Contact, Survivor (5e Class)
Contact, Survivor[edit]
last message from the UES Contact Light[edit]
“Hey, if anyone can- My name is Malik Dhillon. I was aboard the Contact Light when, oh god- The ship crashed, marooning us here. I’ve never seen anything- I’ve never seen anything like this. Monsters, terrifying monsters, coming at us from all sides. We set up a base, to try and gather up numbers... But it didn’t matter. There’s, there’s too many of them! I don’t think we can last. If anyone gets this message, please, send help to these coordinates! They’re uh, they’re embedded in the message’s frequency. They should be... I don’t think we can last much-“
-Signal echoes, UES Contact Light
Creating a Contact, Survivor[edit]
- Quick Build
You can make a Contact, Survivor quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Far traveler background. Third, choose your choice of simple firearm
Class Features
As a Contact, Survivor you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Contact, Survivor level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Contact, Survivor level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light
Weapons: Firearms & Simple
Tools: One set of artisan tools and land vehicles
Saving Throws: Constitution, Dexterity
Skills: Choose 3 from Acrobatics, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Persuasion, Stealth and Sleight of Hand
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- Any Simple weapon, Leather armour, and one set of artisan tools
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 x 10gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Items | ItemPoints | Features |
1st | +2 | 0 | 0 | Profession, Unarmored Defense |
2nd | +2 | 2 | 2 | Items |
3rd | +2 | 2 | 3 | Scrapper |
4th | +2 | 3 | 4 | Ability Score Improvement, Equipment |
5th | +3 | 3 | 5 | Extra Attack |
6th | +3 | 3 | 6 | Shrine Ritual,Profession Feature |
7th | +3 | 3 | 7 | Contact Drone |
8th | +3 | 4 | 8 | Ability Score Improvement |
9th | +4 | 4 | 9 | Nano Reconstruction |
10th | +4 | 4 | 10 | — |
11th | +4 | 4 | 11 | Evasion |
12th | +4 | 5 | 12 | Ability Score Improvement, Profession Feature |
13th | +5 | 5 | 13 | Radio Scanner |
14th | +5 | 5 | 14 | Profession Feature |
15th | +5 | 5 | 15 | Teleporter Ritual |
16th | +5 | 6 | 16 | Ability Score Improvement, Void Cradle |
17th | +6 | 6 | 17 | Status Nanobots |
18th | +6 | 6 | 18 | Profession Feature |
19th | +6 | 7 | 19 | Ability Score Improvement |
20th | +6 | 7 | 20 | Artifacts |
At 1st level, you chose a Profession. Choose between Artificer, Bandit, Captain, Commando, Huntress, Loader, Mercenary and Railgunner all of which detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 1st, 10th, 14th, and 18th.
Unarmoured Defense[edit]
At 1st level you have an armour class equal to 11 + your Dexterity modifier
At 2nd level you have discovered several "Artifacts" that are helpful for surviving in unusual places. these are detailed at the end of the page and are split between White (Common), Green (Uncommen), Red (Legendary), Yellow (Boss), Purple (Void), and Blue (Lunar), At 2nd level you gain two items, at 4th, 8th, 12th,16th, and 19th you gain an additional one. You also have a number of 'ItemPoints' equal to your level. these determine how strong of items you can have. They are used to 'Buy' the rarity's of your items (white-0, uncommon-3, blue-5, yellow-5, and red-7)(blues also come with a drawback, so be warned). these items can be changed during a long rest. Voids can only be obtained at 16th level through the void cradle ability.
At 3rd level you have figured out to scrap items and turn them into one of the same type. Once per long rest as an bonus action you may change one of the items you have selected.
Ability Score increase[edit]
Increase 2 scores by one or one by 2 Or take a feat
Extra attack[edit]
Starting at 5th level whenever you make the attack action you can make one additonal attack.
Shrine Ritual[edit]
At 6th level you have discovered certain rituals to activate shrines around the world. no matter where you are the rituals are Blood, Chance, Order, and Combat. Blood: Once per day you may offer 50% of you current hp and gain 5d10 gold Chance: Three times per day you can roll 1d100 on a 80 or above gain an additional item of your choice for the rest of the day Order: at the beginning of each day, you may choose up to four items to "sequence". assign a number to each one, and roll a d4. all of those items will be changed into the item corresponding to the number you rolled. (if you rolled a number without a corresponding item, roll again) Combat: Once per day you may summon 1d4 monsters whose combined CR is less than or equal to 1/4th of your level. Roll 1d100. below a 50 and they are against you. Above a 50 and they are on your side until you or your allies act aggressively to them. If you roll a 50 they are neutral unless they other wise shouldn't be.
