Niflheim's Grace (5e Equipment)

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Mark (Crest), Legendary (requires attunement)

If you, by chance, find yourself in the world of Niflheim, and you are accepted by the world itself, a mark will appear on your right cheek. This mark is the proof of Nifleim's acceptance, and it will allow you to travel between the fabric that seperates the realms itself.

Chill Touch. Anyone who touches you, finds your touch to be extremely cold. You take less damage from freezing-related circumstances.

Ice Spike. Anywhere ice is, you can summon ice spikes. The target must make a dexterity saving throw or take 3d10 damage. Upon success, the target takes no damage.

Nebula. A thin layer of mist always surrounds you, shrouding you. As an action, you can increase the amount of mist, increasing your AC by 5 until your next turn. If an attack misses, it passes through the mist, striking the place where your body previously was, but missing you completely.

My Domain. Once every long rest, you can take any amount of creatures you touch with you to Nifflheim once. Nifflheim is a barren wasteland of ice and snow, with a solid stone foundation and large ice spikes emerging from the ground. A mist covers the land like a sheet, reducing normal creature's sight to 10 feet, and creatures with true sight to 20 feet. In this land, Ice Spike deals an extra 1d10 damage. After 30 seconds in this land, creatures without Nifflheim's Grace and without resistance against cold damage

Curse. This Crest is cursed. Attuning to this item curses you. Touching something of 40°C or more causes you to take 1d4 fire damage, the damage increasing by 1d4 for every extra 10°C of heat. If you have not visited Niflheim for too long, Niflheim itself forces you to return by pulling you through realities, making you stay in that realm for up to 1d4 days, before allowing you to return.

Curse Removal. Upon aquisition of the Muspelheim's Grace, both these marks fade, leaving you with a new, non-cursed mark instead: the Ginnungagap's Grace

By: ZjingZjulu

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