Emissary Of The Twilight (5e Class)
Emissary Of The Twilight[edit]
Children of the night, exemplars of darkness, avatars of the underdark, avatars of shadowfell, these individuals have many names, their nefarious existence only brings chaos and corruption to every place they travel, the Emissary Of The Twilight are born when a baby is influenced by high amounts of corrupt magic or based on a ritual with high sacrifices or being a reincarnation of a dark god.
Creating a Emissary Of The Twilight[edit]
If you play a Emissary Of The Twilight, your highest ability score should be intelligence and your second highest ability score should be dexterity.
Class Features
As a Emissary Of The Twilight you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Emissary Of The Twilight level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Emissary Of The Twilight level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light, medium, heavy
Weapons: none
Tools: {{{tools}}}
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Constitution.
Skills: Pick three from Acrobatics, Investigation, Perception, history, Stealth, Survival and religions
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) Shortsword or greatsword or (b) any two simple weapons
- (a) Explorer's Pack or (b) Burglar's Pack
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 x 10 gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features |
1st | +2 | — |
2nd | +2 | — |
3rd | +2 | — |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement |
5th | +3 | — |
6th | +3 | — |
7th | +3 | — |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement |
9th | +4 | — |
10th | +4 | — |
11th | +4 | — |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement |
13th | +5 | — |
14th | +5 | — |
15th | +5 | — |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement |
17th | +6 | — |
18th | +6 | — |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement |
20th | +6 | — |
Heart of Darkness[edit]
At 1st level your inner darkness has finally awakened from its full assimilation giving way to corruption itself through every vein of your body giving you the ability to be immune to curses and all forms of corruption, when you roll your hit point dice you also add intelligence and can add intelligence to all constitution rolls.
When you are in an area with radiant light you have disadvantage to everything you do and when you are in darkness you have advantage, you also gain darkvision of 120 feet and can sense all entrances to the underdark, or shadowfell and your ac is equal to 10 + intelligence and dexterity as long as you have no armor (at 10th level, you can wear armor of any type without losing this feature just replace the 10 with the armor bonus).
Body forged in corruption[edit]
Also at level 1 your body corrupted in its form, dark in its vice, has been forged with dark energies giving you the following abilities:
- When you attack without weapons you make a d4 + your strength and dexterity.
- You can add your dexterity to all your rolls that are based on strength
- You gain advantage when you are in darkness
- When you reduce necrotic damage instead of taking damage you regain hit points
- You are vulnerable to radiant damage
- When you are in radiant light you have disadvantage on all your rolls
Let the darkness grow[edit]
At level 2, you have learned to manifest the darkness not only within yourself but also in your surroundings and in your enemies. In the end, darkness manifests itself in all forms. When you start a fight, you start with 0 points of darkness and the maximum is your intelligence bonus + your proficiency + your level. These points increase by 2 when you make an attack action. When you are attacked, they also increase by 2. If you are in a terrain with bright light, you lose 1 per round, but if you are in a terrain with dim light, it increases by 1. If it is in total darkness, it increases by 5 per round. Darkness points are useful for the following options:
Persevere: If you spend 4 points of darkness, you can add your intelligence bonus to a save.
Indestructible: When you are going to be killed either because you are reduced to 0 hit points or you were affected by an instant death spell, you can spend 10 shadow points and save yourself by being 1 hit point away by protecting yourself with shadows, but each time you do this you gain a point of exhaustion.
Condense: You can spend 1 point of darkness to gain a +2 to damage, this ends at the start of your next turn.
Harden: When you are going to reduce an attack, you can spend 1 point of darkness to gain a +2 to AC, this ends at the start of your next turn.
At level 8
Pulse: As a bonus action and spending 4 points, you detect all creatures, objects, traps, or magical things as long as they are in a dimly lit environment within a range of 120 feet.
