Dirt (5e Race)
"Through out history there has been something that we have always known, that thing is dirt, it has contributed to our survival but it is something we usually forget even exists." -A Wise Man
Physical Description[edit]
![]() |
Dirt, just dirt |
Sentient dirt is just a little mound of dirt that no matter what can not be separated. Sentient dirt has no genders because... it's dirt. Sentient dirt can move by itself while be it via very slow because... it's dirt. Sentient dirt has no facial features or limbs because... it's dirt. Note: It is up to the player and or the DM, for when I played a character using this build, I gave my dirt the ability to have small appendages. Appendages that worked as little arms. These arms, can only hold very small objects. These appendages can also be used to control a mech-suit if you would. It would allow you to flick levels, push buttons, and the like. The reason being is because you are SENTIENT DIRT, not just a pile of dirt. Because as it says later; you can communicate via telepathy. So, it would make sense that you can do this. This also allows you to move under your own wait. While be it very slow. You can also move at a speed of 5. Or get a small cart or mechanical thing to move faster. You are also a CONSTRUCT.
This race of sentient dirt appears when a insanely powerful wizard misfires a very powerful spell of theirs and that spell hits a small mound of dirt, or is brought to life by an alchemist... this happens rarely though which means sentient dirt is sometimes considered legendary. The origin of how you were made is up to you and your DM.
There isn't that much of a society for sentient dirts because of their rarity, but if two sentient dirts were to meet each other they would battle to the death.
Dirt Names[edit]
Sentient dirt has no need for names.
Dirt Traits[edit]
Literally sentient dirt.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increases by 5
Age. They can live forever, and they don't age at all.
Alignment. Sentient dirt are always lawful neutral
Size. Small
Speed. Your base walking speed is 5 feet or to move fast you must be carried.
Dirt has no eyes or ears. You are blind and deaf, you have disadvantage on any check that is related to sight or hearing.
Constructed Resilience. - You were created to have remarkable fortitude, represented by the following benefits:. You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.
You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe.
You are immune to disease.
You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep.
Dirt Nap. Similar to the Warforge in Eberron Source Here on page 3 of the document When you take a long rest, you must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn't render you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal.
Magical Dirtelepathy. You can telepathically communicate with any creature with an Intelligence above 3 that knows at least 1 language within 100 ft of you.
Damage Immunity. You are immune to lightning damage.
Damage Weaknesses. You are weak to water attacks. You are made of dirt.
Connection to the ground. You have a deep connection with the ground allowing you to know where anything that is in contact with the ground within 100ft of you is.
Dirt has no limbs or very small ones. You can't hold anything unless some one else sticks it in you, or you chose to have the small appendages, but you still can't move that object by yourself; unless you have chose the very small limbs.
Magical Soil. Having Insane magical potential in you allows you to cast spells without needing to use verbal, somatic, Or material components.
Mind Control. If you touch and or come into contact with a non-living, living, and or construct. If you are uninterrupted for an hour. You can control their mind and take over their body. They would have to do a intelligence check, against your own. You can control them for as long as you want; however, every long-rest they must do another intelligence check. If they succeed you loose control. When you loose control of them, forcibly, you are ripped from them. You both take 2d8 plus your opponent's intelligence modifier damage. Your opponent then must also make a constitution check, DC 10, or be palatized for 1d4 days.
Languages. Sentient dirt can understand all languages but can't speak or read.
Subrace. Grassy Dirt, Manure, Ant Hill, and Nano-bots
Grassy Dirt[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Cha +2
Photosynthesis. The grass on your top heals you, every turn you regenerate 2d8 hit points.
Nicer Appearance. Since you decided to grow some grass on yourself you gain proficiency with persuasion checks
Ability Score Increase. Con +3
Horrible Odor. All creatures within 5 ft of you on the starting of their turn must make a constitution save with a DC of 12 if failed they will be incapacitated until they exit a area of 10 ft around you or pass a constitution saving throw with a DC of 13 that they can take every turn while incapacitated within 10 ft of you.
Fertilizing Properties. On your turn you can take an action to bury yourself underground on any turn after you bury yourself you can take an action to rise to the surface, but if you stay underground for 4 turns you can heal 3d6 hit points.
