Tarot Master (5e Class)

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Tarot Master[edit]

Key Terms Quick Guide[edit]

Spent- Spent cards are placed in a faceup pile and can be re-added to the deck any time the deck is shuffled

Discard- Discarded cards are a separate faceup pile that cannot be re-added to the deck until your next short rest

Remove- Put any cards being removed in the spent pile

Deck- A set of cards that remain facedown in a pile

Hand- A set of cards that you can see and play at anytime

Hand Size- The current amount of cards in your hand

Hand Limit- The maximum amount of cards you can have in your hand at any given time

Play- Activate the listed effect of a card, then add it to the spent pile

Draw- Take a card from the top of the deck and add it to your hand

Trade- If your hand size is at the hand limit, draw a card and add it to your hand, then take a card from your hand and put it in the spent pile

Creating a Tarot Master[edit]

Quick Build

You can make a Tarot Master quickly by following these suggestions. First, Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by Charisma. Second, choose the sage background.

Class Features

As a Tarot Master you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Tarot Master level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Tarot Master level after 1st


Armor: none
Weapons: none
Tools: Cards(playing cards, magic cards, etc.)
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Intelligence
Skills: Choose 3 from Arcana, History, Insight, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, and Religion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Tarot Cards
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4x10 in funds.

Table: The Tarot Master

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Tarot Cards, Burn
2nd +2 major Arcana
3rd +2 Minor Selection
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Extra pPlay, Share the Fate
6th +3 Minor Selection Feature
7th +3 Slow Burn
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Forced Shuffle
10th +4 Minor Selection Feature
11th +4 Redraw
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Efficient Burn
14th +5 Minor Selection Feature
15th +5 Major Master
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Minor Distinction
18th +6 Extra Play
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Master of Fate

Tarot Cards[edit]

You have a full set of tarot cards you use for your abilities and divination, but they slightly deviate from normal tarot cards. The swords suit becomes Strength, the wands become Intelligence, the chalice suit is Wisdom, and the pentacles suit is Charisma. Each suit has a purpose, Str is needed for combat, Int garners manipulation, Wis holds power in prophecy, and Char tips its hat to utility. Like any good card game, you have a hand to play from, and a hand limit of your Tarot Master level. At the end of along rest, shuffle the deck and draw cards equal to your hand limit. As an action, you can draw a card, or trade a card if your hand is full, and play a card. Any card removed from your hand is considered spent unless otherwise stated. All spent cards can be reshuffled as a free action once all cards are used. When shuffling the deck in this manor, draw half your hand size, rounded up.


Sometimes fate isn’t too kind to you, but you can still make the best of it. As an action, you can burn any amount cards in your hand, dealing 1d4+1 damage to any target you can see per burned card, or +2 per burned card to any out of combat roll. After burning cards, redraw cards equal to half the amount of cards burned, rounded down. Cards burned are considered spent.

Major Arcana[edit]

At level 2, you draw power from the set of major arcana. The Major Arcana cards hold powerful abilities, but must be used with discretion, as they hold no regards to friend or foe. At the end of a long rest, choose one major arcana. At any time as a free action, activate the card's abilities. The card cannot be thrown or activated at a distance, meaning you will always get caught in the effect. You can only have one, and you may only use it once per long rest. After a long rest, you may switch it out with another Major Arcana.

At 15th level, you may have 2 to use per long rest.

Minor Selection[edit]

At 3rd level, you chose a suit. Choose between Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Play[edit]

At 5th level, you may draw and play 2 cards instead of one as part of your action. At level 18, you may play 3 instead of 2.

Share the Fate[edit]

You’ve learned to pass along your abilities to your allies. At 5th level, cards that normally only affect yourself can instead affect an ally that you can touch.

Slow Burn[edit]

At 7th level, you’ve learned to save your sacrificed cards for later use. Instead of dealing damage when you burn the card, you may instead save it in your reservoir. Your reservoir can hold up to half your Tarot Master levels(rounded down) in uses until a short rest, and any number of uses can be used in a single action.

Forced Shuffle[edit]

You learned to toy with fate. At 9th level, as a bonus action, you may shuffle your hand and spent cards, then draw a number of cards equal to half your hand limit. You may only use this feature a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier per long rest.


Fate often comes when we least expect it. You, however, learned to delay it. At 11th level, as a bonus action, you may draw any number of cards and add them to your hand, then discard the same number of cards drawn. This feature can only be used a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier per long rest.

Efficient Burn[edit]

You’ve burned so many cards at this point that you’ve learned how to better draw out power from it. At 13th level, the damage becomes 2d4+2 per burned card or 3 added to your next roll.

Minor Distinction[edit]

Fate begins to bend to your will. At level 17, your deck splits each suit apart, and you may choose which suit to draw from. You can still draw from them combined if you desire.

Master of Fate[edit]

You’ve taken fate into your own hands, shaping it as you see fit. At level 20, as a free action for 1 minute, you may simply choose which card to draw. Such a feat draws so much power, it permanently reduces your lifespan by a number of years equal to the cards drawn, and cannot be attempted again for 7 days.


