Cercopithies (5e Race)

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Cercopithies (5E Race)[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

Physical Description of the Cercopithies: Cercopithies are a race of beings whose appearance is a reflection of their deep connection to the natural world. Typically standing between 5 and 6 feet tall, they possess lean and agile bodies with lithe frames, which enable them to navigate the forest canopy with grace. Their skin often has a distinctive, bark-like texture, ranging in color from shades of earthy brown to deep, mossy green, providing them with natural camouflage that helps them blend seamlessly with the trees and underbrush. Many Cercopithies also have a fine layer of fur covering their bodies, which varies in color and resembles the rich, earthy tones of the forest. This fur serves as added insulation during colder seasons and contributes to their woodland appearance. Their eyes, usually a striking shade of green, brown, or amber, possess keen eyesight adapted to low-light conditions, aiding them in navigating the dimly lit forest floor. Cercopithy hair comes in various colors, often resembling the vibrant hues of leaves and flowers, with many individuals weaving natural elements like leaves, twigs, and small blossoms into their hair as adornments. Their ears are typically pointed and slightly elongated, enhancing their ability to detect subtle sounds in the forest. Their limbs, both arms and legs, are long and nimble, with fingers and toes that have a slight webbing, aiding them in climbing trees and grasping branches with ease. Unlike primates, Cercopithies lack tails, relying instead on their dexterous hands and feet for tasks that might require an extra appendage. They often wear clothing made from natural materials such as woven vines, leaves, and animal hides, seamlessly blending with their forest surroundings. In sum, the physical appearance of the Cercopithies is a testament to their adaptation to the forest environment, with features designed for agility, camouflage, and a harmonious existence with the woodland realm.


A Brief History of the Cercopithies:

The history of the Cercopithies is one deeply rooted in the embrace of ancient forests and the rhythms of the natural world. Over the ages, they have evolved and thrived in harmony with the woodlands they call home.

Ancient Beginnings: The origins of the Cercopithies are shrouded in mystery, with their earliest history lost to the annals of time. It is believed that they emerged from a small group of humans who ventured deep into primeval forests, seeking wisdom and a deeper connection with the land. Over countless generations, they adapted to their forested environment, developing physical traits and an intuitive understanding of the woods.

Guardians of the Woodlands: The Cercopithies swiftly established themselves as the guardians of the forests, becoming stewards of the delicate balance between flora and fauna. They formed unique bonds with woodland creatures and forged alliances with the spirits of the forest. Their role extended beyond defense against external threats; they became caretakers, ensuring their actions did not harm the ecosystems they cherished.

Hidden Enclaves: Cercopithy communities are often concealed deep within the heart of ancient forests, hidden by natural barriers and enchanted illusions. These communities are self-sustaining, relying on the abundant resources of the forest for their survival. The Cercopithies have lived in harmony with the natural world, constructing homes from living trees and weaving garments from plant fibers.

Sylvan Circles: Many Cercopithies have become part of druidic circles known as the Sylvan Circles. These circles are dedicated to preserving the balance of nature and the protection of their forested homes. Cercopithy druids are renowned for their wisdom and their ability to communicate with the spirits of the woodlands.

Adaptation and Preservation: Throughout history, Cercopithies have faced challenges from encroaching civilizations, deforestation, and the spread of urbanization. They have fiercely defended their territories and worked tirelessly to protect the ancient forests. Some have ventured beyond their woodland enclaves to seek alliances with other societies, using their adaptability and deep understanding of nature as bridges to understanding.

A Living Legacy: In the present day, the Cercopithies remain a testament to the enduring bond between sentient beings and the natural world. They continue to play a vital role in shaping the world around them, ensuring that the forests they call home will thrive for generations to come. Their legacy is one of guardianship, wisdom, and a profound connection to the wild places of the world.


Formation of Small Interconnected Clans among the Cercopithies:

The Cercopithies, deeply rooted in their connection to nature and the forests they inhabit, have a unique social structure that revolves around the formation of small, interconnected clans. These clans are not defined by rigid hierarchies or territorial boundaries but are bound together by a shared reverence for the woodland realm and the desire to preserve their way of life.

At the heart of Cercopithy society are these tight-knit clans, each typically comprising a few dozen individuals. Clans are not necessarily based on familial ties but are instead formed around shared values, experiences, and a common forest territory. The clan members live in proximity to one another within their chosen part of the forest, and they collaborate in harmony with the natural world.

These interconnected clans function as both extended families and communities. They share responsibilities for hunting, foraging, and the protection of their forested territories. Cooperation and unity are paramount, as they collectively ensure the well-being of both their clan members and the ecosystem they inhabit.

Cercopithy clans often convene in gatherings called "Green Assemblies," held beneath the towering canopies of ancient trees. Here, they discuss matters of communal interest, share stories, and pass down their traditions through oral histories. The Green Assemblies serve as a means of maintaining cohesion among clans, fostering a sense of belonging, and allowing the exchange of wisdom across generations.

While clans are largely self-governing and autonomous, they maintain interconnectedness through bonds of friendship and shared values. In times of great importance, such as the defense of their forested homes against external threats or the celebration of momentous natural events, multiple clans may come together in a collective effort, reinforcing their unity and demonstrating the strength of their shared purpose.

