Sweet Soldier (5e Race)

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Sweet Soldier[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

Sweet Soldiers can range from Medium or Large and have a humanoid appearance with key differences. One of these is the candy like body. Sweet Soldiers range from many different colors and Sweets. Some of these include Milkshakes, Ice Cream, Candy, And even Cotton Candy! They also range in colors, Each color has a role such as Green is Healer or Purple as Mage as stated below. After every long rest any bit of your candy body you have lost regenerates.


Sweet Soldiers evolved from regular humanoids after human experimentation. Eventually they created their own society after years and generations of growing the population. Eventually they developed secret societies underneath villages or in hills. The existence of Candy Soldiers is quite a rare sight, some even stating them as good luck for a sweet future of fortune and prosperity.


Sweet Soldiers live in small hidden societies but tend to stay near civilization. They have different roles upon birth and live under the rule of the Candy King and Candy Queen, these individuals are not born as Sweet Soldiers but rather selected by the people. The process of becoming a Candy Ruler is quite rare, in which Sweet Soldiers will kidnap children or young adults from near by villages and transform them, occasionally changing their gender in a process called "Candification". This is where these subjects are dipped in a pool of melted Sweet Soldiers of all colors. This giving a rainbow swirl color and representing royalty. Your memories will then slowly fade from defiance to acceptance, you can remember your past life however the Manipulation of your brain in which it fills with candy makes most have the desire to abandon their old lives. If one refuses the role of King or Queen they will then turn into a regular Candy Soldier and be banished from the Village with no memories.

Sweet Soldiers Names[edit]

Most SweetSoldiers go by numbers, only adopting a name after they have matured. An example is D045 or the 45th Soldier from quadrant D.

Creating A Sweet Soldier[edit]

When creating a sweet soldier you can pick (or roll) for your Flavor or Food and then for your Color or Rank. You will pick one Color and One flavor

Sweet Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 3 and your Intelligence score decreases by 1.
Age. They mature at 20 and can live up to 70
Alignment. They tend to be Neutral or Good and are always Lawful or Chaotic
Size. Medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Normal vision and Dark Vision. Dark Vision up to 30ft
Sweet Song. Learned at Lv 3, Sings a melody attracting any Creature within 90ft upon failing a Wisdom Saving throw equal to the Sweet Soldiers Level +Performance Modifier
Melt. Learned at Lv 5, Becomes a puddle that can slip through gaps and lasts up to 10 min before reforming, Must wait take 1d8 fire damage.
Harden. Learned at lv 7, For 10 minutes you take half damage. after this effect ends you take double damage for 3 hours
Sweet Treat. Learned at lv 10, You rip off a chunk of your body (Dealing 2d8) and any target to eat it will be infatuated by you
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.


When creating a Sweet Soldier you'll need to pick what candy you are, read down below to see what fits for you


Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma increases by one and you gain proficiency in persuasion
Sweet Scent. At lv 3, You gain the ability to let out a strong alluring scent, giving you advantage on all persuasion rolls for 10 minutes, causing 1d4 per use.
Chocolate Gold. At lv 5, You gain the ability to create fake gold or currency, you create 4d4(x10) gold and take half the rolled damage (only damage from the dice roll) This currency will seem like real currency for up to an hour before melting into a puddle of chocolate.
Food Of Love. At lv 11, You gain the ability to infatuate creatures who fail a Wisdom saving throw (Performance+Level difficulty) and take 2d8 damage
Healing Chocolate. At lv 17, You gain the ability to spend an action eating your own body, You take 2d8 and heal 4d8, you can only use this once per combat


Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom increases by one and you gain proficiency in Perception
Chorus Of Screams. At lv 3, You gain the ability to cast Dissonant Whispers utilizing 0 spell slots but instead casting with spell slots based on the damage die chosen upon yourself. To cast Lv 1 is 1d4 damage to yourself, Lv 2 is 2d4 and so on up until Lv 9
Reader Of The Mind. At lv 5, You gain the ability to read all emotions and can comprehend basic thoughts when looking at a person.
Mind Corruptor. At lv 11, You gain the ability to implant ideas into a creatures brain, these ideas will grow stronger over time and wont dissipate without you removing them.
Shatter Minds. At lv 17, You gain the ability to cast Hypnotic Pattern without need of ingredients or spell slots, the difficulty is equal to your level plus your Performance modifier


Hard Candy[edit]





Sweet Soldiers rank in Colors with different traits for each, Ranging from Red to Rainbow









Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
d6 Ideal
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw
(0 votes)

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