Massacre: When you deal damage, you can spend 5 points of darkness to multiply the damage dealt. This can only be done once per round
Dark Step: You spend 3 points of darkness and can make a movement that does not generate attacks of opportunity equal to 3 times your walking speed
Gloom: As an action you can create an area of magical darkness of 10 feet for each point of darkness you spend, (if you spend 5 the area will be 50x50 feet)
Execute: If an enemy that was going to fall to 0 hit points is restored to 1 or more you can use 4 points of darkness to make an attack of opportunity against it
Level 10
Rippling: If an enemy has less than half of its life, you can spend 8 points of darkness and all the hits you inflict for this round are critical hits and the damage instead of being doubled is tripled must be used before attacking
Grip: Whenever an enemy casts a spell you can spend 6 points of darkness to make an attack of opportunity if it is within your range or you have a way to attack it
Overcome: If you must make a saving throw you can spend 8 points of darkness to pass the save, you can only do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus
Maleficate: When you hit a creature you can spend 6 points of darkness to make it fall under the effects of fear and have a negative penalty equal to your minimum intelligence bonus of -1
Incarnation of Darkness[edit]
At level 3 you embody the reason for your existence as the embodiment of darkness which is divided into 4 paths, each of which gives you the competence with the weapon it gives you since it will be the only weapon you can use. These paths are: The Shadow of a Thousand Swords, The Avatar of the Night, The Predator of the Gloom, The Idol of the Void
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach the 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 20th level in this class.
As your existence dictates, darkness is your only and most faithful friend, giving you passage to the dimension of shadows. At level 6, as a bonus action, you can dive into the world of shadows. While in the shadow dimension, you can teleport to any shadow within 120 feet. While submerged, you cannot attack anyone and cannot be attacked. You can enter the shadow dimension even if you are grappled, restrained, or prone, and you remove these conditions instantly. If you are only going to move without leaving the world of shadows, you move at half your movement.
When you leave the immersion, you have advantage on attacks against enemies and you can only last a maximum of 3 rounds submerged. If time passes, you are automatically expelled and suffer 3d10 force damage. You can only use this ability a number of times equal to your intelligence.
Awareness and calm[edit]
At level 9 your dark thoughts have been turbulent but after the storm always comes calm even for beings like you, at this level you are immune to fear and the state of enchantment and you cannot be possessed.
Dark Awakening[edit]
When you reach level 10 you are sealed in a cocoon of total and absolute darkness from which no one can see inside and which will take you 8 hours to emerge. When you awaken you will be reborn as a new and divine being, an entity as blasphemous to the gods as it is divine to the dark entities. You have awakened to see the world as a new being, gaining all kinds of new characteristics:
- If you had a negative condition, a mutilated limb, or any other negative condition, it is cured when you leave the cocoon, leaving all impurities behind
- Your creature type changes to celestial, causing all creatures of divine nature to view you with hostility, but otherwise you can become someone praised by profane beings
- When you take a long rest you regain all your darkness points, and when you take a short one, half of them, and when you finish a fight, the darkness points are now maintained. Proving that your new body forged in the same darkness is now able to accept the darkness in its full splendor.
- You gain a +4 to all your stats that can exceed 20, proving that there is perfection even in the shadows
- Your light can no longer be illuminated by any means, unless the enemy surpasses you by 4 levels or their challenge rating exceeds you by 4 levels compared to your class level, letting you know that darkness can swallow and sink even the brightest stars
- When you use the immersion skill you can be immersed for up to 5 rounds instead of 3, proving that little by little the darkness is becoming your home
- You gain a feat, to mark the difference between you and the mere shadows of those who try to be like you
- Your subclass weapon gains a unique characteristic granted by the DM, why are they the weapons that will dye the skies black
The God of Darkness Emerges[edit]
Once again you are wrapped in a cocoon of darkness in which you will remain for 24 hours to reach the peak, your true form, to leave your shell of mortality behind and rise as a dark deity, as the great primordial darkness At level 20 you have reached your highest capacity, giving you the power that was always yours:
- You emerge once again from the cocoon in your perfect form, returning any limbs you have lost and healing any other negative effects you have. But once per week when your hit points reach 0 and you die your body is enclosed in a cocoon and sinks into the dark dimension until you revive. Making it clear that darkness is immortal
- When you are in a fight the points of darkness you get can exceed the limit, but when the fight is over you lose the extra points and when you get points of darkness you get double. To prove that darkness has no end
- The power of a dark god runs through your veins, making your blood black as night, plus all your stats gain another +4 that can exceed 20, you become immune to the petrified, incapacitated and stunned state, to mark history as an absolute being
- Now the world of shadows is your kingdom, you can remain immersed in darkness as long as you want and without repercussions, every shadow will be your way home
- Your body is able to withstand environments such as the void and shadowfell, in addition to spending 20 points of darkness you can open a portal that goes to those places and the portal remains open until you decide to close it as an additional action, when you are in shadowfell or the void you can say travel to any other plane from there.
