5e Mounts and Vehicles Preload
<onlyinclude>{{5e Mounts and Vehicles |cost=<!-- Item's cost in gp or /day --> |speed=<!-- Item's speed in ft. or mph, if unused leave blank --> |carryingcapacity=<!-- Item's cost in gp, if unused leave blank --> |weight=<!-- Item's weight in lb., if unused leave blank --> }} <!-- Include a detailed description of the mount or vehicle if necessary. Include any operation of mechanics, explanations of supporting diagrams, how the item performs its function(s), how to maintain the item, etc. --> <vote type=1/><!-- DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING BELOW THIS--> ---- {{5e Mounts and Vehicles Breadcrumb}} [[Category:5e]] [[Category:User]] [[Category:Equipment]] [[Category:Vehicle]] <!--[[Category:Mount]] delete if unused, remove this comment --> <!--[[Category:Watercraft]] delete if unused, remove this comment --></onlyinclude>