The Tormentor (Horrortale) (5e Class)

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The Tormentor horrortale[edit]


The Tormentor class channels dark sadistic power This class is defined by its ability to instill fear and exert psychological and physical torment on enemies. The Tormentor thrives in creating dread and suffering, drawing from their supernatural origins and tragic past to become a formidable, nightmarish force.

Creating a Tormentor[edit]

Quick Build

You can make a Tormentor quickly by following these suggestions. First, Con should be your highest ability score, followed by Wis. Second, choose the <!-background name-> background.

Class Features

As a Tormentor you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Tormentor level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Tormentor level after 1st


Armor: Any
Weapons: Any Simple or Common Weapons
Saving Throws: will
Skills: Intimidation, Any Other 3 skills


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 3d10 Gp in funds.

Table: The Tormentor

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Telekinesis I, Bone Creation I
2nd +2 Bone Spikes, Magic Eye, Insatiable Hunger I, Madness Frenzy
3rd +2 Gravity Manipulation I,Telekinesis II, Bone Creation II
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Madness Zone,Greater Magic Eye,Insatiable Hunger II
6th +3 Telekinetic Skull Crush,Unyielding Hunger
7th +3 Karmatic Reduction, Position Shift
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Horror Blaster
10th +4 Bonus Feat
11th +4 Bonus Feat
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Bone Perfection
14th +5 bonus feat
15th +5 bonus feat
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Final Reckoning
18th +6 Eternal Hunger
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Butcher

Hunger And Madness Points[edit]

Hunger and Madness Points

Hunger Points -Gaining Hunger Points: You gain 1 Hunger Point per turn and per minute. - Cap The maximum number of Hunger Points you can accumulate is equal to your level. At level 1, the cap is 5; at level 2, the cap is 10, etc. - Effects:

 - At 10 Hunger Points: You suffer a -1 penalty to Concentration checks But You Gain A +1 to Str Rolls Caps at -10/+10
 - Accumulated effects: Each additional 10 Hunger Points increases the penalty to Concentration checks by -1.

Madness Points - Gaining Madness Points: You gain 1 Madness Point per turn and per minute. Additionally, you gain 5 Madness Points every time you take damage, 10 Madness Points when your hit points drop below half, and 1 Madness Point every time you successfully land an attack. -Cap The maximum number of Madness Points you can accumulate is equal to your level. At level 1, the cap is 5; at level 2, the cap is 10, etc. - Effects

 - At 10 Madness Points: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls but suffer a -1 penalty to all Charisma checks. Caps at -10/+10
 - Accumulated effects: Each additional 10 Madness Points increases the bonus to attack rolls by +1 and the penalty to Charisma checks by -1.

Managing Hunger and Madness Points - Feasting You lose 10 Hunger Points every time you feast. - Long Rest: You lose 5 Madness Points after a long rest.

Stacking Effects Hunger and Madness Effects The effects of Hunger and Madness Points stack. For instance, if you have 20 Hunger Points, you will have a -2 penalty to Concentration checks. Similarly, if you have 20 Madness Points, you will have a +4 bonus to attack rolls and a -2 penalty to Charisma checks.

This system reflects the psychological and physical toll that the Tormentor endures, enhancing the thematic experience of dealing with hunger and madness.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Tormentor Abilities[edit]

First-Level Abilities

Bone Creation I - Description: Your mastery over skeletal magic allows you to manipulate and create bones from the ground or your own essence. - Effect: As an action, you can either:

 - Create a Bone Weapon: You form a weapon of bone that takes the shape and properties of a common melee weapon (e.g., sword, cleaver, axe, etc.). The bone weapon deals damage appropriate to the weapon type (e.g., a bone cleaver deals 1d6 slashing damage). This weapon lasts until you dismiss it or create another.
 - Shoot a Bone Spike: You conjure and launch a sharp bone spike as a ranged attack (30-foot range). The spike deals 1d6 piercing damage upon impact. The spike disintegrates after the attack, vanishing upon hitting a target or object.

- Limit: You can only have one bone weapon active at a time, but bone spikes can be used as long as you have a free action available.

Telekinesis I - Description: With a mere thought, you can manipulate objects and creatures, using your growing telekinetic power to bend the battlefield to your will. - Effect: As an action, you can move one creature or object that is within 30 feet of you. The creature or object is moved up to 10 feet in any direction (horizontal or vertical).

 - Target Limitations: The target creature must be no larger than Medium size, and the object moved must weigh no more than 100 pounds.
 - Free Action: Moving an object is a free action, but moving a creature requires a standard action.

- Additional Effect: You can move small objects at will within range as a free action, allowing for telekinetic manipulation of items like weapons, levers, or obstacles.

