Diclonius (5e Race)

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Diclonii are a race of mutated humans with an innate hatred to humans, especially those in positions of power. With powerful vectors to attack, grab, and help them move, they seek to eradicate humanity no matter how long it takes or what they need to do to achieve this goal.

Physical Description[edit]

Diclonii appear mostly human with a few notable variations. Their hair will always be bright pink in color while their eyes will be a bloody red color. Two small horns will sprout on the top of their heads, having an appearance similar to cat ears. Their vectors, or invisible appendages, appear as arms and can be seen coming from their backs if there is anything on them. It is very rare for a diclonius to be born male. There are two different kinds of Diclonii: Stipelits and Monarchs. Stipelits age twice as fast and humans and, while unable to reproduce, they are able to infect human males with their vectors, making any children they father born as Stipelits as well. Monarchs may reproduce sexually and will always produce more Diclonii children.


Diclonii came into being as a mutation from humans that were quickly taken in, experimented on, and studied like lab rats. Because of this, the diclonius race has always had a burning hatred for the humans that used and abused them. As children, diclonii lack the ability to see how dangerous they can be, and will often harm and kill people without trying to. This was the very reason that they were locked up to begin with.


Dicloniii have a lack of society, as most of them are locked up in labs by humans, but for the few that manage to escape they will often try to disguise themselves and hide within human society.

Diclonius Names[edit]

Diclonii typically have regular human names, though at a point they usually tend to discard their given names and choose their own to replace it with.

Female: Lucy, Kaede, Nana

Diclonius Traits[edit]

A Diclonius' most defining attribute is their powerful vectors, with them being similar to humans in most other regards.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Stipelit Diclonii age twice as fast as regular humans, reaching maturity at around 9 years old and living between 30 to 58 years. Queen Diclonii will age exactly as humans would, reaching maturity at 18 years old and living between 60 to 110 years.
Alignment. Diclonii do not tend towards things like good or evil, as they see their hatred for humans to be entirely justified. At the end of the day, they are in this life for themselves, and lean towards Neutral alignments.
Size. Diclonii are no different from humans in size. Your size is medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Vectors. Vectors are invisible appendages sprouting from the back of the body that can act as arms, tools, or weapons. As a Diclonius, you have 2 vectors, gaining an additional vector when you hit levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20. Vectors can be used to take several different actions, bonus actions, and reactions. Your vectors have a reach of 5 feet which increases by 5 feet per level to a maximum of 30 feet.

As an action, you may make an unarmed attack roll with a vector using Wisdom as your attacking attribute. The attack deals 1d8 + Wisdom slashing damage on hit. You may use additional vectors to attack, with each additional vector adding 1d6 slashing damage.

As an action, you may attempt to grapple a creature with your vectors, using your Wisdom modifier for your roll rather than Strength. One vector is needed to grapple creatures smaller than you, two for creatures of the same size, and four for a creature of large size.

As a bonus action, you may use a vector to move up to 15 feet (walking or climbing) without expending any movement.

As a reaction, you may use your vectors to block attacks coming at you to reduce their damage. This reaction may only be taken if one or more of your vectors were not used to attack during your turn. When blocking, each vector that was not used to attack reduces the incoming attacks damage by 1d4.
Hatred. Your incredible hatred towards humans has made it clear as day when humans are trying to deceive you. You have advantage on any Insight checks against humans to tell if they are lying to you. In addition, you have advantage on Intimidation checks against humans.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

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