Lantern Corps (DC Universe Supplement)
Work In Progress |
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Source: DC Comics Lantern Corps Explained by Geekscovery |
Lantern Corps[edit]
In the vast universe, emotions are powerful forces that shape reality itself. Lanterns are warriors chosen for their ability to channel these emotions through power rings, transforming them into pure energy. They belong to various corps, each representing a different emotional spectrum and fighting for their own ideals and purposes.
From the steadfast defenders of willpower, the Green Lanterns, to the avatars of rage, the Red Lanterns, these cosmic warriors use their rings to project energy, create constructs, and manipulate their environment. The Yellow Lanterns, masters of fear, use terror to dominate their enemies, while the Blue Lanterns, bearers of hope, inspire and heal those in need. The Orange Lanterns, driven by avarice, seek to possess everything they desire, while the Violet Lanterns, the Star Sapphires, channel the power of love to protect and heal. The Indigo Tribe, with their compassion, seek to redeem and rehabilitate those who have lost their way. The Black Lanterns, agents of death, aim to extinguish all life, and the White Lanterns, bearers of life, fight for the creation and preservation of existence.
Whether patrolling the far reaches of space, facing interdimensional threats, or protecting the innocent, Lanterns are heroes and anti-heroes whose actions can determine the fate of entire galaxies. As a Lantern, you are a member of one of these illustrious corps, imbued with the power of your ring and the responsibility to use it wisely. Your journey begins with the choice of your corps, a decision that will define your abilities and values. Will you be a beacon of hope in dark times, a symbol of fear to those who oppose justice, a warrior driven by the will to never give up, or a force of pure rage, ready to destroy any obstacle? Perhaps you will seek to possess everything with avarice, heal with love, redeem with compassion, bring death, or defend life itself? The universe is vast, and your ring is the key to unlocking its potential.
Creating a Lantern Corps[edit]
You have been chosen for one of these powerful rings. Demonstrate why you are worthy of it. What event or trait made you the perfect candidate for your ring? How do you embody the values of willpower, fear, hope, anger, avarice, love, compassion, death, or life in your daily actions? Is there a particular villain or rival that opposes your Corps or your personal mission? Are you seeking to protect the universe, establish peace, conquer your enemies, avenge some past grievance, accumulate possessions, heal and protect, redeem the lost, extinguish life, or create and preserve existence?
- Quick Build
You can make a Lanter Corp quickly by following these suggestions. First, Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the soldier or sage backgrounds.
Class Features
As a Lantern Corps you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Lantern Corps level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Lantern Corps level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: light, medium
Weapons: All weapons
Tools: 2 of your choice
Saving Throws: Wisdom and one of your choice
Skills: Choose 3 from Insight, Medicine, Acrobatics, Stealth, Perception, Survival, Nature, Investigation
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- Power ring
- (a) dagger or (b) tinker's toolkit
- (a) common clothes or (b) any simple melee weapon
- (a) shortbow and 20 arrows or (b) longbow and 15 arrows
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Lantern Points | Unarmed Damage | Improved Movement |
1st | +2 | Lantern Points, Power Ring | 2+Wisdom | 1d6 | +10 ft. |
2nd | +2 | Rejuvenating Glow, Projection of the Glow | 4+Wisdom | 1d6 | +10 ft. |
3rd | +2 | Material Alteration | 6+Wisdom | 1d6 | +10 ft. |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 8+Wisdom | 1d6 | +15 ft. |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack | 10+Wisdom | 1d8 | +15 ft. |
6th | +3 | — | 12+Wisdom | 1d8 | +15 ft. |
7th | +3 | Resistant | 14+Wisdom | 1d8 | +20 ft. |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 16+Wisdom | 1d8 | +20 ft. |
9th | +4 | — | 18+Wisdom | 1d8 | +20 ft. |
10th | +4 | — | 20+Wisdom | 1d8 | +25 ft. |
11th | +4 | — | 22+Wisdom | 1d10 | +25 ft. |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 24+Wisdom | 1d10 | +25 ft. |
13th | +5 | — | 26+Wisdom | 1d10 | +30 ft. |
14th | +5 | — | 28+Wisdom | 1d10 | +30ft. |
15th | +5 | — | 30+Wisdom | 1d10 | +30 ft. |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 32+Wisdom | 1d10 | +35 ft. |
17th | +6 | — | 34+Wisdom | 1d12 | +35 ft. |
18th | +6 | — | 36+Wisdom | 1d12 | +35 ft. |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 38+Wisdom | 1d12 | +40 ft. |
20th | +6 | — | 40+Wisdom | 1d12 | +40 ft. |
In the first level, you get the ring of a lantern corporation, and when you recite the oath you receive the uniform and the symbol of your respective corporation. You can choose between the following subclasses that will define which lantern corporation you belong to: Green Lantern, Yellow Lantern, Red Lantern, Blue Lantern, Orange Lantern, Star Sapphire, Indigo Tribe, Black Lantern and White Lantern
Power Ring[edit]
At 1st level, you unlock the abilities granted by your ring that responds to your emotional spectrum. Your ring emits a bright glow, casting bright light for 60 feet and dim light for another 60 of the color of your respective lantern. In addition you gain the following characteristics:
- Thanks to the ring you gain flight speed equivalent to your movement speed. You also get 5 feet of additional movement, which will increase with level as shown in the table of Lantern Corps.