Flies like poop. As an action, you may take control of 1d4 flies that have eaten a part of you for 1d8 hours. In this state, you can see and hear everything that the flies can but you are unable of taking any other actions unless you release control over them.
Ant Hill[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Str +2
Ant Colony - the only dirt that is not a construct. Your speed gets changed to 15 and you can now pick up things by yourself and wield stuff. You also gain a small jumping ability, you can jump ten feet.
Magnetic Nature. While you are in your base state; you can try and jump onto people. Depending on where you wish to latch on, you may have to either do a strength check or another similar check.
Ants have eyes and ears. You gain vision and sight now you don't have disadvantage on wisdom checks related to sight and hearing, and you have no darksight.
ants like to move. you can control ants to sneak around, this stops once your ant is stepped on or your physical body is hurt
ants bring food. heal 2d12 3 times per short rest
ants can sculpt. you can shape yourself to look like anything 6 feet or smaller but cant move both your arms and legs. I.E. you cant walk in this form without drawing attention to yourself. People will think your movement is unnatural. You also only can move at a speed of 5 while in this form.
ants can see all. While not wearing any armor or clothes you appose disadvantage to people attacking via melee combat.
Mechanical Dirt or Nano Bots[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Str +2
Nano-bots/Mechanical Dirt. You are a mixture of Dirt and Machinery. Your speed gets changed to 20 and you can now pick up things by yourself and wield stuff. You also gain a small jumping ability, you can jump ten feet.
Magnetic Nature. While you are in your base state; you can try and jump onto people. Depending on where you wish to latch on, you may have to either do a strength check or another similar check. However, if the thing that you wish to jump on is made of metal; you get advantage.
Your Nano-bots give you sight. You gain vision and sight now you don't have disadvantage on wisdom checks related to sight and hearing, and you have darkvision as well as Heatvision. It is just not a spell.
Nanomachines, son! They harden in response to physical trauma. You can't hurt me, Jack!. You can make a crude weapon out of your body. You can become any non-magical weapon. You also gain an AC of 17.
Mechanical Dirt or Nano Bots Continued[edit]
Nano-bots can sculpt. you can shape yourself to look like anything 6 feet or smaller but cant move both your arms and legs. I.E. you cant walk in this form without drawing attention to yourself. People will think your movement is unnatural. You also only can move at a speed of 10 while in this form.
Nano-bots can see all. While not wearing any armor or clothes you appose disadvantage to people attacking via melee combat.
Nano-bots crave power. When you are attack by attacks that use lighting and or thunder damage you gain d4 for every attack die they use. For example, if they attack you with 4d6 lighting damage; you gain back 4d4 health back. If the attack hits you, and you already have health gone, the attack heals you and the remaining health points go into temporary points.
You're electric. If someone were to forcibly pick you up or make contact they will be shock by your Nano-bots. They will take 2d4 lighting damage.
Nano-bots self-replicating. heal 2d12 3 times per short rest
Optional Vehicles[edit]
Optional Vehicles are optional vehicles that give your Dirt new abilities. Each one is special and I encourage you to talk with your DM to figure out which one works best for your character and which one works best for your campaign.
Optional Vehicle 1 - Trashhole[edit]
Through some cheese curls into my trash hole. - Rigby from Regular Show.
Ability Score Increase. You are now controlling a small bucket or trashcan attached to a wheel. (Roller blade tapped to a trashcan). Your Constitution increases by 2 and depending on the type you choose you can gain some other score improvements as well
Size. Small
Speed. Your speed is increased from 5 to 40-->
You decided to travel by not sliding on the ground, good.. There are many types to choose from; and of coarse you can make these as well by playing within campaigns. It is up to you and the DM.
Through some cheese curls into my trash hole. - Rigby from Regular Show.. You are now controlling a small bucket or trashcan attached to a wheel. (Roller blade tapped to a trashcan).
Trash Hole. Because you are actually using a trashcan, or bucket. You also gain +1 to dex. You can also store many weapons and items with in your bucket. And no matter how many things you put in it, you can always move at the same speed and pace. (With in reason)
Weak but fast. You have the natural armor class of 13 (unless you chose sub-races above which give you more) You are a trashcan or bucket on a wheel. However, you can choose the following variant as well. You just sacrifice some speed for some AC.