These small interconnected clans among the Cercopithies are a testament to their commitment to the natural world and their dedication to preserving the forests they hold dear. In their collective effort, they exemplify the idea that by working together harmoniously, they can protect the woodlands that have sustained them for generations.

Cercopithies Names[edit]

'Male': Thaldir, Branok, Elowen, Drystan, Kaelen, Niran, Aric, Sylas, Caelum, Alden

'Female': Elowyn, Lirael, Thessara, Sylvianna, Seraphina, Brynna, Ilyana, Tamsin, Keira, Anara

Cercopithies Traits[edit]

Your Dex score increases by 2, and your Wis score increases by 1.

Cercopithies mature at a similar rate to humans, reaching adulthood around the age of 18. They have a lifespan of up to 80 years.

Cercopithies are typically neutral in their approach to law and chaos but tend to lean towards good alignments due to their strong connection to nature.

Cercopithies are medium-sized, standing between 5 and 6 feet tall, and they weigh around 140-170 pounds.

You have a Walking Speed of 30' as well as a Climbing Speed of 30'

Darkvision 60' Thanks to your deep connection to the forests, you have superior vision in dim light and darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Woodland Whispers:

Cercopithies have an innate ability to communicate with the creatures of the forest and understand the subtle cues of their woodland surroundings. You have proficiency in the Perception skill when used for tracking or detecting hidden creatures and objects in forested environments. Additionally, you can communicate simple ideas and emotions to small beasts, allowing for basic interactions and cooperation with forest fauna.


Cercopithies have a natural affinity for forests and wooded environments. They can move through difficult forest terrain without penalty and are considered proficient in the Survival skill when in forested areas.

Nature's Mark:

Cercopithies bear a unique mark of nature on their bodies, a symbol of their connection to the forest. Once per long rest, you can use your Nature's Mark to cast the "Plant Growth" spell without requiring material components. When you cast "Plant Growth" using this ability, the spell has no effect on hostile creatures, but it enhances the natural vegetation in the area, encouraging lush growth and creating a verdant sanctuary.

Natural Versatility:

Cercopithies possess a natural curiosity and adaptability that extends to their skills and resilience in the forest. When you spend a short or long rest in the presence of someone who has a skill proficiency you don't have, you can choose to learn that skill proficiency temporarily. You retain this proficiency until you complete a long rest, after which you lose it. Additionally, Cercopithies have an advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened while in natural, wooded environments, showcasing their inherent resilience and harmony with the natural world.

You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan. Sylvan is a language of the natural world, often used by druids and creatures of the forest. It is a non-verbal language that incorporates sounds, gestures, and symbols to convey meaning.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5′ 5'' +2 172 lb. × (5) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
1 Curious: Cercopithies possess an insatiable curiosity about the natural world, always eager to learn and explore.
2 Adaptable: They readily adjust to new situations and challenges, using their resourcefulness to thrive in changing environments.
3 Harmonious: Cercopithies value balance and harmony, seeking to maintain peace both within themselves and their communities.
4 Empathetic: They have a deep empathy for the suffering of others, both sentient and non-sentient beings, often going out of their way to offer aid.
5 Playful: Cercopithies have a playful nature, finding joy in games, physical activities, and whimsical moments.
6 Guardian Spirit: They feel a strong responsibility to protect the forests they call home, acting as guardians of the woodlands.
7 Inquisitive: They constantly question and seek to understand the mysteries of nature, embarking on quests for knowledge.
8 Calm Under Pressure: Cercopithies exhibit remarkable composure in challenging situations, seldom succumbing to panic.
d6 Ideal
1 Calm Under Pressure: Cercopithies exhibit remarkable composure in challenging situations, seldom succumbing to panic.
2 Unity of the Clans: Foster unity and cooperation among Cercopithy clans, promoting shared well-being.
3 Conservation: Preserve ancient forests and ensure they endure for future generations.
4 Harmony with Wildlife: Promote peaceful coexistence with forest creatures and respect for their habitats.
5 Freedom of the Wild: Advocate for the freedom to roam and live in harmony with the natural world, free from unnecessary restrictions.
6 Quest for Knowledge: Seek wisdom and understanding of the mysteries of the woods and the greater world.
d6 Bond
1 Clan Kinship: Your clan is your family, and you are bound by an unbreakable sense of loyalty to one another.
2 Ancient Tree Guardians: You have a deep reverence for the oldest trees in your forest and consider them sacred.
3 Guiding Spirits: You believe that the spirits of the forest guide your actions and seek their wisdom in times of uncertainty.
4 Nature's Sanctuary: Your forest home is a sanctuary, and you vow to protect it from any threat.
5 Animal Companions: You have formed strong bonds with specific forest creatures, which you consider your friends and companions.
6 Green Assembly: The gatherings of your clans in the Green Assemblies are sacred, and you are committed to their continuation.
d6 Flaw
1 Impulsive: At times, your curiosity and impulsiveness lead you into dangerous situations.
2 Stubborn Steward: Your dedication to preserving the forest can make you inflexible when it comes to change or compromise.
3 Protective to a Fault: You may become overly protective of those you care about, sometimes to their detriment.
4 Secretive: You are hesitant to share your deepest thoughts and feelings, even with close friends.
5 Overzealous Harmony: Your pursuit of balance and harmony can lead to conflict avoidance, even when confrontation is necessary.
6 Nature's Wrath: When the natural world is threatened, you can become fiercely vengeful and uncompromising in your defense of it.
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