Cryomancer, 3rd Variant (5e Class)

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Cryomancer, 3rd Variant[edit]

In the farthest reaches of the world, where the sun’s warmth is but a distant memory and the winds howl with the fury of forgotten storms, there exists a rare breed of spellcasters known as Cryomancers. Masters of ice and winter’s breath, Cryomancers wield the chilling powers of the frost, drawing upon the ancient magic that slumbers within the heart of glaciers and the cold, unyielding tundra.

As a Cryomancer, you are a conduit for the primal forces of cold. Your very presence draws the warmth from the air, and frost blossoms at your fingertips with but a thought. You’ve studied the ancient rites of winter, learning to bend ice and snow to your will, crafting weapons of crystalline frost and conjuring blizzards with a whisper. To some, the power you command is a thing of beauty, an elegant dance of snowflakes in the wind. To others, it is a force of terrifying destruction, capable of freezing even the fiercest of foes in their tracks.

Creating a Cryomancer[edit]

Upon creating a cyromancer, ask yourself, how did your character come to learn cryomancy? And how did they learn to deal with the frigid energies once they first started to manifest? What drove them to dedicate themselves to the arts of ice manipulation?

Quick Build

You can make a Cryomancer quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Consitution. Second, choose the Outlander background. Third, choose <!-elaborate on equipment choices->

Class Features

As a Cryomancer you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Cryomancer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Cryomancer level after 1st


Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Rapier, Shortsword, Whip
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Choose three skills from Acrobatics, Arcana, Deception, Intimidation, Nature, Persuasion, Survival and Stealth.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

Table: The Cryomancer

Level Proficiency
Features Spells Known Cantrips Known —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Ice Control 5 2 2
2nd +2 The Winter Calling, Freezing Magics 6 2 3
3rd +2 The Cold Never Bothered You Anyway, Artic Archetype 7 3 4 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 8 3 4 3
5th +3 9 3 4 3 2
6th +3 Artic Archetype, Ice Dash 10 4 4 3 3
7th +3 11 4 4 3 3 1
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 12 4 4 3 3 2
9th +4 13 4 4 3 3 3 1
10th +4 Artic Archetype, Ever Frost 15 5 4 3 3 3 2
11th +4 16 5 4 3 3 3 2 1
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 17 5 4 3 3 3 2 1
13th +5 18 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
14th +5 Artic Archetype, Major Ice Control 19 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
15th +5 20 6 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 21 6 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
17th +6 22 6 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Artic Archetype, Frozen Body 23 6 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Perfected Everest 24 6 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 The Arena Of The Cold Hearted 25 6 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1


You were born with the magic but had to learn to control the magic and harness it to the best of your capabilities.


At 1st level, you know four cantrips of your choice from the Cryomancer's spell list. You learn additional cryomancer cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Cryomancer table.

Spell Slots

The Cryomancer table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these cryomancer spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

For example, if you know the 1st-level spell burning hands and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast burning hands using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the Cryomancer's spell list.

The Spells Known column of the Cryomancer table shows when you learn more cryomancer spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the cryomancer spells you know and replace it with another spell from the cryomancer spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your cryomancer spells, since the power of your magic relies on your ability to project your will into the world. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a cryomancer spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your cryomancer spells.

Ice Manipulation[edit]

Starting at 1st level you are now capable of using a bonus action to briefly control the element of ice, causing one of the following effects of your choice:

  • Create a harmless spray of icy mist that is cool to the touch. This mist can fill a 1 foot cube and may take on a crude form of your designation, lasting up to 1 minute.
  • Instantaneously snuff out a candle, torch or other small flame within 15 feet of the caster
  • Chill up to 1 pound/ 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for up to 1 hour.
  • You can create an ice or snow familiar (Use the rules of the familiar spell).

The Winter Calling[edit]

At the start of 2nd level, with the cold wanting you and your slow control of the cold, you gain resistance to cold damage. At 7th level, when you would deal cold damage using a spell as well as class features, you can add your Intelligence modifier to the damage rolls.

Freezing Magics[edit]

At 2nd level, during your turn, if you deal cold damage to a creature with a spell or class feature, that creature can't make opportunity attacks until your next turn.

The Cold Never Bothered You Anyway[edit]

Since you are so attuned to the cold, it does bother you so much... I wonder what princess said that?

