ParZival (5e Class)

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Creating ParZival of Ready Player one[edit]


Quick Build

You can make a Oasis Player quickly by following these suggestions. First, Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by Inteligence.

Class Features

As a ParZival you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per ParZival level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per ParZival level after 1st


Armor: light and medium armor.
Weapons: Simple Weapons, marcial weapons, fight unarmed.
Tools: Thief tools
Saving Throws: Intelligence and Wisdom
Skills: investigation, perception, survival.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Excalibur Jacket ( put your hand in your back and take a golden short sword)
  • (a) Robber pack or (b) Scholar pack
  • (a) Delorian( from back to the future) or (b) Kaneda ( from Akira)
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 160PO in funds.

Table: The ParZival

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Inventory
2nd +2 Dirty Money
3rd +2 Sho's Shuriken
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Hadouken
6th +3 Stayn' Alive
7th +3 Osuvox Orb
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Irok Sniper
10th +4 X1 Costume
11th +4 Gears Gun
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Holy Granada
14th +5 Rayl Gun
15th +5 ZEMAKIS Cube
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
18th +6 Gregarious Glove
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Cataclist

First to the Key[edit]

As a Player of oasis you have a number of keys = your proeficience bonus + your wisdom bonus to use your habilities, each skill spends 1 point. Key points can be recovered with mana potions. Being: 1 small potion = 1 key point, 1 medium potion = 2 key points and 1 large potion = 3 key points. Obviously your points also recharge with each long rest.


1st Level | Inventory

As a player of oasis you naturaly have a inventory like every game caracther have, in this case you don't have one bag like other D&D classes, you have 2x more wheith capacity to armazenation of items, coins, and etc... the items don't are more physic when stay in your inventory, so you can take any items without incomodate you. this skill dont use key points.

1st Level | Extra-Life coin

As the name of the ability suggests, you have a quarter, once you die (not being knocked out in the fight) it will be spent and reveal that it was actually an extra life coin giving you another chance to stay alive. The coin is not rechargeable and can only be used once, regardless of when this happens you will also recover full life and key points when using it.


2nd level | Dirty Money

Found cash is too easy for you right? As a Parzival Inventory now you can transform blood of fall enemies in gold(PO), touch your fingers in the enemy blood and transfer to your inventory, in this time the blood turn to money:

-If the enemy has max PV higher than 100 your money will be Max Enemy PV/number of players who helped you;

-Else if you will be recieve PO = Max enemy PV divided by 2

This skill dont use key points.


3rd level | 8-ball Camera

You have one tipe of drone of 10 centimeters that can fly in an area of ​​50 meters you can see and transmit images through it as well as hear and speak, however it is physical and can be seen by enemies as long as they pass a CD 13 perception test + proeficience bonus if the enemy see it they can destroy if hit 10 points of damage.

3rd level | Sho"s Shuriken

Throw a 50cm shuriken in a curved path of up to 30 meters, dealing a total of 4d6 slashing damage.


5th level | Hadouken

This is your world and here you make the rules, in this level you unlocked a ryu most famous habilities hadouken, make a good use of it. Incriesing 2d6 of damage at the levels 9th, 11th, 14th, 17th, 20th.

Range: 60 Feet Casting Time: 1 action Target: Any one creature Duration: Instantaneous You choose one target, and channel all of your stress into a bright blue ball of energy. It uses 8d6 + Wisdom, Force damage. Cool Down: 1 short rest.

5th Level | This is a bug

This level.... It shouldn't exist... we tried to erase it... there's a glitch here... Unlocks a extra atack action to use your skills...


6th level | Stayin' Alive

Duration: 3 turns. Throwing a vinyl record on the lower floor and watching it turn into a dance floor, you start dancing and your enemies will be enchanted they will have to do a wisdom test with cd = 13+your key points number if they fail they will start dancing with you until pass im the test failing to do any action. This skill requires concentration so you cannot perform other actions while performing it.


7th level | Osuvox Orb

Level 99 Artefact magic, or in this case, 7th level Artefact Magic, with this object in hands pronounce the corect words to active it they are "Anáil nathrach, ortha bháis is beatha, do chéal déanaimh" and you will have a dome with 9m diameters than nothing can enter but spells and atacks can come out, the dome has a lifebar equal a 1d100 roll if you use 1 key point you can increase the dome's life bar by 1d100, the limit is 3 key points in total.


9th level | Irok Sniper

You have a sniper with a skull at the end of the barrel, you have 2 two bullets per use of the skill, when shooting you roll 2d20 if the result is 2 critical hits you kill your enemy instantly, if it is just one you take half of the life and if there are no critical results but hitting the enemy will cause 10d8 force damage.


10th level | X1 Costume

With the X1 integrated suit with optical system and microfiber underwear your defenses are incredibly higher, add your wisdom or intelligence bonus and your proficiency bonus to the AC of your armor permanently, however you will not be able to use any other armor or shield and now your body is also much more sensitive to touch, the cold seems colder, the heat hotter and the pain more intense (although these last descriptions only apply to interpretive RP).


11th level | Gears Assaut rifle

An assault rifle with an electric bolt at the bottom having a range of 20 meters and causing 2d10 piercing. You have 2 bullets per attack action. If you hit a creature with this weapon and deal damage to it, you can reduce its Speed ​​by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. If the creature is hit more than once by weapons that have this property, the Speed ​​reduction does not exceed 10 feet.

If you decide not to shoot but use it melee, you will launch an attack with the electric knife, causing 3d10 slashing damage and causing the enemy to bleed.


13th level | Holy Granada

How much did this cost? No more than it will cost them. Throw a golden grenade onto the battlefield and watch your enemies evaporate, you can throw it up to 18 meters away, exploding in an area 12 meters in diameter and dealing 12d10 radiant damage in area.


14th level | Rayl gun

A sniper rifle as versatile as the Irok, you have two bullets that reach up to 36 meters and pass through enemies, damaging them and anyone behind them, dealing 4d12 fire damage, taking 2 turns to reload if you want to use this skill again. If you use one key point you can swap the 2 shots for a single one causing 10d12 of fire damage.


15th Level | ZEMAKIS CUBE

You take a Rubik's Cube out of your pocket and impressively solve it in one second, throwing it up and making your enemies' actions go back in time by 1 round.



A Killer Doll that jumps from enemy to enemy dealing 8d8 slashing damage per turn while it is alive, having a life bar = 4d20 and having an AC equal to its summoner.


18th Level | Gregarious Glove

Place this magical artifact in your hand and transform into any giant robot for 2 turns, all its attributes reach maximum during this period and its attack deals 20d20 damage from the element of your choice in an area of ​​up to 30 meters in diameter, you must choose between a single target or area damage, if it is area damage, the damage must be divided by the number of enemies present.


20th Level | CATACLIST

If you decided to use this there is no more hope, or you have very selfish intentions behind it, this bomb will explode in an area of ​​up to 300 meters in diameter annihilating ANY life form in its path, the only chance of surviving is by having an extra life to use or something similar to that.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

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