Fallen Human, Color Wheel Variant (5e Race)
Author's note: Please suggest to discussion tab your changes to the race before you make big changes to this race. I would like this page reflect the overwhelming creativity of people in an organized fashion.
Fallen Human[edit]
Physical Description[edit]
Fallen humans are physically identical to normal humans; however, their souls are completely different. A fallen human's soul can take on a single personality trait that best define them. The seven most popular traits are determination, patience, bravery, integrity, perseverance, kindness, and justice. Each property reflects the personality of the fallen human and gives them unique traits and abilities. The soul of a fallen human is incredibly powerful and is fully capable of persisting on the mortal plane, far after their owner's death.
Long ago humans and monsters lived together in harmony, but one day it was discovered that monsters had the ability to absorb human souls, and become frighteningly powerful. Humanity, despite knowing that monsters were too kind and merciful to harm anyone with this power, attacked them out of fear. During the short-lived "War of Humans and Monsters," humanity slaughtered countless monsters, with fallen humans leading the charge, before sealing the rest of them beneath Mt. Ebott, using the magic of 7 human wizards. As thousands of years passed, monsters faded into legends and so did the abilities of fallen humans. Most humans, despite forgetting that monsters exist, are superstitious of Mt. Ebott, since those that climb it never return. That superstition never stopped a handful of children, who ventured up the mountain and fell into the underground, where monsterkind was still residing. Most of those children were killed and their souls were taken, but eventually, the barrier, that kept monsterkind sealed underground, was destroyed and a small fallen human helped monsterkind incorporate themselves into human society.
Fallen humans are just another part of human society. They interact, form bonds, and procreate with other humans, so most of them will never discover their incredible abilities, but they can under two specific conditions. If a fallen human comes in contact with powerful magic, or a member of the monster race, their soul type will be revealed to them. Upon discovering their soul type, they gain access to its unique traits.
Fallen Human Names[edit]
It is tradition for fallen humans to change their name to more gender neutral or unisex once they discover their soul trait.
Fallen Human Names: Addison, Blair, Casey, Chara, Devyn, Elian, Francis, Frisk, Gayle, Hibiki, Ivory, Jackie, Kris, Leslie, Morgan, Nicky, Ollie, Mira, Justine, Skyler, Ethan, Tracy, Clover
Fallen Human Traits[edit]
Human, Fandom Undertale Edition.
Ability Score Increase. Choose one of your ability scores to be increase by 1.
Age. Fallen humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century. Most of them are fallen humans discover their special soul when they are children.
Alignment. Fallen humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
Size. Fallen humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 4 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Menu. The ambient magic of a magic charged soul allows a fallen human to create and access a holographic 2d menu. As an action, you can say verbal or somatic command. A small menu that only you can see appears in front of you. It has three buttons; ACT, ITEM, and MERCY. You have a strange feeling that there is a button missing.
Menu->ACT. When you select ACT from your menu, four words appear. The words are Check and three single words actions provided by the GM.
If you pick Check, you learn their name, amount of HP (Hope) they have, ATK (attack modifier of one of their primary weapon or magic), and DEF (AC or one of their saving throw modifiers) of a creature that you can see. GM may provide an one or two sentence about that creature.
If you pick the three action words, you make a skill check that best matches to that action vs their wisdom saving throw. If you win this contest, that creature have disadvantage attack rolls against you. Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws caused by that creature. These effects disappear at the end of their turn.
Menu->ITEM. When you select ITEM from your menu, a list of items stored in your personal subspace appears. You can use this same action to activate the menu to pull one item from the inventory into your free hand or put an item in your hand into your inventory. You can hold up to 28 items in your inventory.
Menu->MERCY. When you select MERCY from your menu, two options appear: SPARE and FLEE.
If spare is chosen, all creatures with 120 ft of you magically learn that you have no desire to fight them. This does not force these creatures to spare you back.
If flee is chosen, your movement is doubled until the end of turn. For the rest of this turn, no creatures can provoke attack of opportunity. You have disadvantage to attack rolls and your save DC is reduced by 3. You are unable to willing move closer to an enemy until you leave combat or unable to escape combat.
Strong Attachment to this World. When you die, your soul comes out of your body. It bobs up and a down a few inches off the ground. As long as your soul is not shattered, you cannot go to the afterlife. In order to bring you back to life, they need your body and your soul or just your body if your soul is destroyed and your spirit returned to the afterlife.
Soul Change. During a stress-free downtime of at least 1 week, your soul may change color and personality to match your new primary personality. For the next week, you may experience chest pain, increased emotion, exhaustion, and headache. Once the week is over, your subclass, soul color, and soul personality matches with your primary personality.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice.
Subrace. Your soul's personality trait and color determines your subclass.
Personality Soul Traits[edit]
The following seven soul traits are the most common personality soul traits. Personality soul is when the soul of a fallen human matches with the fallen human's primary personality. You primary personality is a one word that best describes you. It does not mean that is your whole identity.
Example: You are a well driven person that strides to achieve their goal. You experience emotions like everyone else. Even with your determination (red soul), you sometimes have to give up your goal to work towards a better or more reasonable goal. You are still able to experience lost of motivation and will if things get too strong. Regardless what personality soul you have, you are human first and most important.
Determination (Red Soul)[edit]
"Determination is the most basic of human qualities; however, a fallen human, who embodies determination, takes that concept to its illogical extreme. As someone who embodies determination, you never give up, no matter what."
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
Save Point. When you are reminded of your determination, you are about to create a save point. Whenever you take a long rest or experience great amount of determination (GM tells you when this happens), you can use your action to create a small sized floating "star" called Save Point. Next time you touch your save point, you can use your action to remind yourself of the event that caused this creation of the Save Point. Save Points only be destroyed when targeted by a wish spell or moved in some way. The Save Point cannot be interacted or seen except by Determined souls or true sight.
But it refused. You avoid your termination of your soul by using great amount of determination. When your soul shatters, you refused it from happening, and your soul reforms to a complete soul. You are back up with 1 hp with four levels of exhaustion. You are teleported to the last save point that you touch. You cannot use this trait if you have any levels of exhaustion.
Red Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with a single handed weapons. You gain proficiency with all simple weapons that lack versatile and two-handed.
At 10th level, you can cast Magic Weapon on any dagger you wield. When you do this, it gains a demonic red glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
At 10th level, as a bonus action, you can pour your soul's magic into a wooden one-handed weapon you wield. When you do this, it gains a eye catching red glow. The next time you throw your weapon and does not deal damage, all canines within 30 ft from the stick makes a wisdom saving throw with advantage vs 8 + your charisma modifier + your proficiency modifier, or be under the Command spell with the command word of fetch. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Patience (Cyan Soul)[edit]
"Patience is a very basic virtue, but it's still one of the most important ones. Many believe that good things come to those who wait and you couldn't agree more. As someone who embodies patience, you're not only more likely to live longer, but also make fewer mistakes."
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Planning next Move. You take your time to plot your next move. At the start of your turn, you may choose to skip your turn. At the end of your next turn, you have advantage to all attacks. Additionally, your saving throws, save DC, and AC is increased by 2.