Contact Drone[edit]
At 7th level you can create a contact drone which is produced from the palm, activates, and then destroys itself. you may create three drones per day as a bonus action, that produce several different effects. From Emergency, Gunner, Healing, Incinerator, and TC-280 Prototype. they take their turn directly after you. (they cannot be destroyed by anything but themselves)(the TC-280 is an exception) Emergency: As an reaction, the drone touches a creature. that creature then regains 5d8 hp, and the drone is destroyed. Gunner: As an action you fire a volley of shots. Make an attack roll against a creature within 30ft, with a plus 5 attack bonus. on a hit, the creature takes 5d4 + 3 piercing damage, and the drone is destroyed. Healing: As an action you may heal a creature within 30ft that creature regains 3d6 hp. the drone can do this 5 times before being destroyed. Incinerator: As an action you produce a spout of flames in a 15ft cone. Each creature within the area must make a DC 18 dexterity saving throw or take 5d10 Fire damage or half as much on a success. the drone is then destroyed. TC-280 Prototype: The TC-280 Prototype has a few adjustments to the generic rules. Treat it as a creature under your control, and it requires two charges to make.
TC-280 Prototype Statblock. Large construct, unaligned
HP: 110(13d10 + 39) AC: 14 + 'your proficiency bonus'
Speed: fly 30ft (hover)
Str 15(+2) Dex 18(+4) Con 16(+3) Wis 10(0) Int 20(+5) Cha 13(+1)
Darkvision 60ft. Passive Perception 17 (+7)
understands common but can't speak
Multiattack: the TC-280 Prototype makes 2 machine gun and 1 missile launcher attacks
Machine Gun: ranged attack, 30/60ft, + 4 + 'your proficiency bonus' to hit. On hit: 4d6 + 4 peircing damage.
Missile Launcher: ranged attack, 50/100ft, + 4 + 'your proficiency bonus' to hit. On hit: 2d6 peircing damage, and a spherical explosion with a radius of 10 ft doing 2d8 bludgeoning damage, and 2d8 + 10 fire damage.
Nano Reconstruction[edit]
Beginning at 9th level you gain passive regeneration as constructive nanobots flow through you. you regain hp equal to your proficiency bonus + 5 while not unconscious and below half of your max hp.
Beggining at 11th level, when you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Radio Scanner[edit]
Beginning at 13th level, you can passively see where any valuable objects (objects worth 25 or more gp) are, because they are marked in a green aura. Thrice per short or long rest, you can also determine what school of magic(if any) the object belongs to, what type of object it is (wondrous, weapon, armor, etc), and what it's base value is.
Teleporter Ritual[edit]
At 15th level you have discovered a ritual that allows you to teleport. you may spend one hour during a rest to create a 10ft wide flat stone disk with two horn like protrusions. this circle functions as a Teleportation Circle, and you can teleport to it as if by the teleport spell once per long rest.
Void Cradle[edit]
Beginning at 16th level once per long rest you may sacrifice 50% of your hp and gain one void item. you cannot carry more than two types of void items at a time. they also have their own cost, shown here. (common void-2, uncommon void-5, legendary void-9)
Status Nanobots[edit]
Beginning at 17th level you have gained a new type of nanobots. Once per day you may choose one creature within 60ft. That creature must make a DC 18 constitution saving throw or be afflicted with any status effect of your choosing other than petrified or exhaustion until the end of your next turn
Beginning at 20th level you have discovered an additonal item type which are truly Artifacts these items are also listed at the end of the class these items are powerful but some have a certain kickback
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Herald of the house beyond
ENV Suit[edit]
At 1st level you gain an ENV suit. the suit grants you a flight speed (hover) equal to your walking speed and an AC of 10 + Dexterity + Wisdom
At 6th level you are able to choose between Plasma and Fire bolts. you choose when you gain this feature. Plasma Bolt: you fire a bolt of plasma at a creature, making an attack. ranged attack, 60ft, Dex mod + proficiency bonus to hit. On hit, the creature takes 4d6 + Dex mod force damage. Fire Bolt: you fire a bolt of flame at a creature, making an attack. ranged attack, 60ftm Dex mod + proficiency bonus to hit. On hit, the creature takes 2d10 + Dex mod force damage, and another 1d6 + 5 fire damage each turn for 2 turns. The attacks count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunity's.
