User:ZarHakkar/Rigger (5e Subclass)

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Artificer Subclass

Rigger artificers are masters of vehicular travel.

Bonus Proficiencies[edit]

3rd-level rigger artificer feature

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with smith's tools or carpenter's tools, as well as land and sea vehicles. If you already have proficiency in smith's tools or carpenter's tools, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan's tools of your choice.

Rigger Spells[edit]

3rd-level rigger artificer feature

You always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Rigger Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Rigger Spells
Artificer Level Spells
3rd floating disk, unseen servant
5th silence, spike growth
9th clairvoyance, sending
13th banishment, hallucinatory terrain
17th conjure elemental, wall of force

Arcane Engine[edit]

3rd-level rigger artificer feature

Provided you have smith's tools or carpenter's tools, you can spend 1 hour of work to modify a Huge or smaller land or sea vehicle, turning it into an Arcane Engine. This work can be done as part of a short or long rest.

While a vehicle is an Arcane Engine, it has the following properties:

  • It becomes self-propelled and gains a speed of 60 feet. If the vehicle had other methods of movement, such as oars, sails, or being drawn, its speed increases by 30 feet while those methods are being used.
  • Its hit points increase by an amount equal to twice your artificer level + your Intelligence modifier, doubled for each size category above Medium.
  • The driver and any occupants gain half-cover from attacks and effects originating from outside the vehicle. If the vehicle already provided half-cover, the Arcane Engine improves it to three-quarters cover.
  • Damage dealt by the vehicle is considered magical.
  • The vehicle uses your artificer spell attack modifier and save DC (if higher) in place of its own attack modifiers and save DCs where applicable.
  • It gains the following action: Self Destruct. The Arcane Engine begins to destabilize. Choose a number of rounds between the minimum and maximum countdown duration as determined on the table below according to the engine's size. After the set rounds elapse, the Arcane Engine explodes at the start of initiative 20, destroying it. All creatures within the specified radius must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking an amount of force damage according to the table below on a failure, or half as much on a success. Occupants of the vehicle automatically fail the saving throw.
Self Destruct
Size Category Min. and Max Countdown Blast Radius Damage (in d6s)
Medium or smaller Instantaneous/5 rounds 20 ft. proficiency bonus + Intelligence mod.
Large 1 round/1 minute 40 ft. (proficiency bonus + Intelligence mod.) × 2
Huge 5 rounds/10 minutes 120 ft. (proficiency bonus + Intelligence mod.) × 4
Gargantuan 1 minute/30 minutes 500 ft. (proficiency bonus + Intelligence mod.) × 8
You can set an Arcane Engine to automatically initiate its self-destruct countdown (with a preset countdown duration) once it reaches 0 hit points.

You can have a number of Arcane Engines equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up). If you try to make another Arcane Engine beyond that amount, the oldest Arcane Engine you've created immediately ceases to function.

Note to the Player: It is recommended you acquire a cart (15 gp), sled (20 gp), wagon (35 gp), rowboat (50 gp) or chariot (250 gp) to convert into your first Arcane Engine.

Vehicle Mechanic[edit]

3rd-level rigger artificer feature

As an action while you have the appropriate tools in-hand you can apply a quick-fix to a vehicle or one of its components. You can choose either for the component to regain hit points equal to your artificer level, gain temporary hit points equal to five times your proficiency bonus, or you can suppress any reduction to the vehicle's speed for 1 minute.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses from a long rest and one use from a short rest.

Additionally, it takes you a quarter of the time and cost to craft a vehicle as well as administer repairs to one during downtime.

Vehicular Infusions[edit]

5th-level rigger artificer feature

You've devised a unique class of infusions intended to magically enhance the capabilities of a vehicle. The following List of Vehicular Infusions are added to the list of artificer infusions you can learn. Instead of targeting items, vehicular infusions target specific components of vehicles. Like infusing items, you can't infuse an already magical vehicle component.

Infusing a vehicle component belonging to a vehicle of Huge size or greater requires 8 hours of work and cannot be done as part of a long rest.

You can have more than one of the same vehicular infusion in different objects at a time, although each instance still counts against your infused items.

The maximum amount of items you can infuse and your infusions known each increase by 1, but the infusions must be ones related to this feature. This amount increases to 2 at 9th level and 3 at 15th level.

