Families (Mashle Magic and Muscles Supplement)

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There are multiple types of families one can come from and reach the top, but not many get that opportunity. If you're not from a high-class or royal family and are only a commoner, your chances of getting into a good magic school are fair. However, if an orphan attempts to enter, the chances are low for them to be noticed at all, let alone get into the school. Conversions start at four mana points per mile, after the first mile double it per each mana point spent.

Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, Insight, Investigation, History, Persuasion, Deception.

Tool Proficiencies: One artisan's tools of your choice

Equipment: 5gp, one Artisan's tools


You have been born into one of the four families roll a d4

d4 Family
1 Orphan
2 Common
3 Well Known
4 Noble

Orphan Family Feature:Lower than mud[edit]

You have become an orphan due to a tragic event. Because of this, it will be much harder to enter a magic school. No one of high status cares about you, and those of high status won't really notice you. They will mostly see you as a doormat, able to walk over you and talk down to you without any commoners interfering. For that reason, if you're trying to persuade or intimidate anyone from a well-known or noble family, you'll do so at a disadvantage.

Common Family Feature:Nothing Unique[edit]

Your family is nothing too special, but nothing to look down upon either. Well-known families and nobles will notice you far more easily compared to an orphan. If you do anything noteworthy, it's more likely for them to notice it, and because of that, it will be easier to enter the magic school.

Well-known Family Feature:Blood Turning Blue[edit]

Your family is well-known across the lands. You have good chances of getting opportunities to get into a magic school, and some common folk will offer you discounts on food or rooms at an inn, but not on everything like magic items or armor. They're not very good discounts, and some folks may not know about your family, so not everyone will give you a discount.

Noble Family Feature:Royal Blood[edit]

You were born into a noble family, the best family of course, but it does come at a cost. Most common folk will act scared or nervous around you, and if you try to do something nice for them, like, for example, picking up a coin they dropped and trying to hand it to them, they'll bow and apologize profusely. Even if you try to tell them to stop and that it's alright, most commoners most likely won't stop and will try to apologize by, for example, cleaning the coin, even if they have to use their clothes to do so, then giving it to you and refusing to take it back. You get advantage on Persuasion checks against common folk and orphans, and it's very easy for you to enter a magic school. You may also increase your range of your spells by spending extra mp.