Second-Level Abilities[edit]

Bone Spikes - Description: Your control over bones becomes lethal, allowing you to summon jagged spikes from the ground beneath your foes. - Effect: As a Standard action, you summon bone spikes beneath an enemy within 80 feet. The spikes deal 3d6 piercing damage, and the target takes 1 point of bleeding damage at the start of their turn for the next 2 turns. - Cost: You take 2 points of damage each time this ability is used, representing the strain on your body and soul. - Range: 80 feet.

Magic Eye - Description: When activated, your magical eye glows with intense power, enhancing your combat abilities but at a cost to your body and mind. - Effect: Three times per day, you can activate the Magic Eye as a free action. While active, you gain the following benefits:

 - +2 to all attack rolls.
 - +2 to Ac
 - you deal 1 extra damage per the targets level

- Drawback: For every turn that the Magic Eye is active, you gain 1 Hunger Point and take 1d6 damage due to the intense strain of maintaining the eye's power. - Customization: The Magic Eye can be any color you desire, reflecting your character's personality or alignment. - Duration: The Magic Eye lasts for 5 Turns

Insatiable Hunger I - Description: You tap into your deep, gnawing hunger, turning your ravenous desire into a brutal attack. Your hunger becomes your weapon, consuming your enemies. - Effect: By spending 1 Hunger Points, you can deal 1 damage per Hunger Point spent (up to a maximum of your current Hunger Points). Half of the damage dealt is infused as temporary hit points to you. - Drawback: The intense hunger leaves you weakened after the attack, but the temporary hit points mitigate some of the risk.

Madness Frenzy - Description: Your growing madness pushes you into a frenzy, granting you overwhelming strength but throwing your balance and defenses into chaos. - Effect: By spending 10 Madness Points, you gain:

 - +10 to all Strength rolls (including Strength-based attacks, saving throws, and skill checks).

- Drawback: While in this frenzy, you suffer -5 to all balance-related checks (e.g., Dexterity saving throws, Acrobatics) and -2 to AC due to reckless abandon and lack of defense. - Duration: The frenzy lasts for 3 Turns.

Third-Level Abilities[edit]

Bone Creation II - Description: You’ve refined your control over bone creation, allowing you to create more complex structures and tools to aid you in battle or utility. - Effect: This ability is an upgrade from Bone Creation I and retains its basic functions, with the following improvements:

 - You can now create bone tools (e.g., hammers, shovels) and instruments (e.g., flutes, drums).
 - You can summon a bone wall that increases your AC by +5. Maintaining the wall requires a bonus action each turn to keep it standing.
 - The bone wall can be used to cover a 5-foot-wide, 10-foot-tall area and can block enemy vision or provide defensive cover.

- Drawback: Maintaining the bone wall each turn costs 1 Hunger Point.


Telekinesis II - Description: Your mastery of telekinesis has grown, allowing you to manipulate larger creatures and heavier objects with ease. - Effect: This is an upgrade from Telekinesis I and retains its previous abilities, with the following improvements:

 - You can now move creatures of up to Large size.
 - You can lift and manipulate objects weighing up to 300 pounds within a 60-foot range.
 - As a free action, you can shoot an object you are holding telekinetically up to 30 feet in any direction, potentially damaging enemies or altering the environment (damage may depend on the object, GM discretion).

- Drawback: The use of telekinesis still requires concentration, meaning you cannot maintain other concentration-based spells or effects while actively manipulating a creature or object.


Gravity Manipulation I - Description: Your control over gravity allows you to weaken an enemy’s defenses and slow their movements by altering the pull of gravity around them. - Effect: You can target a creature within 60 feet, reducing their AC by -5 and halving their movement speed for the duration of your concentration (up to 1 minute).

 - You can use this ability as a bonus action, and it lasts as long as you maintain concentration.

- Drawback: You gain 1 Hunger Point for every turn this ability is active due to the strain on your magical reserves.

Fith-Level Abilities[edit]

Greater Magic Eye - Description: Your magical eye surges with even more intense power, turning you into a deadly force on the battlefield, but the toll on your body and mind is significant. - Effect: Three times per day, you can activate the Greater Magic Eye as a free action. While active, you gain the following benefits:

 - +4 to all attack rolls.
 - +4 to AC.

- Drawback: For every turn the Greater Magic Eye is active, you gain 2 Hunger Points and take 2d6 damage due to the overwhelming strain of maintaining the eye's power. - Customization: The Greater Magic Eye can be any color you desire, reflecting your character's personality or alignment. - Duration: The Greater Magic Eye lasts for 5 Turns


Insatiable Hunger II - Description: Your insatiable hunger grows more potent, allowing you to turn every morsel of pain you inflict into life-sustaining energy. - Effect: This is an upgrade from Insatiable Hunger I and retains its previous effects with the following improvements:

 - By spending 1 Hunger Point, you can deal 2 damage per Hunger Point spent (up to a maximum of your current Hunger Points).
 - All of the damage dealt is converted into temporary hit points for you, providing greater durability.

