Odin's Lost Eye (5e Equipment)

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Broom Icon.svg.png This page needs grammatical help. Reason: 5e doesn't use "per X" wording (most magic weapons use something along the lines of "this can be used once, regaining use at dawn"). 5e doesn't have "combat" as a mechanical term, it has initiative.

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Wondrous item, artifact (major)

The Lost Eye of Odin is a mythic grade artifact that is a part of the Keys to Hell, a unknown rarity artifact used to open the Portal to Hell, another unknown grade artifact.

Odin's Authority This ability may be activated as a free action once per week, allowing them to circumvent all other authorities. This ability can only be used if the player's intentions are lawful.

Odin's Power This ability may be activated as a bonus action once per month during combat, allowing them to summon a valkyrie for the duration of combat.

Odin's Knowledge This ability may be activated as an action once per month, granting any one piece of relevant knowledge to the player.

(2 votes)

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