- You are able to use your ring to understand all languages thanks to your universal translator. This applies to telepathy.
- Your ring grants you the uniform of your corporation. As long as you are not wearing armor or a shield, your AC is equal to 10 + your Wisdom modifier + an ability score of your choice.
- The ring has given you powers in every way. You can roll a d6 instead of your normal unarmed attack damage. This die changes as you gain Lantern Corps levels, as shown in the Unarmed Attack column of the Lantern Corps table.
- When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike on your turn, you may make an unarmed strike or an attack with a one-handed weapon as a bonus action.
- You may use an ability score of your choice instead of Strength for attack and damage rolls on your unarmed attacks and weapons created by your ring.
Some of your Lanter Corps features require the target to make a saving throw, the DC is calculated as it follows: Lantern DC= 10 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.
Security Protocol: you will find security protocols on your ring. If your ring is stolen or looted or taken from you for security reasons, the ring will not work for anyone except when you claim it. You can also levitate your ring back to your hand as a free action; the ring will dodge any obstacles in its path until it reaches you. Also You can give deferred orders to your ring. When a specific condition arises, the ring will execute a command to use one of its abilities, including flying back to you.
The ring will only seek out another wearer when the previous wearer has died or is not on the same plane of existence as him. Any other being or entity that attempts to take control of the ring against your directives will receive a punishment from the respective ring's emotional spectrum. .
Lantern Points[edit]
At the first level, your ring is filled with energy, which is projected into your Lantern points that fuel your Lantern skills. Your maximum Lantern points are specified in the table, which increase with level. You revieve 1 point in each of your turns, you do not receive points if you are at maximum. In addition these points are powered by a battery made to recharge your ring, this battery has charges equivalent to your Wisdom modifier, the ring must be recharged once a 1d12 + your Wisdom Modifier of days or the ring will lose his powers, each recharge expends one charge. The battery charges must be replenished on the home planet of your corresponding corporation. Thanks to this you get the following abilities.
- Ringed Surge: Immediately after performing the Attack action on your turn, you can spend 3 Lantern points to perform two unarmed strikes as bonus action.
- Reinforced Defense: You can spend 3 Lantern points to perform the Dodge action as bonus action on your turn.
- Fast as a Jet: You can spend 3 Lantern points to perform the Unmark or Run action as bonus action on your turn, and your jump distance is doubled until the end of your turn.
- Energy Shield: As a reaction, you can spend 1 Lantern point when you are hit by a melee attack. When you do so, make a damage roll with your weapon or your unarmed damage + your Wisdom modifier + your Lantern level and subtract the result from the damage inflicted by the attack. If you reduce the attack to 0, they receive damage equal to the residual number of your parry (you can add a maximum of points equal to your Wisdom modifier, for each point spent this benefit is added back).
- Deflect Missiles: You can spend 2 Lantern points as a reaction, you gain the ability to deflect projectiles of all shapes and sizes. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier + your Lantern Corp level. If you reduce the damage to 0, you return the projectile to the creature that launched it and as part of the same reaction, you perform this attack proficiently regardless of your weapon proficiency and the projectile counts as a fast weapon for the attack.