  • You are never disadvantaged as a result of difficult terrain caused by ice or snow, and your vision is not impaired by heavy rain or snow storms. In addition, you suffer none of the draw backs of extreme heat or cold weather.
  • You gain advantage on Perception and Athletics skill checks on ice or snow terrains.
  • You gain advantage on Intelligence checks to recall information about cold-related creatures.
  • You gain the ability to walk across liquids on your turn without falling.

Artic Archetype[edit]

Starting at 3rd level, you must choose an Arctic Archetype to understand the type of cryomancy you hold, all of which are listed here: Perma-Frost, Winter-Shield, Icy-Hot and Snow-Legion. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level, and again at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Ice Dash[edit]

Starting at 6th Level, you may use a bonus action to create a sheet of ice beneath yourself and slide with considerable force on it up to 20 feet in a direction of your choosing. Any creature of your size or smaller in your path must succeed on a Strength saving throw against you spell save DC or be pushed 10 feet to the left or right (your choice) of the sheet of ice and knocked prone. Creatures larger than you are not effected by this and you stop in front of them. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence mod per long rest.

Ever Frost[edit]

Starting at 10th level, your cold magic evolves, allowing you to now bypass cold resistance to creatures and treat immunities as resistance at level 14.

Major Ice Control[edit]

Starting at 14th level the ice element bends to your will, so as a free action outside of combat or as a reaction, bonus or action, can cause one of the following effects of your choice:

  • Create a harmless spray of icy mist that is cool to the touch. This mist can fill a 30 foot cube and may take on a crude form of your designation, lasting up to a day.
  • Instantaneously snuff out a candle all the way to a large fire within 60 feet of the caster
  • Chill up to 5 pound/ 5 cubic foot of nonliving material for up to 2 days.
  • You can create ice weapons or ammunition that deals ice damage but increase the die by 2 (1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, 2d6, 2d8, 2d10, 2d12) and it can bypass resistance but has 20 hp and can be destroyed by fire. It lasts for 2 days.
  • You can create a CR 2 ice or snow familiar (Use the rules of the familiar spell) but you can go all the way to large size.

Frozen Body[edit]

Starting at 18th level you are becoming one with the winter, as bonus action you can transform your body into ice for 1 minute, in this form you:

  • Gain 50 Temporary hitpoints or hitpoints if you were below max and whatever is left becomes temporary hit points.
  • Your cold damage now deals double damage against any non fire or ice creatures.
  • You can cast Cone of cold at 5th level without using a spell slot a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. And one time you can cast ice storm at 9th level.

You can do this a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier

Perfected Everest[edit]

Starting at 19th level, you have unlocked the true potential of your cold magics, you can pick three level 6 spells you can learn to be able to cast once per long rest. In addition your ray of frost can hit up to 3 targets or the same one 3 times.

The Arena Of The Cold Hearted[edit]

When you reach the 20th level, you can attempt to teleport yourself and a creature you can see within 120 feet to an arena of ice. You force your target to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC, or be transported to an arena of ice. The arena is a demiplane, a 30-foot cube of ice hidden in the depths of the frostfell. You and your target remain in this arena for 1 minute, or until either of you are incapacitated.

  • The floor is covered in ice, and the temperature is agonizingly cold. Creatures without resistance or immunity to cold damage have disadvantage on attack rolls and have their movement speed halved.
  • If your enemy haven't moved since its last turn, it takes 4d10 cold damage.
  • At the start of each of your turns if you haven't moved since your last turn, you gain 20 temporary hit points as the ice accumulates over your body, forming an armor of ice (The temporary hitpoints do NOT stack). When this armor of ice is reduced to 0, you cause cold 20 damage to a creature within 5 feet.
  • Finally, as a Bonus Action in each turn, you can force a creature within 20 feet to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target's movement speed is reduced to 0, and it lowers its cold defenses once and cannot stack. (Immunity to cold becomes resistance, resistance becomes neutral and neutral becomes vunerable).

Once a creature succeed the save against this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or a long rest. If a creature fails the save, you can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Artic Archetype[edit]

Every single cryomancer has a way of controlling their magic, may it be to kill, to defend, to heal or to create... Each one has its role in their respective place. What one will you be?

Perma-Frost Archetype (Offense)[edit]

The ice you harness becomes harder and stronger, making your ice hurt more. You can kill more easily with your magic. These types of cryomancers are known to become knights or rangers due to their strong ice powers and the way they manifest.

Piercing Ice

At 3rd level, your melee and ranged attacks deal an additional cold damage equal to your spell-casting modifier.

