Flow Kelp (5e Race)
Work In Progress |
Flow Kelp[edit]
Physical Description[edit]
Home Planet[edit]
A very tropical planet. Most of the time the planet is 90% covered by cloud. The low tectonic activity and high erosion by rain and wind has robed this planet of its mountains and left the planet mostly flat. The surface is covered by 43% of water. Due to the fact of high sea level and low land, the ocean is many, shallow, and small. The majority of the land is crisscross of rivers and lakes from the common rain fall.
All plant life have massive leaves to absorb the weak sunlight that manage to filter through the clouds. Most animals in this world are aquatic or amphibious. Most mammals uses photosensitize to lower the food consumption. In a reptile dominated planet, mammals need ever edge to prevent extinction.
poor land lovers vs rich lakers
Agriculture and inastry revolution. Invention of land gear and discovery of supior land crops.
Second revolution. cheap land gear, computers and breaking down the two cast system
Space age
First contact
Flow Kelps are big on tradition, not has much as Klingons with their honor. To them, tradition is something that keeps everyone anchored, even in the stormiest weather. Tradition helps to keep order in flow kelp society
Interactions with other cultures and diplotes[edit]
They are often strict on traditions. Since the introduction of Starfleet, flow kelps diplomats have studied and learn traditions of other cultures. Flow kelp diplomats would follow the traditions of the current tradition of their location or room. The biggest offense to a flow kelp diplomat is to mock other people's traditions.
There is a strict policy of flow kelps from leaving the planet. With no excuses or compromise, all flow kelps must go through an one year education of other cultures. They must be able to know and act from all cultures in their database. Beyond that required education, any flow kelps, even criminals, can leave the planet freely.
Flow kelp's clothing preference heavily, not in tradition but environment. Flow kelps that spend most of their time swimming in open waters often wear green, thin, tight clothes. They usually wear very little amount of clothes.
Flow kelps that spend large amount of time on land wear darker cloths that covers more body parts. They often reveal the stomach, wear short or no sleaves, and short short pants.
Flow Kelps that in places with direct sun often wear thick cloths and a large hat. They often wear long sleaved shirts and pants, but in hotter climates, they wear less clothing. In more progressive places, flow kelps would wear clothing made from plants, just like their ancestors.
In places where artificial light exist, like starships, Flow kelps wear thin, loose, light clothing, often in the red spectrum to complement the green colors. The amount of skin revealed depends on the traditions of the "local" people.
Dryed flow kelps are the exception to this rule. Most of them wear dark clothing that covers as much skin as possible.
Rehydrated flow kelps often place flowers on their "hair".
Flow Kelp Names[edit]
Flow Kelps often name their children with two names. The first one is an adjective or an action. The second is a noun. Families often have similar naming convention for the noun name, often fitting a certain theming.
Flow Kelp Traits[edit]
Aquatic Kelp Humanoid
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Flow kelps tend to mature slowly and age slowly. Around 30 years old, flow kelps often are mature enough to live on their own. It is not unusual for a flow kelp to live pass 200 years old.
Alignment. They tend to stay closer to lawful due to a more traditional culture
Size. medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet and a swimming speed of 20 ft.
Gills. You breath underwater and suffocate in air.
Mandatory Tradition Education. In order to leave your home world, you have to learn every known tradition and speak, read, and write in all of the common languages (at least poorly). You know the tradition of every race. You can poorly peak, read, and write all common languages.
Water Dependency. Your leaves and skin easily dry up. If you spend more than 1 hour outside of the water (dryer and hotter climates is faster while humid climates are slower), you suffer one level of dryness. At fifth level, you loose this feature and your subclass feature and gain the Dryer subclass.
Certain potions, high quality medicine or greater restoration spell can undo one level of dryness. This treatment takes time and you can only remove one level of dryness per long rest.
Starved State. When you have not eaten for a long time or running low on oxygen, your body enter a staved state. While in this state the following features happen:
- Disadvantage on all intelligence and wisdom rolls as your mind slows down
- Movement is reduced by 10 ft
- You require half amount of food and oxygen as long you are in direct sunlight
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. Lakers, Landers, dried, and rehydrated
They spend most of the time in water. Unlike the others, they have very little interest in exploration or leaving the water. With bigger webbed feet and hands, they are more agile in the water.
Ability Score Increase. +2 Dexterity
Water Jet. You have hidden small openings that jet out water. You can use your bonus action to make the dash action.
Additionally, your swimming speed is increased by 5 ft
They wear land suits to freely walk on land. With an oxygen filter, the suit can oxygenate the water inside the suit to keep stable oxygen levels inside the water of the suit. They are by far the most common. They tend to be more on the adventure side and curious on seeing new sights that the water originally denied from seeing.
Ability Score Increase. +2 str
Land Suit. A full body suit that is filled with water. The suit is big enough to have at least 1 in of water all around the user. A flow kelp use the water jets to generate pressure to move their heavy land suits. Very similar to how steam is used to generate pressure to move objects.
They are what happed when a flow kelp stay too long on land or wish to be on land without a land suit. Their green skill and kelp like hair has dried up and turn yellow-brown. To other flow kelps, this appearance looks unhealthy and ugly. Often dryed flow kelps cut off their kelp like hair except on top of their head to match with other land dwellers and easier to fit into cloths.
Ability Score Increase. +2 con
Lungs. With modern technology, most Dryed has chosen to replace their gills with a functioning lung. You no long breath underwater and instead breath in the air.
Dryed up. While you no longer require to be under water, your skin easily dry up. You require to sleep in water or apply moistener twice a day to keep your skin healthy. Failure to maintain good skin care can cause the skin to harden up and crack, often leading to slower movement and open wounds. In extreme cases, the body will enter a staved state.
Drier Staved State. When you have not eaten for a long time or running low on oxygen, your body enter a staved state. Unlike your brethren, you enter into a coma like state. In this state, your body temperature lowers and you require 1/54 of food, water, and oxygen than normal.
Died skin and leaves. Due to your appearance of being dead (withered leaves. Skin and leaves changing to yellow, gold, red, orange, or brown. Not always a single color.), you appear ugly to your own kind. Some races can view you as exotic or pretty due to your more vibrant colors.
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Rehydrated are bioengineered flow kelps to live in dry, air climates that most cultures thrive in. They are often a darker pigment and have much less leaves than traditional flow kelps. Their skin feels waxy and slipery. While it is the rarest subrace to see, many dryed are in the process or will start the process of becoming rehydrated. Additionally, with the increased inter-race collaboration, some flow kelps desire to be more like the other races. Most diplomats are rehydrated.
Ability Score Increase. +2 cha
Lungs. With advanced bio-technology, all rehydrated has lungs. You no long breath underwater and instead breath in the air.
Water Tight Skin. With the data of desert dwelling plants, you no longer suffer from Water Dependency. It comes at a cost. The reduced photosynis have prevented your body from ever entering the Starved State.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4-5′ 6'' | + | lb. | × () lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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