Cyan Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with small bladed weapons. You gain proficiency with daggers and short swords.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the single handed weapon that your are wielding. For 1 minute, the first creature that you hit with enchanted single-handed weapon on your turn, gains cyan debuff until end of their turn. Creature with cyan debuff that moves willing on their turn, they take 1d12 slashing damage. When you do this, the single-handed weapon gains a steady blue glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Bravery (Orange Soul)[edit]
"True bravery has always been a commodity. There are plenty of people who don't realize the real danger of a situation and charge in blindly, but there are also those who only pretend to be brave. As someone who embodies true bravery, you never back down from a challenge, no matter the odds, but you're not reckless either, at least not completely."
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Courage. No matter how terrifying a foe may be, you never falter. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Orange mean Move. You are always on the move. You can take the Disengage action as a bonus action on each of your turns.
Orange Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with a gloves. You gain proficiency with gloves.
Gloves: It deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage with light property. On a successful hit, the target must make a strength saving throw vs 8 + your strength modifier + your proficiency modifier, or be pushed back 5 ft.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into a glove(s) that you are wearing. For 1 minute, the first creature that you hit with your gloves on your turn, gains orange debuff until end of their turn. Creature with orange debuff takes 1d12 bludgeoning damage if the creature ends their turn without moving on their turn. When you do this, your glove(s) gains a strong orange glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Integrity (Blue Soul)[edit]
"Integrity is not something that is easily maintained. Life is full of temptations and difficult decisions; however, those that can keep their integrity intact live their lives with far less guilt and uncertainty. As someone who embodies integrity, you draw strength from it, giving you incredible mental and spiritual strength."
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Moral Strength. Both peer pressure and magical influences are always around you, but despite that, you stick to your moral code. Your soul resonates with your choice, giving you a clear head and a surge of confidence. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.
Light Soul. You can use "blue" magic to slow down your decent. As a reaction, you can cast feather fall on only yourself. This effect lasts until you touch the ground. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until long rest.
Blue Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with combat shoes. You gain proficiency with combat shoes.
Combat shoes are weaponized shoes made to combine dancing, acrobatics, and combat into a deadly art form.
Ballet Shoes. They are combat shoes made for ballet. While a integrity soul wears it, they gain proficiency in acrobatics and performance while dancing. When kicked, ballet shoes deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the combat shoes that you are wearing. For 1 minute, each creature that you hit with your combat shoe on your turn, gains blue debuff until end of their turn. Creature with blue debuff are unable to fly. When you do this, your combat shoes gains a steady blue glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Perseverance (Purple Soul)[edit]
"Perseverance is a trait commonly found in adventurers, but only the greatest of them will ever truly embody it, and the same could be said for any profession. Life is difficult, unfair, and cruel, so only those with the strength to keep moving forward will be able to reach the top. As someone who embodies perseverance, this world will never break you, but that doesn't mean it won't try..."
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.
Stay Strong. Despite what your enemies believe, being knocked down doesn't mean you're finished. Your burning desire to keep moving forward and win resonates deep within your soul. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this trait again until you finish a long rest.
Stand Tall. You're resilient, stubborn, and hard to knock down; You refuse to stand down, no matter what, because you don't let anyone push you around. You cannot be prone and you gain advantage to end magic status effects prematurely.
Purple Soul's favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with a books. You gain proficiency with books.
Notebook: a common large book. It deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage with versatile property.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the book that you are holding. For 1 minute, the first creature that you hit with your book on your turn, gains purple debuff until end of their turn. Creature with purple debuff only can move side to side. When you do this, your notebook gains a unchanging purple glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Kindness (Green Soul)[edit]
"Kindness is a subtle, yet powerful, force. Those who show it to others not only improve their lives but also their own. As someone who embodies kindness, you know this better than anyone. As you continue to make the lives of those around you better, your resolve to keep showing others your kindness only grows stronger."
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Selfless Nature. When a creature attacks your ally within 5 feet of you, you may use your reaction to move up to your ally and take the attack instead. You become the target of the attack, and it hits you automatically. You can use this ability a number of times equal to half of your proficiency bonus. You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Natural Cook. As part of a short rest, you can cook special food, provided you have ingredients and cook’s utensils on hand. You can prepare enough of this food for a number of creatures equal to 4 + your proficiency bonus. At the end of the short rest, any creature who eats the food and spends one or more Hit Dice to regain hit points regains an extra 1d8 hit points.
Green Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with a fighting with cook's utensils. You gain proficiency with cook's utensils and you can add your proficiency modifier when attack with cook's utensils.
Frying pan: a common weapon from the cook's utensils. It deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage with two-handed property.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the utensils that you are holding and cast mass cure wounds. When you do this, your utensils gains a gentle green glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Justice (Yellow Soul)[edit]
"Justice, and in what degree it should be applied, is easily the most subjective concept on the planet. Everyone's moral standards are shaped by their own unique experiences growing up, as well as, by those they surrounded themselves with. When someone feels like they've been wronged, they desire revenge, and they do so out of their own sense of justice; however, there are those who believe that true justice can only be determined by the law. Either way, humans that have a strong sense of justice feel the need to act. As someone who embodies justice, you refuse to stand aside and let someone wrong you or those you care about, so in one way or another, for better or for worse, you take action."
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Vengeance. You're willing to let some transgressions slide, but when someone hurts those you care about, you feel a strong desire to make them pay for it. When a hostile creature deals damage to an ally within 30 feet of you, you may choose to give yourself advantage on your next attack roll against that creature. In addition, if that attack hits, you may roll damage twice and choose the higher of the two rolls. After you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
People Reader. You've always had a knack for getting a read on people. It's easy for you to scan a person like a book and get a feel for what their intentions are. You have advantage on Insight rolls when trying to determine the intentions of a creature, and Deception Checks against you have Disadvantage.
Yellow Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with one-handed firearms. You gain proficiency with any firearms that lacks two-handed property.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the one-handed firearm that you are holding. For 1 minute, your fire arms do not required ammo nor the need to be reloaded. While this "yellow" buff is active, whenever an ally is hit, you can use your reaction to make one fire arm attack against that creature. While the "yellow" buff is active, your one-handed firearms gains a pure yellow glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Youth (Brown Soul)[edit]
Brown Souls are fallen humans that have no have a primary soul trait due to being too young to have a personality for the soul trait to surface.
Ability Score Increase. You have 4 stat points you may allocate to any stats be it all four in one or 1 in four stats.
Clean Slate. You are ready to see the new world with your eyes. As an action, you can permanently gain proficiency in any skill. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it ever again.
Grey (Balanced Soul)[edit]
Like brown souls, you do not have a primary personality trait. Unlike brown, you are old enough
Ability Score Increase. 1 of your abilities score is increased by 1.
Experienced. Over your long life, you picked up a good tricks and abilities. You can pick one feat of your choice.
Weapon training. You gain familiar with the weapon that you use for your travels. You gain proficiency in one simple weapon of your choice.
Black (Hate Soul)[edit]
"Hate is as good as any to keep a man going. Better than most." -Sandor Clegane
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score is increases by 2.
I Hate You. You pour your strength whenever you hit someone. When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Deep Rooted Hatred. Your hate cannot be easily ignored. As an action, you can allow your body to be consumed with hate. When you do so, your body is covered in black, gooey substance and your eyes glow murderous red. For one minute, you gain the following features:
- You have advantage to stealth, insight, and intimidation checks
- You have disadvantage to all intelligence, wisdom, and charisma skill checks
- You crit on 19 and 20
- Each turn you have to attack a living creature, which can be yourself
This cannot be ended prematurely, not even death can end it. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until end of long rest.