Nano Weapon[edit]
At 12th level you are able to choose between Nano Bomb and nano spear You make the choice when you gain this feature. Nano Bomb: you summon a ball of energy that you then throw at a target within range, making a ranged attack, range 60ft, Dex Mod + proficiency bonus to hit. On hit, the bomb explodes, doing 5d10 force damage in a ten foot radius. Nano Spear : you summon an icy spear, that you then throw at a target within range, making a ranged attack, range 60ft, Dex Mod + proficiency bonus to hit. On hit, the spear freezes the enemy, doing 4d10 ice damage, and inflicting the freeze status.
Freeze status.
the frozen creatures movement speed is 0, the creature cannot take actions, bonus actions, or reactions, and the creature is unaware of it's surroundings it thawes out after 2 turns. In addition, if the creature falls below 20% of it's maximum hp, it is instantly set to 1 hp.
Snap Freeze or Flamethrower[edit]
At 18th level you choose between Flamethrower and snap freeze. Flamethrower: As an action you. File a line of flames from your hands 5 by 20 ft everything inside rolls a dex save 10 +wis+prof or take 8d10 fire damage and burn for 3 turns taking 2d10 each turn or just half damage on a success
Snap Freeze: As an action make a wall of ice perpendicular to you 5ft thick 30ft long and 10ft tall. If anything is in or touches the wall roll a str save same DC as Flamethrower or take 6d10 cold damage and gain the frozen status for 3 turns or just half damage on a success
An intelligent engineer always implements infinite iron minions to the battlefield
TR58 carbonizer turret and science armor[edit]
At 1st level you are able to build turrets in the heat of battle.As an action you may place a turret onto the battle field and as an action you may command your turret to atack something when you place it it inherits 2 of your items (+2 items when you gain a feature in this subclass)you may only build one per combat but you have no limit on the amount per day (+1 placement in combat and per action when you gain a feature in this subclass)
TR58 carbonizer turret stat block Hp 4*your level, ac 10+your int mod speed 25 All stats are 12(+1) Beam attack 15ft long ray +your int to hit 2d4+int(+1 die size when you gain a feature in this subclass)radiant damage everything in the beam gets a different attack and damage roll
Your hit die is a d8 not a d10
Also at 1st level your armor class becomes 12 + your intelligence mod and you are resistant to all damage done to you by things that you gain from this subclass
superior technology[edit]
at 6th level your minions(turrets summons and drones)are improved through the feats of your mind when you command a minion with an actionaction all other minions are commanded. same with bonus actions.
mine field[edit]
At 12th level as a bonus action you can place a mine, either spider of pressure your choice on placement. Spiders move toward the closest enemy on the start of your next turn and pressure mines only activate is something gets within 5ft. You can place a max of four a day On detonation everything in a 15 ft radius must make a dex save DC 12 +your int or take 6d8 fire thunder or radiant damage (your choice on placement) or half on a successful save
thermal harpoons[edit]
At 18th level your armor is integrated with shoulder mounted rocket launchers with which you are proficient as an action fire ONE harpoon make a ranged atack roll using your int mod(for dmg and atk rolls) and do 2d10 peircing damage and eplodes in a 10ft sphere doing 6d10 to everything in the sphere. Damage roll are differentfor all in the sphere if you mis roll a d20 multply this by 2 the missile lands that many ft away the roll a d4 to see what direction it went. You may fire four harpoons afterwards you must spend an action to reload if you want to fire more.
