Martial Artist (Baki Supplement)
Martial Artist[edit]
As a Martial Artist in the grand world of Baki™ you are able to grow in ways that are seemingly impossible, however, you are no mere human, you are destined to become a god among men! In this superhuman world you are capable of grand things, much like the characters in the world of Baki, you can grow your strength to hold down helicopters mid flight, strike with speed faster than any human can react, or become a monster of insurmountable strength, The Strongest Creature Alive. However, achieving these feats are no easy task, you must face people who also seek the same envious strength as yourself, besting them in battles of strength, wit, and speed. Others may have advantages over you that you must overcome, such as a martial art with 4 millennia of history, creatures of terrifying size and strength, and of course the infamous Demon Back belonging to those in the Hanma bloodline. The only question is, are you ready to fight?
Damage Dice Progression: When a feature says you increase the damage dice of an attack by 1 step or tier, it means it follows some variation of the following progression. 1>1d4>1d6>1d8>1d10>1d12>2d6>2d8>2d10>2d12>4d6>4d8>4d10>4d12>8d6>8d8>8d10>8d12… and so on, whereupon reaching d6s again the dice count doubles.
Creating a Martial Artist[edit]
![]() |
The strongest Martial Artist,Yujiro Hanma |
- Quick Build
You can make a Martial Artist quickly by following these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in either Strength or Dexterity, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Human race. Third, discuss an appropriate background feat with your GM.
Class Features
As a Martial Artist you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 2d10 per Martial Artist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 2d10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d10 (or 11) + Constitution modifier per Martial Artist level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: None
Weapons: All weapons
Tools: Choose one type of artisan’s tools, gaming set, or a thieves’ kit
Saving Throws: Strength or Dexterity, Constitution
Skills: Choose four skills
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) One martial weapon of your choice or (b) Two simple weapons of your choice
- If you are using starting wealth, you have If you are using starting wealth, you have 10d12x10 in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Unarmored Movement | Martial Arts |
1st | +2 | Unarmored Defense, Testosterone, Martial Arts, Martial Arts Style | +10 ft. | 1d10 |
2nd | +2 | Hidden Potential, Unkillable | +10 ft. | 1d10 |
3rd | +2 | Fighting Passion, Martial Arts Style Feature | +10 ft. | 1d10 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | +10 ft. | 1d12 |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack, Stamina Recovery | +20 ft. | 1d12 |
6th | +3 | Testosterone-Empowered Strikes, Martial Arts Style Feature | +20 ft. | 1d12 |
7th | +3 | Superhuman Resistance, Ability Score Improvement | +20 ft. | 2d6 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement, Counter Strike | +20 ft. | 2d6 |
9th | +4 | Destructive Blows, Martial Arts Style Feature | +30 ft. | 2d6 |
10th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | +30 ft. | 2d8 |
11th | +4 | Adrenaline Rush | +30 ft. | 2d8 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement, Extra Attack(2), Favorite Technique | +30 ft. | 2d8 |
13th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | +40 ft. | 2d10 |
14th | +5 | Martial Arts Style Feature | +40 ft. | 2d10 |
15th | +5 | Martial Genius | +40 ft. | 2d10 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement | +40 ft. | 2d12. |
17th | +6 | Combat Expertise | +50 ft. | 2d12 |
18th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | +50 ft. | 2d12 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement, Extra Attack(3) | +50 ft. | 4d6 |
20th | +6 | Awakened Potential, Martial Arts Style Feature | +50 ft. | 4d6 |
Unarmored Defense[edit]
Starting at 1st level, while not wearing armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Strength or your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier.
At 1st level, you have an amount of testosterone equal to your charisma score multiplied by your Strength score times your level. Any other features like background feats that modify this calculation will be applied. You can apply a bonus to Intimidation checks equal to your Testosterone divided by 1,000, and any Intimidation check made against you is subtracted by this number. If your Testosterone is equal to or over double that of another creature’s Testosterone, you see them as a woman, granting you the following benefits:
- You take half of the damage from that creature’s attacks, regardless of if their attacks overcome resistances or immunities.
- You have advantage on all attack rolls against that creature, and all saving throws the creature makes against you are at disadvantage.
- You have advantage on all saving throws the creature forces you to make.
- Any Intimidation checks the creature makes against you automatically fail.
Martial Arts[edit]
Also at 1st level, your martial arts practice gives you mastery of combat styles that use unarmed strikes. You gain the following benefits while you are unarmed and you aren't wearing armor or wielding a shield:
- You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes.
- You can roll a d10 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike. This die changes as you gain martial artist levels, as shown in the Martial Arts column of the martial artist table.
- When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike or attack with a one handed weapon as a bonus action..
Martial Arts Style[edit]
Lastly at 1st level, you begin to refine your martial arts to articulate around a specific Martial Arts Style. You must choose a Martial Arts Style listed below in Martial Arts Styles. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level, 6th level, 9th level, 14th level, and 20th level.
