Automaton Forged (5e Creature)
Automaton Forged[edit]
Medium construct, unaligned Armor Class 10 + proficiency bonus + creator's Intelligence modifier
Proficiency Bonus half the creator's proficiency bonus Customization Points. The Automaton Forged has a pool of points equal to (creator's level + creator's Intelligence modifier + creator's proficiency bonus × 3). The creator can distribute these points among the Automaton Forged’s Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma scores. These points can be reassigned during a long rest while the creator has access to their core and the Automaton Forged. Shared Essence. The Automaton Forged gains all racial traits and class features of its creator, adjusted as if it were at half the creator's level (rounded down). Level-based abilities are limited proportionally. Core Synchronization. The Automaton Forged maintains a constant connection to the creator’s core as long as they are on the same plane. It can receive commands and act autonomously. Mechanical Body. The Automaton Forged is immune to diseases, and the poisoned and sleep conditions. It has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. Dynamic Growth. The Automaton Forged's statistics dynamically adjust as the creator levels up. ACTIONSRepair Self (1/day): The Automaton Forged restores creator's level × 5 hit points.
LEGENDARY ACTIONSautomaton can take 1 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. automaton regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn. Legendary and Mythic Actions (Level 15 and Level 20). At Level 15, the Automaton Forged can gain access to Legendary Actions and, at Level 20, Mythic Actions. These actions are unique and specific to the Automaton Forged, and they can only be used to perform actions that are typically available to the construct itself. They are based on its abilities and the creator’s instructions. |
The Automaton Forged is an extension of its creator, designed to be a functional replica, though limited in power. Built using the creator’s core, this construct shares the creator’s consciousness and abilities, allowing it to act autonomously both in and out of combat. Unique Trait. Each Automaton Forged is customized according to its creator’s preferences, allowing specific upgrades and tailored abilities. |
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