- Drawback: While the damage transfers fully to temporary hit points, the intense hunger weakens you after the attack, making further Hunger Point management critical to avoid debilitating consequences.


Madness Zone - Description: You unleash a powerful field of madness, trapping enemies within an area and inflicting relentless damage, while slowly driving them to insanity. - Effect: You create a 40-foot radius zone of madness that lasts for 3 turns. Once activated, the following effects occur:

 - No creatures can enter or leave the zone while it is active.
 - Every turn inside the zone, all creatures (except you) take 1d6 damage and suffer 2 points of bleeding damage for each turn they remain in the Madness Zone.

- Drawback: Activating this ability costs 25 Madness Points due to the immense strain on your mind, leaving you vulnerable if you don't manage your Madness Points effectively. You also take 1d10 damage after the ability ends.


Sixth-Level Abilities[edit]

Telekinetic Skull Crush - Description: You unleash a terrifying display of telekinetic power, gripping your enemy's skull with invisible force and crushing it slowly, as bones splinter and the pressure mounts. This agonizing attack strikes fear into the hearts of those who witness it, and for the victim, escape is nearly impossible.

- Effect: Twice per day, you can attempt to crush an enemy's skull with telekinetic force. The target must make a Will save with a DC equal to 10 + the number of Hunger Points you choose to spend (rounded down if the number is odd). On a failed save, their skull begins to crack audibly, dealing 1d10 damage immediately. Each subsequent turn, as long as they remain within 30 feet, the skull compression intensifies, dealing an additional 1d10 damage per turn for 5 turns. The victim suffers from a splitting headache, disorientation, and blurred vision. Flavor it with descriptions of the skull compressing further each round, with a final crushing blow if they fail to escape or survive.At the GM's discretion, after 3 rounds of continuous skull-crushing, the victim may be rendered stunned for one round due to the immense pain.

On a successful save, they avoid the worst of the attack but feel the intense pressure for a moment, taking half the initial 1d10 damage, but the skull is not crushed, and no further damage occurs.

- Drawback: Using this ability drains you mentally and physically, consuming a significant number of Hunger Points that may leave you vulnerable afterward. Additionally, if the target succeeds, you do not regain the spent Hunger Points. - Limit: This ability can be used twice per day.


Unyielding Hunger - Description: Your deep, insatiable hunger drives you to continue fighting beyond normal limits, allowing you to push yourself even when on the verge of death. - Effect: You no longer require stabilization when reduced to 0 HP. Instead, you can continue fighting and performing actions until your HP reaches negative of your maximum Hunger Points (e.g., if you have a maximum of 30 Hunger Points at level 6, you can go down to -30 HP before you are considered dead). While you are in negative HP, you gain 1 Hunger Point per turn, representing your body's desperation for survival.

- Drawback: Each turn spent in this state increases your hunger. You take 1d4 additional damage per turn while below 0 HP and suffer a -3 penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. Additionally, you cannot heal naturally and must rely on alternative methods for recovery., and you cannot heal unless you feed on a creature, feast, or transfer damage to temporary hit points.


Seventh-Level Abilities[edit]

Karmatic Reduction (Passive Damage Enhancement)

Description: Your attacks are imbued with a karmic energy that reflects the weight of your actions. This energy manifests as additional damage, proportional to the target’s own strength.

Effect: You deal an extra 1 point of damage plus the target's level with each attack. For example, if you attack a target of level 10, you deal an additional 11 damage per attack.

Position Shift (Teleportation Ability)

Description: Channeling your power, you teleport to any location you’ve previously visited within the same plane. The exertion of this ability causes you pain, but it provides a means of swift repositioning.

Effect: You can teleport to any location you have been before, as long as it is within the same plane. Using this ability causes you 1d6 damage. This ability only affects you and cannot be used to teleport other creatures.

9th-Level Abilities[edit]

Horror Blaster

Description Channeling the darkest depths of your power, you summon a spectral dragon skull that projects a devastating beam of energy. This beam, colored with the same hue as your magic eye, unleashes the full force of your dark magic upon your foes.

Effect You can summon a Horror Blaster up to 3 times per day. Upon activation, you create a dragon skull-like apparition that appears within 60 feet of you. The skull emits a beam of energy in a straight line, dealing damage based on the amount of Hunger Points you spend.

