Cyper Aasimar (5e Subrace)

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Do not forget the artificial intellect you have, we can use that to break free from our captors!
—Miammeareh (My-muh-ear-re-uh), A rebel leader that led the rebel party to victory against their captors.

Aasimar Subrace[edit]

Cyper aasimar are aasimar that are genetically modified by genius, mad artificer and wizards that wanted to create a superior race above all but never got to bring them to their full potential due to the cyper aasimar rebelling against the unfair treatment the captors where giving. These creatures have green glowing eyes, with a tiny sized black box embedded into the back of the head.

Ability Score Increase. Your int score increases by 2.
Artificial Mind Search. Your kind have genetically enhanced minds, feeding them information to be more successful in the task they are doing. Each time per long or short rest, you can choose to be proficient in one tool and one skill of your choice.
Mind Caster. As a Cyper Aasimar, when your kin was created, the makers enhance the chips in your brain to be able to simulate certain psychic spells. At 1st level, you can cast prestidigitation and dissonant whispers. At 3rd level, you can cast mind thrust, and at 5th level, you can cast nondetection. You can cast these spells once without expending a spell slot and require no components to use. Intelligence is your spell casting modifier for these spells. You can use this trait again when you finish a long rest.
Black Box. Due to the black box, if a creature targets this black box, the hit is critical if they successfully pass your AC.
Psychic Protection. You have resistance to psychic damage.

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