Destructive Dragon Fist (3.5e Class)
Making a Destructive Dragon Fist[edit]
You have a very strong attack and a vast repertoire of abilities that help you adapt in many situations. Moreover you have high saves, however you have low AC in early and you are very limited in the amount of attacks.
Abilities: Strength and Intelligence are essential for the class, and a high Constitution makes you tougher and makes some of your abilities stronger.
Races: Every Draconic or Dragon bound race.
Alignment: Any.
Starting Gold: 6d6×10 gp.
Starting Age: Normally young ages but you can be as old as you want.
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fort | Ref | Will | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1st | +2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | Dragon Scales, Dragon Ancestor Fist, Mentally Trained | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd | +4 | +3 | +0 | +3 | Dragon Vision, Dragon Grasp | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd | +5 | +3 | +1 | +3 | Dragon Wings, Majestic Aura | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4th | +6 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Dragon Scales, Dragon Body Purity, Abdomen Shock | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5th | +7 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Stability, Dragon Sharp Mind | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6th | +8 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Dragon Ancestor Fist, Dragon Passion | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7th | +10 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Dragon Scales, Dragon Grasp, Dragon Wings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8th | +11 | +6 | +2 | +6 | Dragon Roar, Dragon Telepathy | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9th | +12 | +6 | +3 | +6 | Majestic Fist, Dragonkin Cleave, Dragonkin Power Attack | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10th | +13 | +7 | +3 | +7 | Dragon Superior Scales, Dragon Vision, Fierce Dragon, Hunter Dragon Eye | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11th | +14 | +7 | +3 | +7 | Dragon Brutal Grasp, Dragon Soul Flow | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12th | +15 | +8 | +4 | +8 | Dragonic Soul Shaking Fist, Dragon Wings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13th | +16 | +8 | +4 | +8 | Dragon Ancestor Fist, Friend of Dragons | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14th | +18 | +9 | +4 | +9 | Perfect Dragon Body, Dragon Vision | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15th | +19 | +9 | +5 | +9 | Dragonkin Power Attack, Dragon Ascent and Descent | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16th | +20 | +10 | +5 | +10 | Majestic Fist, Dragon Dash | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17th | +21 | +10 | +5 | +10 | Majestic Aura, Dragon Passion | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18th | +22 | +11 | +6 | +11 | Dragon Ancestor Fist, Dragon Grasp | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19th | +23 | +11 | +6 | +11 | Force Field Dragon Scales, Dragon Sharp Mind | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20th | +25 | +12 | +6 | +12 | Dragon Ancestor Fist, Dragon Perfect Mind | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level) |
Class Features[edit]
The majority of the features you will gain with this class are made to make you shoot punches as hard as possible, however you have some non fight bound features. All of the following are class features of the Destructive Dragon Fist.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: You are proficient with all simple weapons and with no armor and shields.
Dragon Scales: You grow your dragon ancestors scales on your body, those scales make you tougher and give you a +1 to natural AC. You gain this feature at 1st, 4th and 7th level.
Dragon Ancestor Fist: At 1st level you are gifted with the dragons strength, your fists now are lethal weapons that don't provoke attacks of opportunity and do 2d10 + strmod×2 damage, moreover your fists are considered two handed weapons in order to add the power attack bonus. However those fists are hard to handle even for your strength so you might only throw one fist per round even if you gain a higher BAB (gaining BAB from other classes or any other mean doesn't increase the number of attacks), the only way to do more than a single attack per round is by using the cleave feat.
Mentally Trained: You are mentally focused, in fact you can resolve every situation with your pure intelligence. You can choose 3 skills from the class skills and their key ability becomes intelligence instead of the normal one. At 10th level you can choose another skill.
Dragon Vision: You see the world like your dragon relatives, you gain 60 ft of darkvision and 30 ft of blindsight, if you already have those take the stronger one, they don't stack and they don't get added to one another. At 10th level the darkvision range increases to 120 ft and the blindsight range increases to 60 ft, at 14th level the darkvision range becomes 240 ft and the blindsight range becomes 120 ft.
Dragon Grasp: Your grip strength is way higher than normal people strength, when you attempt to grapple someone you don't provoke attacks of opportunity, moreover you gain a +4 to all grapple checks, even grapple checks made to resist an enemy grapple, moreover while grappling a creature you can still attack it every round.
Dragon Wings: You grow a pair of big dragon wings on your back, you can use them to fly at ×1.5 your land movement speed, your maneuverability is clumsy.