Vehicle Variant One[edit]
Yessiree! This whole place would completely fall apart without old Claptrap keeping things humming along! This is a variant of the Trashhole vehicle from above.
Ability Score Increase. You are now controlling, well, Claptrap. (The mistake). Your Constitution increases by 1. Your charisma increases by 2. Your strength increases by 1.
Size. Small
Speed. Your speed is increased from 5 to 35-->
dumbluck. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die. You must use the new result, even if it is a 1
naturally bad. When you try to hide, aid, perform acrobatics checks. You must reroll. NOT, gain disadvantage but simply rerolling. Thus, giving possibly giving you a chance to get a lower roll. However if you have disadvantage you do not reroll.
Dammit, Jack - how did you know stairs were my ONLY weakness?!. Stairs are your weakness. Because of your design you don't have the ability to walk up stair. However, if you are forced by the players, it is difficult terrain. "Carry me, slave!"
Grovel, Cower, and Beg. As an action on your turn, you can cower pathetically to distract nearby foes. Until the end of your next turn, your allies gain advantage on attack rolls against enemies within 10 feet of you that can see you. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
wild-magic?. You know one level 1 spell of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for that cantrip. However, because of your chaotic nature; whenever you cast this spell you need to roll on the Wild-Magic table.
"My ass saved all your asses!". When you try to plug a hole; be it a water-hole, dimensional hole, or any other hole for that matter, you can easily plug it. (Simply gain advantage)
Quicken Artillery. You and your allies gain increase your fire rate and bullet regeneration. (Plus one to initiative)
Optional Vehicle two - small, medium, and large mechs[edit]
“I, on the other hand, am a finished product. I absorb electrical energy directly and utilize it with an almost one hundred percent efficiency. I am composed of strong metal, am continuously conscious, and can stand extremes of environment easily. These are facts which, with the self-evident proposition that no being can create another being superior to itself, smashes your silly hypothesis to nothing. ― Isaac Asimov, I, Robot
You are a machine, or to be more specific; you are a Warforged.. This is the easiest one to do. Simply use the Warforged on page 3 to build your character. However, there is some extra abilities and flaws that come with choosing this option.
Your strength is not your own.. If you chose this option, the strength, dexterity, and constitution are different they your "dirt form". The reason being is because if you choose the Warforged option you CANNOT exit your "vehicle". You are sealed into the suit, and are its power source.
Things lost. If you choose this option you are no longer immune to lighting damage; and if have chosen the Nano-bot option from above. You also do not get the healing facture from being attacked by lighting. The reason being is because the Warforged is the new you; while the other Vehicle Options are more closer to mounts, this one is closer to a sub-race.
That was merely my outer self. Now, let me show you my TRUE FORM!. If you loose all of your hitpoints and your character proceeds to die. You can do the following: Upon death, your outer self is still alive. You simply lose your strength, dexterity, and constitution. You also go back to your base speed.
Optional Vehicle 3 - I am a Car[edit]
Vroom Vroom - any car
Ability Score Increase. Dex + 3 Con + 1
You are a car which means you have no arms. You can still "wield" weapons. You just have to have them mounted to your body.. Since you are a car your speed is increased to 60. However, again, because you are a car you have disadvantage on the following checks: Sleight of Hand, Stealth, and Survival. Also depending on the situation you may also gain disadvantage on Acrobatics, and Athletics as well.
Engine Noise. As a bonus action, you let out an engine rev at your enemies within 10 feet of you. Until the end of your next turn, you and your allies have advantage on attack rolls against any of those enemies who could hear the noise. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. This recharges when you roll a 5 or a 6 on a d6.
Car type. There is serval variants for this one. They are as follows: Normal, Toyota Corolla, Truck, Van, Mini, Utility, Mechanical, Military, Racing, Sea, and Sky.
