Epic Boon
Adamantine Body |
Archmage |
Boon of Abyss Mastery |
Boon of Achilles |
Boon of Adamantine Bones |
Boon of Advanced Shape Change |
Boon of Agility |
Boon of Angel Mastery |
Boon of Apex Abjuration |
Boon of Apex Conjuration |
Boon of Apex Divination |
Boon of Apex Enchantment |
Boon of Apex Evocation |
Boon of Apex Illusion |
Boon of Apex Necromancy |
Boon of Apex Transmutation |
Boon of Arcane Archery |
Boon of Arcane Arrow |
Boon of Arcane Mastery |
Boon of Arcane Might |
Boon of Archery |
Boon of Archetype |
Have an archetype feature.
Boon of Argonaut |
Boon of Artifact Affinity |
Boon of Ascendance |
Boon of Atlas |
Boon of Atlas, Variant |
Boon of Attunement |
Boon of Auto-Biocontrol |
Boon of Awesomeness |
Boon of Bahamut |
Boon of Bearing |
Boon of Berserker |
20th level Barbarian with Berserker subclass
Boon of Blessed Touch |
Boon of Bloodlust |
Boon of Bold Charges |
Boon of Cantrip Casting |
Boon of Carnage |
Boon of Catastrophic Blows |
Boon of Chains |
Boon of Cobra Kai |
Boon of Compression |
Boon of Creature Shapes |
Boon of Death Perception |
Boon of Death’s Grace |
Boon of Defense |
Boon of Demonic Ascension |
Boon of Desolate Strikes |
Boon of Destruction |
Boon of Disaster |
Boon of Doomed Touch |
Boon of Dragon Form |
Must have draconic blood coursing through them.
Boon of Effortless Focus |
Boon of Eldrich Blast, Variant |
Boon of Eldritch Blast |
Boon of Eldritch Might |
The Mystic Arcanum class feature.
Boon of Eldritch Power |
Eldritch Mastery class feature
Boon of Elemental Archery |
Boon of Elemental Void |
Boon of Elusiveness |
Boon of Empty Soul |
Boon of Enlightened Eldritch Blast |
Boon of Enlightenment |
Boon of Epic Magic |
Boon of Epic Mastery |
Have 20 lvls in one class
Boon of Epic Multiclassing |
Boon of Epic Mysticism |
Boon of Epic Resilience |
Boon of Epic Spellcasting |
Boon of Epic Spellcasting, Variant |
Ability to cast at least one 9th-level spell
Boon of Epic Spells |
Ability to cast at least one 9th-level spell, All ability scores beyond 20
Boon of Expanded Knowledge |
Boon of Extensive Knowledge |
Boon of Failure |
Boon of Filth |
Boon of Final Immortality |
Boon of Final Mastery |
All ability scores beyond 20
Boon of Find Greatest Steed |
Boon of Fleeting |
Boon of Flight |
Boon of Force |
Boon of Foresight |
Boon of Fortified Mind |
Boon of Gargantuan Size |
Boon of Giant's Grip |
Boon of Golem Crafting |
Boon of Great Feats |
Boon of Greater Dragon Breath |
Boon of Greater Immortality |
Boon of Greater Speed |
Boon of Growth |
Boon of Hasty Heroics |
Boon of Heavy Cavalry |
Boon of High Mysticism |
Boon of Hoarding |
Boon of Hourai Elixir |
Boon of Immovability |
Boon of Incredible Craftsmanship |
Boon of Incredible Dweomercrafting |
Boon of Incredible Foremanship |
Boon of Incredible Profession |
Boon of Incredible Recuperation |
Boon of Inedia |
Boon of Intellect |
Boon of Invulnerability |
Boon of Invulnerability, Variant |
Boon of Iron Skin |
Boon of Ki Control |
Boon of Ki Mastery |
Boon of Languages |
Boon of Laser Eyes |
Boon of Lathander |
Boon of Legendary Actions |
Boon of Legendary Potency |
Boon of Legendary Resistance |
Boon of Legendary Skills |
Boon of Legendary Strike |
Boon of Legendary Superiority |
Boon of Lendys |
Boon of Low Magic |
Boon of Magic Item Mastery |
Boon of Magical Secrets |
Boon of Magical Sight |
Boon of Malaclysm |
Boon of Many Spells |
Spellcasting or Pact Magic
Boon of Masterful Attunement |
Boon of Masterful Parry |
Boon of Mastery |
Boon of Mechanus |
Boon of Minion Mastery |
Boon of Monstrous Strength |
Boon of Multi-Subclass |
Must be multiclassed
Boon of Multiclassing |
Boon of Nature's Bane |
Be a Druid within the Circle of Blight
Boon of Nature's Champion |
Boon of Nirvana |
Boon of Omniscience |
Cast divination spells at least 360 times.