Majestic Aura: You are so solemn that even your allies around you are more solemn, you and all your allies within 30 ft from you gain a +2 to all Will saves, moreover you gain a spell resistance equal to your intmod + your class level. At 17th level your aura has +10 ft to range (to a total of 40 ft), it gives another +2 bonus to Will saves (to a total of +4) and gives you a bonus basic +5 to spell resistance.
Dragon Body Purity: Your body is pure and your temper is greater, you gain a +2 to all Fortitude saves.
Abdomen Shock: You are so strong and used to punch everything and everyone that you have understood how to shoot punches that really hurt. You do a normal attack (not necessarily a fist) on a target and, if you hit him, after you have thrown the damage, he needs to throw a Fortitude save DC equal to 5 + 1/4 (you lose the basic 5 if the DC with it would be higher than 35) the damage you have rolled, if you roll a critical strike the damage of the critical strike isn't counted in the DC but it's only counted the basic damage, if they succeed the save they only get the normal damage, however if they fail the save they take critical damage from the attack, if you are already doing a critical hit or you are hitting an undead or anything immune to critical hits you do ×1.5 damage, and you damage your enemy armor, if the enemy doesn't have any armor you damage his natural armor halving it (or setting it to 0 if the enemy has 2 or less natural armor), if the enemy has an armor and you don't destroy it he still loses half the armor bonus gained by it and doubles the armor check penalty (or add 2 to it if the basic armor check penalty is 0), if you destroy the armor it's like he doesn't have it anymore, if the enemy you use this feature on doesn't have neither an armor and a natural armor it falls prone. You have to spend a Dragon Wrath Point to use this feature, you have Dragon Wrath Points equal to your intmod/2 + 1.
Stability: You grow a dragon tail, if you don't have it, and you can use it to stabilize yourself during combat, you gain a +4 to all checks made to avoid being unbalanced or to get dropped.
Dragon Sharp Mind: Your sharp mind make you sense danger before you see it, you use half your intmod to determine your initiative and your Reflex save instead of your dexterity (if your dexterity is higher than half your intmod you keep the dexterity). At 19th level you use your full intmod to both initiative and reflex.
Dragon Ancestor Fist: At 6th level your fists are even deadlier, your fists now do 3d8 + strmod×2.5 damage.
Dragon Passion: You can awake the dragon within you burning with passion, activating and deactivating Dragon Passion is a swift action you can use during your turn when you want and every time you want, while in Dragon Passion you gain a +4 to strength and to Will saves, you gain +10 ft movement speed and you gain a bonus 2d4 elemental damage of your choice on all your attacks, choosing the element of the damage is a free action when you activate the Dragon Passion and a swift action during it (you may change the element once per round), however you tend to expose yourself more because of the adrenaline you gain while fighting, in fact you get -6 AC. At 17th level you gain another +2 bonus to strength (to a total of +6) and another bonus 2d4 to damage (to a total of 4d4).
Dragon Grasp: Your grasp becomes a pincer that leaves no one free, you gain another +6 bonus to all grapple checks.
Dragon Wings: Your Dragon Wings grow bigger and you are better at using them, your maneuverability is now average and you can fly at double your movement speed instead of ×1.5 it.
Dragon Roar: As a full round action you can unleash a shivering rumble that resembles the one of a dragon, all the enemies within 40 ft take 2d8 elemental damage at your choice and they must throw a Will save DC 10 + half your level + your intmod or they are shaken for 1d3 rounds and they get a penalty of -2 to Will saves for the whole fight, the one within 20 ft instead take 3d6 elemental damage and together with the Will save, that only the enemies must do, everyone (allies too) must throw a Fortitude save DC 5 + 1/3 your level + double your constmod, if they fail their eardrums will be wounded, they take 2d6 bleed damage for 3 rounds, this damage is not diminishable by any mean, and have a penalty of -5 to listen check and to abilities and features regarding hearing for a whole hour, if a creature is sensible to sounds or has 20 or more grades in listen it has a -2 penalty to the Fort save, a creature that hasn't got ears but can still listen doesn't have any bonus or penalty, a creature that has a protection to the ears (even covering them with the hands) has a +2 bonus to this save (a normal helm or hat isn't counted in this bonus), a creature that can't hear but can feel vibration has a +4 bonus to the Fort save, a creature that can't both hear and feel vibrations can't be affected by this feature (not even the Will save). If a creature has already failed a Fort save of the Dragon Roar within an hour you use it it has a +5 bonus to the Fort save. You may keep roaring for more rounds togheder, however this will cost a full round actions for every round you keep it, every consecutive round increases all the DCs by +1 up to +5.