Tire Type - depending on the tire type you get different strengths and weaknesses. Normal Tires Normal Tires are like basic shoes. They provide you with everything you need; apart from driving off-road. If you drive off-road with these tires it would be difficult terrain. All-Terrain - All-terrain tires provide the best off off-road and regular. However, if you travel on mountains, or deep snow, or sand. It would still be difficult terrain. Off-road traveling - These tires provide the best tires for off-roading. On normal roads they provide difficult terrain. Racing Tires Racing Tires provide extra speed. They give you +10 however, unless it is solid ground it will be difficult terrain.
Vehicle Variant One - Normal[edit]
Just a basic car nothing special.
Ability Score Increase. No extra points given
You are just a normal car. You are any 4 door sedan and or 4 door coupe.. You have the speed of 60.
Get Away Driving. If you choose to retreat from a combat encounter, while being stealth, you can get away without anyone noticing.
Metal Body. You have the ac 16.
Party Hauler. You can haul your party within your car body. You can haul a certain amount of gear.
Vehicle Variant Two - Toyota Corolla[edit]
Just a basic car but you are impossible to kill
Ability Score Increase. Con +5 Dex +2
You are a Toyota Corolla. One of the most dependable vehicles in the world. You are a 4 door sedan and or 4 door coupe.. You have the speed of 60.
Get Away Driving. If you choose to retreat from a combat encounter, while being stealth, you can get away without anyone noticing.
You cant kill a Corolla. You have the ac 18.
Party Hauler. You can haul your party within your car body. You can haul a certain amount of gear.
Invisible Fortitude. Because of your build quality you are resistant to bludgeoning damage and once every long rest you can gain back 4d4 hit points back.
Vehicle Variant Three - Truck[edit]
I don't drive no dodge. I don't drive no chevy. It's a FORD F-ING RANGER!!!!.
Ability Score Increase. Because you are a truck, you gain advantage on str checks as well as your strength and con increase by +3
You're a truck. Made for power and performance. Not necessarily speed.. You have the speed of 50.
Get Away Driving. If you choose to retreat from a combat encounter, while being stealth, you can get away without anyone noticing.
Diesel Powered, Turbo Charged, V8. Because of your performance, you now have double disadvantage stealth checks while moving. You can also take the dash action for free.
Metal Body. You have the ac 18.
Party Hauler. You can haul your party within your car body. You can haul a certain amount of gear.
truck bed. Since you are a truck you have bed. This can be used to haul gear and other supplies. Compared to the variants you can hold the second to most amount of supplies.
Four Wheel drive. No matter what tires you have on you no longer have difficult terrain. This takes an action to activate and remains active till you turn it off. However, if you keep it on for a certain amount of days, up to the DM, you do have to take 4d4 damage. Unstuck capabilities: If you were to get stuck in mud, sand, snow, whatever. You can activate four-wheel drive to get unstuck. However, if you had it activated and then got stuck. You can not get unstuck. Somebody has to pull you out.
Vehicle Variant four - Van[edit]
A vehicle pulls up next to you. Pale white in color and on the side of it reads, free candy inside.
Ability Score Increase. You are a Van, while not as strong as compared to your Truck cousin, you can still haul. Your str and con +2
You are a Van. Made to haul stuff, sometimes tow, but most importantly to haul people.. You have the speed of 55. And unlike other vehicles, you can hold the most supplies, and the most people. You can hold up to 16 people at a time, while be it if you have all your seats in.
Detachable seats/stow and go. He can add and remove your seats. This takes an action and if thrown on the ground can provide some cover for your fellow players
Get Away Driving. If you choose to retreat from a combat encounter, while being stealth, you can get away without anyone noticing.
Metal Body. You have the ac 16.
Party Hauler. You can haul your party within your car body. You can haul a certain amount of gear.
Vans are for creepy people. If you try and make a persuasion, and or deception check. You have disadvantage.
Great for support. Vans are mostly used by mothers, and other care takers. And because of this you can lend your aid to people. If somebody in your party is making a healing spell, or other forms of aid, you give them an extra 1d4.
Vehicle Variant five - Mini[edit]
Ingenious contradiction of terms. Fits like a handshake. Aims like a gun. - Roger Rosenblatt (1994)
Ability Score Increase. No extra points given
You are just a normal car. You are any 4 door sedan and or 4 door coupe.. You have the speed of 60.
