Dreamtouched (5e Race)

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Dream. Not of what you are. But of what you want to be.
I don't really know whose dream I was.

The Plane of Dreams, usually simply called the Dream World, is where dreams cavort, heedless of the waking world. An unknown, hazy plane of infinite wonders, full of beauty and the impossible alike that's thought to be connected between the Far Planes and the Feywild. Dreams once dreamt fade into obscurity, but their echoes resonate forever throughout the Dream World. The many dreamscapes created by dreamers last but a short time, and they rarely impinge on each other accidentally. However, there are those who knowingly walk between dreamscapes, doing as they will. Sometimes such lucid dreamers pierce the very heart of the Dream World, where average dreams dare not roam, which leads to the creation of the Dreamtouched. Sometimes, however, carcasses of particularly vile dreams, charged with dark emotion, sometimes rampage from dreamscape to dreamscape, giving rise to terrible nightmares.



By Daniel Kamarudin, from From Software's Bloodborne

Dreamtouched humans are a diverse people with otherworldly visages. They are naturally pale in skin and pale in hair with luminous features that reveal their Fey heritage. Dreamtouched humans eyes abide to the same colour spectrum as that of the humans they are born from, with few exceptions found to have bright yellow, red or deep violet eyes. Dreamtouched humans are indifferent from humans in physical build, standing at around four to six foot tall. They are oftentimes lean, toned and wiry, weighing in and around 150 to 210 pounds. Their bodies mature by the age of 20 while they continue to age mentally until they reach 100, however they can continue to live on for thousands of years. Their sibling sub-race, called "Nightmares" by the waking world, are Dreamtouched who are born from a nightmare rather than a dream, or is the end result of a Dreamtouched succumbing to a desire for great wickedness. Nightmares are rarer still than Dreamtouched, but the latter are thought to be the former's main prey in the Dream World, called by the denizens of the Dream as "The Death Of Sleep". Nightmares must feed off of dreams to survive, as without them, they starve. Nightmares also have unique abilities from Dreamborn, including the rare ability to put one to sleep. What they take however, they also give in horrible, vivid nightmares that plague that creature's sleep for the rest of the night, and lingers in their mind for a time afterward. These Nightmares typically appear darker in color, with vividly dark hair that can range by black to brown and dark tinted gray eyes that can come off as black in certain lights and dark, pitch black veins just barley visible beneath a thin layer of chalk-white skin. These Nightmares are oftentimes thought of to be the primary source of the legends regarding "Black-Eyed Children" spread out across the land.

It is possible for a Dreamtouched to transform into a Nightmare and vice versa, but Nightmares changing is extraordinarily less common. When a Dreamtouched walks a path of wickedness and evil, or if they chooses to pursue a darker power, they will begin to notice a gradual change in the way he thinks. First, they will generally think of other sentient, non-Nightmare creatures as prey. Then, he will find that when he sleeps, he does not dream anymore. After that, he will begin to crave contact with sentient creatures, especially when they are asleep. Soon after that, physical changes will begin to occur, where the Dreamtouched will begin to take on a more wicked appearance.

Legacy Of Dreams[edit]

Born into the Plane of Dreams come dreamers, whether they will it or not, every time they fall asleep. Dreamtouched humans, often referred to as Dreamers by those of the waking world, are planarblooded humans, akin to aasimar and tieflings, but ones who share a heritage from the plane of dreams, spawned through surrogate virgin mothers from the material plane impregnated through the mothers lucid dreams. Rarely, a Dreamtouched may find their way outside their forever changing home of dreams, willingly or otherwise, often appearing as frail and sickly through the eyes of those of the waking world. The Dreamtouched remember nothing of their life in the Dream Land, nor do they know of their conception, but may dream of their previous life in the Plane Of Dreams. It is under rarer circumstances that Nightmares, tainted Dreamtouched, are found outside of the plane of dreams. Even should a Nightmare be found outside of the dream, their purposes for doing such are rarely benevolent.

The Waking World[edit]

The Dreamtouched are native to the Dream World, and rarely seek communion with one another outside of the Plane Of Dreams. The circumstances where a Dreamtouched may purposefully seek out another Dreamtouched is exceedingly rare, and even more so should the Dreamtouched actually remember the relationship that the Dreamtouched shared with one another from within the Dream World. Most Dreamtouched, and even their sibling sub-race, Nightmares, are predominantly loners.

Dreamtouched Names[edit]

Male: Jax, Charles, Isaac, Gilbert, Salem, Sibyll, Oceiros, Christoff, Bell, Cillian, Omori, Hero

Female: Mitzy, Willow, Layla, Jezabelle, Anna, Zeila, Annabeth, Milana, Lenora, Hana, Medeia, Soili, Lacey,

Dreamtouched Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Dreamtouched may live up to thousands of years, but stop maturing by the age of 20
Size. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.


Random Height and Weight[edit]

4′ 0'' +3d12 110 lb. × (2.5) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
d6 Ideal
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw
(0 votes)

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