rail gunner[edit]
A frail fighter who finds victory from far distances
deadeye and QXR smart round system[edit]
At 1st level you gain the weapon all Starting railgunners recive(and are proficient in)the QXR a fire arm with 50/80 range and the two handed property when you make an attack with this weapon you are able to target up to two creatures or the same one twice doing 1d4+dex radiant damage per shot you make a different attack and dmg roll per shot(your targets and size of die both increase by one each time you get a feature in this subclass)
Also at lvl1 your critical hit Chance increases by one (becoming a crit on 19 or 20)this aslo increases by one at level 6
Your hit die is a d6 not d10
HH44 marksman and mobility mines[edit]
At 6th level your QXR gains the marksman module you may switch between base form and marksman as a bonus action. the marksman gets one more crit chance and has a range of 150/300 but you have disadvantage on anything within 20ft on hit you do 2d8 peircing damage and 1d10 radiant damage (with each feature you gain with this subclass you get +1 dmg die)
Mobility mine
As a bonus action you may throw a mobility mine 15/30ft and make a high jump or long jump and triple the distance covered. You don't take fall damage from using this ability
M99 sniper[edit]
At 12th level you gain another module for your QXR still being able to switch between all modes with a bonus action. This mode has a range of 300/600 and disadvantage within 50 ft and +2 bonus crit chance On hit you do 4d10 piercing damage and 2d12 radiant/fire damage (with each feature you gain with this subclass you get +1 dmg die) after firing you cannot fire next turn unless you pass a DC16 slight of Hand check.(you may still switch modes next turn)
magnetic accelerator[edit]
At 18th lvl your precision is rivaled by none when you crit for every 2 bonus crit Chance you have you do one more damage die for each type so if you have +4 bonus (which you do on you QXR at this lvl) when you crit with the QXR you would do 3d10. 1 from base dmg and leveling up in this subclass +1 from reg crit rules and +1 from this ability
《v○id f¡end》[edit]
A poor soul detained in the void awaiting a sentence at the end of time
After spending what felt like a lifetime detained in the void you've broken free unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your outlook your body has been corrupted by the void you are unable to wear armor or wield weapons without the light property but your arm is able to fire a small beam as an action make a ranger attack roll +your dex and proficiency and do 2d6 necrotic dmg(+1 dice next subclass feature)
You have grown a hard carapace giving you an ac of10+con+proficiency and your hit die is a d12 not a d10
Aslo at level one you have a corruption meter at 20 points reaching 20 points sends you into a frenzy upgrading all attacks your arm now fires a full Lazer 5 by 30ft and all things within it make a dex save 10+str+prof or take 2d10 necrotic dmg *dmg die goes up by 2 every subclass feature. You can gain corruption points by landing a hit +1 point, killing something +2 points, taking dmg roll one die used to damage you in this way gain that many points, landing a crit +10 points, or ending your turn +2 points. You lose points by healing lose points equal to half the roll of half the dice uses to heal you ( rounded up for both.) Once in your corrupted form you lose 10 points at the end of your turn.gaining any void item decreases your max corruption points by 2
suppress and trespass[edit]
At 6th level you have gained some control over your curse as an action you may loose 7 corruption points and heal 3d8(you don't loose more points from the healing other than the 7 the dice increase by 2 every subclass feature.) Once in your corrupted form you may roll as many hit die that you want and take that much damage and gain 7 corruption points.
Also at level 6th you can travel into the void for short moments of time as a bonus action you shoot up 20 ft and forward 10ft (this triggers neither opritunity attacks or fall damage pass the starting point) Once in your corrupted form you can race forward 2x your movement speed (again no opritunity attacks.)
At level 12 Your arm, mutated by the void gains a new projectile. As An action make a ranged attack +dex and prof and hurl a ball of void at your enemies range 50/80 and do 2d8 force on hit and use a bonus action to reactivate it (same turn only) for a 15ft explosion dex save DC 12+dex+prof and do 3d8 necrotic damage on hit once in your corrupted form you can use ab action to throw a powered up form of the ball range 30/50 on hit it does 3d10 fire damage then the ball explodes 20ft dex save DC 14+dex +prof or take 3d12 necrotic dmg. After throwing either ball you cannot use it next turn all instances of damage from the ball get another dmg die at lvl18
complete control[edit]
At 18th level you have mastered your curse and may swap between your corrupted and regular form as a bonus action and at the end of a long rest you may uncorrupt or corrupt any of your items that have a corrupted version.
A persistent powerhouse with a pension for putting their fist in a party pooper's pancreas
power exosuit[edit]
Hit die d12, ac 10+con+str, your height increases by 5 inches, str increases by 2 max of 22, unarmed strikes do 1d6 and you may make 2 unarmedstrikesan action, when you hit with an unarmed strikes gain temp hp equal to prof you lose one temp hp at the start of your turn.
grappling fist and spiked fist[edit]
As a bonus action you may fire one of your exosuit's fist make a ranged attack roll (this uses your str and prof) to hit a creature 50/100 and you are pulled withon 5 ft of it
If you use an action on hit the enemy has to make a str save DC10+str +prof on fail the enemy is pulled to you on success you are pulled to it this also does 2d8 on hit
Also at lvl6 when you make a unarmed strike you deal 1d10 and add your prof to the damage
thunder gauntlet[edit]
At lvl12 as an action move up to 10 feet in a straight line to a creature then make a melee attack on that creature it takes 4d10. Then hit or miss that creature and all other creatures in a 25ft cone make a dex save DC 10+str+prof or take 4d10 thunder dmg or 1/2 on a success.
Also at lvl12 your unarmed strikes do 1d12 and you may make 3 unarmed strikes an action