- You rule the beings of darkness, every creature of shadowfell fell below level or challenge 18 obeys your orders and the others are neutral against your existence, because you were born to give a purpose to the darkness and those who inhabit it.
- You gain another unique ability in your weapon and gain a feat, to make it clear that your power will reap all those who stand against you.
The Shadow of a Thousand Swords[edit]
The Avatar of the Night[edit]
The Predator of the Gloom[edit]
The Idol of the Void[edit]
Absolute Darkness[edit]
at level 3 You have taken the path of concentrating all darkness into yourself, becoming nothing at all, reaching absolute emptiness, giving you the power that lies beyond the veil. You can infuse objects or your own hands with darkness, and you gain 3d6 necrotic damage that increases proportionally to your level (at level 6 it is equal to 4d8, at level 10 it increases to 6d10, and at level 15 it increases to 10d12). If you touch weapons that are not prepared to withstand your nature, they will disintegrate into a dark mace of useless matter after having given them one use.
Stigmatized by the Void[edit]
at level 3 When you make an action to attack an enemy and at least one attack hits, you can spend 5 points of darkness to make the enemy make a save by Charisma or Wisdom. If they fail, they will suffer a curse of your choice, and you will get an increase in power for what is left. In the fight, you can get several increases but the same one cannot be repeated. The marks left by true darkness increase with the level and are the following:
Level 1 Curses
Mark of weakness: this mark appears as if they were black root-shaped tattoos that cover the arms of its victim causing your enemies to have disadvantage on strength tests and saves, in addition to gaining a - 4 to damage and attack.
✦ Dark Blessing: When you inflict this curse you gain advantage on strength tests and saves, in addition to gaining a + 2 to attack and damage.
Mark of Blindness: This mark traces a vertical black line where the eyes go as if it were a cut that makes your enemies blinded, in addition to having disadvantage on wisdom perception checks and having a -4 on perception checks based on hearing
✦ Dark Blessing: When you inflict this mark you will gain 30 feet of blindsight in addition to gaining advantage on wisdom perception checks, and gaining competence and a +2
Mark of the Chain: This mark is traced as if it were a chain on the legs of your enemies, lowering their movement to 5 feet, and if the enemy has any means of flight they automatically fall to the ground suffering fall damage, in addition to leaving disadvantage on all dexterity checks and saves.
✦ Dark Blessing: When you inflict this mark your movement speed doubles and you gain advantage on dexterity checks and saves in addition to being able to walk on vertical walls and ignore difficult terrain.
Level 2 Curses Requirements: Level 10
Curse of Fragility: You leave a horrible mark on your victim's chest in the shape of a spider with no legs at first glance, but internally the mark is on your bones and some organs making you weak to the touch, this mark causes you to become vulnerable to all damage in addition to suffering disadvantage on all Constitution checks and saves, in addition to losing a d6 in the construction statistic
✦ Dark Blessing: When you inflict this mark you reduce by half all damage you receive, and you gain advantage on Constitution checks and saves, on the d6 you roll a d6 and add it to your Constitution until the fight ends
Curse of Mental Rot: A series of dark symbols appear on the victim's forehead, sinking into their skull and corrupting their mind. The creature suffers disadvantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma rolls. Additionally, each time the creature attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed on an Intelligence save or lose the spell and take 3d8 psychic damage.
If the creature fails three Intelligence saves in combat, its mind collapses and it enters a permanent state of confusion until it is cured by Greater Restore or similar magic.
✦ Dark Blessing: While this curse is active, you gain resistance to psychic damage, immunity to being stunned, and the ability to cast Detect Thoughts and Domain Person without expending resources at will.
Curse of Withering: The victim's skin cracks and withers like a plant without water, while its life essence dissipates into the air. At the start of its turn, it takes 6d10 necrotic damage, and the victim cannot regain hit points by any means while this curse is in effect.
If the creature dies under this curse, its body collapses into black dust and it cannot be resurrected except by true resurrection, Wish, or divine intervention.