Fate holds a lot of power, and that's something you can get behind. There isn't much need for all the fancy shmancy jumbo if your enemies are dead, right?

Strength Focus

When you pick this subclass at the 3rd level, once per turn, when you play a strength card, you may play another card.

Hocless Pocless

Why use magic? At 6th level, instead of burning cards, you can throw them. Make an attack roll with prof and wis. If it hits, it deals 1d6+wis damage. At 13th level, the damage becomes 2d6+wis.

Hocus Pocus

Also at 6th level, your strength cards count as silvered and adamantine for overcoming resistances.

Bulky Creations

At 10th level, your weapons pack an extra punch. All attacks made with basic weapon cards have their die upgraded, with 1d12 becoming 2d8.

True Strength

At 14th level, at the end of a short rest, you may remove cards that are not strength from the deck, increasing your odds of drawing strength cards. You may remove any number of cards this way, but cannot gain them back until a short or long rest.


Only the well learnt mind can process fate and manipulate the outcome. You’ve studied how it works for so long, you’ve found ways of pushing it in a favorable direction.

Intelligence Focus

When you pick this subclass at the 3rd level, once per turn, when you play an intelligence card, you may play another card.

Team Player

At level 6, you can control the fate of more people simultaneously. Any intelligence card that affects one person can now affect two.

Healthy Fate

You’ve found ways to see the better outcomes of positive fates. At 10th level, all healing done with intelligence cards is doubled. You can also burn cards to heal instead of damage, healing double the amount that would have been damage.

True Intelligence

At 14th level, at the end of a short rest, you may remove cards that are not intelligence from the deck, increasing your odds of drawing intelligence cards. You may remove any number of cards this way, but cannot gain them back until a short rest.


Only the wise can decipher the meanings behind each card, and you’ve looked deep into each meaning to grasp a fuller understanding.

Wisdom Focus

When you pick this subclass at the 3rd level, once per turn, when you play a wisdom card, you may play another card.

Advanced Prophet

At 6th level, any wisdom card that lets you Scry multiple cards lets you scry one more.


Your future readings’ precision rivals even the best prophets. At 10th level, as an action, add the top X cards of your deck to your hand, where X is equal to your burn reservoir. At the end of your next turn, all cards drawn this way are removed from your hand and considered spent. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier per short or long rest.

True Wisdom

At 14th level, at the end of a short rest, you may remove cards that are not wisdom from the deck, increasing your odds of drawing wisdom cards. You may remove any number of cards this way, but cannot gain them back until a short rest.


It takes a good deal of charm to convince another of their future, whether it is truth or falsity. Spending time practicing this has led you to learn better how to adapt to situations.

Charisma Focus

When you pick this subclass at the 3rd level, once per turn, when you play a charisma card, you may play another card.

Extra Utility

You can make the best of any situation. At 6th level, any charisma card with a time limit doubles the limit.

Utility Belt

At 10th level, your readings of fate are greatly sharpened. Your hand limit becomes 2 times your Tarot Master Level.

True Charisma

At 14th level, at the end of a short rest, you may remove cards that are not charisma from the deck, increasing your odds of drawing charisma cards. You may remove any number of cards this way, but cannot gain them back until a short rest.

Minor Arcana[edit]


(all attacks are made with prof and wis mod, weapons with vers use vers.)

You use one of your target’s attacks against them, using their modifiers and ignoring resistances and immunities.
You create a spectral dagger next to your target and attack.
You create a spectral shortsword next to your target and attack.
You create a spectral greatsword next to your target and attack.
You create a spectral halberd next to your target and attack.
You create a spectral warhammer next to your target and attack.
You create a spectral rapier next to your target and attack.
You create a spectral spear next to your target and attack.
You create a spectral battleaxe next to your target and attack.
You create two spectral daggers next to your target and attack with both using modifiers.
You create a spectral longbow and shoot your target. Ignores ½ cover.
You create a spectral shield around one ally, fully blocking the next source of damage.
You and all your allies gain advantage on attacks until the end of your next turn.
You copy one ally’s last attack and attack their target, or the next closest target if the original target has been defeated, using their modifiers and bonuses, including extra damage from abilities such as hunter’s mark or hex. This card can be played as a reaction.


Heal all allies and damage all enemies with pure energy for Xd4, where X is half your Tarot Master levels, rounded down.
Heal an ally by an amount equal to your level
An enemy gains a -1 on their next attack roll
Cause the ground beneath your opponents feet to tremble, reducing their movement speed to 0 until your next turn
Turn a 20ft radius area centered on you of difficult terrain into normal terrain. This area moves with you for 1 hour
Give an ally +10 movement until your next turn
Create a 30ft earthen wall in a circle around you that lasts for up to eight hours
Purify or poison any amount of nearby visible food or drink
Give allies near you +5 on all of one type of ability checks for 1 minute
Restore an ally’s reaction. This card can be played as a reaction
Disorient an enemy, giving them disadvantage on Str and Dex saves
Shield an ally, giving them advantage on saves against magic
All your enemies gain disadvantage on attacks until your next turn.
Enchant ally basic weapons for 1 minute, making them +2 weapons


