Sorcerer King (5e Class)

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Sorcerer King[edit]

<!-Introduction Leader->[edit]

Creating a sorcerer king[edit]

a sorcerer king is an existence that's reached the apex of all living creatures. Decaspell

Quick Build

You can make a sorcerer king quickly by following these suggestions. First, intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by constitution. Second, choose the <!-background name-> background. Third, choose <!-elaborate on equipment choices->

Class Features

As a sorcerer king you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per sorcerer king level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per sorcerer king level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: All arcane focuses
Tools: Smith’s tools, or Tinker’s tools
Saving Throws:
Skills: Choose two: Sleight of Hand, Acrobatics, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Deception, Survival, Stealth, and Arcana


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

Table: The sorcerer king

Level Proficiency
Features Mana Pool
1st +2 Mana Pool, Basic Researching 1 + Intelligence your modifier
2nd +2 Aura Enchantment 2 + Intelligence your modifier
3rd +2 Magical Circle Placement 3 + Intelligence your modifier
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 + Intelligence your modifier
5th +3 Gacha Roll 5 + Intelligence your modifier
6th +3 Nimble Sorcerer 6 + Intelligence your modifier
7th +3 Enhanced Research 7 + Intelligence your modifier
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 8 + Intelligence your modifier
9th +4 Gacha Roll Improvement 9 + Intelligence your modifier
10th +4 Indomitable Spirit 10 + Intelligence your modifier
11th +4 Manaskin 11 + Intelligence your modifier
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 12 + Intelligence your modifier
13th +5 Gacha Roll Improvement 13 + Intelligence your modifier
14th +5 Last Stand 14 + Intelligence your modifier
15th +5 Unfathomable Luck 15 + Intelligence your modifier
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Intermediate Researching 16 + Intelligence your modifier
17th +6 Gacha Roll Improvement 17 + Intelligence your modifier
18th +6 Elemental Affinity 18 + Intelligence your modifier
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 19 + Intelligence your modifier
20th +6 Gacha Roll Improvement 20 + Intelligence your modifier

Mana Pool[edit]

Starting at 1st level, the knowledge you have accumulated allows you to become more in touch with the mystical energy that resides in your body as well as the environment known as mana. The amount of energy known as mana that you can wield is represented by how large your mana pool is. The amount of mana that you have at your disposal is determined by using the Mana Pool column of the sorcerer king table.

You can use this energy to fuel various features, such as magic and crafting. At 1st level, you may only know Basic Spells . You Can learn spells by using spell book as reference.

You may gain Tier 1 Spells after creating your first magic circle, Tier 2 Spells after creating your second magic circle, Tier 3 Spells after creating your third magic circle, Tier 4 Spells after creating your fourth magic circle, Tier 5 Spells after creating your fifth magic circle, Tier 6 Spells after creating your sixth magic circle, Tier 7 Spells after creating your seventh magic circle, Tier 8 Spells after creating your eighth magic circle and Tier 9 Spells after creating your ninth magic circle, and transcendent magic after creating your tenth magic circle.

When you use mana, it is unavailable until you finish a short or long rest, at the end of a long rest you regenerate all expended mana, while once per day at the end of a short rest you may regenerate a number of mana equal to your level.

Some of your magical features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows: mana effect save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier mana attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier

How to Learn Magic[edit]

now you might be wondering how you acquire magic to learn magical spells and skills all you have to do is reach the learning requirements which are typically included in the spell description if you meet the requirements you need to make a Intelligence modifier throw with DC throw of 10 if you fail you lose half your research points(RP) starting at first level you can pick 3 basic spells without needing to meet the requirements.

Research Points[edit]

as mentioned, before you need research points(RP) to learn spells but that's not all you can do with research points(RP) you can also use research points(RP) to create a new magic make an elixir recipe, blueprint for an indestructible weapon, and the list goes on

Basic Researching[edit]

for a novice to acquire Research Points(RP) is very simple all they have to do is use their dow time to start "Basic Researching" after 1d20 hours of doing research using the class feature basic researching you can acquire 3(1d6) research points(RP)

Aura Enchantment[edit]

by placing magical circles, it puts a large strain on your heart as mentioned before so most sorcerers practice Dragon Heart an aura technique that helps lessen the strain on both the heart and the body also granting a huge buff in physical ability to practice Aura Enchantment you have to sit still in a meditation stance manipulating your life force in a circle fashion in your abdomen eventually this will increase your life force by leaps and bounds after 1d20 hours of meditation you will gain 1d4 AP(aura points)

AP Rank AP Amount Req HP bonus Con & Str bonus Speed resistance

1 10 +5 0 10ft
2 100 +5 0 10ft
3 300 +5 0 10ft
4 500 +10 1 10ft physical
5 900 +10 1 20ft
6 1100 +10 2 20ft poison
7 1500 +15 2 20ft
8 2000 +15 2 20ft magical
9 5000 +15 4 30ft
10 25000 +20 5 50ft fire

<!-Class feature game rule information->

<!-Use semi-colons for subheaders->

<!-Subclass Feature->[edit]

<!-At <!-insert level-> level, you chose a <!-insert name of subclass feature i.e. path, archetype, discipline, etc.->. Choose between <!-list the subclass options->, <!-all/both-> detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at <!-insert the level when subclass features begin-> and again at <!-list all the levels the class gains subclass features->.->

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, 26th, 30th, 34th, 38th, 42nd, 46th, 50th, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. At 20th level, this limit increases to 30, at 30th this limit increases to 40, at 40th this limit increases to 50th. Every time this limit increases, this feature allows you to increase any ability score by 1 additional point.