✦ Dark Blessing: While this curse is active, you absorb the life essence of the cursed. Whenever you deal necrotic damage, you recover half of that damage in hit points. Additionally, you gain resistance to radiant damage and paralysis.
Level 3 Curses Level 15 Requirement
Curse of Endless Agony: The victim's body is enveloped by a liquid shadow that seeps into their flesh and nerves, turning every movement into an unbearable torment. It leaves a mark all over your body as if they were burns and the longer you suffer from this curse, the more incomprehensible patterns of permanent scars will be left.
Every time the creature performs an action, reaction, or movement, it suffers 8d12 necrotic damage. It cannot benefit from resistance or immunity to pain, and suffers disadvantage on all attack rolls, checks, and saves due to extreme suffering. If it falls to 0 hit points while under this curse, it cannot be stabilized and automatically dies on its next turn, with no possibility of conventional resurrection.
✦ Dark Blessing: While this curse is active, any enemy that attacks you in melee takes double the damage they deal to you in the form of necrotic energy.
Curse of the Devastating Abyss: The victim is marked with a crack in their chest, from which a vortex of void begins to slowly devour them, absorbing everything around them, creating a controlled entrance to oblivion itself.
Each turn, the creature suffers 6d12 necrotic damage and loses 2d6 maximum hit points permanently. If the creature attempts to move, any creature within 15 feet of it is pulled 10 feet toward it, as if the Void were trying to swallow them up as well. If it dies under this curse, a 30-foot-radius hole appears in its place, devouring everything in that area and sending it into the Absolute Void, where nothing can ever be recovered.
✦ Dark Blessing: While this curse is active, your body becomes an extension of the Void, gaining resistance to physical damage (bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing), regardless of its source. You can pass through solid objects and walls as if you were a shadow, and if you touch an enemy they must make a Wisdom save, and on a failed save you can drag them with you into the darkness, leaving them trapped in a plane of nightmares for 1d6 turns. You can only use this banishment once per long rest.
Curse of Infinite Degradation: This curse creates unreadable inscriptions that shift and move across the victim's body, degrading, rotting, corrupting until nothing remains.
When this curse causes the enemy at the beginning of their turn to lose their defenses so that if they have an immunity, they turn it into resistance and so on until it disappears and they move on to the next one, if the enemy no longer has immunities or resistance they begin to reduce their statistics by a d6 until they reach 1 and jump to the next one, starting with strength and ending with charisma
✦ Dark Blessing: Your body becomes an absolute conduit of the Void, covering itself with the same impossible inscriptions that mark your enemies, but instead of destroying you, they elevate you above reality itself.
For each stat that your curse degrades in an enemy, you gain a +2 increase in the same stat until the end of combat.
If a creature dies under this curse, its essence fuses with you, restoring all your hit points and allowing you to steal one of its abilities for 24 hours.
Tribute to the Abyss[edit]
At 7th level you can sacrifice your black blood to the void, causing threads of darkness to emerge from the void to cover parts of your body like tight bandages. You can roll 4d4 and subtract the result from your maximum life and also put it into a statistic, you can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and it can only be done once per statistic.
Living Nightmare[edit]
At 11th level your body becomes an extension of the Void, taking on impossible and terrifying shapes as darkness devours reality around you. Your shadow is no longer just a projection: it is a formless beast, an ocean of teeth, eyes and claws that devour everything in its path.
You can manifest from your shadow with 10 points of darkness an amorphous and horrible mass of darkness tentacles, eyes and teeth, giving you 4 extra attacks that do 10d6 + plus your intelligence, to maintain it you must spend 2 points of darkness per turn. When you invoke this all enemies must make a wisdom save and become frightened and paralyzed until their next turn in case of failure, if they pass it successfully they are immune for 24 hours.
You can also shape darkness for simple things without spending darkness points, but if you want to make something precise like a darkness weapon or replace an arm with a darkness one in case of temporary amputation you must spend 4 darkness points.
Abyssal Resurgence[edit]
At 13th level, your existence becomes even more entwined with the depths of darkness, allowing you to regenerate and fuel your power with the desperation of those around you.
