Fear's Vessel (5e Race)
Fear's Vessel[edit]
Fear's Vessel Names[edit]
Female: Betty
Fear's Vessel Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and Your Charisma score increases by 1 .
Age. You are a being created through magic you do not age.
Alignment. X
Size. Your size is medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Akumu. You gain the service of a pink floating blob which is your other half. Akumu can transform into a spear/javelin and scythe for you, it is a free action to summon and dismiss these weapons and you may transform a magical weapon one for each of these types over a 1 hour ritual. The summoned spear/javelin does 1d6 Piercing damage with the thrown property giving it a range of 30/120 and, has a pink string attached to it so you may pull it back returning to you after each attack, The summoned scythe does 2d6 Slashing damage and has the heavy and two-handed property, as a reaction while holding the scythe if you are hit by a ranged weapon or ranged spell attack you may slash at it dealing the scythes damage reducing said attacks damage by the amount you deal potentially taking no damage.
Soul Storage. Akumu can hold souls for you. when you kill a enemy you may stab them with the spear/javelin and extract their soul to store them in Akumu. He may hold a amount of souls equal to your proficiency times two that you may use to fuel Rhabdaphobia or by consuming double a spells level worth of souls you may regain that spell slot. Undead and constructs do not have souls (unless stated otherwise) and creatures that are not humanoid only count as half a soul.
Taste of Fear. Gain proficiency in Intimidation or expertise if you already have it. You also have advantage against being frightened.
Pyrokinesis. Though you yourself cannot produce flames you have the ability to control them if a open source of flame is within 120ft of you, you can cast the fire bolt cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this.
Fear's True Form. You gain the Fear's True Form Feat
Rhabdaphobia. At 3rd level, You send out a negative shockwave of magic forcing all magical creations to join your side. As a action anything created by magic in a 30ft radius centred on you will force the caster of said creation to make a wisdom saving throw vs 8 + proficiency bonus + Charisma, based on each individual magical creation. On a failed save those magical creations will join your side and you can use them as if you made them. On a successful save nothing happens. You may use this once before requiring a long rest or you may use 4 souls instead.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and one other language of your choice.
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