Get Away Driving. If you choose to retreat from a combat encounter, while being stealth, you can get away without anyone noticing.
Metal Body. You have the ac 16.
Party Hauler. You can haul your party within your car body. You can haul a certain amount of gear.
Vehicle Variant Six - Utility[edit]
Just a basic car nothing special.
Ability Score Increase. No extra points given
You are just a normal car. You are any 4 door sedan and or 4 door coupe.. You have the speed of 60.
Get Away Driving. If you choose to retreat from a combat encounter, while being stealth, you can get away without anyone noticing.
Metal Body. You have the ac 16.
Party Hauler. You can haul your party within your car body. You can haul a certain amount of gear.
Vehicle Variant Seven - Mechanical[edit]
Just a basic car nothing special.
Ability Score Increase. No extra points given
You are just a normal car. You are any 4 door sedan and or 4 door coupe.. You have the speed of 60.
Get Away Driving. If you choose to retreat from a combat encounter, while being stealth, you can get away without anyone noticing.
Metal Body. You have the ac 16.
Party Hauler. You can haul your party within your car body. You can haul a certain amount of gear.
Vehicle Variant Eight - Military[edit]
Just a basic car nothing special.
Ability Score Increase. No extra points given
You are just a normal car. You are any 4 door sedan and or 4 door coupe.. You have the speed of 60.
Get Away Driving. If you choose to retreat from a combat encounter, while being stealth, you can get away without anyone noticing.
Metal Body. You have the ac 16.
Party Hauler. You can haul your party within your car body. You can haul a certain amount of gear.
Vehicle Variant Nine - Racing[edit]
Just a basic car nothing special.
Ability Score Increase. No extra points given
You are just a normal car. You are any 4 door sedan and or 4 door coupe.. You have the speed of 60.
Get Away Driving. If you choose to retreat from a combat encounter, while being stealth, you can get away without anyone noticing.
Metal Body. You have the ac 16.
Party Hauler. You can haul your party within your car body. You can haul a certain amount of gear.
Vehicle Variant Ten - Sea[edit]
Just a basic car nothing special.
Ability Score Increase. No extra points given
You are just a normal car. You are any 4 door sedan and or 4 door coupe.. You have the speed of 60.
Get Away Driving. If you choose to retreat from a combat encounter, while being stealth, you can get away without anyone noticing.
Metal Body. You have the ac 16.
Party Hauler. You can haul your party within your car body. You can haul a certain amount of gear.
Vehicle Variant Eleven - Air[edit]
Just a basic car nothing special.
Ability Score Increase. No extra points given
You are just a normal car. You are any 4 door sedan and or 4 door coupe.. You have the speed of 60.
Get Away Driving. If you choose to retreat from a combat encounter, while being stealth, you can get away without anyone noticing.
Metal Body. You have the ac 16.
Party Hauler. You can haul your party within your car body. You can haul a certain amount of gear.
Optional Vehicle 4 - Artificer Special Vehicles[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Str +2
Ant Colony - the only dirt that is not a construct. Your speed gets changed to 15 and you can now pick up things by yourself and wield stuff. You also gain a small jumping ability, you can jump ten feet.
Magnetic Nature. While you are in your base state; you can try and jump onto people. Depending on where you wish to latch on, you may have to either do a strength check or another similar check. However, if the thing that you wish to jump on is made of metal; you get advantage.
Ants have eyes and ears. You gain vision and sight now you don't have disadvantage on wisdom checks related to sight and hearing, and you have no darksight.
ants like to move. you can control ants to sneak around, this stops once your ant is stepped on or your physical body is hurt
ants bring food. heal 2d12 3 times per short rest
ants can sculpt. you can shape yourself to look like anything 6 feet or smaller but cant move both your arms and legs. I.E. you cant walk in this form without drawing attention to yourself. People will think your movement is unnatural. You also only can move at a speed of 5 while in this form.
ants can see all. While not wearing any armor or clothes you appose disadvantage to people attacking via melee combat.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
1′ 2'' | +1d4 inches | 17 lb. | × (None) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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