Rejuvenating Glow[edit]
At level 2 your ring grants you the ability to heal yourself. As a bonus action you can recover hit points equal to your hit die + your Constitution modifier, you can use this function a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier, you recover all uses after a short or long rest.
Projection of the Glow[edit]
Upon reaching the second level, the power of your emotional spectrum takes shape thanks to your ring, giving you the ability to create projections fueled by your imagination. As a bonus action you can create in your hand any simple or martial weapon you are proficient with powered by the power of your ring (ranged weapons create their own ammunition) and you can also use an action to create an energy construct with a simple shape (such as a shield or a cage). The construct lasts for 1 minute or until you dispel it as a free action.
- Energy Cage: by spending 3 Lantern points you can enclose a creature of Medium size or smaller, which must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 blunt damage and be imprisoned.
- Ring Blast: By spending 2 Lantern points You can make a ranged attack using your ring, the attack has a range of 60 feet and deals 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier of Force damage. Damage increases to 2d8 at level 5, 3d8 at level 11, and 4d8 at level 17.
- Incandescent Glow: By sepnding 4 Lantern points with a powerful glow from your ring you create a beam of energy that strikes all enemy creatures within 30 feet. The creatures must make a Constitution and Dexterity saving throw, if they fail the Constitution saving throw they are blinded until your next turn, if they fail the Dexterity saving throw they receive 4d6 Strength damage. On a success they only receive half of the damage and are not blinded.
- Crushing Blow: By spending 3 Lantern points you focus your energy into your fist and channel it through your ring to form a giant fist. This fist is thrown toward a target of your choice within 60 feet and makes a melee attack. On a hit, it deals 2d8 bludgeoning damage and knocks the target back 10 feet. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and you regain all uses after completing a long rest.
- Wall of the Spectrum: By spending 4 Lantern points with a wave of your ring, you create a solid wall of green energy in front of you. This wall has a maximum length of 30 feet and a height of up to 15 feet. It provides full cover against projectile and solid attacks, and any creature attempting to pass through it must make a Strength saving throw to succeed. The wall remains for a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Material Alteration[edit]
At the 3rd level, you unlock your ring's ability to craft armor. When you don't have armor, you can use the power of the ring to create armor tailored to your tastes, personality, and needs. This armor gives you a +2 bonus to your armor class, in addition to the armor class itself made available by the created armor. The created armor must be medium armor or light armor. Additionally, your ring can perform a complete scan of armor, giving you the ability to recreate it with your ring and inherit its capabilities.
The bonus to your AC depends on the type of armor: it increases by +3 if it is heavy armor, +2 if it is medium armor, and +1 if it is light armor (at the DM's discretion, this AC bonus may vary depending on the armor's rarity). Your unarmored defense remains the same; you simply add this AC bonus to yours along with the armor attributes. You do not suffer penalties to Dexterity stealth checks, and your weight does not change. (You can only use the benefits of one scanned armor at a time, you cannot stack them)
Universal Encyclopedia[edit]
At the 3rd level, You gain access to the vast information bank of your Lantern ring, containing millions of data points collected across the cosmos. As a bonus action, you can scan a creature, object, structure, or any other visible target within 30 feet. The ring will reveal detailed information based on the type of target. If the ring does not have information about what was scanned, it will begin to record everything unknown to upload it to your corporation's database.
If it is a creature:
- The race to which the creature belongs.
- Information about the history and typical behavior of the creature’s race.
- The creature’s native planet and the space sector it belongs to, also the state of the planet.
- Identification of the type of class or role the creature is currently using.
- Whether the creature is wanted for any galactic crimes.
If it is an object or material:
- The name of the material or object and where it can be found naturally.
- Relevant history of the object or material.
- Uses, functions, and risks associated with the material or object.
If it is a structure:
- How the structure was built.
- The religion and civilization associated with this structure.
- Information on how the structure was destroyed or when it was abandoned.
- The level of technology achieved by the civilization that constructed the structure.
When scanning an energy type, the ring reveals:
- Type: The nature of the energy (e.g. mana, ki, etc.).
- Source and Nature: The origin and nature of energy.
- School of Magic: If the energy is magical, identify the school of magic it belongs to (e.g. evocation, necromancy, etc.).
