Support (Overwatch Supplement)

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Support heroes empower their allies by healing, shielding, boosting damage, and disabling foes. As a support, you’re the backbone of your team’s survival. Focusing on staying back and keeping your allies alive while they protect you is vital to support heroes.

Creating a Support[edit]

Quick Build

You can make a Support quickly by following these suggestions. First, prioritize having a high Dexterity score. Second, put your second highest score into Wisdom or Constitution. Finally, pick a race that provides benefits to the listed ability scores with a size of Medium or smaller.

Class Features

As a Support you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Support level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Support level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, medium armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: Choose one type of artisan’s tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Skills: Choose three skills between Medicine, Stealth, Acrobatics, Persuasion, Perception, Nature, Investigation, History, Insight, and Animal Handling.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • One simple weapon of your choice
  • (a) Leather armor or (b) scale mail
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack

Table: The Support

Level Proficiency
Features Talent Points Health Improvment
1st +2 Health Improvement, Hero Specialty, Heroic Talent 1 +50%
2nd +2 Stave Off Death, Composition 1 +50%
3rd +2 Heroic Talent, Combat Training 2 +50%
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 +50%
5th +3 Extra Attack, Heroic Talent 3 +50%
6th +3 Health Improvement 3 +75%
7th +3 Refined Style, Heroic Talent 4 +75%
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Protective Nature 4 +75%
9th +4 Heroic Talent 5 +75%
10th +4 Field Support, Ultimate Improvement 5 +75%
11th +4 Heroic Talent 6 +75%
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 +75%
13th +5 Heroic Talent 7 +100%
14th +5 Mastered Method, Health Improvement 7 +100%
15th +5 Protective Nature, Heroic Talent 8 +100%
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Extra Attack 8 +100%
17th +6 Heroic Talent 9 +100%
18th +6 Ability Score Improvement 9 +100%
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Heroic Talent 10 +100%
20th +6 Ultimate Improvement 10 +100%

Health Improvement[edit]

Starting at 1st level, you choose one of 3 different types of health improvements: Health, Armor, Shields. If you choose Armor or Shields, you cannot pick the one you didn’t choose for further health improvements. You may choose Health regardless of if you have Armor or Shields. Whatever health improvement you choose at 1st level will provide you with the following benefits:

  • Health: You will add ½ your hit point maximum to your hit point maximum (rounded up).
  • Armor: Your hit point maximum will be divided in two, half of it being health and the other half being Armor (round the Armor to the bigger number). Armor is a recoverable type of HP that will reduce damage dealt to it. Whenever you take damage greater than or equal to double your Constitution modifier to your Armor, you will reduce it by your Constitution modifier. If damage to your Armor is less than double your Constitution modifier, you halve the damage instead (rounding down). Damage-over-time effects can not not be reduced, and beam attacks will only do half damage to your Armor instead of being reduced by your Armor’s damage reduction. If your Armor is destroyed by an attack, the rest of the damage will go directly to your health. If you choose Armor as your Health Improvement at further levels, your damage reduction will go up to 2 x your Constitution modifier the second time, to 3 x your Constitution modifier the third time.
  • Shields: Your hit point maximum will be divided in two, half of it being health and the other half being Shields (round the Shields to the bigger number). Shields are a type of recoverable HP that regenerate after not taking damage. If you haven’t taken damage halfway into a round of combat, you will regenerate shields equal to your Constitution modifier, if you haven’t taken damage from the middle to the end of a round of combat, you will regenerate shields again. This is counted as a form of healing for the purposes of healing boosting/nullifying effects. If you choose Shields again as your Health Improvement at further levels, your health regeneration will go up to 2 x your Constitution modifier the second time, to 4 x your Constitution modifier the third time.

You will gain another Health Improvement bonus at 6th level and 14th level. You will choose one of the 3 types once again, and you will add ¼ to your Shields/Armor, or ½ to your Health (+¼ -> +½ -> ¾ -> 1). To do this, get rid of your previous Health Improvement and recalculate it with the new bonus to your Health Improvement type. For example, if you’re adding Shields/Armor to your pre-existing Shield/Armor, say you have 100 health, 50 of it is Shield/Armor, and you’re adding ¼ to it, you add ¼ of 100, and then you add your bonus health back after the calculation, landing you at 100 health with 75 Shields/Armor. Now if you’re adding Health, you add ½ of 100 to your 50 bonus health, landing you at 200 health. You can choose either Health or Shield/Armor for these health improvements, it does not to be the same each time. For example, you have 150 health, 50 of it is bonus health, and you’re adding ¼ in Shields/Armor, you add ¼ of 100, and then you add your bonus health back after the calculation, landing you at 150 health with 25 Shields/Armor. Again, you cannot choose both Armor and Shields.

Hero Specialty[edit]

Also at 1st level, you will choose a subclass listed at the bottom of this page to be your Hero Specialty. This will determine your playstyle and your abilities, and you will be able to choose further improvements called "Heroic Talents” for certain abilities with “Talent Points”, which you gain every two levels. Each Hero Specialty provides you with Heroic Abilities that have a cooldown listed above the ability’s description. Cooldowns are measured in turns, for every turn an ability requires before activation is how many full turns you have to go before being able to activate the ability again.