The next card played activates twice, then play a card
Learn an item or creatures secrets
On your next draw, draw two cards, then at the end of your next turn, remove the card(s) not used
On your next draw, pull from the bottom of the deck, if using a virtual deck, draw two cards and choose one to remove
On your next draw, you may draw two cards then reshuffle
On your next draw, draw three cards, then at the end of your next turn, remove the card(s) not used
Learn the resistances and weaknesses of a creature
Learn the max hp of a creature
See an enemy’s next target
On your next draw, draw four cards, then at the end of your next turn, remove the card(s) not used
Look at the next 5 cards of your deck, choose any or all of them, then reshuffle the rest back into the deck and place the chosen cards on top in any order
You may discard 2 cards to look at and play one of the next 5 cards
Read the thoughts of one creature, automatically understanding the meanings
Look at and play any of the next 3 cards


An ally gains back one spell slot of any depleted level
Move up to your movement without provoking opportunity attacks
Unlock any locked object, magic or not
Become invisible until the start of your next turn
See through walls for one minute
Speak any language for one hour
Gain advantage to saves against conditions for one hour
Become intangible for one round
Gain blindsight 60 for one hour
Gain a movement speed 30ft of your choice for one hour
Telepathically communicate with anyone on the same plane that you have personal connections with for one minute
Gain immunity to one condition for one minute
Give an ally resistance to a non-physical damage type for one minute
Give an ally the benefits of a short rest, then discard this card

Major Arcana[edit]

The Fool

When using this card, gain proficiency in a weapon of your choice for the duration. Create a 100ft area centered and attached to you that works as an anti magic zone for up to one hour. Your cards cannot be used in this area, as they are technically magic effects.

The Magician

Magic floods out from this card in a 50ft area for up to one minute. Any spell up to 5th level cast in the area doesn’t consume a spell slot, and any innate spell doesn’t use up its use.

The High Priestess

Upon use, in a 20ft area, revive any down or dead creatures that have been dead for less than an hour, then fully heal every creature.

The Empress

All attacks in a 50ft area that are considered magical deal double damage for 1 minute, and attacks that are not considered magical deal half.

The Emperor

All attacks in a 50ft area that are not considered magical deal double damage for 1 minute, and attacks that are considered magical deal half.

The Hierophant

Every creature in 50ft centered and attached to the card gains truesight 120 for 1 minute.

The Lovers

Every creature in a 100ft area is charmed by every creature in the area for 1 hour. After the effect wears off, the creatures know they were charmed.

The Chariot

Summon a carriage fit for 10 (8 inside on the left and right walls, 2 on top in the drivers area) and 2 horses. They last until your next long rest.


Every creature in a 50ft area gains +10 to attack and damage rolls for physical attacks for 1 minute.

The Hermit

For up to 1 hour, isolate a 30ft area from the rest of the world. Nothing can see, interact with, or traverse in or out of this area.

The Wheel of Fortune

Every creature in 30ft rolls a d20. If they roll less than a 10, they lose their next action., rolling greater than a 10 grants them another action on their next turn, and rolling a 10 exactly grants the creature the benefits of a long rest, excluding the healing.


Until your next turn, any damage dealt to any creature in 100ft is halved, and the remaining half is taken by the attacker, ignoring resistances and immunities.

The Hanged Man

A large tree springs from the card with dangling ropes. Any creature that comes within 50ft becomes ensnared by the ropes. The tree lasts for 1 minute.


A terrible miasma pours out of the card and spreads for 20ft. Any living creature in the area is incapacitated for 1 minute, takes your Tarot Master level of damage each round, and any creature that drops to 0hp in the area turns to smoke, being unable to be revived.


Every creature in a 100ft area loses the will to fight for 1 hour.

The Devil

Create a copy of every creature in a 20ft area. The copy can only perform physical attacks, and attempts to kill their other self. They are the same in every way to the original, however they only have 1hp.

The Tower

Prevents all damage done to any creature within 100ft until your next turn.

The Star

A star appears above the card and follows it for 1 hour. Any creature withing 50ft of the star gain double movement, a swim, climb, and fly speed equal to their movement, the ability to speak and breathe in areas that lack oxygen, and truesight 30ft.

The Moon

Encompass a 100ft area around the card in a false night time for 1 minute. Every creature in the area becomes drowsy, gaining disadvantage on every roll for the duration.

The Sun

Encompass a 100ft area around the card in a false day time for 1 minute. Every creature in the area is filled with energy, gaining advantage on every roll for the duration.


Creatures of good alignment within 30ft glow white, while creatures with evil alignments glow red. Creatures have advantage against creatures that glow a different color, and disadvantage against creatures that glow the same color.

The World

All creatures in 50ft are sent to a demiplane. This demiplane holds plenty of food and fresh water. If a creature shows any form of hostility, they are shunted from the area. All creatures are returned to their original positions after 1 hour.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Tarot Master class, you must meet these prerequisites: Wisdom 15 Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Tarot Master class, you gain the following proficiencies: Cards(Playing cards, magic cards, etc.)

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