Wendigo Curse (5e Race)
Wendigo Curse[edit]
It doesn't matter what you were before, now you have become a creature of hunger
Physical Description[edit]
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The True face of thoses affected by this curse
by Candice Dailey |
Your appearance is the same as it was before, you are a human, elf, orc, or any other race aesthetically.
However, what sets you apart and serves as an early warning of what you are (whether for their sake or for your own amusement), you carry with you a wolf skull with deer horns, this skull has a patch of hair that runs down the back of your head and covers your back, YOU NEVER LOSE THIS OWNED skull (but you are able to remove it from your face and try to hide it from others).
Furthermore, your skin is icy cold and those who touch it feel so cold that it feels like they are in the middle of a blizzard, your fingernails are constantly dirty and your hands look like they have made an extreme effort, your eyes give away that you have seen horrible things and your voice, even though it is friendly, still gives off a strange and melancholic air, united with your aura of a dangerous predator, makes people understand that you are not something normal.
No matter how it happened, you got here, your hunger was so high, the only option was cannibalism
But you liked it, more than you should have and constantly came back for more, each day your hunger was greater, the pile of bodies was smaller to satisfy your hunger, you ventured out into nature, with your almost infinite hunger that devoured everything in its path, until you found your first victim.
It was wonderful, you never felt so satisfied and after that, you understood the lethal pleasure that made you become a creature of many people's nightmares.
that was the moment that the mark of who you are now was exposed to the world.
Letting out your roar, the world now knows of your presence
Stories were told of your actions, adventurers were put after you, but none of them were able to satisfy your hunger, until one day, when battling your hunger you found a way to control yourself and "go back" to being what you were before.
Now marked for eternity, what do you intend to do?
Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]
Strangely enough, many Wendigos show some recurring characteristics in their behavior.
They tend to be constantly seen in places with a strong smell of flesh and blood (hospitals, cemeteries, laboratories or any similar place), they behave like animals most of the time, probably because they have been excluded from society for a long time, they tend to be quiet and put themselves in places where people don't see them easily (as if they wanted to set an ambush and were hiding from their prey).
However, they strangely have a common belief, all wendigos, comment on a figure that resembles the legendary descriptions of a classic wendigo (a body that looks like wood but with hair, a deer skull, sharp claws, extremely tall and with shiny orbs in the middle of the empty space of his eyes), all of them when asked about this being, say they have seen him whenever they feel hungry and some say they have come face to face with this being, this being was who gave the Wendigo Curse, the mask that defines who they are now
This creature has only the name Legendary Wendigo and was possibly the first Wendigo that ever existed
Wendigo Curse Names[edit]
The name you have now, is the same as before, but you may have forgotten it and now, you don't have it anymore, you can let the party name you or you can rename yourself
your name can be whatever you want it to be
Wendigo Curse Traits[edit]
You were cursed by eternal hunger, but you found a way to use your problem to your advantage, in the best possible way of course.
Ability Score Increase. One score of you choose increases by 2 and another score increases by 1.
Age. The Curse have effect even in your lifespan, you now live easily to the 200, but none knows if a Wendigo can die of age
Alignment. Your hunger is a simple but strong factor in your life, you are totally unable to know when she will attack, until she starts to attack. Because of this, your alignment tends to be chaotic, simply because it is something natural to you.
Size. Your Size is Medium, however, due to the effects your body has undergone for your new appearance, you easily pass 1.8 meters in height, when you end up in Wendigo form, your size is minimally 3 meters in height
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 fts. Your hunting ability is great and prepared to hunt in any terrestrial situation, you have a speed equal to your movement of climbing speed
Superior Darkvision. Accustomed to hunt in forests and the Darkness of the night, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
The Hunter. You are a fierce hunter, but your style is only up to you, you gain Proficiency in Perception and must choose between Hearing, Olfactory or Sight, when you roll Perception related to your choice, you have advantage on the roll
Hunting Weapons. Your hands can become claws and your mouth can mutate to become one with the skull you have, you have a natural weapon that deal 1d6 + Constitution of damage (if you choose to use your claws, the damage is Slashing. if you use your bite, you do piercing damage).
When you bite a creature, you can choose to eat a chunk of its meat, you can do this only one time per long rest, when you do this and the creature is a humanoid, you don't need to eat or drink for the next 24h, and you get advantage to intimidate the creature if is the next thing you do
Hunter's Rest. Your hunger and the curse is so strong that when you rest, you only need half the time to have the same effects of a long rest. When you rest, you keep your attention to everything around you, and can easily wake up to make your next prey.
Furthermore, you can't be put to sleep by magic or forced to sleep against your will and you look like you are dead when resting, if a creature try to get near to you, you can try to pretend you are dead (roll a performance against the creature passive perception).
Blessed by a curse. You have the curse of a Wendigo, see the Eternal Hunger down below, to understand it
But everything come with perks, right? Well this time it does
You are resistant to extreme cold and is not affected by extreme cold.
You do not suffer from Cold as most do, you a resistant to cold damage.
You can mimic the voices and sound you heard in your live, this can be simples sounds (someone walking, a stick getting broke and things like that). to a creature know that its you that is making the sounds, you need to make a Deception while they make a Insight roll, if they win, they know something is Very wrong, if not, well... you gonna eat a good lunch
Once every long rest, you can get back from 0 hit points to your natural damage dice + your constitution + your hit die in Hit points (this happens in the turn after you get downed, as the curse need a little of time to mutate every part your body) and even if you have negative Hit points, it will count as you have 0 hit points when receiving the Hit points.
you gone wake up in your true form and under the effect of your Eternal Hunger, but you can still have a little control of your actions, you still need to attack the nearest creature of you, but if its a ally to you, you will not attack it and always at your maximum speed to your next lunch (if you are able to cast spells, you can still cast spells but cannot concentrate), you will only get back to your "normal" form, when making a long rest.
you always gonna be the most brutal, savage and loudest you can be, always making the iconic Wendigo scream that everyone know and all creatures that can see you, will understand you are a Wendigo, even if they never seen one
A Controlled Monster. Your type is both humanoid and monstrosity.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Eternal Hunger[edit]
Your body is now something made to eat ANY type of meat (even rotten, but eating rotten only get half of the effect and undeads can be consumed, but works as same you are eating rotten meat), but you get a better effect by the meat of humanoid, if you eat a full body of a humanoid, you don't need to eat by the next week, but by each day you don't eat meat, you get more and more crazy and your body become more and more like the image of a Wendigo, gaining one point of exhaustion, and when in this hunger state, you can only eat meat of humanoids, one humanoid get rid of one point of exhaustion.
when you are affected by the hunger, you can try to control yourself, but is useless, you can only scream to people try to leave, you always attack the nearest person and you start to ramble on about how good they are going taste and how you will eat the meat out of the bone.
A little Note[edit]
if you use a class that have any type of hunger feature (just like the Call Of The Curse from Wendigo_(5e_Class)), you can work with your DM to have or not a plus +2 in the roll or something like that, cuz this race is from the ideia of a Wendigo that can controll itself a little better
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