Iterator (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Iterators are artificial beings, their skin steel and colored any color of the rainbow, They have a bodies similar to that of a child with the difference that they do not have hair and where the ears should be there are two antenna . Normally, they wear colorful robes that cover their bodies. Their feet are pointed and they make a metallic sound when they walk.


Iterators are ancient machines, no one knows who their creators were, and why they created them, it is only known that they call them the ancients, and they gave them their glorious purpose. A purpose that most forgot or abandoned in search of a new one. Most of those who continued with their main objective fell into madness, and in isolation from the rest of the world, only a few could understand that, locked in their laboratories, they could not continue with it. Once an Iterator is old enough it gains an Overseer, which can act as scouts for the Iterator.


Iterators do not have a society, as you might say. Normally, they come together based on common ground, trying to fulfil their glorious purpose together, but most go it alone.

Iterators Names[edit]

They do not have a perse gender, and their names adapt to the environment where they interact. Although some retain their old names and others leave them as titles.

old names: Looks to the moon, Five pebbles, Seven Red Suns, Sliver of straw, No significant harassment, Chasing wind, Unparalleled innocence

Iterator Traits[edit]

Ancient machines seeking for knowledge.
Ability Score Increase. Your intelligence score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Since Iterators are constructs, They have an indefinite lifespan if taken well care of.
Alignment. Iterators were constructed to solve many problems, so Iterators are often lawful neutral.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Type. Construct, Humanoid.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Construct nature. You don't need to eat or drink. Instead of taking along rest, you can spend 4 hours in a trance-like state in which you remain conscious, but can't move.
Darkvision. you have darkvision out to 30ft
Superior database. You gain proficiency in history and nature
Hologram. You know the minor illusion cantrip
Overseer. At 8th level , you gain control over an overseer. It is an eye stalk like creature that can attach to any surface. It has four feelers. when you gain this ability, you can choose the coloration of the overseer. You can use a bonus action to command the overseer to do something. In addition you can use an action to sense what the overseer perceives.While you do this you are immobilized, deafened and blinded. you can use another action to end this state. The overseer stat block is below
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and two other languages of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

base height feet 4.1′ {{{inches}}}'' +height modifier 1d8 base weight 170 kg lb. × (weight modifier 1d6) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a Iterator character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I can stare down a hell Hound without blinking
2 I find it hard to sympathize
3 I prefer strength to brains
4 I try to see things from all angles
5 I sometimes lose focus
6 When others would scream and run from a monster, I stop and take notes
7 I prefer people to books
8 I prefer books to people
d6 Ideal
1 Learn everything possible
2 Use knowledge to help others
3 share all knowledge
4 make the world a better place
5 use knowledge to be in control
6 physical perfection is also important
d6 Bond
1 I feel extremely emotional at times
2 I make friends easily
3 I am very bad at making friends
4 After so many years alone, I have developed lots of catchphrases
5 I am a hopeless romantic
6 I try to explain everything to everyone
d6 Flaw
1 I can be cold and callous in my methods
2 I sometimes forget that other people exist
3 I treat everyone else like a test subject
4 When I become focused on something,I become so focused to the detriment of everything else in my life
5 Secrets are meant to be shared
6 Moderation? Whats that?


|ac 16 |size=tiny |type=construct |alignment=your alignment |hp=20 |speed=60 ft. |str=7 -2 |dex=16 +3 |con=10 +0 |int=10+0 |wis=16 +3 |cha=10 +0 |darkvision=80ft |languages= common; |proficiency=+2 |features=

The overseers movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

The overseer has proficiency in perception.

The overseer regains 10 hp if the mending cantrip is cast on it.

If the overseer dies, a new one appears within 30ft of you at the next dawn.

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