Black Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with two-handed weapons. You gain proficiency with one two-handed weapon of your choice.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the two-handed weapon that you are holding. Next time a spell targets only you, you can slash at the spell with your weapon as your reaction. When you do so, you cast counter spell at 3rd level. Your strength score is your spellcasting modifier for this spell. When this trait is active, your two-handed weapon begin to slightly absorb light. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Negative Soul Traits[edit]
What happens if the primary personality is bad for the fallen human? That is how negative souls are formed. They are exactly like personality souls except that they tend to be a darker color and their soul weaken the fallen human. Don't worry. These fallen humans have adapted to turn part of their "curse" into a "blessing".
Despair (Dark Red Soul)[edit]
"We draw our strength from the very despair in which we have been forced to live. We shall endure." -Cesar Chavez
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score is increases by 2.
Depression. You despair is so great that not even magic can change it. You have advantage to resist charm effects and to any magic that makes you laugh or smile. This trait ignores Heavy Weight trait.
Heavy Weight. You are easily fall into despair. You have disadvantage to resist spells that causes a negative effect on you. As long you have a negative effect on you, you gain +1 to AC and saving throw for each negative effect.
Negative Red Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with clubs. You gain proficiency with clubs.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the club that you are holding. For 1 minute, your club gives you +2 AC. When this trait is active, your club gains a sad red glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Fear (Dark Orange Soul)[edit]
"Fear gives us the awareness that we are getting outside of our comfort zone and challenging ourselves to go beyond the previous limits. - Mark A. Riccobono"
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score is increases by 2.
Flee for you Life. You can use menu->MERCY->FLEE as a bonus action.
Scaredy Cat. You are easy to be frightened by the world, and you grown used to it. You have disadvantage saving throws to resist being frightened. As long as you are frightened, you can use your bonus action to take the disengage, dash, or dodge action.
Negative Orange Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with shield. You gain proficiency with shields.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the shield that you are holding. For 1 minute, you can use your reaction to add the shield's bonus to ac to a wisdom saving throw. When this trait is active, your shield gains a flickering orange glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Corruption ( Dark Yellow Soul)[edit]
"We have allowed the system to be so corrupted that many want justice to be empathetic, not blind" -Glenn Beck
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score is increases by 2.
Price Hike. You are good at selling things at a better value. You can sell items at market price instead of half of market price.
Greed. You are easily persuaded to turn a blind eye to evil actions. You have disadvantage to checks to resist being convinced to look away or leave something be. Whenever this happens, you gain 1d4+4 temporary hit points.
Negative Yellow Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with two-handed fire arms. You gain proficiency with two-handed fire arms.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the two-handed fire arm that you are holding. For 1 minute, you gain 30 ft of blind sense. When this trait is active, your two-handed fire arm gains a glittering yellow glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Wrath ( Dark Green Soul)[edit]
"Anger helps us handle emergency situations by providing a quick burst of energy and strength, so we can react to threats of danger" -Larisa Wainer
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score is increases by 2.
Short Fuse. You are quick to anger. You can add your strength modifier to your initiative.
Anger. You are easy to get angry for cruelty done to others. Whenever you become angry, you can use your bonus action to deal an extra damage equal to your strength modifier to all melee attacks. If you do so, you take extra damage equal to your strength modifier until the start of your next turn.
Negative Green Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with meat cleaver. You gain proficiency with long swords (meat cleaver).
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the long sword that you are holding. For 1 minute, you get a critical hit on 19 and 20 with your long sword. When this trait is active, your long sword gains an angry green glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Deceit ( Dark Blue Soul)[edit]
"When we believe a lie, we empower the liar" - Bill Johnson
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score is increases by 2.
Lying to Yourself. You cannot help be lie to yourself. You have advantage against resisting of becoming frightened or charmed.
Shady. It is hard to tell the truth. Whenever you about to reveal an important truth, make a wisdom saving throw vs dc of 10 + your proficiency bonus. On a fail, you tell a lie and gain 1d8 to your next charisma skill check which can be used to make this lie more convincing.
Negative Blue Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with short sword. You gain proficiency with dagger.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the dagger that you are holding. For 1 minute, you can add 1d4 to all charisma checks. If you tell the truth, this effect ends. When this trait is active, your dagger gains a suspicious blue glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Recklessness ( Dark Cyan Soul)[edit]
"The best defense is a good offense” -George Washington
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score is increases by 2.
Restless. You cannot handle doing nothing. If you spend all of your movement, action, bonus action, and reaction before the start of your next turn, you gain 5 ft of movement and do not provoke attacks of opportunity until the end of this turn.
Fear Abandoned. You are too impatient to let the enemy kill itself, the time to attack is now. Whenever you are not frightened, you can use your bonus action to gain advantage to all melee attacks. If you do so, enemies have advantage to hit you until the start of your next turn.
Negative Cyan Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with heavy weapons. You gain proficiency with one weapon of your choice that has heavy property.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the a weapon with heavy property that you are holding. For 1 minute, you can use Restlessness without fulfilling the requirements. When this trait is active, your weapon gains an urgent cyan glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Apathy ( Dark Purple Soul)[edit]
"... putting too much time and energy into worrying what other people think can be harmful to your self-image and mental health." - Kate Bettino
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score is increases by 2.
Disconnection. Its hard for you to care about others. You cannot gain proficiency in charisma based skill. Whenever you are forced to learn a charisma based skill, you instead learn an intelligence based skill.
Additionally, you can reroll a 1 on a d20 when making an intelligence skill check.
Lack of Care. You have little interested in this doomed world. You have disadvantage to resist charm but advantage to resist frighten, blinded, and deafened.
Dark Purple Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with using your bare fist. You gain proficiency with unnamed attacks and they deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
At 10th level, as an action, you pool your soul's magic into your fist. For 1 minute, your fist's deals 1d6 and gain the light property. Additionally, you cannot be charmed. When this trait is active, your fist gains a flat purple glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Inverted Soul Traits[edit]
Inverted are a strange sort of souls. They have been corrupted by the force of HATE or LOVE which cause their soul to become darker or lighter. Instead of the soul reflecting the owner's primary personality, it is a reflection of the personality trait that they desire to inflict on others. They have the desire to make others feel the personality of their soul. While the soul no longer reflects their own personality, it is often for the fallen human with inverted soul to influence themself to feel this personality trait.
Lore: Long ago, a force called HATE corrupted souls. This force desires to destroy the world and influenced the corrupted souls to lead the world to its ruins. Something happened, which is lost to the time of history, and the force of HATE lost their control and influence on others. In the modern day, the only way to become inverted is cast a powerful spell, allow HATE force to corrupt you, or allow the LOVE force to corrupt you. Regardless, you are not influenced by either strange forces.
Author note: Darken inverted soul has a thicker black outline around their soul when compared to negative souls. It is almost like if their souls are still trapped by the dark force of HATE.
The following are mostly likely corrupted by the force of HATE.
Ambitious ( Dark Red Soul)[edit]
"There is one weakness in people for which there is no remedy. It is the universal weakness of lack of ambition." -Napoleon Hill
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score is increases by 2.
Ambitious Dreams. It is easy for you to find a persons' ambitions. Whenever you touch a sleeping creature, their dreams become their dreams of ambitions. When this happens, you learn what their ambitions are. Until your next long rest, you have advantage to charisma rolls against that creature as long as they believe that you will help complete their ambitions.
