Vaxasaurian (5e Creature)

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Evolved Vaxasaurian[edit]

Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 20 (natural armor)
Hit Points 126 (12d10 + 60)
Speed 45 ft.

35 (+12) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) 5 (-3)

Proficiency Bonus +3
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from magical attacks.
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks.
Senses passive Perception 8
Languages understands only common and speaks only common.
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Body of Unyielding Steel. You instantly double your current Hp.

Spiked limbs. Your Bash action deal an additinal 2d8 slashing damage on a hit.


Multiattack. The evolved Vaxasaurian can make two Bash attacks.

Bash. Melee Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4d6+12 bludgeoning damage.

Non-Magic Missiles. As a bonus action, the evolved Vaxasaurian launchs 10 projectiles from it's fists. Each projectile hits a target of your choice that you can see within 60ft. Each projectile deals 1d12 force damage to its target. After striking their taget, each projectile explodes in a 10ft radius, dealing an additional 1d10 fire damage.

Evolved Vaxasaurians are an ankylosaurus-like species, being about twenty feet tall. Evolved Vaxasaurians have green or grey skin. On the sides of their face are black spikes, pointing down.

Evolved Vaxasaurians possess a dark blue, spiked shell. Their chest and torso are dark blue with spikes on them. Their tail has a blue mace on the end of it, with silver spikes.

An evolved Vaxasaurian's knuckles have barrels on them, which they can transform into four-barreled missile launchers at will.

Evolved Vaxasaurians are more Ankylosaurus-like than Stegosaurus-like, their skin becoming green and gaining a more prominent natural armor, colored steel blue. Being evolved for combat, an evolved Vaxasaurian has a weaponized mace tail and several spikes protruding from its armor and shell.

Evolved Vaxasaurian have claws instead of fingernails.

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