Ruined Construct (5e Race)

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Ruined Construct[edit]

Physical Description[edit]


Tall and slender. Humanoid features. Rusted, or oxidized. Old robot.

"I encourage changes to the physical features of this race" - Race dev


There were 7 ruined constructs created in this world. They were created by the Artisan, a noble gnome, who sought to bring peace to world by creating the strongest machines ever in existence. For centuries they did. Foolishly for the Artisan, he didn't factor in his own mortality, and so disappeared, never to be seen. Model 1 (the first creation) was an exact replica of the artisan, able to repair the models, but not itself. Some tales say it still lies in the dark halls of the Artisans lair.


This characters society is up to the player, with the options of: - Artisan - Fighter (e.g. Guard, or royal reinforcements) - A group of priests - None

Ruined Construct Names[edit]

Male: - Model 5 - Model 6 - Model 7 Female: - Model 2 - Model 3 - Model 4

Ruined Construct Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your An ability score was not entered for this template! score increases by 2 and your An ability score was not entered for this template! score increases by 1. Every stat becomes 18, but you have disadvantage on every roll.
Age. Ruined constructs live for millennia, as long as they can maintain their parts.
Alignment. Chaotic good, unless told otherwise by the Artisan
Size. Medium, humanoid, Construct
Speed. Your base walking speed is <speed> feet. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Darkvision 60ft, if the player receives the Darkvision eye module (given by the DM). Otherwise, standard sight..
Heart of steel. Can only heal magically with the spell Mending, . Otherwise, the player must receive new parts.The player cannot magically heal itself using Mending. Tool proficiency
Final act. When in death saves, you may choose to instantly die to cast an explosion using 2d10 of fire damage in a 75ft radius. +1d10 per level
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice. Common, and one additional language of your choice.
Subrace. Copper Construct

Copper Construct[edit]

Defense Training. You have proficiency with Medium, and Heavy armor.
Fighting spirit. Once per long rest, you may add one d4 to the roll of any dice. +1d4 every 2 levels (rounded down)
Fearless. You cannot be intimidated
Slow recharge. When taking a long rest, you must sleep 12 hours.

Iron Construct[edit]

Sword Training. You have proficiency with Simple, and Martial weapons.
Rust. If you start your turn in water, take 1d4 of necrotic damage.
Ancient knowledge. You are proficient with History

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5"6′ 66'' ++2d10 120kg lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I am nullified by the feeble human emotions
2 I must serve my master, or kill anyone who opposes them.
3 I must serve my objective. Or die trying.
4 I am utterly fascinated by the emotions of beings. I must attain them.
5 I wish to find the artisan, and serve him until my screws fall, and my grease dries.
6 Thou shall not fear the evil that blinds the light. All who dwell in shadow shall perish.
7 I was build to serve. My masters have perished, and left me in the dust. Never shall I serve again.
8 Death is something I cannot compute. Death is something that I generate.
d6 Ideal
1 Wrong is wrong. There is no place for wrong in this world.
2 We must forgive others' wrongdoings, for we all live in this wretched world together.
3 Thou must respect my master, for my blade is sharper than words.
4 Life is meant to be lived by the free, and kind. Those who are neither are not my friend.
5 I must serve the Artisan, as he is my creator.
6 Death is the peace I do not get. I shall bless everyone with it.
d6 Bond
1 I must find my master, for he is the purpose of my creation.
2 I must find model 2, for she is the only one who knew.
3 I feel the utmost regret for model 1, and what happened to her.
4 I have survived for millennia. I will not befriend the common irrelevant fellow.
5 Those who aid in the mission are my friends. Those who don't, are dead.
6 There is no need to have companions that waste my battery.
d6 Flaw
1 I am undaunted by death.
2 I kill when I cannot compute.
3 My memories go so far back, I sometimes mix them.
4 I regret all the death of my companions. I always remember the sagging body of model 1.
5 I am emotionless. Yet my mind explodes with emotions.
6 I sometimes long for death.
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