Hidden Potential[edit]
Starting at 2nd level, you’ve been destined to excel far beyond normal human capabilities. You can choose two ability scores to be designated as your Superhuman Abilities, the chosen ability scores will each gain a +2 to their score and their maximums will be increased to 26. These abilities will gain additional benefits at 7th level and 20th level.
Also at 2nd level, your extreme physical endurance makes you seem almost impossible to kill. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can instead fall to 1 hit point. You can do this an amount of times equal to half your Constitution modifier per long rest.
Fighting Passion[edit]
At 3rd level, your love for fighting is so immense that defeating others just makes you want to keep going. Once per turn, when you land a critical hit or you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, you can make another attack in the same action against a creature within your range. Additionally, you gain advantage on all Strength and Dexterity saving throws until the beginning of your next turn.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 18th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. You can't increase an ability score above 22 using this feature. You may also ignore this increase to instead gain a Martial Artist Feat.
Extra Attack[edit]
Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, when you use the Attack action during your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 12th level, and to four at 19th level.
Stamina Recovery[edit]
Also at 5th level, your stamina recovers at much higher rates compared to that of an average human being. You lose 1 level of exhaustion in an amount of turns equal to 10 minus your Constitution modifier (to a minimum of 1 turn).
Testosterone-Empowered Strikes[edit]
At 6th level, you’ve learned to destroy your opponents with your overwhelming testosterone. When you make an unarmed strike, you may add additional damage die in psychic damage equal to your Strength or a stat of your choice score multiplied by your level divided by 100.
Superhuman Resistance[edit]
Starting at 7th level, your potential is slowly becoming more realized. The ability scores you chose as your Superhuman Abilities with Hidden Potential will now be applied to saving throws. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw of your Superhuman Ability to only take half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Counter Strike[edit]
Also at 8th level, your experience with close-range combat has allowed you to perceive enemy attacks and counter reactively. When you’re targeted by a melee attack roll, you can use your reaction to make an unarmed strike. If you successfully hit the enemy, their attack is made with disadvantage. If your attack was a critical hit, the attack against you automatically misses.
Destructive Blows[edit]
At 9th level, your attacks are so unrelenting that they can get past even the most durable of foes. Your unarmed strikes count as magical for the sake of overcoming resistances. At level 14, this feature allows you to overcome immunities.
Adrenaline Rush[edit]
At 11th level, your lust for combat allows you to exceed your limits for a short amount of time. As a free action, you can enter an Adrenaline Rush for an amount of turns equal to your Constitution modifier. Being in an Adrenaline Rush grants you the following benefits:
- All your physical ability scores increase by 2, as do their maximums.
- You gain a damage reduction equal to your Constitution modifier.
- You gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier times 10.
- Your Martial Arts die increases by 2 tiers.
Once Adrenaline Rush ends you will gain 3 levels of exhaustion and the amount of turns you have to wait for Stamina Recovery to activate is doubled. You can only use this feature once per long rest.
Favorite Technique[edit]
At 12th level, you’ve picked a technique that you favor above all others, and you aim to master it. You may choose a technique you have to be your Favorite Technique, causing it to gain the following benefits:
- Once per turn, you can use your technique immediately after making an unarmed strike as part of the same attack. Due to this more finesse way of initiating your technique, you can make the targeted creature(s) roll the saving throw against your technique at disadvantage, or give yourself advantage on the attack roll.
- The exhaustion cost for this technique is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
- If the technique uses damage die, it gains an amount of damage die equal to your proficiency bonus.
- If the technique costs an action or less, you can use it instead of the normal unarmed strike for the Counter Strike feature.
- This technique is not affected by the Combat Expertise feature.
- If the technique didn't already bypass resistances, it does now, but not immunities unless specifically stated as part of the technique.
Once you choose a technique as your Favorite Technique, you can only change it once a month.
Martial Genius[edit]
At 15th level, your martial prowess is so incredible that you’re almost considered inhuman. You gain 2 Martial Artist Feats.
Combat Expertise[edit]
Finally, at 17th level, your combative experience is one very few have ever achieved. Your crit range with unarmed strikes is increased by 2, and you add an additional damage die to crits with unarmed strikes. Additionally, if a creature fails an attack roll against you with a technique, attack rolls with the technique have disadvantage against you. If the technique requires you to make a saving throw, you will gain advantage on the roll once you’ve successfully saved from it at least once. This effect lasts for 24 hours.
Awakened Potential[edit]
Finally, at 20th level, your full potential has awoken. You gain a +4 to your Superhuman Abilities chosen from Hidden Potential, including their maximums. Additionally, any saving throws you make with your Superhuman Abilities are made with advantage.
Martial Artist Styles[edit]
- Grippy
Starting at 1st level, you trained your body to be keep your enemies close and hold them in place, your grip power is unmatched, you receive the following benefits:
- You gain 2 1st level Grapple techniques of your choice.
- You gain proficiency in athletics and counts as having ezpertise in it for the purpose of grappling or throwing.
- You gain an adittional attack that can only be used for grapple attempts
- Strong Grip
Starting at 3rd level, the strength of your squeeze and your grapple ability become stronger, you gain the following benefits:
- You gain 2 3rd level Grapple techniques of your choice.