Dragon Telepathy: Your mental ability permits you to establish a bond with people and creatures, you can mentally talk to whoever and whatever you want even more people together, however you don't listen to people thoughts so they can't talk you back mentally if they don't have a telepathy skill too.
Majestic Fist: Your grand personality makes you deadlier, you add your intmod to all your melee attack damage. At 16th level this bonus is even higher, you add ×1.5 intmod to the damage.
Dragonkin Cleave: If you can already use the cleave and great cleave feats this feature gives you the ability to use an astonishingly strong cleave, this feature permits you to do a 5 ft step between the cleaves, however you are limited to a single 5 ft step every round (like the supreme cleave feature of the Frenzied Berserker class). Moreover when you gain this feature every time you attack using a cleave you gain a bonus 1d4 to elemental damage to the next attack, this bonus stacks up to 5 times (5d4) and all the elemental damages must be of the same element. If you don't have cleave this feature becomes cleave, if you have cleave but you don't have great cleave this feature becomes great cleave, if you get both of them (even in a second moment) this feature gets back to give the normal bonuses.
Dragonkin Power Attack: Your power attack makes you shoot deadly fiery fists, if you have the power attack feat this feature makes you add 1d4 of elemental damage of your choice for every -1 penalty you gain to the attack roll to a maximum of 6d4 at -6 penalty instead of the normal +2 damage to the attack. At 15th level the maximum bonus you can get is increased to 12d4 at -12 penalty.
Dragon Superior Scales: Your dragon scales become as hard, shiny and reflective as adamant, you gain a +1 to natural AC and a +2 DR/-
Fierce Dragon: You are so fierce that anything, not even death and danger scares you, you are immune to fear effects of any kind. Unfortunately you are so fierce that you can't avoid looking directly in the eyes of the enemies you are fighting so you can't willingly cover your eyes even if you are fighting a creature with a sight attack, however you gain a +6 to resist all the eye attacks.
Hunter Dragon Eye: You are used to hunt and you gain a natural instinct that tells you what are the strength and weaknesses of the enemies you are fighting, you gain the Hunter Dragon Eye skill, it is an intelligence based skill that permits you by just giving a swift look to an enemy to understand many things about it. The DC of this skill depends on the HD of the creature you are looking at and, depending on how high the throw you make is, you discover more things about the enemy. The basic DC are written in the table below:
HD | <=17 | 18-24 | 25-31 | >=32 |
DC | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 |
The DC in the table is the basic DC, the DC gets modified depending on what information you get: if you throw a check with a -5 on the DC you will discover what kind of weapon style it uses so you understand if it uses melee attacks, ranged attacks and/or spells, you discover even if it uses a mix of them, if you precisely reach the DC you understand the amount of AC (not preciselly but an estimation of it like "low", "medium" or "high", this depends on the master perception of the fight because if you are agaisn't an enemy with 30 AC and your team average BAB is +3 it will be extremely high, if your party average BAB is +20 instead it will be pretty low), if you exceed the basic DC by 5 you learn the enemy immunities, if you exceed it by 10 you learn the enemy type of spells (like supportive, healing, damaging and so on) and special abilities (like invisibility, charges, area attacks and so on), if you exceed the DC by 15 you learn in quite detail the fightining style of the enemy and you learn its general resistances and weaknesses (not the amount but just the fact that it has it or not), if you exceed the DC by 20 you learn the precise order of the resistances and weaknesses from highest to lowest.
Dragon Brutal Grasp: You can execute lethal techniques while grappling creatures, you gain a +2 bonus to all the grapple and moreover after grappling a creature for a round it becomes pinned, you can grapple creature up to 2 sizes bigger than you and your carriable weight used to determine the amount of weight you can lift a creature is triple the basic carriable weight, as a final bonus you can grapple 2 creatures together instead of only one, however if you grapple 2 creatures you can't attack like you could normally do. While grappling a creature it takes 1d10 choke damage every round, this damage is not diminishable, however a creature who doesn't breathe takes only 1d6 bludgeoning damage. If you have one or more creatures pinned in grapple you can throw them up to 5 ft ×strmod, this distance increases by 5 ft for every size the creature you are throwing is smaller than you and diminish by 5 ft for every size the creature you are throwing is bigger than you, the creature you throw takes 2d8 + the falling damage it should take if it would fall by an equivalent highness and it is dazed for a round. If you have pinned and grappled at least 2 creatures you can crash them together, they both take 2d10 bludgeoning damage that is increased to 3d6 if one of them as even a single piece of armor, moreover they both get hurled in opposite directions, chosen by you, in the first free space and they both become stunned for 2 rounds.