When you start your turn with half or fewer of your maximum hit points, you regain a number of hit points equal to your Intelligence + your Emissary of Twilight level. If you are in dim light or total darkness, this regeneration is doubled. In addition, when you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, you regain 4 points of darkness and can choose to absorb its essence. If you do, you gain advantage on your next attack and increase your speed by 10 feet until the end of your next turn.
Veil of Shadows[edit]
At 14th level, with your deep connection to dark forces, you gain the ability to envelop your enemies and allies in a cloak of deceptive shadows. By invoking this ability, you become a master of deception, creating a shadowy environment that distorts perception and plunges those who venture within into a maelstrom of confusion and despair.
Cost: When using this ability, you must spend 4 darkness points.
As an action, you choose an area up to 30 feet in diameter that you can see. In an instant, the shadows in the environment intensify and seem to come to life, engulfing everything around them. You can create an illusion that takes the form of an object, creature, or landscape that evokes terror or despair. The illusion is so compelling that it affects not only vision, but also the emotions of those who behold it, creating a deep sense of unease.
Any creature that enters or interacts with the illusion must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is trapped in the illusion, unable to distinguish between reality and fiction for the duration. Illusions can take terrifying forms, such as the appearance of a feared enemy, the vision of a loved one in danger, or distorted landscapes that seem to drive one to madness.
The illusion can instigate a sense of hopelessness in enemies, forcing them to make irrational decisions or doubt their own perception of reality.
Chaos: Turn the battlefield into a place of confusion and mistrust, causing enemies to face terrifying visions of their worst fears, destabilizing their morale.
Manipulation: You can use the illusion to create lethal distractions, such as making it appear that an ally is under attack, which can open up opportunities for sneak attacks or strategic escapes.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), and you regain all applications after a long rest.
Umbra's Embrace[edit]
At 15th level, by mastering the essence of darkness, you can wrap yourself in a cloak of shadows that acts as a protective refuge against the threats of the world. This ability allows you to protect not only yourself but also those you choose, creating a barrier of darkness that absorbs damage and mitigates impending danger.
As an action, you can create a 30-foot-radius area of protection centered on you. This space is engulfed in darkness, automatically banishing all enemies from the area.
This area counts as magical darkness, and if an enemy attacks, they must make a Dexterity save. If they fail, their attack fails automatically, and if it's an attack that generates any type of saving throw, those in the impact area automatically pass. If they pass the Dexterity save, the attack functions normally, but the damage taken is halved.
Activating this ability costs 5 Darkness points, and keeping it active costs 5 Darkness points per round. Also while you are using this ability you are incapacitated and can only concentrate on this ability until you run out of points or cancel it as a bonus action and you can only use it once per short rest
Lingering Shadows[edit]
At 16th level, darkness has become an extension of your being, following you even in moments of calm. Wherever you walk, shadows seem to lengthen, gently enveloping your form and responding to your will in subtle but undeniable ways.
Shadowstep: Your silhouette is harder to perceive in dim light. While in shadow or dim light, you gain advantage on Stealth checks.
Whispers of the Void: You can project your voice through shadows. If you are in a dark area or with nearby shadows, you can whisper, and your voice will be heard from any shadow within 30 feet.
Dark Echoes: When you remain still for at least one minute in a dark area, the shadows around you mimic your presence. The first time someone attacks you without knowing exactly where you are, they must succeed on a Wisdom check, or they will attack the illusion instead of you.
Void Embrace[edit]
At level 17, your connection to darkness has reached a point where its presence envelops you almost naturally. The shadows not only conceal you, but seem to protect you, absorbing some of the damage and blurring your existence into the gloom.
Dazzling Shadow: When you take damage for the first time in combat, the shadows absorb part of the impact, negating the damage by an amount equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
Blurred Form: While you are in gloom or complete darkness, attacks against you have disadvantage, and the first time an enemy attacks you, they automatically miss.
Umbral Persistence: If you are knocked unconscious, your body fades into a pall of shadows for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. During this time, you cannot be physically affected until the shadows dissipate and your body rematerializes.
Malleus Maleficarum[edit]
At 18th level, you have the absolute right and power of the void to decree the utter doom of your enemies, marking them with a destiny beyond absolute death.
As an action, and by spending 20 darkness points, you can force your enemies to make a Wisdom saving throw, rolling 3d20 and choosing the lower result. If they fail, they suffer all of their curses. You can only use this ability once per long rest.