Smooth Operator[edit]

9th-level rigger artificer feature

You've become so familiar with all manner of vehicles you operate them as if they're an extension of your own body. You can take any action required to operate a vehicle as a bonus action instead.

Secondly, when manning a vehicle or a vehicle's action station, you count as a number of crew members equal to your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. If that vehicle is an Arcane Engine, you instead count as a number of crew members equal to your artificer level + your Intelligence score.

Finally, if you are operating a vehicle's weapon, that weapon gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and save DCs. If you are instead operating a vehicle's helm, you can add your Intelligence modifier to ability checks and saving throws the vehicle makes.

Improved Arcane Engine[edit]

15th-level rigger artificer feature

You can now create Arcane Engines out of Gargantuan vehicles as well as flying vehicles. Converting a Gargantuan vehicle into an Arcane Engine requires 1 workweek.

List of Vehicular Infusions[edit]

The following is the list of vehicle-specific infusions added to the rigger artificer's list of infusions.

Constructed Intelligence[edit]

Prerequisite: 14th level, a clear gemstone worth at least 1,000 gp

Vehicle control upgrade

You trace magical pathways in the gemstone and install it at the heart of a vehicle, imbuing the vehicle with sentience and autonomy. The vehicle's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores each become equal to 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier (roll and assign each score separately as you wish). The vehicle is friendly to you, can speak and understand the languages you know, and follows your verbal commands to the best of its ability. The vehicle is treated as if it were operated by a half crew, or a full crew if the vehicle is also an Arcane Engine.

Should this infusion end, the gemstone disconnects from the vehicle and falls inert.

Fleet Commander's Helm[edit]

Prerequisite: 14th level, a helmet (requires attunement)

Vehicle control upgrade

You outfit the vehicle with a complex sensory and control system, able to be networked with other vehicles sharing the same modification through a single helmet. While wearing this helmet, you mentally receive information from each vehicle with this infusion, such as its status, location, and a general description of its surroundings. As a bonus action while you wear the helmet, you can shut off your senses to your body to assume full control over any vehicle with this infusion. You perceive everything as if you were in the vehicle's space, while your body is rendered blinded and deafened. You can leave this state as a bonus action.

Regardless of how many times you create this infusion, you may only create a single helmet.

Remote Control[edit]

Prerequisite: 5th level

Vehicle control upgrade

You outfit the vehicle with a control system that enables you to interface with it through a handheld magical device linked to the vehicle. As an action while you are holding the remote control and the vehicle is within 1 mile, you can learn basic information about the linked vehicle such as its current status, location, and general surroundings, as well as issue commands to it. If you can see the vehicle, you can use the remote control to issue complex commands to the vehicle as if you were operating it normally; otherwise, you can only issue a single-action command such as to fire a weapon or move to a location.

Every time you create this infusion, you can choose to reuse an existing remote control device or create a new one.

The range of the remote control increases to 10 miles once you reach 10th level, and to anywhere on the same plane once you reach 14th level.

Arcane Artillery[edit]

Prerequisite: 5th level

Vehicle weapon upgrade

You imbue a vehicle's weapon with destructive energy. It gains a +1 to attack and damage rolls, and its weapon attacks are considered magical.

Once you reach 10th level in this class, the weapon's bonus increases to +2.

Concussive Rounds[edit]

Prerequisite: 10th level

Vehicle weapon upgrade

If this weapon hits a creature, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the start of its next turn. If this weapon hits a vehicle's hull, that vehicle's speed decreases by 2d10 feet until the start of the attacker's next turn.

Explosive Rounds[edit]

Prerequisite: 5th level

Vehicle weapon upgrade

When this weapon hits, it deals an extra 1d6 fire damage. This damage increases to 2d6 once you reach 10th level.

Capacitance Hull[edit]

Prerequisite: 10th level

Vehicle hull upgrade

The vehicle's hull is resistant to lightning damage. As an action, the vehicle's operator can electrify the vehicle's hull for 1 minute. Any creature that touches the hull takes 2d8 lightning damage, and a creature that takes this damage while grappling the vehicle must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be forced to release the grapple.

This feature can be used twice, regaining all uses upon the next dawn.

Resistant Hull[edit]

Prerequisite: 5th level

Vehicle hull upgrade

The vehicle's hull becomes resistant to one damage type of your choice.