Awaken Ambition. You can help people achieve their ambitions. As an action, all creatures of your choice within 30 ft of you make a wisdom saving throw DC 8 + your intelligence modifier + your proficiency modifier. On a fail, they are reminded of their dreams. They believe this is the right time to start working on it. This effect lasts for 1 minute. Once this trait is used, it cannot be used again until long rest.
Inverted Red Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with axes. You gain proficiency with all types of axes.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the axe that you are holding. When this trait is active, your gains a ax glow shinny red glow. For 1 minute, whenever you hit with your ax, they make an intelligence check vs 8 + your intelligence modifier + your proficiency modifier. On a failure, they must use their next action to attempt to steal your glowing axe. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Vengeance ( Dark Yellow Soul)[edit]
"Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged." -Samuel Johnson
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score is increases by 2.
Eye for an Eye. It is time to exact your revenged on others that has wronged you. After the damage of an attack and spell are resolved on you, you can use your reaction to use a portion of that effects onto them. Your attacker makes a dexterity saving throw vs 8 + your dexterity modifier + your proficiency modifier, or take half of the damage of the triggering attack. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it until you complete a long rest.
Time to Reap what you Sow. You can give other creatures the power to exact their revenge. As an action, you can choose up to three creatures within 60 ft and fill them up with the desire of vengeance. For 1 minute, they can add 1d4 to any rolls related to any creature that has wronged them. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until end of next long rest.
Inverted Yellow Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with deck of cards. You gain proficiency in playing cards and combat cards.
Deck of Spades: It is a type of combat cards with sharp metal edges on the sides of the cards. These sharpen cards that deals 1d4 slashing damage and has finesse and has a thrown property of 20/60 ft.
At 10th level, as a bonus action, you can pour your soul's magic into the combat cards that you are holding. Until the end of your turn, you roll doubled the number of damage dices for tour combat cards. When this trait is active, your combat cards gains a piercing yellow glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Fear ( Dark Orange Soul)[edit]
"Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future..." -Thomas Jefferson
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score is increases by 2.
Frightening Figure. You are a natural at striking fear into people. You have advantage on intimidation checks.
Fear Me!. You let lose a loud sound from horrifying creature that should not exist. As a bonus action, you can let out horrifying sound. Creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you that can hear you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until the end of your next turn. The DC of the save equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with short sword. You gain proficiency with short sword.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the short sword that you are holding. For 1 minute, whenever you hit a creature with your short sword, they make a wisdom saving throw vs 8 + your constitution + your proficiency bonus. On a failure, they are frightened of you until end of their turn. When this trait is active, your short sword gains a frightening yellow glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Despair ( Dark Purple Soul)[edit]
"Despair is the price one pays for self-awareness. Look deeply into life, and you'll always find despair" - Irvin D. Yalom
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score is increases by 2.
The End is Near. Very few things cause wide spread despair as well as knowing your end is near. As an action, you can inform a creature within 30 ft from the truth that the world will end and it is pointless to try to stop it. That creature makes a wisdom saving throw vs 8 + your wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus, or feel great despair and use their next turn to fall prone and weep. The creature automatically pass if the creature is deafened, immunity to charm, or does not understand you. You can use this trait once per long rest.
There is no Hope. You are talented at robbing people hope. All creatures within 5 ft of you, they subtract 1 from saving throws.
Inverted Purple Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with spear. You gain proficiency with spear.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the spear that you are holding. For 1 minute, on your first hit each turn with your spear, you give the despaired debuff to the enemy until end of their turn. Despaired creatures subtract 1d4 to their next roll. When this trait is active, your spear gains a depressing purple glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Cruelty ( Dark Green Soul)[edit]
"I must be cruel only to be kind; Thus bad begins, and worse remains behind" -William Shakespeare
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score is increases by 2.
False Hope. You lead on that there is hope in surviving your attacks. When an enemy within 5 ft of you is healed or buffed by magic, you can your reaction to make a single weapon attack. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until end of your short or long rest.
Violent Tracker. You can smell the pain and follow it, if any pain is afflicted within a radius of 120 feet, for you it's like a sweet smell.
Inverted Green Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with Morning-star. You gain proficiency with morning-star.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the morning star that you are holding. For 1 minute, you deal doubled damage to enemies. After each hit with your morning-star, you heal that same enemy for 1d10 hit points. When this trait is active, your morning-star gains a mean green glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Deceit ( Dark Blue Soul)[edit]
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on" - Winston Churchill
Ability Score Increase. Your An ability score was not entered for this template! score is increases by 2.
Fake Promises. Lying and cheating is almost your hobbies. You have advantage on deception checks.
Zone of Lies. You cause others around you to lie and deceive. Each creature within 5 ft of you make a charisma saving throw vs 8 + your charisma modifier + your proficiency modifier. On a failed save, a creature can’t speak a deliberate tell the truth for 1 minute. You know whether each creature succeeds or fails on its saving throw.
An affected creature is aware of this effect and can thus avoid answering questions to which it would normally respond with a truth. To everyone who was not originally 5 ft away from you, they cannot tell that zone of lies in effect.
Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until end of long rest.
Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with daggers. You gain proficiency with daggers.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the dagger that you are holding. When this trait is active, your dagger gains a shimmering blue glow. For 1 minute, a second illusionary blue glowing dagger appears. As long the creature does not have true sight, you have advantage to all attack rolls made with the dagger. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Impulsive (Dark Cyan Soul)[edit]
"Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them" -William Arthur Ward
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score is increases by 2.
Double Time. You can temporary cause time to flow faster. As an action, choose one creature that is 5 ft from you. If they are unwilling, that creature make an intelligence check vs 8 + your strength modifier + your proficiency bonus. They are under the effects of haste spell until end of their turn. Once their turn is over, they are paralyzed until the start of their turn. nce you use this trait, you cannot use it again until end of a long rest.
Time is Running Out. You can you your soul's magic to cause others to realize the limited time is left on their life. As an action, choose one creature that is 5 ft from you. They make an intelligence check vs 8 + your strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, or they under a charm-like effect as they learn that their so much to do in a small amount of time. If this effects a player, they have 1 minute to take their turn before turn is over. If this effects a npc, that npc preforms the first action that they can think of, regardless how dangerous or random it could be. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until end of a long rest.
Inverted Cyan Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with Spiked Shield. You gain proficiency with spiked shield.
Spiked shield: This shield only provides 1 AC instead of the normal 2 AC. Whenever a melee creature misses an attack, they take 1d4 piercing.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the spiked shield that you are holding. A creature within 30 ft of you make a wisdom saving throw vs 8 + strength modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a fail, that creature must attack the shield or you for 1 minute. When this trait is active, your gains a glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
These are most likely corrupted by force of LOVE
Counsel ( Light Red Soul)[edit]
"You are determined to give others determination"
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
But They Refuses. When an ally with 5ft from you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you use your reaction to cause then to drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
You can do it!. You are good at helping other achieve their goal. You learn the guidance cantrip.
Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with a club and dagger. You gain proficiency clubs and daggers.
At 10th level, you can cast Magic Weapon on any dagger you wield or you can cast Shield of Faith on any club. When you do this, it gains a strong red glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Invigorate ( Light Cyan Soul)[edit]
"If you follow the trail of your own enthusiastically repeated stories, you will begin to rediscover the things that invigorate and enliven you" -Mary Anne Radmacher
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Be Patience. As a bonus action, you tell your ally within 60 ft of you to be more patient. If they agree and use their reaction, their next attack roll have advantage and save DC is increased by 2. On their next turn, they only can use prepared action for their action. This effect ends when you start your next turn or the patient creature uses their readied action.