- You roll all of your grapple checks with advantage
- A creature grappled by you is also considered restrained
- Gorilla Grip
Starting at 6th level, the power of your arms and the strength of your squeezing are deadly. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain 2 6th level Grapple techniques of your choice.
- Whenever you are grappling a creature, it takes half a roll of your martial arts dice every turn it is grappled
- You count as one size larger for the purposes of grappling, shoving, disarming, and the weight you can carry, push, drag or lift.
- You may now grapple two creatures at once
- Bear Hug
Starting at 9th level, when you grapple someone, there's no escape and you'll make it hurt. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the Front Neck-Lock technique.
- Creatures now take a full roll of your martial arts dice for every turn they are grappled
- Creatures roll their contested check agains your grappling with disadvantagde
- You count as 2 sizes larger for the purposes of grappling, shoving, disarming, and the weight you can carry, push, drag or lift.
- Bigger capacity
At 14th level, your training dedicated to grappling reached a point where you can grapple several people t once. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the Antonio Driver technique.
- You may now grapple up to 4 creatures
- For every creature above 1 you are grappling, you add one more martial arts roll to the damage per turn
- You count as 4 sizes larger for the purposes of grappling, shoving, disarming, and the weight you can carry, push, drag or lift.
- Black Hole
Your grappling strength is so massive that not even light can escape it. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the Jumping Backdrop technique.
- You can now grapple up to 6 people
- When a creature is grappled by you, they are also considered Incapacitated
- Your grapples now go through resistances and immunities.
- You ignore immunity to any condition you'd cause with any of this subclass features
- You count as 4 sizes larger for the purposes of grappling, shoving, disarming, and the weight you can carry, push, drag or lift..
The Savage fighting style takes a more primitive and wild aspect of combat, consisting of clawing and other unconventional attacks.
- Savage Beast
Beginning at 1st level, you have just started learning the savage style, gaining you the following benefits:
- You gain the 1st level savage techniques.
- Your Martial Arts attack can deal slashing damage if you so choose.
- You can reroll your damage twice and pick the higher number.
- Unrelenting Blows
Starting at 3rd level, your savage strikes have become relentless, for better or for worse. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the 3rd level techniques for the savage style.
- You can give yourself advantage and add your proficiency bonus twice on any unarmed strike, but attacks against you will have advantage until the beginning of your next turn.
- When you land a critical hit with an unarmed strike that deals slashing damage, the creature will begin bleeding, taking 1d10 bleed damage every turn until they take an action to stop the bleeding.
- Beast-like Endurance
Starting at 6th level, you have trained your monster-like body to be more tough. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the 6th level techniques for the savage style.
- The Unkillable feature now uses your full Constitution modifier instead of half.
- When you get hit by a critical attack, you can reduce a damage die from the attack.
- Primal Instinct
Starting at 9th level, your caveman-like body has improved its senses. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the Hunter Stance savage technique.
- When you land a critical hit with an unarmed strike that does slashing damage, you gain temporary hit points equal to one of your hit die.
- You gain 1 body feat and you can ignore any prerequisites besides level requirement.
- Your passive Perception increases by your proficiency bonus.
- The Predator
Starting at 14th level, your primal appearance has made you better at ravaging the frightened. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the Apex Predator’s Roar savage technique.
- You gain a +4 to attack and damage rolls when attacking a creature that has been frightened by you.
- After killing a creature that was frightened by you, you can move up to half your movement speed.
- Primal Evolution
Finally at level 20, you have reached the peak of your primal body. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the Predators Annihilation savage technique.
- All of your physical ability scores increase by +1 to a maximum of 22
- You gain 4 additional hit die.
- Adept at All
Beginning at 1st level, you have learned that the best way to beat any opponent is to be the most versatile fighter. You have the ability to learn any technique that is learnable. This excludes the Ogre, Savage, and non martial subclasses as these cannot be learned. You also gain the following benefits:
- You gain 3 1st level techniques from available martial arts subclasses.
- Your unarmed damage increases by 1 tier.
In addition you learn another technique at 3rd level, 5th level, 7th level, 9th level, 11th level, 13th level, 15th level, 17th level, and 19th level. When you gain a technique in this way you may gain one of higher level if you already have one in the subclass. For example, if you have a level 1 Sumo technique you can then take a 3rd level sumo technique. This can only go up to a limit of 6th level techniques.
- The Art of the Sprawl
At 3rd level, you have learned that some fighters like to win through pure ground domination. This vexes you, so you have learned how to escape these fighters better by sprawling. When a creature attempts to grapple you, you may add your proficiency bonus to the check if you do not already and if you are already proficient you add it again.
- Mixed Skills
At 6th level, you have gotten better at learning other martial arts. You may gain 2 first level subclass features from any subclass that is not the Ogre, Savage, or a non martial subclass.
At 8th level, 12th level, 16th level, and at 20th level you gain another subclass feature from another subclass. You may also use this to gain a higher level feature in a subclass you already have learned. You cannot learn above a 9th level feature with this.