- Spells or abilities: Specific spells or abilities associated with the energy type.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can Attack 2 times, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn and also getting an additional reaction at this level.
As a member of a lantern corporation you will be presented with countless challenges in your path, some will not be a problem but others will cause your ideals to be questioned, but when it all goes wrong, you must remember and recite your oath, your ring will respond with an overload in response to the strength of your spectrum enhanced by those sacred words, making you glow your corporation color brightly. At level 5, as an action of reciting your oath you enter overload mode, by doing so, any negative effects or status conditions that were affecting you disappear and for one minute you gain the following benefits:
- Your Strength, Constitution, Dexterity and Wisdom scores increase by 2 exceeding their limits and you are immune to the effects of the disadvantage.
- You get an additional action thanks to the overload and the damage of your unarmed dice increases by one.
- Your HP doubles while you are transformed (previous HP loss is regenerated and you gain maximum HP). Additionally you recover hit points equivalent to your Wisdom modifier each turn.
- Save rolls against your DC are made with disadvantage and all your projections gain hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier multiplied by your level.
Once the minute is up, you cannot use this function again until you complete a long rest and the recharge time of your ring is reduced by d4 days.
Volatile Emotions[edit]
Starting at 6th level, your unarmed strikes and weapons created by your ring count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. Automatically hit structures/objects and deal maximum damage. You also crit against structures/objects.
Improved Projections[edit]
At level 6, your control over projections has increased considerably, allowing you to respond to different types of situations with versatility. Your projections are much more resilient, now having hit points equal to double your Wisdom modifier multiplied by your level. Additionally, you can now create objects as large and complex as vehicles, and you can maintain a maximum of 2 projections simultaneously. The limit of your projections is still your imagination. Here are some options that you can use:
At 7th level, your strength as a Lantern allows you to resist certain hostile effects, such as a blue dragon’s lightning breath or a fireball spell. Choose one of the following ability scores:
- Brawn - Strength
- Evasion - Dexterity
- Endurance - Constitution
- Intuition - Wisdom
- Discernment - Intelligence
When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw of the chosen ability to only take half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. At 20th level, you can choose one additional saving throw.
Boosted Recharge[edit]
At level 9, you can use your reaction and spend 4 Lantern points to absorb a spell that targets you. This can only target spells up to level 5. The effect of the absorbed spell is canceled, and the spell is stored in the ring. The spell retains the same level as when it was cast. Once the ring absorbs the spell, you can cast it as part of your attack action. Alternatively, your ring can use the spell to recharge a charge of energy, increasing the battery life by a d6 of days.
Ringed Resilience[edit]
Starting at level 10, your body is empowered by your emotional spectrum, giving you the resilience of a pillar of order and authority. You gain a bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws equal to your Wisdom modifier. Additionally, your current hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to 3 times your level. Whenever you gain a level thereafter, your hit point maximum increases by an additional 3 hit points.
Green Lantern[edit]
The Green Lanterns are the largest group of all and the second oldest. They were founded by the Guardians of the Universe on the planet Maltus as a second army to replace the Manhunters as a space police force. This happened because after a failure in their system, the Manhunters, who were robots, destroyed space sector 666. Because of this, the Guardians understood that compassion and emotions were needed, so they decided to give the most powerful weapon of all, the Green Lantern ring, to individuals with strong willpower.
Traditionally, it is said that there are 2 Green Lanterns for each of the 3600 space sectors, although the total number of members is unknown. Green Lanterns empower their rings with their willpower itself; therefore, they must be able to overcome great fears. Doubting themselves or being afraid greatly weakens their powers. Their emotional entity is Ion, a gigantic aquatic being that represents the will to live and was born when the first living beings decided to go ahead on the path of becoming conscious beings and fighting against predators. The Green Lanterns had their first base of operations on the planet Oa, which is located in the center of the universe, but in more recent times they moved to a living planet that also became a Green Lantern. Their oath reads:
“ | In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, Beware my power, Green Lantern's light! | ” |
—Hal Jordan |
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source: Dc comics Art work[] |
Yellow Lantern[edit]
The next largest and most important corps is the Sinestro Corps. They were founded by a former Green Lantern, Thaal Sinestro of Korugar. Sinestro began to rebel against the Guardians, believing that they were not accomplishing anything by policing the universe and that they were keeping many secrets, such as the prophecy of the Blackest Night. The Sinestro Corps has as its entity Parallax, a being with a reptilian and insect appearance that represents fear. Parallax was born when living beings began to fear death because of predators, thus representing the most basic fear of all: the fear of death.
