Biologist (5e Background)

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You have always been fascinated with life, from insects to plants, to monsters. You desire to find and document as many creatures around the world as you can. By studying these creatures you believe you can either use them for your own gain or you can hopefully better understand them and help others understand them.

Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Nature

Tool Proficiencies: None

Languages: Two of your choice

Equipment: A leather-bound diary, documentation of your favorite animal, a bottle of ink, an ink pen, a set of traveler’s clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp

Favored Animal[edit]

Every biologist has a specialized type of animal that they excel at examining. Choose one from the table below.

d6 Specialization
1 Mammals
2 Birds
3 Reptiles
4 Amphibians
5 Bugs
6 Fish

Feature: Respectful Connections[edit]

As a biologist, you are constantly trying to document as many creatures as you can. Other researchers of animals and creatures respect you depending on the number of creatures that you've documented. You gain the respect of people who view intelligence highly. These types of people are more willing to speak with you than others.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

Biologists come in many different personalities. Some are benevolent, wanting to learn and expand their knowledge. Others only want to learn so they gain an advantage in combat. Some biologists even value animal life more than their own.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I love the sound of small chirping outside.
2 My love for animals outweighs my love for people.
3 Many people dislike my favorite animal and I'm not sure why.
4 I am intolerant of people you dislike animals and life.
5 I don't actually like animals and only examine them to kill them later.
6 People are often weirded out by me for my love of animals.
7 I am constantly spouting off random facts about certain creatures.
8 Everytime I meet someone, I often compare them to a certain animal's behavior.
d6 Ideal
1 Preservation. Animals and creatures of all kinds must be preserved. Life deserves to remain. (Good)
2 Circle of Life. The circle of life must be preserved regardless of others' fears or concerns. (Neutral)
3 Fascination The creatures at the top of the food chain should be idolized and looked up to. (Chaotic)
4 Selfish Preservation. Creatures and animals only serve as food and supplies for my gain and mine alone. (Evil)
5 Natural. Leaving the world to its natural state is the best course of action. (Neutral)
6 Knowledge. The pursuit of knowledge for life is beneficial to both me and others. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 My house pet is the most important thing to me and I would die for them.
2 Injuries or cruelties to a creature is an injury or cruelty to me.
3 Poachers destroyed the vibrant life of my homeland and I will take revenge.
4 My mentor was killed by a raging animal and so I want to find out more about said animal.
5 The extinction of certain species scares me to my core.
6 It is my duty to preserve life in all forms.
d6 Flaw
1 Sometimes I can't resist the taste of an animal to leave it alive.
2 I often put myself and others in danger in order to examine creatures.
3 I remember the look and appearance of every animal I've ever come across more so than people's names.
4 I care more for the safety of a beast than the safety of my fellow peers.
5 I often like to pit certain species against each other to see what would happen for my own entertainment.
6 I'm actually very afraid of a specific species and refuse to document it.
(one vote)

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