Cyan Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with small bladed weapons. You gain proficiency with daggers and short swords.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the single handed weapon that someone else is using. For 1 minute, the first creature that they hit with enchanted single-handed weapon on their turn, gains cyan debuff until end of effected creature's turn. Creature with cyan debuff that moves willing on their turn, they take 1d12 slashing damage. When you do this, the single-handed weapon gains a steady blue glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Reassure ( Light Orange Soul)[edit]
"One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone" -Shannon L. Alder
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Courage. No matter how terrifying a foe may be, you serve as a beacon of hope. Allies (not you) with 15 ft of you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Orange mean Move. You help others keep moving on. As a bonus action, you can push a willing ally 15 ft away from you.
Orange Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with a gloves. You gain proficiency with gloves.
Gloves: It deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage with light property. On a successful hit, the target must make a strength saving throw vs 8 + your strength modifier + your proficiency modifier, or be pushed back 5 ft.
At 10th level, as bonus action, you can pour your soul's magic into a glove(s) that someone else are wearing. For 1 hour, the wielder have advantage on saving throws against being frightened. When you do this, your glove(s) gains a strong orange glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Reliable ( Light Blue Soul)[edit]
"A reliable friend is a healing presence" - unknown
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Moral Strength. You help others to keep their moral code, even in worst times. Allies (not you) with 15 ft of you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.
Light Soul. You can use "blue" magic to slow down everyone's decent. As a reaction, you can cast feather fall. This effect lasts until you touch the ground. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until long rest.
Blue Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with combat shoes. You gain proficiency with combat shoes.
Combat shoes are weaponized shoes made to combine dancing, acrobatics, and combat into a deadly art form.
Ballet Shoes. They are combat shoes made for ballet. While a reliable soul wears it, they doubled the range of Moral Strength as long they use their bonus action to keep on dancing. When kicked, ballet shoes deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
At 10th level, at the end of long rest, you can pour your soul's magic into the combat shoes. Until the end of the next long rest, the wearer is immune to any gravity, lavation, and flying spells. They cannot be forced to leave the ground. When you do this, your combat shoes gains a steady blue glow.
Steadfast ( Light Purple Soul)[edit]
"So we need people who will remain steadfast in any hardship and who have a high degree of resistance." - Moshe Sharett
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.
Stay Strong. You cause burning desire to keep moving forward and win resonates deep within your ally's souls. When an ally (not you) within 5 ft of you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can use your reaction to cause your ally to drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this trait again until you finish a long rest.
Stand Tall. You inspire others to stand tall and strong. Allies (not you) with 15 ft of you cannot be prone and they gain advantage to end magic status effects prematurely.
Purple Soul's favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with a books. You gain proficiency with books.
Notebook: a common large book. It deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage with versatile property.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the book that you are holding. For 1 minute, the first creature that you hit with your book on your turn, gains purple debuff until end of their turn. Creature with purple debuff only can move side to side. When you do this, your combat shoes gains a unchanging purple glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Companionate (Light Green Soul)[edit]
"Compassion is at the heart of every little thing we do. It is the dearest quality we possess. Yet all too often it can be cast aside with consequences too tragic to speak of. To lose our compassion, we lose what it is to be human" - Anonymous
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Selfless Nature. When you are being attacked, your ally with 5 ft of you may use your reaction to move up to you and take the attack instead. Your ally become the target of the attack, and it hits them automatically. You can use this ability a number of times equal to half of your proficiency bonus. You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Give Med Kit. As part of a short or long rest, you can teach someone else you use your med kit. Until the next short or long rest, that creature can use the med kit as an action. If they do, they heal a creature for hit points equal to their class level. Once they use the med kit, it cannot be used again. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until end of long rest.
Green Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with a fighting with cook's utensils. You gain proficiency with cook's utensils and you can add your proficiency modifier when attack with cook's utensils.
Frying pan: a common weapon from the cook's utensils. It deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage with two-handed property.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the utensils that you are holding and cast mass cure wounds. When you do this, your utensils gains a gentle green glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Protective ( Light Yellow Soul)[edit]
"Friends do everything they can to protect each other" -Polly
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Vengeance. You tell others on how to punish bad people. When a hostile creature deals damage to an ally within 30 feet of you, you may choose to give your ally advantage on their next attack roll against that creature. In addition, if that attack hits, they may roll damage twice and choose the higher of the two rolls. After you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
People Reader. You teach others on key signs of someone's lies. Allies (not you) with 30 ft of you add 5 to their passive insight and add 1d4 to insight checks.
Yellow Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with one-handed firearms. You gain proficiency with any firearms that lacks two-handed property.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the one-handed firearm that you are holding. For 1 minute, your fire arms do not required ammo nor the need to be reloaded. While this "yellow" buff is active, whenever an ally is hit, you can use your reaction to make one fire arm attack against that creature. While the "yellow" buff is active, your one-handed firearms gains a pure yellow glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
These are most likely inverted by magic
Hope (White Soul)[edit]
"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness." -Desmond Tutu
Ability Score Increase. Your An ability score was not entered for this template! score is increases by 2.
Hope Never Ends. You stir hope in others, even in worst of times. You can cast Guidance cantrip.
Beacon of Hope. You are a the light in the darkness. You can cast Light cantrip and Heroism spell. Charisma is your spellcasting ability. Once you cast Heroism without expending a spell slot, you can do it gain until you complete a short or long rest.
Inverted White Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with Lantern. You gain proficiency with Lanterns.
Lanterns deals 1d6 fire damage.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the lantern that you are holding. After your next hit with the lantern, you heal a creature within 30 ft equal to half of the damage dealt as the healing fire jumps towards them. When this trait is active, your lantern gains a strong white glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Other Souls[edit]
Here is a collection of fan made souls converted into dnd. You may use any of these below as your subclass. The author got too lazy to organize these.
Author's note: Only patience, bravery, integrity, perseverance, kindness, and justice are official, existing souls. All the others are fancy examples of other souls.
Will (Red with a hint of blue Soul)[edit]
"All is possible with the will to change, some self-motivation. It is your life; you are at the helm!" -Amy
Source: levelnom1
Note: many people believe that the red soul means will not determination
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
But It Refuses. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Will Power. Where there is a will there is a way. ...and no-one shall stand in your way. Choose what are willed to complete that not even Gods can stop you. As long you have an objective to complete and you are not directly not going against it, you can use reaction to reroll 1 on 1d20.
Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with a club and dagger. You gain proficiency clubs and daggers.
At 10th level, you can cast Magic Weapon on any dagger you wield or you can cast Shield of Faith on any club. When you do this, it gains a strong red glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Fear (Pink Soul)[edit]
"In fact, Fear's natural color is dark orange, but when the Bête Noire spell used on the Fear trait, it is pink." -glitchtale wiki
Source: glitchtale
Note: Inverted
Ability Score Increase. Your Chosen ability score is increases by 2.
Rhabdaphobia. Your pink soul is perfect for countering magic. When you are targeted by a ranged spell attack, you may use your reaction to force the attacker to make a DC (8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) Charisma save. On a failure, that spell is under the effects of 3rd level counter spell. You can do this once, and regain the use after a long rest.
Fearful Illusions. You can create scary illusions to fill your target with fear. Once per long rest, you can dissonant whispers or cause fear.