The Sinestro Corps has its base of operations on the antimatter planet Qward. The Sinestro Corps, or Yellow Lanterns, derive their power from the fear of their enemies and therefore must be able to instill the deepest fear in their adversaries. This has led to the corps being filled with monsters and dark beings that are hardly better than the villains they fight. They keep the peace by threatening that if you stray from the right path, they will slowly and painfully destroy you. Although they are also supposed to watch over the universe, they are quite corrupt and violent, causing a lot of crime even while stopping villains. Their oath reads:
“ | In blackest day, in brightest night, Beware your fears made into light. Let those who try to stop what's right, Burn like my power, Sinestro's might! | ” |
—Siniestro |
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source: Dc comics Art work[] |
Red Lantern[edit]
The crimson fury of the universe is present. The Red Lanterns were created by Atrocitus, the former leader of the Five Inversions. Atrocitus was a space pirate whose entire star system was destroyed by the Manhunters due to a malfunction, and to add more salt to the wound, it was the day of his wedding. Atrocitus remained one of the five survivors, five from a special system made up of hundreds of galaxies. Atrocitus started a war of thousands of years against the Guardians of the Universe and at one point managed to find the Red Lantern on the planet Ysmault.
Atrocitus activated the red color of anger, massacring the other four Inversions and creating his own corps, which is governed by a mixture of magic and science because Atrocitus is a kind of space magician. The Red Lanterns obtain their power from their hatred and anger, the purest form of personal tragedy. A Red Lantern can only be someone who has suffered a serious injustice and awakens a thirst for revenge. When a creature becomes a Red Lantern, its heart is destroyed and replaced by its ring, filling its body with a corrosive liquid that comes out of its mouth. Because of this, removing the ring would be suicide for a Red Lantern.
Upon becoming a Red Lantern, the bearer loses all sense, becoming a being without intelligence. They must be submerged in the blood lake surrounding the central power battery on the planet Ysmault to regain some self-control. Red Lanterns can create constructs like other Lanterns, but they are more empowered in the field of physical combat because they are governed by uncontrolled anger. That is what happens to a Red Lantern.
As expected, the Red Lanterns are very aggressive and attack like wild beasts consumed by rage without any doubt. However, they are governed by the principle of only attacking those who harm other creatures unjustly or those who provoke them, although they are very easy to provoke. In the clear words of one of their most honorable members: "The duty of a Red Lantern is to ensure that no one else becomes a Red Lantern." Their emotional entity is called "The Butcher," a large red bull that was born from the anger of the first murder, when one being was cruelly devoured by another. Their oath reads:
“ | With blood and rage of crimson red, Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead. Together with our hellish hate, We'll burn you all—that is your fate! | ” |
—Atrocitus |
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source: Dc comics Art work[] |
Blue Lantern[edit]
The Blue Lanterns are the lanterns of hope. The corps was founded by Ganthet and Sayd, two Guardians of the Universe who became separated from the others during the fight against the Sinestro Corps and settled on the planet Odym. Its first member was Saint Walker, a priest from his home planet Astonia, a world doomed by a dying sun. Saint Walker's story dictates the morality of the Blue Lanterns; Despite how bad everything was and having lost his family during the last hours of his planet, he never lost hope.
This awakened the Central Blue Battery and made him the first of the Blue Lanterns. With his newfound power, Saint Walker performed a rather prodigious act, being able to rejuvenate the sun of his home planet, thus saving his entire species. The blue ring should be worn by someone who truly has a very deep, completely unbreakable hope that is not common anywhere in the universe. Therefore, the Blue Lanterns are the smallest of the entire force.