When gaining an ability score increase, you may opt to lose a +2 from this bonus. In return, you gain a feat of your choice.

<!-Class Feature->[edit]

<!-Class feature game rule information->


How to Make a Magic Circle[edit]

as you probably have read by now magic circles are extremely important in this class, I would argue more important than levels so how do you create them it's very simple as long as you have enough mana and time it is to create a magic circle this is typically something that's a long prosses how it works is you slowly focus magic in your heart when enough is stored you can attempt to place a magic circle the problem is if you store to much mana to fast your heart could explode due to the extreme strain to your heart. The amount of mana you can store in your heart without strain is equal to your con + int + amount of magic circles for every long rest

Natural DC?[edit]

what is natural dc this is the dc you use if you attempt to make a magic circle while having the perfect amount of magic stored but you can attempt to make a magic circle with extra or less mana if you have up to 5 times the mana needed to create a magic circle you can lower the DC by 5 same for the opposite

Repercussion for Failing[edit]

as you probably figured if you fail controlling such large amounts of mana to make a circle it could end up back firing dealing tons of necrotic damage and making it impossible to use magic for 1 d4 hours worst case scenario it could possibly leave you out of commission for days

MagicCircle ManaReq NaturalDC FailDamage
1 25 10 10hp
2 60 10 20hp
3 90 10 30hp
4 140 12 40hp
5 200 12 50hp
6 250 14 60hp
7 320 14 70hp
8 400 16 90hp
9 580 17 120hp

Basic Spells[edit]

Aura of Water

Cost: 3 mana

Duration 10 minutes

By using the surrounding moisture in the air you create a shield of water around you granting +1 ac temporarily this ability does not stack

Learning req


Vision Surge

Cost: 2 mana

Duration 10 minutes Focusing mana in your eyes allow for a boost in your perception allowing you to see further and increasing your passive wis score by 1 temporarily this effect does not stack

Learning req


Arcane-fire Whip

Cost: 5 mana

range 50+ ft

Using a deep understanding of fire and mana you have gained the ability tor create chains of fire you can use these chains in two different ways offensively by slashing them directly doing 1d12 fire magical damage or using them to restrict an opponent's movements if they fail a dex saving throw

Learning req


Magic missile

Cost: 1+ mana

Range 45 ft

Magic missile a basic spell use by most fledgling spell casters can make up to 3 magic missiles at once each costing an additional mana

Learning req


Force of Life

Cost: 5 mana

Range 45 ft

By inducing a creatures naturals ability to heal they can regain 1d4 hp plus their con mod

Learning req


Anger bolt

Cost: 10 mana

Range 45 ft circle radius

By giving into your furry very unlike the common sorcerer you let your mana go rampaging in a electric manner every creature within the range needs to make a dex saving throw on failure they take 2d12 force damage

Learning req


Freezing blast

Cost: 12 mana

Range 60 ft

Summon forth 5 icicles if successfully hits opponent you deal 1d4 for each icicle that lands one automatically land you can roll 1d4 to see how many additionally icicles lands all damage done by freezing blast is ice magical type damage

Learning req


Calm of Pride

Cost: 5 mana

Range 45 ft

If you or your allie are in a mental distressing state you can envelope the creature with mana strengthening their will giving them a chance to erase the frightened or charmed state

Learning req


Heat absorption

Cost: 1 level of exhaustion

Range touch

When any type of fire energy is directed at you as a reaction you can negate 1d6 damage

Learning req


Spell Book[edit]

Basic Spells

magical circle placement[edit]

magic circles extra hp extra mana magic imbued attacks Features
1 1d6 2d8
2 1d8 2d12
3 1d10 2d12+2d6
4 1d12 2d12+d6
5 1d12 2d20+d6
6 1d10 2d20+d10
7 1d8 2d20+2d6
8 1d8 3d20+1d12
9 1d20 4d20
Level Proficiency Bonus Features mana pool
21 +7 blank 21 + int
22 +7 blank 22 + int
23 +7 blank 23 + int
24 +7 blank 24 + int
25 +8 blank 25 + int
26 +8 blank 26 + int
27 +8 blank 27 + int
28 +8 blank 28 + int
29 +9 blank 29 + int
30 +9 blank 30 + int
31 +9 blank 31 + int
32 +9 blank 32 + int
33 +10 blank 33 + int
34 +10 blank 34 + int
35 +10 blank 35 + int
36 +10 blank 36 + int
37 +11 blank 37 + int
38 +11 blank 38 + int
39 +11 blank 39 + int
40 +11 blank 40 + int
41 +12 blank 42 + int
42 +12 blank 44 + int
43 +12 blank 46 + int
44 +12 blank 48 + int
45 +13 blank 50 + int
46 +13 blank 52 + int
47 +13 blank 54 + int
48 +13 blank 56 + int
49 +14 {blank 58 + int
50 +14 blank 60 + int


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:

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