- Bodily Conditioning
At 9th level, you have a stronger body due to the conditioning you do to prepare for fights. You reduce all damage by 2 times your constitution modifier, unless it is psychic, thunder, or magical damage. In addition, your stamina recovery is better than the average fighter. You now lose a level of exhaustion in an amount of turns equal to 5 minus your constitution modifier (to a minimum of 1 turn).
- Battle Adaption
At 14th level, you have learned how to quickly adapt while in battle. If you see an enemy use the same technique 5 times in one battle, you learn to counter it. If that technique forced a saving throw, you have advantage on the save. If it uses an attack roll, they roll with disadvantage.
- Master of Many
At 20th level, you have finally mastered one martial art over the others you know. You may pick one subclass that you have chosen to learn to gain this benefit. When you use this subclass you may choose to reduce its action cost by 1 (Ex. Full Round Action -> Action -> Bonus Action -> Free Action).
- Human Wall
Starting at 1st level, your resilience and toughness is no joke, be able to shrug off the strongest of punches. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain 2 1st level sumo techniques of your choice.
- Your hit dice increases by 1 tier (2d10 to 2d12).
- You may add your constitution modifier an additional time when calculating your hit point maximum.
- Heavy Shoves
Starting at 3rd level, your shoving has become more deadly. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain 2 3rd level sumo techniques of your choice.
- Your shove distance is doubled and you may shove as a bonus action
- If you shove a creature to a hard surface, they will take 1 roll of your Martial Arts damage and the wall takes double that damage.
- Palm Striker
Starting at 6th level, your strikes with your palms have become incredibly dangerous. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain 2 6th level sumo techniques of your choice.
- When striking with your palm, your Martial Arts damage die increases by 1 tier.
- When you land a successful attack against a creature, that creature is knocked back 5ft.
- Balance Shaking Shoves
Starting at 9th level, your shoves have become so powerful that they disorient people. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the Shikiri Stance technique.
- Whenever you successfully shove a creature, you will have advantage on the next attack or shove action against that creature for that turn.
- Your shove distance is doubled. And you may also pick what distance you shove a creature as long as it's lower than your current shove distance.
- Supernatural Resistance
Starting at 14th level, your body has evolved so far where you could take a gunshot. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the Abaranage technique.
- Your health maximum increases by your constitution score added thrice.
- You gain a damage reduction equal to your constitution modifier.
- Pinnacle Of Sumo
Finally at level 20, you have truly mastered the art of Sumo. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the Kongou Rikishi Stance technique.
- When you successfully shove a creature, they take 3 rolls of your Martial Arts die.
- Your shove distance is doubled.
- Dynamic Strikes
Beginning at 1st level, you have just started learning the boxing style, choosing In-Fighting or Out-Fighting and gaining you the following benefits:
- You gain 2 1st level boxing techniques.
- Your unarmed strikes die tier increases by 1 while punching.
- In-Fighting. If you choose In-Fighting you’ve learned to raise your guard more effectively, called Strong Guard. As a bonus action you double any damage reduction you have until the beginning of your next turn.
- Out-Fighting. If you choose Out-Fighting you’ve learned to dodge attacks more effectively, called Fancy Footwork. As a bonus action you increase your armor class by your Dexterity modifier until the beginning of your next turn.
- Proper Punch
Starting at 3rd level, your punching stance has been refined. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain 2 3rd level boxing techniques.
- Your Martial Arts dice increases by one dice while punching.
- In-Fighting. The strong foundation you built to endure attacks now helps you strike your enemies. When you land a critical hit with an unarmed strike that is a punch and your Strong Guard is active you can choose to knock the wind out of somebody, forcing them to make a Constitution saving throw or become stunned until the end of their next turn.
- Out-Fighting. Your nimbleness and quickness which you’ve honed now assist you in finding gaps in your opponent’s defenses. When you make an unarmed strike that is a punch while Fancy Footwork is active your critical hit range for that attack is increased by 2.
- Style Improvement
Starting at 6th level, you have trained your boxing style to hit more on the essence of your boxing. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain 2 6th level boxing techniques.
- When you take the attack action you may make an additional attack which must be an unarmed strike which is a punch.
- In-Fighting. You’ve mastered the essence of in-fighting, staying close up to your enemy to pressure them. While Strong Guard is active moving towards a hostile creature does not expend movement. As part of making an unarmed strike which is a punch you may move up to 10ft towards the target of the attack.
- Out-Fighting. You’ve mastered the essence of out-fighting, keeping distance and peppering your enemy with long reach. While Fancy Footwork is active moving does not expend movement as long as you both start and end your movement within 30ft of the same hostile creature. When you take a reaction you may move up to 10ft as part of the same reaction, if this would cause you to leave the area targeted by an attack or area of effect the attack is considered to have missed and you are unaffected by the area of effect.
- Counterpunch Mastery
Starting at 9th level, you master the technique that originated in boxing, the counterpunch. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the Slipping Away boxing technique.
- You have advantage on attack rolls for Counterpunch.