Cold Endurance

At 6th level, Your hit point maximum increases by 24, and it increases by 4 every time you gain a level in this class. In addition, you are proficient in Athletics.

Extra Attack

Starting at 10th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn (Only when you attack with a weapon can you benefit from this). As well apart of your attack, you can cast ray of frost that hits automatically but you don't add modifiers to the ray of frost.

Fight or Flight

Starting at 14th level, you gain 20ft of movement and can as a bonus action or reaction hide or dash. In addition, you can cast searing smite but it deals cold damage without using a spell slot an amount of times equal to your intelligence modifier. This can be used on a melee or ranged weapon.

True Permafrost

Starting at 18th level, you can turn yourself into an ice knight for one minute as a bonus action, during this transformation you can:

  • You now have an AC equal to 10 + Intelligence modifier + Dexterity or Strength modifier + half of your consitution modifeir (Rounded down)
  • You become immune to cold damage and resistant to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage
  • You now land a critical attack on a 17-20 instead of just 20.

After this transformation you cannot do it again until you have a long rest, you end it early if you become incapacitated or end it as a bonus action.

Winter-Shield Archetype (Defense)[edit]

Ice Shield Hp
Ice Hit Die
3rd 5 2d4
4th 8 3d4
5th 8 3d4
6th 11 3d6
7th 14 4d6
8th 14 4d6
9th 14 4d6
10th 18 4d8
11th 23 5d8
12th 23 5d8
13th 23 5d8
14th 28 5d10
15th 28 5d10
16th 33 6d10
17th 39 7d10
18th 52 8d12
19th 59 9d12
20th 65 10d12

Your magic hardens around your body and causes you to be able to transform the water in the atmosphere around you into a shield for your own and other's protection from harm. Of course, the more skilled find out that they can use their blood as the water needed to shield others.

Ice Shield

At 3rd level, you can have an ice shield that is upgraded at 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th level. It is not temporary hp so you can have temporary hp but you cannot use it as a shield hp and use it to protect others. As a reaction, you can use an amount of your ice shield towards a target within 30 feet of you that is being hurt by something to reduce it by the amount of ice shield hp you choose to subtract from your shield.

There is a hit die if you want to roll it or you can take the average, when you take a long rest it is fully restored and when you take a short rest you can roll an amount of your hit die equal to half of the hit die (Rounded up).

Defender of the Fragile

At 6th level, Your shield hit die increases to a d6 and in addition, you can cast shield and mage armor once per long rest without using a spell slot and these spells are added to the spells you know. If you already have these you can choose different spells from your spell list.

A defence is a good offence

At 10th level, Your shield hit die increases to a d8 and when you lose your ice shield the target takes that damage as cold damage in addition, you can choose to use it as a bonus action to gain more ice shield with your hit die. (E.G, you have 20 ice shield and use your hit die, roll 1d6 and add that to your ice shield), this is only possible if you have hit die left to use.

Sacrifices are sometimes needed

At 14th level, Your shield hit die increases to a d10, you can now use your hp to give an ice shield to a target of your choice within 30 feet of you, ice shield given this way is the amount of hp given doubled (E.G, if you give 10 hp they gain 20 ice shield.)

Ultimate Protector

At 18th level, in combat you can choose up to 2 targets to gain the amount of ice shield you have to them and they also gain resistance to cold damage until that shield is gone. You can only do this twice per long rest

Icy-Hot Archetype (Healing)[edit]

<!-Introduce this subclass here->


At 3th level, ???


At 6th level, ???


At 10th level, ???


At 14th level, ???


At 18th level, ???

Snow-Legion Archetype (Summon)[edit]

The magic you control can cause you to bring the inanimate to life with your power, making your

Artic Companion

At 3rd level, You learn the spell Find Greater Familiar as a 1st level spell instead of a 3rd level spell, if you already knew the spell or Find Familiar you can pick another spell. With this spell, the familiar is in either Ice or Snow form and is an Elemental creature type instead of the normal type. You can use a Spell Slot to revive the familiar if it dies a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus.

Elemental Ally

At 6th level, your magic and knowledge of creatures allow you to produce a snow servant. The servant is an elemental who obeys your commands without hesitation and functions in combat to protect you.

Select a Large or smaller creature (Any creature type with DM consent) with a challenge rating of 2 or less. The servant uses that beast's game statistics, but it can look however you like, as long as its form is appropriate for its statistics and is made of ice or snow. It has the following modifications:

It is an elemental instead of a beast.

It can't be charmed.