Blue Lanterns must be accompanied by a Green Lantern to be able to use their full power because hope alone is not enough to use their full power; It must be accompanied by the will to move forward. His emotional entity is called Adara, a blue bird that was born from the hope of beings who managed to escape from their predators. Their oath reads:
“ | In fearful day, in raging night, With strong hearts full, our souls ignite. When all seems lost in the War of Light, Look to the stars, for hope burns bright! | ” |
—Ganthet and Sayd |
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source: Dc comics Art work[] |
Orange Lantern[edit]
When the orange glow catches your eye, you can only wait and fight not to be carried away by that greed. The "Orange Corps," if it can be called that, was made up of an orange lantern known as Larfleeze. Larfleeze began his life as a space thief whose gang attacked the planet where the Guardians lived in the time of the Manhunters. The thieves found a map that guided them to the planet Okaara in the Vega system, allowing them to find the orange lantern of greed.
The guardians offered the only two thieves who survived the trip that they could keep not only the planet Okaara, but also the entire Vega space system, and that they would not intervene in anything they did in that system. In exchange, they had to promise never to leave, and also that only one of them could stay with the orange light. This led to a duel to the death, where Larfleeze emerged victorious, thus becoming the Orange Lantern, being the oldest lantern of all because it existed before the Green Lanterns. After billions of years, Larfleeze was killed by a White Lantern, leaving the orange ring waiting for someone greedy enough to wear it. (There can only be one Orange Lantern per campaign, due to the greed of having only the mother battery for only that one lantern)
The entity of greed is known as Ophidian, a large snake that was born when a predator killed and consumed another being without needing it, solely out of the desire to consume more than it needed to survive. As only an Orange Agent and not a corporation, Larfleeze did not have an oath, but seeing that the other corps had one, his greed made him want one too, so he created his own:
“ | What's mine is mine and mine and mine, And mine and mine and mine! Not yours! | ” |
—Larfleeze |
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source: Dc comics Art work[] |
Star Sapphire[edit]
The next corps is the Star Sapphires. They were born from a group of Guardians of the Universe who refused to abandon their emotions, believing it was a mistake. Instead, they decided to surrender to and embrace their emotions, even over logic. After thousands of years of being separated from the Guardians, they found the Sapphire Lantern that had inside two skeletons hugging each other, two beings who had loved each other in the purest way, and whose love activated the violet light.
With a few exceptions, Star Sapphires are always women and seem to have a lot of suspicion towards males of any species. They are also women because they are the only ones capable of embracing their emotions with such intensity to make their powers work. Most of them use tiaras to channel their power instead of rings. The Star Sapphires have their base of operations on the planet Zamaron, where they found their central power battery and had Queen Aga'po as their first leader. However, command eventually fell into the hands of Carol Ferris. Some say that the Sapphires are even more violent than the bloodthirsty Red Lanterns because love is the most chaotic emotion, making them a fairly chaotic corps.
Carol Ferris has shown signs of having a split personality because she was being possessed by the spirit of the Sapphire, which turned her into a villain, and she did not remember anything when she returned to her true self. The entity of love is the Predator, a being that represents pure love. Therefore, it is a wild and indomitable being, a predator driven by the instinct of pleasure itself, as that is how wild and dangerous love is when it does not have something to balance it.
When a Star Sapphire gains her powers, she is partly controlled by the Predator, making them very aggressive. They must learn to fight against the influence of the Predator to use their powers correctly. Sapphires are not simply selected; they must accept the responsibility of being a Star Sapphire. Their oath reads:
“ | For hearts long lost and full of fright, For those alone in blackest night. Accept our ring and join our fight, Love conquers all—with violet light! | ” |
—The Queen of the Star Sapphires |
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source: Dc comics Art work[] |
Indigo Tribe[edit]
When you are defeated and finished, you look up, surprised by a purple glow offering its helping hand with total compassion. The Indigo Tribe are the lanterns that represent compassion, born from the moment when another being took pity on the life of a stranger and helped them survive. The story begins with Abin Sur, one of the great Green Lanterns who began to distrust the Guardians of the Universe and, in his distrust, ended up arriving on the planet Nok. Here, he witnessed a group of conquerors massacring the locals.
But during the massacre, they found the Mother Indigo Lantern. It was bathing in the waters of a river when the purple water came into contact with the conquerors who were the authors of the massacre. They repented and understood the pain they had caused to those innocent creatures, repenting of their sins. Abin Sur realized this and took advantage of it, so he took many of the worst criminals in the universe to reform the purple light of compassion. At the moment of touching the water, they regretted everything and became beings who only thought about helping others to atone their sins.