- In-Fighting. You’ve learned to trap your opponent in a clinch when they attack you so as to deliver a brutal counter. When Strong Guard is active and you use Counterpunch you may choose to make the triggering attack automatically hit to make your attack deal damage as if it was a critical hit and count as a critical for the 3rd level In-Fighting feature. If your attack would naturally crit or you reduce the damage of the triggering attack to 0 your attack will automatically deal maximum damage.
- Out-Fighting. You’ve learned to exploit the openings left by attacks you avoid to deliver easy counterpunches. If an attack which you reacted to with Counterpunch misses you regain the reaction used on the Counterpunch.
- Boxing Master
Starting at 14th level, your extreme punching ability and skill makes you a force to be reckoned with. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the Peek-a-Boo boxing technique.
- You may add your proficiency bonus to damage rolls and an additional time to the attack rolls of unarmed strikes which are punches.
- In-Fighting. Your ability to eat hits is almost at its peak. While Strong Guard is active any damage reduction you have is now tripled instead of doubled.
- Out-Fighting. Your ability to evade hits is almost at its peak. While Fancy Footwork is active you now additionally increase your armor class by your proficiency bonus.
- King of the Ring
Finally at level 20, you have reached the peak of your technique. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the Sway Back boxing technique.
- The critical range of your unarmed strikes which are punches increases by 2.
- In-Fighting. You’ve finally perfected pressuring your opponent with your constant flurry of punches. When you hit an unarmed strike that is a punch while Strong Guard is active the creature you hit has the amount of attacks it can make on the attack action reduced by 1 until the end of it’s next turn and it loses 10ft of movement.
- Out-Fighting. You’ve finally perfected peppering your opponent from outside their reach. While Fancy Footwork is active your unarmed strikes which are punches have their reach increased by 5ft.
- Playing Dirty
Beginning at 1st level, you’ve grown up doing dirty tricks whenever you are in a fight. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain 2 1st level dirty techniques.
- You gain expertise in sleight of hand.
- Whenever you deal damage with an improvised weapon you add an extra xd10 of damage (with x being your proficiency bonus). Additionally you gain expertise in improvised weapons.
- Sneak Attack
Starting at 3rd level, you have learned to strike the most sensitive spot of any creature. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain 2 3rd level dirty techniques.
- You gain proficiency in stealth, if you already have proficiency you instead gain expertise in stealth.
- Whenever you surprise a creature or make an attack against a creature without them knowing, you add an extra xd10 (with x being your strength or dexterity modifier).
- Crafter
Starting at 6th level, you have learned to craft and create weapons, explosives, and poisons to aid you in combat. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain 2 6th level dirty techniques.
- You can disregard a short rest or a long rest benefits in order to craft an item for battle. The DC to craft this item completely depends on what you're making. (Discuss with the DM on what you are making and what it does in order to set a DC, some items might take more than 1 long/short rest to craft)
- Master Humiliator
Starting at 9th level, you have formed your combat style to embarrass your opponent in order to gain a mental advantage. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the pissing dirty technique.
- Any techniques you use that cause conditions now last twice as long.
- Once per turn as an action you can taunt your opponent, the targeted creature must make a wisdom saving throw (the DC being 8 + your charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus) on a failure they are taunted by you. On a success they are not taunted.
- Master Of Stealth
Starting at 14th level, your sneakiness knows no bounds, thus greatly improving your surprise attacks. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the Throat stab dirty technique.
- Your extra sneak attack damage die is now a xd12 (with x being your strength or dexterity modifier added twice).
- When you use an improvised weapon, the extra damage is now xd12 (with x being double your proficiency bonus).
- Uncanny Dirtiness
Finally at level 20,you are so damn dirty at fighting, it has become unbearable. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the New Cord Cut dirty technique.
- When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you. Additionally you gain extra reactions equal to your dexterity modifier that you can only use on this feature.
- Whenever you make an ability check that lets you add your proficiency bonus, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 14.
- Way Around Weaponry
Beginning at level 1, you have a complex understanding of weaponry. This shows in your expertise with the weapons in your hands. You gain the following benefits:
- Your attacks with weapons gain an extra damage die
- You gain 2 1st level Weapon User Techniques
- You cannot be forcefully disarmed of your weapons
- Weapon Specialist
Starting at Level 3, you've always found yourself drawn to certain types of weapons. Choose a certain type of weapon to specialize within. You cannot change your weapon type once you select it. You gain 2 level 3 Weapon Techniques, as well as one additional damage die whenever you make a weapon attack. You gain the following options of weapons:
You've started to study to emulate the legendary swordsmen of the past. You gain the following benefits:
- You've started to gain a precise precision with your blade. Once per turn, when you make a weapon attack roll against a creature, you can add 1d8 to the weapon attack roll and damage roll. You can use this technique before or after making the attack roll.
The chain is a tricky weapon, and you decided to learn it. Kudos to you! You gain the following benefits:
- You lean into the tricky-ness of your weapon of choice. Once per turn when you make a melee weapon attack against your opponent, you can choose for the attack not to deal damage, but instead close the distance. You can pull yourself to your opponent or pull your opponent to you, then as a part of that same action you may make an unarmed strike with advantage.