Dragon Soul Flow: You attune yourself to your dragon self and to your ancestors, you mustn't sleep anymore however if you want to heal the lost hit points and gain back the used abilities you must meditate for 4 hours, in this meditation state you can hear your dragon ancestors whisper to you and you can see their spiritual form in a dream-like form, however you are not asleep so you don't get the -10 penalty to listen checks. Moreover you can avoid eating and drinking for prolonged periods, those periods are an amount of days equal to your intmod, after that amount of time you start getting the normal penalties.
Dragonic Soul Shaking Fist: You can shake your opponent's soul with a single well placed fist, you gain an additional Dragon Wrath Point per day and by spending one of them you may use this feature. When you use this feature you do a melee touch attack to an enemy, if you hit it it must throw a Will save DC 10 + half your level + your intmod, if it succeed it just takes the normal damage, if it fail it takes the normal damage and it is panicked for 1d3 rounds, however in the whole period of time it is panicked he can't move.
Dragon Wings: Your wings become bigger and very solemn, your maneuverability is now perfect, moreover while fighting defensively you gain a +3 bonus AC instead of the normal +2, if you have 5 or more ranks in tumble it becomes +4, and while using the total defense you get a +6 bonus AC instead of +4, it becomes +8 if you have 5 or more ranks in tumble.
Dragon Ancestor Fist: At 13th level your fists become deadlier and magical, your fists damage become 5d6 + strmod×3, moreover your fists are considered magic attacks in order to overcome damage reduction (if the enemy has lower damage reduction to magical attacks than the physical).
Friend of Dragons: All the dragons recognize themself in you, you can speak with dragons independently from the known languages and you can dialogue with them telepathically even if they usually can't, moreover all the dragons initially have a neutral attitude towards you and are more disposed to become friendly with you.
Perfect Dragon Body: Your body is the purest thing around, it's so pure that even if you get poisoned or sick you still would instantly cure yourself. You are immune to diseases, poisons and curses, moreover you are resistant to stuns and stunning effects, you gain a +2 to all the saves done to resist a stun, as last you are automatically stable even if you drop below 0 hit points.
Dragon Ascent and Descent: You are so used to flying around you are able to make incredible moves midair, you now fly at ×3 your land movement speed. Moreover you gain a bonus Dragon Wrath Point per day and by using one of them you can use the Descent feature, while you are midair you can slam yourself on the ground taking no damage, instead you create a big fracture on the ground with a range of 5 ft × half your strmod, in this range you deal to everyone damage equal to a fist + half the fall damage you should have taken by the highness you slammed yourself, everyone who takes damage in this way must throw a balance check DC 1/6 the highness you slammed yourself or fall prone. You can use Descent only if you are midair at a height between 60 and 90 ft, the maximum cap increases by 10 ft for every class level (to a max of 240 ft at level 30).
Dragon Dash: You are used to dashing around with the aid of your wings, you can do a small dash between the cleaves, this dash can be as long as half your land speed and you can do a maximum of 5 dashes while cleaving.
Dragon Ancestor Fist: At 18th level your fists become stronger, they now do 5d8 + strmod×3.5.
Dragon Grasp: Your grasp becomes harder to escape from, you gain another +2 bonus to all grapple checks.
Force Field Dragon Scales: Your scales are generating a force field around you, you add your intmod to your deflex AC.
Dragon Ancestor Fist: At 20th level you have the strength of a true dragon, your fists do 4d12 + strmod×4
Dragon Perfect Mind: Your mind is clear and with it you are harder to deceive and being dejected, you gain a +4 bonus to all checks and saves done to discern the truth. For example if someone is trying to lie to you you have this +4 bonus, if someone is trying to do an hand trick (like anything done with a sleight of hand check) you gain this +4, if someone is magically, or even not, trying to deceive you (like an illusion spell) you gain this +4. Moreover when you gain this feature a natural 1 on any save is not considered a critical failure.