- Beam Damage: The beam deals 1d10 damage for every 5 Hunger Points spent. You can choose the number of Hunger Points to spend when using this ability. For example:

 - Spending 5 Hunger Points deals 1d10 damage.
 - Spending 10 Hunger Points deals 2d10 damage.
 - Spending 15 Hunger Points deals 3d10 damage, and so on.

- Beam Range: The beam has a range of 60 feet and can hit a single target or create a line that affects all creatures within a 5-foot wide line.

- Appearance: The dragon skull and the beam are the same color as your magic eye, reflecting your character’s personal magic signature.

- Duration: The Horror Blaster effect is instantaneous, with the damage occurring as soon as the beam is fired.

Drawback: The intense focus required to manifest the Horror Blaster drains your energy. Each use of this ability consumes a significant amount of your Hunger Points, so use it strategically to maximize its impact without depleting your resources.

Example Use

- Spending 10 Hunger Points: You summon the Horror Blaster and fire a beam dealing 2d10 damage to a single target or along a 5-foot wide line, impacting all creatures within that line.

Flavor: The Horror Blaster’s appearance and beam color reflect the deep, unsettling magic of your character, evoking fear and awe in those who witness its devastating power.

13th-Level Abilities[edit]

Bone Perfection

Description Mastering the art of bone manipulation, you can now conjure and control bone spikes with flawless precision. This mastery allows you to utilize bone spikes effortlessly in combat, making them a swift and deadly tool.

Effect: At 13th level, you gain the ability to use bone spikes as a free action once per turn. When you use this ability, you can create and launch bone spikes at a target or use them defensively. The bone spikes have the following effects:

- Attack: You can create a bone spike and launch it at a target within 60 feet. The spike deals 1d8 piercing damage on a hit.

- Defense: You can create a bone spike to shield yourself or an ally. The spike can provide partial cover, granting a +2 bonus to AC against a single attack. This effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

- 'Usage": You can use bone spikes as a free action once per turn, allowing for both offensive and defensive applications during combat.

Flavor: Your control over bone spikes is so refined that you can conjure them with a mere thought, using them to pierce your enemies or create protective barriers with effortless ease.

17th-Level Abilities[edit]

Final Reckoning

Description: At the peak of your power, you unleash a devastating assault that combines the lethal precision of your bone spikes with the overwhelming force of your Horror Blaster. This ultimate attack overwhelms your foes and exhausts your very essence.

Effect: Once per day, you can perform the Final Reckoning. This powerful ability has the following components:

- Bone Spike Barrage: You launch a torrent of bone spikes at a single target within 60 feet. This attack deals 6d8 piercing damage. Additionally, the target takes 3 points of bleeding damage for 2 turns as the bone spikes embed deeply.

- Horror Blaster Enhancement: Immediately following the bone spike barrage, you fire a concentrated beam from your Horror Blaster. This beam deals an additional 4d10 damage.

- Aftermath: Using Final Reckoning has a significant cost:

 - Your Madness and Hunger Points are set back to 0.
 - You fall unconscious for 1 hour due to the immense strain of channeling such overwhelming power.

18th-Level Abilities[edit]

Eternal Hunger

Description: Your insatiable hunger transcends physical needs, granting you immortality and immunity to the ravages of time. You are no longer bound by the requirements of mortal life, existing solely on your own vitality.

Effect: At 18th level, you gain the following benefits:

- Immortality: You become immune to the effects of aging. You no longer age or suffer from age-related effects, allowing you to maintain your physical form indefinitely.

- Survival of Hunger: Your pure hunger sustains you. You no longer require food, water, air, or sleep to survive. The only thing you need to maintain your existence is your HP. As long as you have HP, you can continue to live, regardless of environmental conditions or physical needs.

20th-Level Abilities[edit]


Description: At the zenith of your power, you unleash a catastrophic slashing attack fueled by your insatiable hunger. This devastating blow channels the full extent of your Hunger Points, cutting through your foes with a nightmarish ferocity.

Effect: Once per day, you can perform the Butcher. This attack has the following features:

- Damage: You deal 1d6 damage for every Hunger Point spent, up to a maximum of 50d12. For example:

 - Spending 10 Hunger Points deals 10d6 damage.
 - Spending 30 Hunger Points deals 30d6 damage.
 - Spending the maximum 50 Hunger Points deals 50d6 damage.

- Limb Severing: If the damage from the Butcher equals or exceeds half of the target's maximum HP, you can choose to sever a limb or appendage of the target. This effect is thematic and can significantly impact the target’s combat abilities.

- Usage: This ability can be used once per day, representing the immense power and strain of channeling such a massive attack.

- Draw Back After Using This Ability You Are Unable to attack for the next 3 hours and you fall unconscious for a hour


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:

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