Spider Flu (5e Disease)

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Spider Flu[edit]

Contracting Spider Flu[edit]

it is carried by a few spiders. also made into poison by drow. if in contact, make a DC 20 con check or contract.


Stage 1. 1d12 hours after gaining disease, you start growing short, black hairs all over your body. you start to feel sharp pain in your sides. after 1d10 minutes, you grow 4 long, black spider legs out of your sides. your body is now fully covered in black hair. 1d8 hours later, your face grows to match that of a spider. you grow 6 extra red eyes, and your normal eyes change to match them. your mouth hardens into 2 black mandibles. after 1d6 hours, you start growing a spider abdomen. you feel stinging pain in your arms and legs. after 1d4 minutes, your arms and legs twist and shape themselves into those of a spider. you gain the spiderclimb and web sense traits, but your hands are no longer capable of holding items. also you can't wear clothing or armor not made for spider legs. You are now a dire spider.


Spider Flu can be cured with the lesser restoration or heal spells cast with a spell slot of 9 or higher.

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