"Inverted" Pink Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with reaper's scythe. You gain proficiency with battle axe (scythe).
At 10th level, you can pour your soul's magic into the scythe that you are holding. For one minute, your scythe deals fire damage instead of normal damage. Additionally, the first creature you hit on your turn, they make a wisdom saving throw vs 8 + your charisma modifier + your proficiency modifier. If they failed, they are frightened until end of their turn. When this trait is active, your scythe gains a frightening pink glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Curiousity (Slightly Lighter Lilac Soul)[edit]
"How curious? I need to follow that..."
Source: Preboot Storyshift
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score is increases by 2.
Curious and Curiouser. You are constantly interested in new things. You have advantage on all skill checks that deals with finding new things or learning about new information.
Shift Reality. Your reality is in a constant state of change. When you eat a cake, you gain the effects of enlarge person from enlarge/reduce spell. When you drink a potion, you gain the effects of reduce person from enlarge/reduce spell. Once you eat a cake or drink a potion, you cannot use this feature until long rest.
Lilac Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with croquet mallet. You gain proficiency with croquet mallet.
Croquet mallet: deals a flat 2 + str modifier of bludgeoning damage.
At 10th level, you can pour your soul's magic into the croquet mallet that you are holding. While holding the croquet mallet, you are under the effects of freedom of movement. This last for 1 minute. When this trait is active, your croquet mallet gains a interesting lilac glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Focus (Lilac Soul)[edit]
"STAY FOCUSED" — Get It Done
Source: Richard Carter (https://undertale-rp.fandom.com/wiki/User:RichardCarter)
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score is increases by 2.
Note Taker. You often take notes on events that capture your focus. As long you have your notes, you can perfectly recall any events described in your notes.
Perfect Focus. You put all of your focus on to one enemy. As a bonus action, you can focus on a creature that you can see up to 1 minute. While focused you gain the following
- You have advantage to all takes to hit the focused creature but you are unable to directly attack any other creatures.
- The focused creature have disadvantage to any saving throws to resist your spells and effects.
- As long as you can hear the focused creature, you know exactly where they are.
- You are blind and deafened from all creature excepted the focused creature.
You can stop focusing as a bonus action. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until end of short or long rest.
Lilac Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with clarinet. You gain proficiency with clarinet.
Clarinet. While it is a normal musical instrument, in the hands of Lilac soul, it can be much more. A Lilac fallen human can use their action to blast wind to a creature within 15 ft from them. They make a strength saving throw vs 8 + your intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, or be pushed by 5 ft and take 1d4 thunder damage.
At 10th level, as a bonus action, you can pour your soul's magic into the clarinet that you are holding. For 1 minute, your clarinet's damage is increased to 1d6 and push back distant to 15 ft. While this is active, you cannot use any other weapons or cast spells. When this trait is active, your clarinet gains a focused lilac glow.
Charisma (Silver Soul)[edit]
"Charisma is a sparkle in people that money can’t buy. It’s an invisible energy with visible effects" - Marianne Williamson
Source: Hefflehof (https://undertale-rp.fandom.com/wiki/User:Hefflehof)
Ability Score Increase. Your An ability score was not entered for this template! score is increases by 2.
Charmer. You are a lady killer or maneater. You have proficiency in persuasion when flirting with male or females. If you already have proficiency in persuasion, you gain expertise in persuasion.
These Charms are not just for my Date. Your good looks make enemies confused when you spare them. Whenever you are about to swing your Warhammer, you can choose to automatically miss. The next time you hit that same enemy that you missed, you deal double damage. This effect ends at the end of your next turn.
Silver Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with Warhammers. You gain proficiency with Warhammer.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the Warhammer that you are holding. For 10 mins, whenever you hit a creature with your Warhammer, you can deal minimal damage and that creature makes charisma saving throw vs 8 + your charisma modifier + your proficiency. On a fail, that creature is charmed by you until end of their turn. instead When this trait is active, your Warhammer gains a charming silver glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Sadness(Dark blue with light blue tears and light blue glow to it Soul)[edit]
" Sadness is a force of great depth and breadth." - https://changetools.co.uk/2016/05/12/the-power-of-sadness/ <br/
Source: SmileTale (https://aminoapps.com/c/undertale/page/item/soul-of-sadness/Zd6S_XILrKeWee3BP1JjGjK5q6v4GY)
Note: Introverted Soul
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score is increases by 1 and your An ability score was not entered for this template! score is increases by 1.
Doom and Gloom. Your very presence causes others to not feel happy. Everyone within 30 ft of cannot laugh and is unaffected by magic that can make them laugh.
Also, you know some good sad stories.
Rain on the Parade. Your sadness is great, it begins to effects others. As an action, an illusionary dark cloud appears over a creature within 60 ft from you. They make a charisma saving throw vs 8 + your charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus as illusionary rain falls on them. On a fail, they have disadvantage to attack rolls as the creature begin to cry uncontrollably for 1 minute. They remake the saving throw at the end of their turn.
Blue Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with books and blankets. You gain proficiency with books.
Comic Book: Comic book is a type book. Comic book deals d4 physic damage and have heavy property.
At 10th level, you can pour your soul's magic into the book that you are holding. When this trait is active, your gains a sad dark blue yet light blue glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Wish (Blue Rose Soul)[edit]
"The blue rose symbolizes the impossible or the unattainable. Since the blue rose itself is a rarity in nature, it stands for something that is hardly within one's grasp, an object that seems too difficult to be achieved."
Source: Crimsonism ( https://undertale-rp.fandom.com/wiki/User:Crimsonism )
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score is increases by 2.
Preform Miracles. You can preform things that most people believe it is impossible. You can reroll any dice roll that you made. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
"wish". You can use your soul's magic to preform feats of impossibility. As an action, you can preform "wish". Choose one of the options below:
- Increase your speed by 10 for 1 minute
- Cast any non-damaging cantrip
- Increase your next attack roll by 1
- Increase you next skill check by 1
You can use this trait up to your wisdom modifier until you need a short or long rest to recover.
Blue Rose Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with wishing objects. You start with wishing object.
Wishing Tag: Wishing tag is a type of wishing object. While a creature is holding this wishing tag, they can use their action to make a wish. As your reaction, you can "grant" that person's wish within 120 ft away from you. That creature gain +1 to the next roll related to that wish.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the wishing object that you are holding. For 1 minute, your "wish" trait's effects are doubled and can target a creature within 30 ft from you. When this trait is active, your wishing object gains a rosy blue glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Optimism (Pale Lavender Soul)[edit]
"All I want to do is make people smile" <br/
Source: Calibri-Chan (https://undertale-rp.fandom.com/wiki/User:Calibri-Chan)
Ability Score Increase. Your An ability score was not entered for this template! score is increases by 2.
Artist. You use your artistic skills to bring happiness to others. You gain proficiency to performance when creating art work. If you already have proficiency in performance, you gain expertise instead.
Look on the Bright Side. You are able always to look at the bright side, even at darkest times. When your HP is a quarter or less than your max HP, you can cast False Life on yourself without using any spell slots.
Aditionally, you have advantage on saving throws to resist to be frightened.
Lavender Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with art supplies. You gain proficiency with art supplies.
Ink Pen: It is an art supplies. It deals 1d4 with light and finesse property.
At 10th level, you can pour your soul's magic into the art supplies that you are holding. As an action, you can cast fairy fire or Hideous Laughter. When this trait is active, your art supplies gains a happy, pale lavender glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Harden (Dark Green Soul)[edit]
"This soul is destined to have a hard life" <br/
Source: FriskPacifist1
Note: negative soul
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score is increases by 2.
