Vassal: Etna (5e Creature)

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Vassal: Etna[edit]

Medium fiend (any race), lawful evil

Armor Class 16
Hit Points 172 (15d8 + 105)
Speed 30 ft. (35 ft. with elder spear), fly 20 ft. (25 ft. with elder spear)

20 (+5) 20 (+5) 25 (+7) 19 (+4) 19 (+4) 19 (+4)

Saving Throws Con +10, Cha +7
Proficiency Bonus +3
Damage Vulnerabilities fire, slashing
Damage Resistances cold, piercing
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Sadistic. increases damage by 50% against targets at maximum HP.

Lethal Throw. Doubles damage inflicted by exploding prinnies thrown by etna or her allies.

Dark One's Blessing. When etna reduces a hostile creature to 0 HP she gains 19 temporary HP.

Dark One's Own Luck. Once per long or short rest etna may roll an additional 1d10 and add the result to any saving throw or ability check.

Fiendish Resilience. Once per long or short rest etna may choose one damage type to gain resistance to until she selects a different type using this feature. Magic or silver weapons ignore this resistance.

Hurl Through Hell. Once per long rest etna may banish a creature she hits to the netherworld for a turn. On the end of her next turn the creature reappears in the space it was in before or the nearest unoccupied space, and if the creature wasn't a fiend it takes 10d10 psychic damage.

Pact of the Blade. Etna's elder spear is treated as her warlock pact weapon.

Improved Pact Weapon. Etna's pact weapon may be used as a spellcasting focus for her warlock spells. Attacks made with her pact weapon have +1 to their attack and damage rolls (already included in attack display).

Lifedrinker. Creatures hit by etna's elder spear take additional necrotic damage equal to her Charisma modifier (already included in attack display).

Thirsting Blade. Etna may attack twice using her pact weapon instead of once per turn.

Eldritch Smite. Once per turn when attacking with her pact weapon, etna may expend a spell slot to do an additional 6d8 force damage to the target and if it is huge or smaller it is knocked prone.

Mystic Arcanum. Once each per long rest etna may cast "dominate monster", "plane shift", and "summon fiend" without using a spell slot.

Fiendish Vigor. Etna may cast "false life" on herself at will as a first level spell.

Agonizing Blast. Etna adds her Charisma modifier to the damage dealt by eldritch blast.

Eldritch Spear. The range of etna's eldritch blast is 300ft.

Spellcasting. Etna is an 15th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). She knows the following warlock spells:

Cantrips (at will): 4 create bonfire, eldritch blast, friends, frostbite
1st level (3 slots): cause fear, charm person, hellish rebuke, hex
2nd level (3 slots): flock of familiars, suggestion
3rd level (3 slots): antagonize, counterspell, fireball, summon lesser demons
4th level (3 slots): charm monster, dimension door
5th level (3 slots): flame strike


Elder Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (1d6+11) piercing damage plus 4 necrotic damage, or 15 (1d8+11) piercing damage plus 4 necrotic damage if used with two hands. The elder spear allows proficient weilders to add their proficiency bonus to damage rolls with the weapon and increases the holders movement and fly speed by 5ft.

Sexy Beam. "Ranged Weapon Attack:" +10 to hit, reach 20ft. cone, forms a heart shape in the cone with herself at the base. "Hit:" 6 (1d12) radiant damage, targets hit must make a DC19 Charisma save or become charmed for 1 minute or until etna hits then again. Etna may expend a spell slot to increase the damage to 36 (6d12).

Chaos Impact (Recharge 5-6). "Melee Weapon Attack:" +11 to hit, reach 20ft. sphere around self, forms a large fireball and slams it into the ground underneath herself. "Hit:" 30 (10d6) fire damage, chaos impact ignores resistance and immunity to fire damage.

Prinny Raid (3/Day). Etna summons 3 prinnies, they appear within 15ft. of her and act on their own initiative but are subordinate to her her.

Etna loyally served under King Krichevskoy, and now serves under his son Laharl, guiding him to become as great as the late king. But she's a tad ambitious, and isn't as loyal to Laharl as she was to Krichevskoy. If she has the chance, Etna won't hesitate to to take the throne for herself. She keeps a diary and writes in it everyday since her memory was stolen some time ago.

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