All this finesse stuff may not be your style. There's nothing wrong with the tried and true method of blunt force trauma! You gain the following benefits:
- Once per turn you when you hit a weapon attack, you can attempt to shove them dealing an additional 1d8 damage, and forcing them to make a strength save or fall prone.
Not quite the swordsman, but you're on a similar track. You choose to inhibit the enemies more so you can slice them up yourself! You gain the following benefits:
- Creatures provoke opportunity attacks from you even if they take the Disengage action before leaving your reach
- Attacks you make using slashing weapons reduce your opponent's speed by 10 ft.
You clearly were someone's acupuncturist who got cancelled last minute right? No, you're not? We'll be getting blood anyways! You gain the following benefits:
- Your attacks cause blood to start leaking out. Whenever you land a hit, if the target is a creature other than an undead or a construct, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or lose (1d4) hit points at the start of each of its turns for a number of turns equal to half of your unarmed damage die. (EX: 1d10= 5 turns of bleeding). The save could be repeated at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. A creature can only be affected by one instance of bleeding at a time
- Bag of Tricks
Starting at level 6, you realize a true weapon master has a Backup in mind, a second option if your initial assault doesn't work. You never count these fighters out. You learn 2 level 6 weapon techniques. You can also make an additional weapon attack when you take the attack action.
Like the strong warriors of the past, you have a fighting spirit that just can't be put down! You gain the following benefits:
- Your intensity in battle can shield you and help you strike true. As a bonus action on your turn, you can give yourself advantage on all weapon attack rolls until the end of the current turn. When you do so, you also gain temporary hit points equals your CON Modifier times your Proficiency Bonus. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your strength or dexterity modifiers
You realize you can use this chain more defensively in a unique way. You gain the following benefits:
- You swing your chain around at a high frequent pace. As a reaction when targeted by an attack that you can do a number of times equal to your STR or DEX, you can give yourself a bonus to AC equal to your proficiency bonus. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn. Ranged attacks are automatically deflected and sent back to their attacker
Your aptitude with the blunt is something to be studied. You gain the following benefits:
- Once per turn, whenever you hit an attack, your attack leaves your opponent's bell rung as they have to make a Wisdom Save or be stunned until the start of your next round. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Strength modifier, OR for no cost at all if the attack is a critical.
You know how to lock down your enemies right where you want them, in your perfect zone. You gain the following benefits:
- Other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter the reach you have with that weapon.
- When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature's speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn.
- Once per turn you can increase reach of an attack by 5 ft.
Ok, are you the guy that's doing my ear gauges? No again? Dang. You gain the following benefits:
- Your are so precise with your weapon that you can hit precise pressure points within a person's core. Your criticals are now triple instead of double, which increases to quadruple at level 9. Your Crit Range also decreases by 1 (19-20) then decreases by 1 again at 9, 14, and 20th level
- A Weapon Maneuver? Parry the Weapon Maneuver!?
Starting at Level 9, you learn an essential Maneuver that all Weapon Wielders should have! The Parry. Everyone goes about it in their own way though!
Your tried and true common parry.
- You deflect the incoming attack using your reaction. You then reduce the damage by the damage of a weapon attack as you clash with fist or fellow weapon. Using the momentum from the parried push attack to spin around. As a part of that reaction, you make an additional attack with advantage
You parry by whipping your chain, following up to throw off your enemy.
- You deflect the incoming attack using your reaction. You then reduce the damage by the damage of a weapon attack as you clash with fist or fellow weapon. You then make an attack with your weapon but instead of doing damage, you target prone as you trip them up by wrapping your chain around their ankles
You made an earthshattering discovery! You could... do that exactly!
- You deflect the incoming attack using your reaction. You then reduce the damage by the damage of a weapon attack as you clash with fist or fellow weapon. You then throw debris into the eyes of your enemies, blinding them till the start of your next turn.
Your method isn't as common as the Sword user so you make up for in by cheating a tad bit
- You deflect the incoming attack using your reaction. You then reduce the damage by the damage of a weapon attack as you clash with fist or fellow weapon. You slash at their ankles as well, reducing their speed to 0.
Not even my earring person? Man I gotta call again...
- You deflect the incoming attack using your reaction. You then reduce the damage by the damage of a weapon attack as you clash with fist or fellow weapon. You then automatically inflict the target by a stack of bleeding upon them
- Artillery Evolution
Your skills have evolved, further taking your skills to a new level. You can add your proficiency bonus an additional time to weapon attack rolls and once during your damage rolls. You also gain a new ability
Your sword skills have become refined so much to the point where you don't even need to swing to cut someone!
