Cold proof and acid proof clothing enchancements
It is reasonable that in the same way you can fireproof clothing that you can add cold proofing and electricity proofing to clothing as well. As far as cost and requirements this should fit into your worlds setting but the default is 150 for cold and 300 for shock proofing. Cold proof clothing is given a fur layer on the inside and electrical protection adds a rubber layer on the outside of the clothing. If wearing cold proof clothing in a hot or humid environment for more than 8 hours roll a DC 15 fortitude save or be come fatigued. After one full day roll a DC19 fortitude save or become exhausted. Electrical proofing makes you more suspectable to fire attacks and if hit with fire roll a dc16 reflex save or take an additional 1d6 fire damage. The rubber layer also provides acid proofing as well. The rubber layer adds 5 pounds to the weight and cold proofing adds 2 pounds to the weight.