Toughened. You survived through many hardships. Your maximum HP is increased by 1 and 1 more again for everytime you level up.
Harsh Life. You are used to getting stuck in a hard places. Whenever your movement is reduced down to 0, your AC is increased by 3 and you have advantage to saving throws
Dark Green Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with staff. You gain proficiency with staff.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the staff that you are holding. For one minute, your AC is decreased by 5. Whenever you are hit by an attack, you roll a d20. On a 20, the attack heals instead of damaging you. When this trait is active, your staff gains a hard, dark green glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Adventurous (Caput Mortuum Soul)[edit]
"Most often the CM (Caput Mortuum) SOUL will be found with other(s)..." <br/
Source: CupcatLBL
Note: Inverted
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score is increases by 2.
Experience Explorer. You spend a lot of time in nature and you learn a few things. When travelling, you and your party ignore dificult terrain.
Additionally, you gain proficiency in survival or nature.
Ready for Adventure. You desire to adventure out with others. You can use your soul magic to help others feel more brave to venture with you. After a long rest, choose another creature that long rested with you. Your current and maximum HP is reduced by your level and that creature's current and maximum HP is increased by your level. This effect ends if you die or complete another long rest.
Caput Mortuum Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with whip. You gain proficiency with whip.
Broken Headband: a poor quality whip. It deals 1d4 with reach property
At 10th level, you can pour your soul's magic into the whip that you are holding. As an action, you and three allies that you can see within 30 ft gain the effects of Freedom of Movement spell. When this trait is active, your whip gains a exotic caput mortuum glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Atrophic (Warm-Colored Soul)[edit]
"I'm not like you people, got that? I'm no do-gooder, I'm no maniac. I'm someone with guts and black powder." - Someone with the Atrophic soul
Source: Vershze
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score is increases by 2.
Natural Decay. You naturally are slowly break down into what is a crippled form of yourself, but that doesn't stop you. You may place your entire hand, which includes palm, fingers, and even wrist, onto an object or individual. If it is an object, it instantly bursts into a harmless pile of somewhat magical black powder, which your DM may integrate a use for. Do note that this is NOT blackpowder used in early gun weaponry, only a mundane powder colored black. If it is a creature, the creature takes your unarmed strike damage in necrotic damage, adding both your Strength and Dexterity modifiers to damage. If you use this on an incapacitated or dead creature, treat it as an object, as it is disintegrated as per the Disintegrate spell.
Undone by no Man. You are unlike any other when it comes to destruction. You may cast the Withering Thorn cantrip at will, and you may exert your decay into a physical sphere. This sphere has no effect, but you may throw it as an improvised weapon.
Atrophic Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with scythes, gaining proficiency with them. At 10th level, you can pour your soul's magic into the scythe that you are holding. As an action, the next person you attack with the scythe is affected by the Wither and Bloom spell, and you may only choose the damaging option. The target also loses one Hit Die. When this trait is active, your scythe gains a fiery glow, and the texture becomes more grainy, the physical appearance becoming more dark and jagged. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Zestful (Lemon Soul)[edit]
"Wielders of this SOUL type are always full of energy and ready for adventure. They're often a great cook, too!" <br/
Source: CupcatLBL
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score is increases by 1.
Cook on the Road. You are great at creating good food from poor quality food ingredients. You gain the Chief Feat
Energetic. You are full of energy and ready to use it on your travels. You have advantage to saving throws to resist gaining exhaustion.
Lemon Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with cook utensils. You gain proficiency with cook utensils.
Potatoes Peeler: It is a cook utensils. It deals 1d4 slashing with light property. It deals double damage to plants.
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the cook utensils that you are holding. For ten minute, you cannot gain any level of exhaustion. When this trait is active, your cook utensils gains a energetic lemon glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Imagination (Pale Violet Red Soul)[edit]
"A book is a device to ignite the imagination." -Alan Bennett <br/
Source: Strawberri Tea
Ability Score Increase. Your An ability score was not entered for this template! score is increases by 2.
Art Book. You enjoy creating art into your colorful book. Once per long rest, you can use your action to cast cantrip from any spell list of your choice.
Think Outside the Page. You can use your soul's magic to bring your creations into 3rd word. You learn minor illusion cantrip. Additionally, you can ritually cast major illusion spell. Charisma is your spell casting modifier.
Violet Red Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with art supplies. You gain proficiency with art supplies.
Stained Paintbrush (child sized): Stained Paintbrush is an art supplies. It deals 1d4 bludgeoning. On a hit, the creature is painted. The paint cannot become invisible and slowly drips to the ground. This makes it near impossible to be invisible and everyone have advantage to track that creature.
At 10th level, you can pour your soul's magic into the art supplies that you are holding. As an action, you can cast fairy fire spell without any spell slots. Charisma is your spell casting modifier. You can use one metamagic on this spell without spending any sorcerer points. When this trait is active, your art supplies gains a childish violet red glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Customizable Soul Traits[edit]
Souls are not just limited to colors above. A fallen human's soul color is unlimited amount of possibilities to match with every single personality traits out their. As it is near limitless amount of possible soul colors with their personality traits, the following sections are guides to create your own soul. Just make sure that you check with your GM before using your customized soul.
Dual Soul Traits[edit]
In rare cases, it is possible for two different primary personality traits represent a fallen human. While often seen with fallen humans with multiple personality disorder, it is quite possible for a normal fallen human to have two primary personality traits.
Author note: Dual souls are sometimes called split, twin, fusion, or patchwork.
Dual Soul (Color of the Left Side-Color of the Right Side Soul)[edit]
This is a template to create a dual soul from any two souls
Ability Score Increase. Choose one ability score increases from the left soul, that ability score is increased by 1. Choose one ability score increases from the right soul, that ability score is increased by 1.
Dual Soul Trait. You express both halves of your dual souls almost equally. Choose one trait from the left soul, You gain that trait. Choose one trait from the right soul, You gain that trait.
Soul Fusion (optional. Replaces Dual Soul Trait). You combine the aspects of both halves to create a new powerful trait. Take two similar traits from both the left and right side of the soul. With the help of the GM, create a new trait based on the combination of the original two traits. This trait cannot be more powerful than the two original trait's combined power.
Dual Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with both the left and right soul's favorite weapons. You gain proficiency with one of the weapons from the left soul and another weapon from the right soul.
At 10th level, you gain one of the 10th level ability from one of your souls. You can apply that ability to either of your weapons.
While it has never been seen it is quite possible for a soul to have three primary personality traits. To keep all three primary would require a great feat of balance and self control.
Tri-soul (Color of the 1st soul, color of the 2nd soul, and the color of the 3rd soul Soul)[edit]
This is a template to create a dual soul from any two souls
Ability Score Increase. Choose one ability score increases from the 1st soul, that ability score is increased by 1. Choose one ability score increases from the 3rd soul, that ability score is increased by 1.
Two Soul Trait. You gain the traits of two of your souls. Choose one trait from the left soul, You gain that trait. Choose one trait from the right soul, You gain that trait.
Soul Fusion (optional. Replaces Two Soul Trait). You combine the aspects of all of the three souls to create a new powerful trait. Take three similar traits from all three soul. With the help of the GM, create a new trait based on the combination of the original three traits.
3rd Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with all soul's favorite weapons. You gain proficiency with one of the weapons from the 3rd soul.
