Weapons & Armor Revised (5e Variant Rule)

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Weapons Revised[edit]

This ruleset is intended for games of D&D 5e (2024).

While the new ruleset for weapons, including Weapon Masteries has been excellent in diversifying the abilities of martial characters, it has often left much to be desired. The following rules expand on the potential of Critical Hits, Weapon Properties, and Weapon Masteries. These rules replace those found in the Player's Handbook (2024; p.213-218).

The Weapons table in this section details the game's main weapons. The table lists the cost and weight of each weapon, as well as the following details.

Category. Each weapon falls into a category: Simple or Martial. Weapon proficiencies are usually tied to one of these categories. For instance, you might have proficiency with Simple weapons.

Melee or Ranged. A weapon is classified as either melee or Ranged. A melee weapon is used to attack a target within 5 feet, whereas a Ranged weapon is used to attack at a greater distance.

Damage. The table lists the amount of damage a weapon deals when an attacker hits with it as well as the type of that damage.

Critical. The amount of extra damage a weapon deals when an attacker scores a Critical Hit, as well as the weapon's Critical Hit Range are listed in the Critical column. When an attacker scores a Critical Hit, roll the damage dice of the attack two, three, or four times as indicated by the weapon's Critical Multiplier and add all the results together.

Properties. Any properties a weapon has are listed in the Properties column. Each property is defined in the "Properties" section.

Mastery. Each weapon has a mastery property, which is defined in the "Mastery Properties" section later in this ruleset. To use that property, you must have a feature that lets you use it.

Simple Melee Weapons
Name Damage Critical Properties Mastery Weight Cost
Club 1d6 Bludgeoning x2 Light Slow 2 lb. 1 SP
Dagger 1d4 Piercing x2 Finesse, Light, Thrown (Range 20/60) Nick 1 lb. 2 GP
Greatclub 1d8 Bludgeoning x2 Heavy, Two-Handed Push 10 lb. 2 SP
Handaxe 1d6 Slashing x2 Light, Thrown (Range 20/60) Vex 2 lb. 5 GP
Javelin 1d6 Piercing x2 Thrown (Range 20/60) Slow 2 lb. 5 SP
Light Hammer 1d4 Bludgeoning x2 Light, Thrown (Range 20/60) Nick 2 lb. 2 GP
Mace 1d6 Bludgeoning x2 Versatile (1d8) Sap 4 lb. 5 GP
Quarterstaff 1d6 Bludgeoning x2 Versatile (1d8) Topple 4 lb. 2 SP
Sickle 1d4 Slashing x2 Light Nick 2 lb. 1 GP
Spear 1d6 Piercing x2 Thrown (Range 20/60), Reach, Versatile (1d8) Sap 3 lb. 1 GP
Simple Ranged Weapons
Name Damage Critical Properties Mastery Weight Cost
Dart 1d4 Piercing x2 Finesse, Thrown (Range 20/60) Vex 1/4 lb. 5 CP.
Light Crossbow 1d8 Piercing x2 Ammunition (Range 80/320; Bolt), Loading, Two-Handed Slow 5 lb. 25 GP
Shortbow 1d6 Piercing x2 Ammunition (Range 80/320; Arrow), Two-Handed Vex 2 lb. 25 GP
Sling 1d6 Bludgeoning x2 Ammunition (Range 30 / 120; Bullet) Slow 1 lb. 1 SP
Martial Melee Weapons
Name Damage Critical Properties Mastery Weight Cost
Battleaxe 1d8 Slashing 19-20/x3 Versatile (1d10) Topple 4 lb. 10 GP
Falchion 2d4 Slashing 18-20/x2 Finesse Sap 4 lb. 15 GP
Flail 1d8 Bludgeoning 19-20/x3 - Sap 2 lb. 10 GP
Glaive 1d10 Slashing 19-20/x3 Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed Graze 6 lb. 20 GP
Greataxe 1d12 Slashing x4 Heavy, Two-Handed Cleave 7 lb. 30 GP
Greatsword 2d6 Slashing x4 Heavy, Two-Handed Graze 6 lb. 50 GP
Halberd 1d10 Slashing 19-20/x3 Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed Cleave 6 lb. 20 GP
Lance 1d10 Piercing 19-20/x3 Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed (unless mounted) Topple 6 lb. 10 GP
Longsword 1d8 Slashing 19-20/x3 Versatile (1d10) Sap 3 lb. 15 GP
Maul 2d6 Bludgeoning x4 Heavy, Two-Handed Topple 10 lb. 10 GP
Pike 1d10 Piercing 19-20/x3 Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed Push 18 lb. 5 GP
Rapier 1d8 Piercing 18-20/x2 Finesse Vex 2 lb. 25 GP
Scimitar 1d6 Slashing 18-20/x2 Finesse, Light Nick 3 lb. 25 GP
Shortsword 1d6 Piercing 19-20/x3 Finesse, Light Vex 2 lb. 10 GP
Scythe 1d10 Slashing x4 Finesse, Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed Topple 10 lb. 10 GP
Trident 1d8 Piercing 19-20/x3 Thrown (Range 20/60), Versatile (1d10) Topple 4 lb. 5 GP
Warhammer 1d8 Bludgeoning 19-20/x3 Versatile (1d10) Push 5 lb. 15 GP
War Pick 1d8 Piercing x4 Versatile (1d10) Sap 2 lb. 5 GP
Whip 1d6 Slashing 19-20/x3 Finesse, Reach Slow 3 lb. 2 GP
Martial Ranged Weapons
Name Damage Crit Properties Mastery Weight Cost
Blowgun 1d4 Piercing 19-20/x3 Ammunition (Range 25/100; Needle) Vex 1 lb. 10 GP
Hand Crossbow 1d6 Piercing 18-20/x2 Ammunition (Range 30/120; Bolt), Light, Loading Nick 3 lb. 75 GP
Heavy Crossbow 1d10 Piercing x4 Ammunition (Range 100/400; Bolt), Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed Push 18 lb. 50 GP
Longbow 1d8 Piercing 19-20/x3 Ammunition (Range 150/600; Arrow), Heavy, Two-Handed Slow 2 lb. 50 GP
Musket 1d12 Piercing x4 Ammunition (Range 40/120; Bullet), Loading, Two-Handed Slow 10 lb. 500 GP
Pistol 1d10 Piercing x4 Ammunition (30/90; Bullet), Light, Loading Vex 3 lb. 250 GP
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