- You gain the Phantom Slice. Once per turn, an enemy you can see up to a range of 60 ft. has to make a wisdom saving throw, or take 4 rolls of your weapon damage, or half as much on a successful save as they get sliced by your sheer aura. This is unblockable by things that could deflect attacks due to the sheer quick nature of it. You can use this a number of times equal to your Strength or Dexterity Modifier
Everyone is in your path. You need them out of your way. You learn Hellsweeper
- Hellsweeper: You swing your chain around over and over at a very efficient pace. In a circumference of double your weapon's attack range, you can make 2 attacks against all hostile enemies, as you can take down crowds with this maneuver. You can use this a number of times equal to your Strength or Dexterity Modifier
Strike the Earth. You shall make them pay. You learn Meteor Strike
- You can pick a singular enemy up to 30 ft. away. You then jump at them, raising your weapon above your head before slamming it down. They must make a DEX save or take 3 rolls of your weapon damage and fall prone, or half as much on a success and don't fall prone, and creatures in a 15 ft. radius of the target must make a STR save or take 2 rolls of your weapon damage and fall prone, or half as much on a successful save and don't fall prone. You can use this a number of times equal to your Strength or Dexterity Modifier
Your skills with a slashing weapon is debilitating to to a dizzying degree. You need a hand? You got it
- Sever: When you score a critical hit on a weapon attack, you can force your opponent to make a con save or have a body part severed. Choose Arm or leg. Arm causes your opponent to gain a stack of the Piercing's Bleed and gain 1d6 on attack rolls. Leg reduces someone's speed by half and it takes twice as more movement to move.
- Your critical threshold is reduced by 1
You gotta be my swiss cheese guy. No? Ahh you learn Trypophobia anyways
- Trypophobia: You let out a flurry of thrusts and cuts all at a blinding pace. In a straight line of outwards of 60 ft. All creatures in there must make a dex save or take 3 rolls of your damage dice, and suffer the bleed condition from your bleed abilities twice. You can do this action as many times as your Strength or Dexterity Modifier
- Armament Savant
Your attacks have reached the pinnacle. You gain the ultimate technque one could reach in your field. Your weapons gain one more dice. You also gain the following abilities depending on what you chose
You have become said swordsman of myth.
- All your weapon attacks now apply your third level feature. You also gain the option to send out your slashes as a ranged attack
- Ultimate Technique: Heaven's Dividend: You raise your sword to the sky, concentrating as you charge for a round. Then you send out a giant wave of destruction. Each creature you choose within 60 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 2 rolls of your weapon die, as well as 10d6 thunder damage, as well as 10d6 Slashing Damage and knocking them prone. This move gives you 3 levels of exhaustion.
Do your chain hang low? Do it wobble to and throw?
- Ultimate Technique: Big Ass Rock Chain: As a bonus action, for one minute, you drag your chain subterrain, and it latches on to a patch of land. You then pull back as your chain now has a giant chunk of earth attached to it. For 1 minute, you gain an extra 8d6 bludgeoning damage to your weapon attacks. You also gain a +3 to AC as the rock can block some attacks. After the 1 minute is up you gain 3 levels of exhaustion.
Not to be blunt, but I need a blunt
- Ultimate Technique: Blunt Force Trauma: As an action you wind your weapon up. You have learned to use this blunt as a weapon of mass destruction. When you hit with a weapon, you ring their bell hard to where they get these imperceptible vibrations, which last for a number of days equal to your Martial Artist level. The vibrations are harmless unless you use your action to end them. To do so, you and the target must be on the same plane of existence. When you use this action, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it is reduced to 0 hit points. If it succeeds, it takes 10d10 necrotic damage. You can have only one creature under the effect of this feature at a time. You can choose to end the vibrations harmlessly without using an action. This move gives you 3 levels of exhaustion.
You know where this reference is from.
- Ultimate Technique: HASAKI!: You flourish the weapon used in the casting and then vanish to strike like the wind. Choose up to six creatures you can see within range. Make a weapon attack against each target. On a hit, a target takes an additional 6d10 force damage on hit. This move gives you 3 levels of exhaustion.
You can then teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 5 feet of one of the targets you hit or missed. This can be done a number of times equal to your STR or DEX mod
Ahh I remember, you're my Piercing Weapons guy! I remember now!
- Ultimate Technique: NOT a JOJOs Reference: You move at extremely fast speeds, creating several clones, and by pure manifestation of your will, they may become real. For one minute, any creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against you. Each time a creature targets you with an attack during the spell’s duration, roll a d20 to determine whether the attack instead targets one of your duplicates. If you have three duplicates, you must roll a 6 or higher to change the attack’s target to a duplicate. This move gives you 3 levels of exhaustion.
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Stance Fist[edit]
- Stance Connoisseur
Beginning at 1st level, you have taken the unique arts of stance fighting, gaining you the following benefits:
- You gain 2 1st level Stances of your choice
- You can ignore 1 stance fighter technique requirement
- When creating your techniques, if it were a stance technique then it would take you half the time to learn it
- Fast Stance
Starting at 3rd level, you are able to switch your stance at lightning fast speeds, gaining you the following benefits:
- You gain 2 3rd level Stances of your choice
- Your action cost for switching into stances decreases by one.
- If you are using a stance that gives you movement speed, then the movement speed is doubled, and if you have switched stances twice in one turn it will count as if you have dashed and disengaged for that turn
- Power Stance
Starting at 6th level, you have honed your abilities with stances that give you strength, gaining you the following benefits:
- You gain 2 6th level Stances of your choice.
