Chains of Immortal Binding (5e Equipment)
The Chains of Immortal Binding were forged by very powerful and very determined celestials in order to defeat Argeldop the deity of torture and imprisonment. The chains were forged with some special stones imbedded into the chains. The celestials then begged a kind and just god to help them get rid of Argeldop. He agreed. The chains were then used to summon and imprison Argeldop in a gemstone and before he could think they forged the gemstone into a pendant with the chains of Immortal Binding using several demon stones to ensure that they are capable of entraping an immortal demon.
Immortal Imprisonment.[edit]
when used on any deity/god/demon being one of four things happen depending on what the user decides or what is most effective. If the user doesn't specify an option then the chains automatically decide the fourth option. But in all of the options the chains seize the target and place them in one of the imprisonment options listed below and leaves behind a physical item where the target used to be. The target then remains there until the physical item is destroyed summoning the target tied to it in the object's place. If they had any followers or church/cult-like organization in their name they can still communicate with their followers and observe what they are doing. They can also see through the physical item although they cannot attempt to convince the owner of the item or their followers to destroy the physical item.
Constant Cage.[edit]
The chains form into a Cage and shrink the target to fit inside if they do not. The chains then teleport both the Cage and the immortal being inside to a harmless demiplane where it cannot cast any spells or use any teleportation or plane shifting abilities. The item left behind is a iron staff with a Ruby gemstone on the tip wrapped in golden chains.
Permanent Prison.[edit]
The chains turn into a gemstone and the target becomes trapped inside similar to what happens when you cast the spell imprisonment and choose Minimus Containment however in this case the gemstone is not indestructible.
Boundless Binding.[edit]
The chains lash out from the ground and encase the target. Similar to the spell imprisonment if you choose the option Chaining. The physical item left behind is a replica of the target made of diamond.
Eternal Entrapment.[edit]
The target is instantly placed in a trance like state and the chains wrap around them and then dissapear into a harmless demiplane. The target has no control over their physical body but can still think and see. The physical item is a bejewelled pendant with golden chains and a beautiful charm in the shape of a star-like symbol.
How it can be destroyed[edit]
the chains can only be used once and then transform into the chosen physical item. The physical item can not be destroyed by accident and can only be destroyed by someone who wants to (possession would not work) if the being who originally used the chains to imprison the being tied to the object were to wish to destroy the item no matter who is in possession of the item they can then be destroyed by any means (accidentall, purposely, or otherwise.) then the item shatters and releases the being tied to it in the object's place.
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