Lone Soldier (5e Background)

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Lone Soldier[edit]

Background in short

You are alone in this world, your empire you were fighting for gone, your friends murdered in one day. You are a only survivor of a fight that decided the fate of your city, fleeing as all your leaders were slaughtered.

Things to think about:[edit]

when you think of a lone soldier, consider the following:

  • What did the character do before your city/kingdom/empire fell?
  • What happened to your home during the destruction of your city/kingdom/empire? Was it gone in one night? Or was it destroyed after months of sieges?
  • What does your character do now? How does he/she survive? Are you being hunted by the Siegers?
  • Is anyone helping you despite the fall of your home? Are the helpers aware of the dangers or punishments that would happen should the enemy find out about them helping your character?

Skill Proficiencies: Two skill proficiencies among athletics, intimidation, insight, survival and history

Tool Proficiencies: choose one from Smith's tools, woodcarving tools and tinker tools.

Languages: Any language(s) your homes people used before their destruction.

Equipment (optional): A symbol of your homes signia or something that represents home and a object that represents your rank or role your had at the city or home.

Feature: Constantly on the run[edit]

You have been on the run constantly, trying to find a safe haven. most of the people who lived through the destruction or are against the events of what happened at the fallen city are willing at times to shelter you and even shield you from the enemy forces that would want you found.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

To best represent this background, it's best to have a high Dexterity score or strength score to represent your combative ability.

d8 Personality Trait
1 With my home gone, I have become paranoid of people who may betray me. Why trust anyone if it chances a knife in the back?
2 I will forgive anyone that regrets their actions and decisions. Those that don't I have no room for respect and am very quick to become offended by it no matter the scale of their crimes.
3 I am alone and just want to live the rest of my life unknown and always hidden from the outside world.
4 I see everything and am very reliant on them to help me. I'm a survivor after all. I'm kind enough to thank things for their help, even if they are not sentient.
5 Im quick to take my anger out on things. I have no discipline to stop myself from doing stupid things.
6 I am easily upset and want to fight these emotions down but it's hard considering my past.
7 I am friendly to everyone, even the enemy. I am forgiving of the enemy but only if they stop trying to kill me.
8 I no longer want to talk, I am a soldier and a soldier does not ask what to do unless told to by my superior.
Ideals (ran out of ideas for the tables)
d6 Ideal
1 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
2 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
3 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
4 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
5 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
6 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
d6 Bond
1 I must restore my kingdom back to what it was, no matter what.
2 I must get revenge on the ones responsible for my home being destroyed.
3 I have to find my friends, they must be alive. They have to be.
4 I must keep this from happening to anyone else. No place should suffer the same as I have.
5 This world has not suffered like I have, I want the world to feel the pain just like I have.
6 I do not see the point in restoring the lost. We can only move on.
7 With my home destroyed, I have no choice but to leave this world behind. I seek a place to be free and at peace. I will miss you old world.
d6 Flaw
1 I am quick to put people to the sword. Nobody treats people like a kobold and gets away with it.
2 I kill anyone that is working for the enemy. Why forgive what they did on purpose?
3 I am haunted by my past. I fear death and avoid it at all costs. Even if it means to betray a friend.
4 I am conflicted in what my purpose is and am very quick to run from anything.

If you have any opinions or change ideas, pit down below.

(2 votes)

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