Retaliatory Plating[edit]

Prerequisite: 10th level

Vehicle hull upgrade

When the vehicle's hull takes damage from an attack, roll 2d6. The attack's damage is reduced by that amount and, if the attacker is within 5 feet of the vehicle, they take force damage equal to the rolled amount.

Sails of Gusting[edit]

Prerequisite: 5th level

Vehicle movement upgrade (sails)

These sails allow a ship to move with a speed of 60 feet regardless of direction relative to the wind. As an action while controlling the vehicle, you can cause the sails to billow and fill with tremendous wind, doubling the ship's speed for up to 1 hour. Once you use this property of the sails, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

Sails of Soaring[edit]

Prerequisite: 10th level

Vehicle movement upgrade (sails)

As an action while operating the vehicle, you can cause these sails to catch the wind and lift the ship into the air. The ship gains a flying speed equal to its normal speed for 8 hours. Once you use this property of the sails, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

Blink Drive[edit]

Prerequisite: 10th level, a vehicle smaller than Gargantuan size

Miscellaneous vehicle upgrade (gadget)

This magical device has 3 charges. As a bonus action, the vehicle's operator can expend a charge to cause the vehicle to teleport to an unoccupied space that the operator can see up to 300 feet away from the vehicle's current position. All creatures and objects in contact with the vehicle are teleported along with it.

The device regains all expended charges after 24 hours.

Defensive Matrix[edit]

Prerequisite: 10th level, a vehicle of Large size or greater

Miscellaneous vehicle upgrade (gadget)

As an action, the vehicle's operator can cause the vehicle to generate a defensive shield of shimmering energy surrounding it. The shield has an amount of hit points equal to five times your artificer level and provides total cover to the vehicle and its occupants. Any attacks or effects originating from outside the shield that would damage the vehicle or its occupants instead targets the shield.

If damaged or destroyed, the shield regains all of its hit points at the next dawn.

Ejection System[edit]

Prerequisite: 10th level

Miscellaneous vehicle upgrade (gadget)

You outfit the vehicle with an emergency magical ejection system. As an action while controlling the vehicle, you can target any creatures or objects of size Large or smaller currently occupying the vehicle. Globes of shimmering force enclose each of the targets, which are then launched up to 500 feet away from the vehicle. An unwilling creature can succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to avoid being trapped and launched.

Each sphere has an AC of 10, resistance to all damage and provides total protection to the contents within while it exists. A sphere is destroyed if it takes 10 or more damage from a single attack or effect, freeing the creature or object inside.

Each sphere is weightless and just large enough to contain the creature or object inside. An enclosed creature can use its action to push against the sphere's walls and thus roll the sphere at up to half the creature's speed. Similarly, the globe can be picked up and moved by other creatures.

Once this function of the vehicle has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn. It can be set to automatically trigger once the vehicle reaches 0 hit points, targeting specified targets or all targets.

Foldable Vehicle[edit]

Prerequisite: 5th level, a vehicle of Huge size or smaller

Miscellaneous vehicle upgrade

By speaking a command word as an action, a creature can cause the vehicle to magically transform into a box-like container a maximum of 2 feet in any dimension. The container weighs 10 pounds, floats, and can be opened to store items inside. Any objects in the vehicle that can't fit inside the container remain outside the container as it folds. Any objects in the vehicle that can fit inside the container do so. The vehicle can't transform if it is occupied.

Speaking the command word again while the vehicle is in container form causes it to revert back into its vehicle form, provided there is sufficient space available to do so. You determine the command word when creating this infusion.

Projection Array[edit]

Prerequisite: 6th level, a vehicle of Large size or greater

Miscellaneous vehicle upgrade (gadget)

As an action, the vehicle's operator can cause the vehicle to project a visual illusion (following the rules for silent image) at a point within 90 feet of the vehicle. The vehicle can have up to four illusions active in this way at a time. Alternatively, the vehicle can project and have one instance of major image active instead. The illusions last until the vehicle's operator dismisses them.

Warp Core[edit]

Prerequisite: 14th level, a vehicle of Huge or Gargantuan size

Miscellaneous vehicle upgrade (gadget)

As an action, the vehicle's operator can cause the vehicle alongside all creatures and objects in contact with it to teleport to another location of the operator's choice. The chosen location can be on the same plane of existence (as if via teleport) or another plane of existence (as if via plane shift).

Once this property of the gadget has been used, 24 hours must pass before it can be used again.

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