At 10th level, you gain one of the 10th level ability from 3rd souls. You can apply that ability to the weapon that you are proficient in.
Create You Own Soul[edit]
The following below is a template to create your own soul. If the soul color is already been claimed, then you could make a soul of that color with a hint of another color.
Ex: Red soul is taken by determination. You can create a red with a touch of blue soul that is owned by will.
Reminders of three different types of souls. Personality souls are a reflection of the fallen human's primary personality. Negative souls are personality souls but their primary personality can be unhealthy to the owner. Their second trait always contains a problem of their soul and at the same time, how they change it into a strength. The invert soul has no reflection to the fallen human's primary personality. Instead they desire to make others (and themselves) feel this personality. Their second trait always has a way to give or force this personality to others.
Personality (Color Soul)[edit]
A template to creating your own soul. Add a smalt text about your soul
Source: give credit to the creature of the soul
Note: is it a negative or inverted soul
Ability Score Increase. One of your ability score is increases by 2 or two of your abilities score is increased by 1.
1st Trait. Take one trait from the official races or from one of the subclasses of fallen human.
2nd Trait. Take one trait from the official races or from one of the subclasses of fallen human. If it is negative soul, it must contain a flaw and a boon. If it an inverted soul, it must contain a way to give or force a personality to others.
Soul's Favorite Weapon. You are naturally comfortable with a weapon or item. You gain proficiency with one simple weapon or item.
Combat Custom Item: This is a template on how to turn a normal item into a weapon. It deals 1d4 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. It gains one of the weapon properties:
- Finesse
- Versatile (1d6)
- Light
- Reach
- Throw (20/60 ft)
- Two-handed (this weapon's damage is increased to 1d6)
At 10th level, as an action, you can pour your soul's magic into the weapon that you proficiency from this subrace that you are holding. You cast a 2nd level spell. When this trait is active, your weapon gains a insert adjective here soul color glow. You cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.
Optional: modifies the existing 1oth level trait. 10th level trait: You can cast 3rd level spell but you need to complete a long rest to cast it again.
Alternate History[edit]
Like fandom with their numerous AU (alternate Universes), there are multiple possible histories for the Fallen Humans. As your GM if they are using one of the below histories for the lore of the Fallen Humans.
Pre-barrier Timeline, dnd variant[edit]
Long ago humans and monsters lived together in harmony, but one day it was discovered that monsters had the ability to absorb human souls, and become frighteningly powerful. Humanity, despite knowing that monsters were too kind and merciful to harm anyone with this power, attacked them out of fear. During the short-lived "War of Humans and Monsters," humanity slaughtered countless monsters, with fallen humans leading the charge, before sealing the rest of them beneath Mt. Ebott, using the magic of 7 human wizards. As thousands of years passed, monsters faded into legends and so did the abilities of fallen humans. Most humans, despite forgetting that monsters exist, are superstitious of Mt. Ebott, since those that climb it never return. That superstition never stopped a handful of children, who ventured up the mountain and fell into the underground, where monsterkind was still residing. Most of those children were killed and their souls were taken. To this day, the monsters are still trapped behind the barrier, waiting for more humans to fall.
A couple hundreds year ago, this belief is shattered with the rise of the monsters. Not the monsters of Undertale, but the ones from dnd. With them, races from fantasy like elves and dwarves appear. The large amount of new magic caused some of humans to be "reborn" as fallen humans, very similar if they encounter the Undertale. Over time the world adapted to the fantasy races, magical fallen humans, and the more "modern" normal humans.
Undertale Timeline[edit]
Long ago humans and monsters lived together in harmony, but one day it was discovered that monsters had the ability to absorb human souls, and become frighteningly powerful. Humanity, despite knowing that monsters were too kind and merciful to harm anyone with this power, attacked them out of fear. During the short-lived "War of Humans and Monsters," humanity slaughtered countless monsters, with fallen humans leading the charge, before sealing the rest of them beneath Mt. Ebott, using the magic of 7 human wizards. As thousands of years passed, monsters faded into legends and so did the abilities of fallen humans. Most humans, despite forgetting that monsters exist, are superstitious of Mt. Ebott, since those that climb it never return. That superstition never stopped a handful of children, who ventured up the mountain and fell into the underground, where monsterkind was still residing. Most of those children were killed and their souls were taken. To this day, the monsters are still trapped behind the barrier, waiting for more humans to fall.
The story begins with a normal human, with you, deciding to climb Mt. Ebott. You could be climbing this infamous mount for many, many reasons like trying the map all the cave system, find lost person, run away from thing or someone, or just feeling adventurer. Regardless, after a long trek, sun begin to set. You look for shelter night as the wind picks up and the clouds look angry. Near by, a large cave mouth looks safe and welcoming. A few moments after heavy rain begins to pour. You glad that you find this oddly convenient cave. You turn on your light source. Its a normal big, dark cave. As you work forward, your light reveals a dark hole. You approach carefully. You hold your light source over the hole. Not even light cannot reach the bottom. Spooked, you back away. Suddenly, a strong rope-like object hits your back. You are launch forward. The ground disappear as you begin to fall to your death.
You wake up in a field of yellow flowers. The warm sunlight on your back. You get up and dust off the dirt and pollen. Nothing damaged and you feel no pain. You look around the room. There is only two ways up. The first is back up the hole. The walls are steep and the blinding light makes it hard to tell how high it is. The more reasonable path is down an artificial cave that ends with a fancy door.
Little did you know, this a start of your adventure in the underground. Pass those doors is a monster waiting for a human to fall down. The moment they FIGHT the human, the human's soul will waken up and transform into a fallen human. This is the first battle of many. The newly fallen human will fight or befriend the entire underground of soul hungry monsters. I wonder how your story will pan out?
For a more traditional Undertale experience, you are limited to the seven soul colors; red (determination and/or will), cyan (patience), orange (bravery), blue (integrity), purple (perseverance), green (kindness), and yellow (justice).
Optional Features[edit]
Ask GM to if you are using the optional features
Unchanging Soul[edit]
Replaces: Soul Change In an alternate universe (AU), fallen human's souls are not a reflection of their personality. Their souls are what they are born with. Regardless your personality and your character, it is unable to change the soul's trait and color.
It is up to the GM if it is possible for a personality or negative trait can still be transformed into an inverted soul.
Shattering Soul[edit]
In an alternate universe (AU), fallen human souls are more fragile and easier to leave the body. Expansion on Strong Attachment to this World You fall below 1 HP, your soul comes out of your body. Your soul and body van be separated until you fully die. Each time you fail a death saving throw, more cracks appear on your soul. When you die for three failed death saving throws, you may choose to let your soul shatter and allow your spirit join the afterlife. Otherwise, your soul heals up and remains in this world.
Magic Spirit[edit]
Expansion on Strong Attachment to this World In an alternate universe (AU), fallen humans can observe their surrounds in their spirit form when they die. When you die, your spirit and soul comes out of your body. A soul is the raw magic of your being why your spirit is the raw personality and memories of yourself. Your spirit cannot be more than 5 ft from your soul. When your spirit is destroyed, the spirit goes into the soul and reemerged from it after a long rest. While to soul is very visible as it creates a 5 ft of dim light, only creatures with true sight and see spirits can see and hear you. As a magic spirit you are unable to interact with anything. You have become an observer of the events around your soul.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 8'' | +2d10 | 110 lb. | × (2d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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