Boon of Oversized Weapons |
Boon of Pace |
Boon of Peerless Parrying |
Boon of Perceived Time |
Boon of Perfect Breaching |
Boon of Perfect Escapology |
Boon of Perfect Form |
Boon of Persuasion |
Boon of Power |
Boon of Quickness |
Boon of Racing |
Boon of Radiant Starlight |
Boon of Rage |
Boon of Rapidity |
Boon of Reflexes |
Boon of Resistance |
Boon of Rust |
Boon of Samsara |
Boon of Savage Attacks |
Boon of Saving Grace |
Boon of Second Chances |
Boon of Shadow Melding |
Proficiency in Stealth, Dexterity 15 or higher
Boon of Siegecraft |
Boon of Smithbending |
Strength of 18 or higher, proficiency in smith's tools
Boon of Solar Power |
Boon of Sorcery Points |
Boon of Soul Sight |
Boon of Special Damage |
Boon of Spell Lore |
Spellcasting feature and the ability to prepare spells.
Boon of Spell Mastery, Variant |
The ability to cast spells
Boon of Strength |
Boon of Subjob |
Boon of Superior Blood |
Boon of Superior Time Stop |
Boon of Supreme Magic |
Boon of Surging Energy |
Boon of Swiftest Bladework |
Boon of Telekinesis |
Boon of Teleportation |
Boon of Tenacious Magic |
Boon of the Apex Spell Caster |
Boon of the Artillerist |
Artillerist Artificer
Boon of the Assassins |
Boon of the Barbarian |
20th level Barbarian
Boon of the Battlemaster |
Boon of the Beast |
Boon of the Beast Master |
Boon of the Berserker |
Boon of the Biomancer |
Boon of the Blind Eye |
Boon of the Bold |
Boon of the Breathless |
Boon of the Bulwark |
Boon of the Cat |
Boon of the Caustic Soul |
Boon of the Cleric |
Cleric 20
Boon of the Combat Performer |
Boon of the Corrosive Spirit |
Boon of the Dark Soul |
Boon of the Demigod |
Boon of the Demon Slayer |
Boon of the Devourer |
Boon of the Devouring Abyss |
Boon of The Doom Slayer |
Boon of the Dragon |
Boon of the Dragon Form, Variant |
Must have Draconic heritage in some shape or form
Boon of the Dragon God |
Be a Dragon Lord
Boon of the Dragon Rider |
Boon of the Dragon Slayer |
Boon of the Druid |
Wild shape class feature; 20th level Druid
Boon of the Druid, Variant |
Boon of the Eldritch Knight |
Boon of the Eldritch Master |
Boon of the Elemental Fire |
Boon of the Elemental Force |
Boon of the Elemental Ice |
Boon of the Elemental Lightning |
Boon of the Elemental Necrotic |
Boon of the Elemental Psychic |
Boon of the Elemental Radiant |
Boon of the Elemental Thunder |
Boon of The Elemental Void |
Boon of The Empowered Soul |
Boon of the Enlightened Flame |
Light Domain Cleric
Boon of the Epic Barbarian |
20th level Barbarian
Boon of the Epic Bard |
20th-level Bard
Boon of the Epic Wizard |
20th-level Wizard
Boon of the Fearless Assault |
Boon of the Fighter |
Boon of the Fire Golem |
Boon of the Fire King |
Boon of the Fire Lord |
Boon of the Fire Rage |
The Rage building inside of you, unleashes flames that burn all in your path, beware the inferno of fury!