- While you are in a stance technique, you cannot be prone or moved by force
- If you are using a stance that gives you unarmed strike tier increases, then the tier increases are doubled, and You have advantage against being grappled as long as you are in a stance
- Bulwark Stance
Starting at 9th level, your pure grit when utilizing stances that boost your defense, have evolved to a new level, gaining you the following benefits:
- You gain 1 9th level Stances of your choice.
- While you are in a stance technique, you have advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throw
- If you are using a stance that gives damage reduction, then the damage reduction is doubled, and also gain a +4 to your AC as long as your in a stance
- Near Perfected Stances
Starting at 14th level, your usage and manipulation of stances have become near perfect, gaining you the following benefits:
- You gain 1 14th level Stances of your choice
- You can ignore 2 stance fighter technique requirement
- When creating your techniques, if it were a stance technique then it would take you ¼ the time to learn it
- Perfected Stance Fist
Finally at 20th level, you have become the best stance fist fighter in the world, gaining you the following benefits:
- You gain 1 20th level Stances of your choice
- You can ignore any stance fighter technique requirement
- When creating your techniques, if it were a stance technique then you would learn it instantly
- Additionally any stance technique benefits are doubled for you
The Ogre[edit]
- Ogres Physique
Starting at 1st level, You have been birthed with the power of The Ogre. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain 4 1st level techniques of your choice.
- Your physical stats all increase by +4 including their maximums
- Your Martial Arts die increases by 3 tiers.
- Ogres Prowess
Starting at 3rd level, Your sheer power alone is enough to completely shut down your opponents. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain 4 3rd level techniques of your choice.
- You gain an extra attack.
- Your movement speed is increased by your dexterity score times 5.
- Ogres Resilience
Starting at 6th level, Your resilience has grown so much you can tank just about anything. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain 4 6th level techniques of your choice.
- You can choose 5 damage types to become resistant to.
- You have a damage threshold of your constitution score added twice.
- You gain 4 additional hit dice.
- Ogres Aura
Starting at 9th level, your pure aura alone is enough to win a fight. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the Sheer Pressure feat.
- When you apply a frightened condition on a creature, it lasts twice as long.
- You gain intimidation proficiency, but if you already have that you gain expertise.
- Ogres Analysis
Starting at 14th level, your perception and sight know no bounds, being able to analyze things down to cells. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain the Analysis feat.
- You can add your proficiency bonus twice to your passive perception.
- You gain expertise in perception.
- The Ogre
Finally at level 20, you have reached the peak of your Ogre status becoming the strongest. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain 4 level 20 techniques of your choice.
- Your physical stats all increase by +8, and so do their maximums.
- You can add your strength modifier 6 times to Martial Arts damage rolls.
Non-martial arts Styles[edit]
Steroid Pumper[edit]
- Steroid Acceptance
Starting at 1st level, your body has adapted to embrace steroids better, you receive the following benefits:
- You receive double the benefits from steroids
- You only vomit half the steroids, making you only lose half the benefits, if you are made to vomit again you vomit all the rest
- While under the effect of steroids your unnamerd strikes tier goes up by one
- Roid Rage
Starting at level 3, while under the effects of steroids, you may enter an enraged state as a bonus action, granting you the following effects:
- Your unnarmed strikes damage go up by 2
- You receive advantage on strength rolls
- You get one more use of unkillable
- You cannot be forced to vomit steroids while roid raging
- This lasts for 1 minute or if you don't deal damage or get damaged in a turn, you also gain a level of exhaustion when the roid rage ends.
- Improved Cycle
Starting at 6th level, you managed to gain access to better steroids and your body has adapted more to their effects, you gain the following benefits:
- For you to vomit your steroids, the conditions need to happen twice
- While under the effects of steroids, your unnarmed strikes tier goes up by 2 instead of one
- While under the effects of steroids, you reduce all damage by your strength modifier added twice
- Steroid Absorption
Starting at 9th level, your body began to absorb the chemicals of the steroids into your bloodstream, granting you the following benefits:
- Whenever you vomit all of your steroids, you keep half of the benefits permanently, although that will not count as being under the effect of steroids for the sake of features, if you vomit them on purpose, this feature does not apply
- While under the effects of steroids, you get one more attack on your attack action
- While under the effects of steroids, you cannot be frightened or charmed
- Roid Madness
Starting at 14th level, your roid rage goes to a different level, whenver you enter roid rage, you get the following benefits:
- Your unnarmed strikes damage go up by 4 instead of 2
- Your damage reduction also adds your proficiency bonus
- You receive one more attack on your attack action
- Your strength goes up by 2 for the duration
- When roid madness is over you gain 2 levels of exhaustion
- Steroid Fusion
Finally, at 20th level, your body has started to completely fuse the steroid chemicals into your body, granbting you the following benefits:
- When you take steroids, you gain triple the benefits
- You cannot vomit your steroids, since they are absorbed completely by your body
- You count as always being under the effects of steroids
- Your Roid Rage now last 2 minutes
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:
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