Child Soldier (5e Background)

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Child Soldier[edit]

As a child, you were part of an organization that specialized in turning children into weapons. Your time there made you proficient in many different fighting styles, weapons, and languages, all so you could eventually serve the organization you trained under in the real world. You have been forced to kill and have almost been killed, all in the name of making you stronger. One way or another, you are able to escape this place. However, a lot of resources went into making you the weapon you are today, and there are people out there still looking for you.

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Perception

Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit

Languages: Any 3

Equipment: A trinket of your past, a set of worn combat style clothes, a hooded cloak, a weapon of your choice, a backpack, and 15 gp

Feature: Vigilant[edit]

Because of your rigorous training, you are an extremely light sleeper and it is almost impossible for anything or anyone to sneak up on you. Your constant vigilance also means that you may pick up on things happening that others might not immediately notice.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

d8 Personality Trait
1 You are always prepared for every situation You may find yourself in.
2 You find it very difficult to trust others, both combat wise and with personal details.
3 You tend not to complain if ever in a rough situation, after all, things could be worse.
4 While you may seem very calm and collected on the outside, your past deeply troubles you and you sometimes get flashbacks.
5 You are angry that you had your childhood stolen from you, and wish that you could have just grown up normally.
6 You feel as though you need to fight in order to be worthy.
7 When life gets hard, you continue to persevere.
8 You can sometimes look down on others who are weaker than you.
d6 Ideal
1 Self Reliance. I don't need others in order to survive, I am fine by myself. (Any)
2 Vengeance. I will one day exact my revenge on those who made me this way. (Evil)
3 Suspicious. I can never trust anyone after what happened, not even those close to me. (Any)
4 Freedom. No one should be held or restrained against their will. (Good)
5 Change. I intend to bring about the change I want to see in the world through any means necessary. (Chaotic)
6 Fight to Survive. In this world, you are either strong or you are dead. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 The trinket I carry is a reminder of those who made me who I am today, I cannot lose it.
2 There may be others like me who escaped, I want to find them.
3 I had a family before I was taken, and I want to go back to them.
4 When I escaped, I had to leave my one and only friend behind. I need to save them.
5 I have caused a lot of death in my life, I need to atone for this by helping others.
6 I need to inform people of what happened to me so no other children have to suffer the same fate I did.
d6 Flaw
1 I feel as though I cannot trust others, they might turn me in.
2 I look down on those who are unable to protect themselves.
3 My drive to destroy the organization that trained me has left my life void of anything else.
4 I prefer telling lies or half-truths when it comes to personal details, even seemingly insignificant ones.
5 Because of my constant vigilance, I can sometimes get very irritable due to a lack of sleep.
6 If people get too close to me, I will purposefully hurt their feelings in order to push them away.
(one vote)

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