The Indigo Tribe is characterized by a lack of identity; its members have practically no individuality and seem to have an almost hive mentality. Only their indigo leader usually uses a name to introduce themselves to other beings. Their emotional entity is called Proselyte, a giant octopus, and its suction cups are shaped like the characteristic symbol of the Indigo Tribe to which it gives its power. Their oath has not been translated because it is written in a language not identified by the Guardians of the Universe and therefore remains unknown.
“ | Tor lorek san, bor nakka mur, Natromo faan tornek wot ur. Ter lantern ker lo Abin Sur, Taan lek lek nok—Formorrow Sur! | ” |
—Indigo Lantern |
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source: Dc comics Art work [] |
Black Lantern[edit]
The Black Lantern Corps are an organization of dead beings reanimated by the black rings, which are created by Nekron, a cosmic entity that represents death and darkness. Nekron wishes to bring death to the universe and end all life.
Nekron and his right hand, the Black Hand, resurrect dead heroes and villains through black rings. These resurrected ones become Black Lanterns and seek to devour the hearts of the living to increase their power.
Nekron seeks to destroy life and establish death as the natural state of the universe. The Black Lanterns are his instruments to achieve this goal, as they can reanimate the dead and use their memories and emotions to manipulate the living. and his purpose is embodied in his oath:
“ | The Blackest Night falls from the skies, The darkness grows as all light dies. We crave your hearts and your demise, By my black hand—the dead shall rise! | ” |
—Undead Nekron |
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source: Firey Black Lantern Chamber by KalEl7 on DeviantArt [] |
White Lantern[edit]
Unlike the other lantern corps who represent an emotion on the emotional spectrum, the White Lanterns represent life itself. The white light resurrects several previously dead heroes and villains, bringing them back to life and marking the end of Nekron's threat. During "Brightest Day", it is revealed that the Entity, a cosmic entity representing life, is linked to white light. The Entity had been wounded and the resurrected heroes must help heal it by completing various tasks. The White Lanterns have been bearers of immense power to purify the world with their light, as their oath says:
“ | In brightest day, there will be light, To cleanse the soul and set wrongs right. When darkness falls, look to the sky, A new dawn comes, let there be light! | ” |
—Unknown |
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source: Firey Black Lantern Chamber by KalEl7 on DeviantArt [] |
ultraviolet Lantern[edit]
The Ultraviolet Corps is the Lantern Corps of the unseen light, part of the "Invisible Emotional Spectrum". The "heart" of the corps is a "Living Phantom Galaxy", powered by a sentient sun called Umbrax. Umbrax moves unseen through space, drawn toward planets where self-destructive forces are strongest. It surrounds these places, animating them with its energy, and then pulls them into its galaxy, adding them and their inhabitants to the Ultraviolet Lantern Corps.
The Corps is controlled by Umbrax, rather than each individual member controlling their own emotions; however this is not always the case. Sinestro found a way to bind and isolate the Ultraviolet power into himself, using his original costume with linen fibers that can distill the energy of Umbrax without succumbing to its thrall and now helms the Ultraviolet Corps. John Stewart was also able to overcome the influence of Umbrax and wield the Ultraviolet energy through his own force of will and confronting the negative emotions he held deep down. His oath reads like this:
“ | By the shield of the day, and the shield of the night, we feed and grow, beyond all sight, your darkest self shall be our knight, Wield the sword of invisible light! | ” |
—Umbrax |
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The phantom ring[edit]
Approximately 6 billion years ago, Rami the inventor created the Phantom Ring, but due to the disapproval of the rest of the Guardians of the Universe, Rami was excommunicated from the Guardians and sent into exile for the next couple billion years, taking the Phantom Ring with him. No controlas el Anillo Fantasma. Se alimenta de tus emociones y te controla a ti.
While he was kept away until he could destroy the Phantom Ring, Rami was incapable of doing so with any of 5,612 methods, including twelve black holes, Zeta-Beams, Kryptonite, and Nth Metal. With Rami's arrival on Earth, the Phantom Ring would soon find a new bearer. His oath reads like this:
“ | In Desperate Day, In Hopeless Night, The Phantom Ring is our last light. We yearn for power, strength and might I seize the ring, that is my right! | ” |
—Rami |
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Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:
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