Copper Fish Bowl (5e Campaign Setting)

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Rating: Not-Rated / 5
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Copper Fish Bowl[edit]

A world of seafaring and oddities on and off the shore. A worldwide conflict has locked two sides in combat, both fighting for control with a stockpile of mad science. This conflict is leaking into the lives of the beach towns and fishing ports! Will the future of the trawler be in jeopardy from constant warring? What will be lost in the grabs of power and call to arms? Will mutant aberrations ever be welcomed in society like the copper fish bowls have?

Campaign Setting Information[edit]

Players Guide

How characters are made and the variation available to players.
Races available in the campaign setting and how common/rare they are

Copper Fish Bowl

Time and History
A look on history of the world of Earth.

Dungeon Master's Guide

<--An optional page which goes gives a general explanation of the world-->

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