DnD SoulBinds

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SoulBinds are a special power system I have created. SoulBinds connect to ones Soul gifting a special power with a cost. Players may equip or remove any SoulBind during a long rest. Soulbinds can be acquired through exploration, purchase, or the killing of someone with a SoulBind. Soulbinds appear as strange orbs and each way exactly 1 pound are appear as a 3 inch sphere. Only 1 player may use a SoulBind at a time. Binds may only be used or taken off using a flat DC specified beside the bind on a long rest. Common: DC 10 Uncommon: DC 12 Rare: DC 14 Very Rare: DC 16 Legendary: DC 18 Nat 1: Bind Never used/Stuck on DC Fail: Bind may not be taken off/Put on DC Success: Bind put on/Taken off Nat 20: Bind put on/taken off at will Players may have up to: One SoulBind levels 1-7 Two SoulBinds levels 8-14 Three SoulBinds levels 15-20

Dodge Soulbind (Very Rare) -Increases AC and saving throws by +5 -If a saving throw is failed, take half damage. If passed, take no damage -Health is halved rounded down

Rizz Soulbind (Uncommon) -Expertise in every Charisma Skill -Advantage on all Charisma skill checks -Disadvantage on all other skill checks

Dagger Soulbind (Uncommon) -Manifest a +1 magic dagger at will. -Multiple Daggers may manifested in one turn if the user has many attacks -Dagger will disappear after striking a target/terrain, or if given away/sold -Dagger hit dice scales with level D6 Lvl 5-10, D8 Lvl 11-16, D10 Lvl 17-20 -Disadvantage with all other weapons

Hearty Soulbind (Rare) -Health increase +3 per player level -Expertise in con saves -Resistant to poison damage -Advantage on poison saves -Movement Decreases by 10ft -Dashing is no longer an option

Armament Soulbind (Very Rare) -All items used recieve a bonus based on level (armor, weapons, tools) and are considered magical. +1 Lvl 1-7, +2 Lvl 8-14, +3 Lvl 15-20 -The user manifests any mundane, item at will for their own use, but it may not be sold or given away. These items also disappear at the user's command. -Wisdom, charisma, and intelligence modifiers decrease at the same rate your armament increases.

Swift Soulbind (Common) -Speed increases by 10ft -Initative increases by 10 -The user receives a negative 10 in place of their normal perception/investigation skill modifier

Revive Soulbind (Rare) -If the user dies, they immediately return to full health under the affects of a long rest, the revived user may never use the Revive soulbind again -While using the revive Soulbind, the user is under a irremovable effect of 1 level of exhaustion

Teachings Soulbind (Rare) -Whenever the user succeeds an attack roll, saving throw, or meaningful ability check, they gain a +1 to all rolls (+3 limit) -Whenever the user fails an attack, saving throw, or meaningful ability check, they gain a -1 to all rolled (-3 limit) -Rolling a Nat 20 yields an instant +3 -Rolling a Nat 1 yields an instant -3

Gas Soul Bind (Rare) Gas Save DC 8+ Prof + Con -Learns the poison spray cantrip using the Gas Save DC. The poison spray cantrip becomes a bonus action -Resistance to Poison Damage -Advantage for poisoned condition -30ft Radius Sphere of rancid smelling gas around user at all times, causing all creatures to naturally dislike the user -Disadvantage on all charisma skills -As a reaction, user may spike gas levels near profiency bonus number of creatures within the gas sphere. Creatures must roll against the gas save DC, failing causing the creature to take profiency bonus d4 poison damage and become poisoned until the end of their next turn. -Automatically fails all perception checks based on smell

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