideration, you realise if you are to reach your full golden potential you will require a lot more energy. Floating above the ground, you cradle your body and begin to suck the life force and energy from everything around you in a 100 feet range, powering you to the maximum. As you let out a mighty yell once the process has completed, you resemble the build of your Neo Form, however plated in a rich gold texture. An aura of lightning surrounds your body and the energy felt from you is super.

At 18th Level, this form grants:

  • Your Dexterity score increases to 30 (+10 modifier), and your Strength and Constitution scores both increase to 24 (+7 modifier).
  • Your AC becomes 22 (natural Armour) unless your current AC is higher.
  • Your walking speed becomes 120 feet, and you can run on vertical surfaces and across liquids without falling.
  • Your melee attacks deal an additional 2d8 radiant damage while in this form.
  • 1 additional Energy Point is drained per Action performed.

This form creates a lot of strain on the user, should you de-transform from your Super Form you must wait 15 days for it to recharge. This form requires 10 Energy Points to activate. If your Energy Points drop to Zero you de-transform from your Super Form.

The Kai[edit]

For those who seek only destruction, to simply destroy the world they were cursed upon. The Kai path specialises in areal attacks, with their overwhelming size and harsh means of attack.

Hideous Traits[edit]

Not only do your thoughts about this world become more distorted and hideous, but so does your appearance. Your teeth become long and sharp and you gain pointy protruding ears. Of course you don't care what you look like, others might though.

At 3rd Level, you gain proficiency in Survival. You are also immune to the Unconscious condition.

Chaotic Heart[edit]

To signify the rage boiling in your heart, the tint of your metallic skin turns a dark red shade. A perfect showing of the turmoil that resides within you.

At 6th Level, you gain bonus Hit Points per level equal to your Proficiency bonus.


Your anger has almost fuelled your desires for utter destruction. With your sheer rage alone you can concentrate your energy into a built up energy beam, launched from your chest, carving through enemies and buildings.

At 11th Level, As an Action, you fire a concentrated laser beam from your chest in a line 60 feet long and 5 feet wide. All creatures in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, creatures take 4d10 radiant damage and are blinded until the start of your next turn. On a successful save, creatures take half damage and are not blinded. At 18th Level, the range increases to 90 feet, and damage increases to 6d10 radiant damage.

This move requires 7 Energy Points to activate

Oriental Legend[edit]

As you witness all your flesh peel away to become nothing more than a shell of yourself, unrecognisable to who you once were, your bottled up rage finally bursts out in a fierce roar. Your body instantly begins to grow in size, towering over buildings and greenery that may surrounding you. The rest of your body turns a bright red hue and your pupils dilate into a burning orange. Your hands become long, claws of death and your jaw unhinges ready to swallow up creatures if need be, with a cannon at the back of your throat ready to topple cities. This is the true extent of your anger.

At 18th Level, this form grants:

  • Your Strength score becomes 30 (+10 modifier), and your Constitution score becomes 26 (+8 modifier).
  • Your AC becomes 20 (natural Armour)
  • Your hit points increase by 100 temporary hit points, which are lost when the transformation ends.
  • Missile Barrage: As an action, unleash a swarm of missiles from the back of your throat from up to three points within 120 feet. Each target point creates a 20-foot explosion. Creatures within the radius must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or take 4d10 fire damage and 4d10 force damage. This move requires 8 Energy Points to activate
  • Your size increases to Huge in this form
  • Your Intelligence score drops to 6 (-2 modifier).
  • All speeds drop to 5 feet.

This form creates a lot of strain on the user, should you de-transform from your Kai Form, you must wait 30 days for it to recharge. This form requires 12 Energy Points to activate. If your Energy Points drop to Zero you de-transform from your Kai Form.