Boon of the Firemaster |
Boon of the Flame |
Boon of the Flight Mother |
Boon of the Forest Lord |
Boon of the Frostblood |
Boon of the Frozen Path |
Boon of the Frozen Spirit, Variant |
Boon of the Furious Light |
Boon of the Giant |
Boon of the Giant's Might |
Boon of The Greater Archmage |
Boon of the Hallowed Necromancer |
Able to cast 1 spell
Boon of the Heart of Heroes |
Boon of the Heart of Heroes Legacy |
Boon of the Heavy Cavalry |
Boon of the Heavy-Handed |
Boon of the Hunter |
Boon of the Improved Familiar |
Boon of the Kenpachi |
Boon of the Limit Breaker |
Boon of the Master Monk |
Boon of the Masterful Hunter |
BloodHunter LV.20
Boon of the Monk |
Boon of the Monster Tamer |
Boon of the Mountain |
Strength and Constitution over 15, been in contact with earth deity
Boon of the Necromancer |
The ability to cast at least one spell
Boon of the Necrotic Soul |
Boon of the Oblivion Mirror |
Revived at least 10 times
Boon of the Ocean |
Boon of the Oozeborn |
Boon of the Paladin |
20th level Paladin
Boon of the Paragon |
Boon of the Phoenix |
Boon of the Phoenix, Variant |
Boon of the Planeswalker |
Boon of The Primeval God |
Boon of the Proficient |
Boon of the Quick |
Boon of the Ranger |
Boon of the Ranger, Variant |
Boon of the Raven |
Boon of the Reaper |
Boon of the Reaper, Variant |
Level 20 Undead
style="text-align: left;" |
Boon of The Resolute Mind |
Boon of the Rogue |
Boon of the Savant |
Boon of the Servant |
The ability to cast the unseen servant spell
Boon of the Shadow |
Animal companion
Boon of The Shapechanger |
Boon of the Skald |
Boon of the Slasher |
Boon of the Sorcerer |
Boon of the Sorcerer, Variant |
Boon of the Soul Devourer |
Boon of the Spirit-bound |
Boon of the Squirrel |
Boon of the Steel Fist |
Boon of the Steelbond |
Boon of the Storm |
Boon of the Sun Walker |
Sunlight sensitivity trait or sunlight hypersensitivity trait
Boon of the Superior Changeling |
Changeling (5e Race)
Boon of the Swamp |
Boon of the Swordmaster |
Boon of The Time Lord |
Boon of the Tireless |
Boon of the Tireless Dragon Breath |
Boon of the True Caster |
Boon of the Twisted Mind |
Boon of the Ultimate Familiar |
Boon of the Unbreakable |
Boon of the Undying |
Boon of the Undying Will |
Boon of the War Master |
Must be 20th lv. in a class with the ability to learn fighting styles.
Boon of the Warmage |
Boon of the Warrior Mage |
Non-spellcasting class.
Boon of the Weave |
The ability to cast at least one 9th-level spell.
Boon of the Witch |
Boon of the Wretched Power |
Boon of the Yellow King |
Boon of the Zealot |
Boon of Thief's Touch |
Boon of Thunderous Speed |
Boon of Time |
Boon of Time Immutability |
Boon of Time Mastery |
Boon of Torm |
Boon of Troll's Body |
Boon of True Immortality |
Boon of True Primality |
Must be a Barbarian.
Boon of Unbridled Power |
Strength score 20 or higher, at least 19th level
Boon of Uncanny Vitality |
Boon of Unlimited Death |
Boon of Unlimited Stamina |
Boon of Unlimited Strength |
Strength 20, create a shockwave using pure physical strength.
Boon of Unstoppable Offense |
Boon of Unstoppable Offense (variant) |
Boon of Versatile Spellcaster |
Multiclassed into two spellcasting classes with different casting modifiers.
Boon of Wanderlust |
Boon of Willfulness |
Boon of Wish Proficiency |
Boon of Wishes |
Breath of Death |
Celestial Inheritance |
Aasimar (5e Race), Wisdom 15 or higher
Corrupted Heart |
Having once held an Impure Heart or fallen completely into darkness from a Beating Heart.
Divine Sightbearer |
Devotion to a particular Deity
Draconic Fortitude |
Level 20 Dragonborn / Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer
Emperor’s Will |
The Eye of the Sage and The Jade Emperor’s Body
Grand Spell Sniper |
Spell Sniper feat
Greater Boon of Epic Spellcasting |
must have the Boon of Epic Spellcasting.
Haki |
Must train 1d6 hours a day for nearly 1 year to gain 1 of the 3 types of haki.
Holy Heart |
Contact with a higher Diety
Icy Soul |
Immortal Body |
Impure Heart |
Having once held aPure Heart and lost it, or evolved from the Beating Heart.
Inhuman Mentality |
Invulnerable Mind |
Lolth-Touched |
Mark of Tzeentch |
Meteora's Spark |
Mithral Spirit |
Multifaceted/Specialized |
Musclebound |
20 in Strength
One Hit Kill |
Piercing Shards |
Levels in Druid or Ranger
Plot Armor |
Pure Heart |
Having had the Beating Heart and evolve it.
Radiation Immunity |
Repetition |
Single Spell |
Soul of the Sea |
Spawn of the Great Old Ones |
Spell Point Mastery (5e Feat) |
Super Namekian |
The Forsaken Child |
True Weapon Master |
Walpurgis |