It is immune to cold and poison damage and the poison condition but it is vulnerable to fire damage.

It gains dark vision with a range of 60 feet if it doesn't have it already.

It understands the languages you can speak when you create it but can't talk.

If you are the target of a melee attack and the servant is within 5 feet of the attacker, you can use your reaction to command the servant to respond, using its reaction to make a melee attack against the attacker.

The servant obeys your orders to the best of its ability. In combat, it acts on your initiative, and you determine its actions and decisions. If you are incapacitated or absent, your servant acts on its own.

Your servant may spend hit dice to heal during a short rest if you are present and able to make repairs. Long rests for the construct follow the same rules as players.

If the servant is killed, it can be returned to life via normal means, such as with the revivify spell. In addition, throughout a long rest, you can use 2 pounds of snow to recreate the servant if it has died and has nobody left or if you have parts of it you can use 1 pound to repair it.

Divide and Conquer

At 10th level, the servant increases to cr 6 but you gain the ability to divide it for more help but it weakens as a result. You can have a minimum of 1 servant at a time or a maximum of 3 at a time.

1 Servant = CR 6

2 Servants = CR 3

3 Servants = CR 2

Ultimate Ice Form

At 14th level, by learning and harnessing the snow and ice, you gain the knowledge to create the ultimate ice form.

Select a Large or smaller creature (Any creature type with DM consent) with a challenge rating of half your level rounded up or less. The servant uses that beast's game statistics, but it can look however you like, as long as its form is appropriate for its statistics and is made of ice or snow. It has the following modifications:

It is an elemental instead of a beast.

It can't be charmed.

It is immune to cold and poison damage and the poison condition and takes 1.5 times the damage from fire.

It gains dark vision with a range of 120 feet if it doesn't have it already.

It understands the languages you can speak when you create it but can't talk.

If you are the target of a melee attack and the servant is within 5 feet of the attacker, you can use your reaction to command the servant to respond, using its reaction to make a melee attack against the attacker.

The servant obeys your orders to the best of its ability. In combat, it acts on its own initiative, and you determine its actions and decisions. If you are incapacitated or absent, your servant acts on its own but prioritises either killing or protecting depending on what you tell the creature to do beforehand.

Snow or Nothing

At 18th level, the CR for your Elemental Allies increases to 9 and the Ultimate Ice Form increases to your Intelligence modifier + 3/4th of your Level rounded up and you gain the ability to get 2 Ultimate forms.

ULTIMATE ICE FORM (I'll use a level 18 Cryomancer with an 18 Intelligence with this table)

1 Ultimate = CR 19 (3/4ths of 18 Rounded up is 15 and 18 Intelligence has a +4 modifier)

2 Ultimates = CR 10 (When halving for 2 ultimates you use the higher number)


1 Servant = CR 9

2 Servants = CR 5 and a CR 4

3 Servants = CR 3

Spell List[edit]

Any spell with * next to it can only do cold damage, but you can talk to your dm about changing it if you really want to! :D

You know all of the spells on the basic Cyromancer spell list and additional spells based on your subclass.


chill touch, coldslinger, dancing lights, frostbite, gust, ice blade, ice shards, mage hand, message, mending, minor illusion, prestidigitation, ray of frost

1st Level

absorb elements, armor of agathys, chaos bolt*, chromatic orb*, create or destroy water, cure wounds, frost fingers, healing word, ice knife, mage armor, sleep, tasha's hideous laughter,

2nd Level

blindness/deafness, darkness, dragon's breath*, gust of wind, hold person, ice coffin, ice shock, misty step, rime’s binding ice, snilloc’s snowball storm, snow skin

3rd Level

counterspell, dispel magic, elemental weapon, glyph of warding, haste, hunger of hadar, ice eruption, ice reave, ice spear, sleet storm, slow, spirit shroud, tiny hut, water breathing,

4th Level

control water, conjure minor elementals, elemental bane*, fire shield, hallucinatory terrain, iceskin , ice storm, private sanctum

5th Level

arcane hand, commune with nature, cone of cold, dominate person, hold monster, geas, wrath of nature

6th Level

wall of ice, otiluke's freezing sphere, investiture of Ice

7th Level

magnificent mansion, prismatic spray, project image, sequester, simulacrum

8th Level

control weather, maze, clone

9th Level

ice assasin, imprisonment, prismatic wall, time stop


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Cryomancer class, you must meet these prerequisites: Consitution 13, Intelligence 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Cryomancer class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light armor, Simple weapons, Arcana and Survival

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