Epic Destructive Dragon Fist[edit]
Level | Special | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21st | Dragon Endurance | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22nd | Dragon Vision of the Truth | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23rd | Dragon Rumble | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24th | Dragon Wrath | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25th | Advanced Dragon Ancestor Fist | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26th | Dragon Burning Passion | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
27th | Dragonic Majesty | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28th | Dragonkin True Destructive Attack | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
29th | Dragonkin True Cleave | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30th | Advanced Dragon Ancestor Fist | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 + Int modifier skill points per level. |
Dragon Endurance: Your draconic heritage gives you a strong body, you gain 6 hit points for every 5 class levels.
Dragon Vision of the Truth: Your dragon eyes let you see through lies even more easily than before, you gain another +4 bonus buff to the checks given by Dragon Perfect Mind.
Dragon Rumble: Your Dragon Roar becomes stronger, it gets 20 ft to both the basic and the powered ranges, now you add your conmod to the damage you do and your allies who must throw the Fort save have a +5 bonus to the saving throw.
Dragon Wrath: You are able to control in a better way your dragon ancestor fury, you gain a bonus Dragon Wrath Point and you gain another point at 27th and 30th levels.
Advanced Dragon Ancestor Fist: At 25th level your fists are bringer of death, now they do 5d10 + strmod×4.5 damage.
Dragon Burning Passion: You burn with even more passion than before, in fact, your passion is so lit up that people feel hot around you. Everyone who does a melee attack on you, unless they are 2 sizes larger than you or more and they are using a weapon or they are using a two handed weapon (not a one handed weapon held with two hands), while you are in Dragon Burning Passion must roll a Fort save DC 10 + your intmod + your strmod + your conmod or they get burned taking 1d10 true fire damage every round (true fire damage can be halved with an immunity to fire or it can be diminished with a DR that defends from everything, however the damages of true fire can't be diminished more than half of the basic damage it should deal (or 1)) for 3 rounds.
Dragonic Majesty: Your Majestic Aura and Majestic Fist are stronger than before, now you add ×2 your intmod to all the melee attacks damage. Your Majestic Aura gains another +20 ft range (to a total of 60 ft), another +2 bonus to all Will save (to a total of +6) and another bonus +5 to spell resistance (to a total of 10 + your level + your intmod).
Dragonkin True Destructive Attack: Your Power Attacks are even stronger, now you gain d6 of damage instead of d4 (the maximum limit is 12d6).
Dragonkin True Cleave: You are used to take any opportunity possible while fighting, now you may use a single Cleave even if you are not the one to kill an enemy, the only requirement is that you must have attacked the enemy within a round from its death. When using this Cleave you attack even during an enemy turn, in that case you do your Cleave before the enemy continues its turn, you may use Dragon Dash even if you Cleave in this way.
Advanced Dragon Ancestor Fist: At 30th level you are the best Dragon Fist, you deal 5d12 + strmod×5 damage on every fist.
Campaign Information[edit]
Playing a Destructive Dragon Fist[edit]
Religion: They may follow any religion your race may follow, however they tend to not worship at all.
Other Classes: Depending on how you play it other classes may see you as a friend or as a threat, generically because of your resemblance to dragons most of the classes, because they truly do or because they are scared, tend to respect you.
Combat: They are frontlines that give support to the teammates by applying controls on enemy stuns and/or putting them prone.
Destructive Dragon Fists in the World[edit]
They can live stably in any habitat that could normally host a dragon, however they can travel all around the world in search of knowledge, hunt, challenges or even just for fun.
Daily Life: Their daily life is kinda simple, wake up early, hunt, eat, spend time with the people they care about, hunt again and sleep, never forget to find some interesting and challenging goal they may pursue with solemnity and strength.
Organizations: They don't often assemble voluntarily, it may happen that one is challenging another and they may start challenging all each other or it may happen while a big hunt is ongoing, the only situation where they may voluntarily assemble is when a dragon is concerning the security of a city they are in or they are near or when a big dragon/prey appears somewhere.
NPC Reactions: Normal NPCs tend to fear them while still respecting them, however NPCs who are smart or used to adventures or any type of fight don't fear them as much, particularly evil NPCs may even try to steal their scales because of their value.
Destructive Dragon Fist Lore[edit]
Characters with ranks in Arcana or Dragonkin can research Destructive Dragon Fists to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.
DC | Result |
10 | They are feared by normal people and not good at fighting people. |
15 | They are very bound to dragons. |
20 | Their fists are the strongest that have ever been seen around. |
25 | Some of them, the strongest normally, may challenge a head to head dragon. |
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