Heroic Ability Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Heroic Ability Attack Bonus = your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity OR Charisma modifier

Heroic Talent[edit]

Finally, at 1st level, you gain a Talent Point that you can expend to improve a Heroic Ability provided by your Hero Specialty. The Heroic Talent choices for your subclass will be detailed underneath the Hero Specialty you chose, and you gain more Talent Points at every two levels as shown on the class table.

Stave Off Death[edit]

At 2nd level, when you are below half your hit point maximum, your movement no longer provides opportunity attacks.


Also at 2nd level, you choose between 3 different combat styles which will determine how you synergize with your team. Choose between Dive, Poke, or Flank


Your combat style consists of running into your enemies face-to-face and taking down your opponents. Your movement speed increases by 15 feet, and you can take the Dash action as a bonus action when an enemy creature is in sight. You can only Dash as a bonus action when moving towards an enemy creature.


Your combat style is focused on sitting back and firing at your enemies from a distance, keeping pressure from a safe space. You gain a +2 to ranged attack rolls, and you don’t have disadvantage when attacking creatures that have high-ground.


Your combat style revolves around keeping a specific ally in good health while optimizing their offensive output. You choose an ally as your Pocket at the end of a short or long rest, your Pocket gives you the benefits of half-cover while within 5 feet of them and their attacks gain a +1 to both damage and to hit rolls when you use their abilities on them. Additionally, when you and your Pocket roll initiative, you both use whoever’s role was higher for your turn orders.

Combat Training[edit]

At 3rd level, your combative training has gained you one of the following feats you meet the requirements for:

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, 18th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

You may also ignore this increase to instead gain a Heroic Feat.

Extra Attack[edit]

Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, when you use the Attack action during your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 16th level.

Refined Style[edit]

At 7th level, the combat style you chose from the Composition feature is further improved due to your experience with the technique.


Your movement speed is increased by another 15 feet, and the Dash action no longer provokes opportunity attacks. Additionally, when you attack an enemy after taking the Dash action, you have advantage on all attacks made against them until the end of your turn.


Your ranged attacks have their critical range increased by 1. Additionally, your ranged attacks ignore half-cover, and when you miss a ranged attack roll against a creature you can choose to make the attack roll again at another creature within 5 feet of your initial target.


When you use a healing effect on your Pocket, you roll the dice twice and pick the higher roll for how much health they gain. Additionally, you and your Pocket can make opportunity attacks against creatures that enter within 5 feet of the other person. You each gain an additional reaction that you can use only for this feature.

Protective Nature[edit]

At 8th level, your protective nature won’t let you back down from your team’s side. You choose between either Dexterity or Constitution saving throws. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw of the chosen type to only take half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. At 15th level, you can choose the saving throw you didn’t pick at 8th level.

Field Support[edit]

At 10th level, you seem to always be there when your allies need you most. When an ally takes damage, you can use your reaction to move up to your movement speed to them. If you have a healing ability that you can use as a reaction, you can use it as part of this reaction. Additionally, you can move half your movement speed as a reaction when an enemy moves within 5 feet of you, this movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. You gain an extra reaction only to use for this feature.

Ultimate Improvement[edit]

Also at 10th level, you can choose one of the Ultimate Talents detailed underneath your Hero Specialty to apply to your Ultimate. You gain another Ultimate Improvement at 20th level.

Mastered Method[edit]

At 14th level, your combat style is further enhanced as you’ve gained mastery over your technique.


You can mark a creature you can see as your Target for 1 minute. If you die, your Target dies, or you’re incapacitated, this effect goes away. You gain the following benefits when attacking your Target:

  • You gain a bonus to hit with on attacks made against your Target equal to half your Heroic Ability modifier.
  • Your Target makes all your saving throws with a penalty equal to half your Heroic Ability modifier.
  • Your crit range is increased by 1 when making attacks against your Target.
  • When you land a critical hit against your Target, you can make another attack against them as part of the same action. (This effect can only trigger once per turn)
  • If your Target moves out of your range you can make an opportunity attack against them that reduces their movement to 0.

You can only activate this ability twice per long rest.


Your ranged attacks ignore three-quarters cover, your ranged attacks are increased by half the total range, and you can target an additional creature with a ranged attack once per turn. Additionally, when you land a critical hit with a ranged attack, you roll an additional damage die for the total damage.


When you or your Pocket is hit by an attack, the other can choose to split the damage in half between you two. Additionally, your Pocket may add your Heroic Ability modifier to their damage rolls when you’re using your abilities on them.

Hero Specialty[edit]

Guardian Angel[edit]

Sympathetic Recovery

Passive Ability

You heal for ¼ of the healing you provide to others (rounded up). This self-healing does not generate Ultimate Points.

Angelic Descent

Passive Ability

You can choose to slowly glide while in the air, falling at a rate of 10 feet per 6 seconds. You gain a flying speed of 10 feet while using Angelic Descent, however you cannot go up with this flying speed.

Valkyrie's Arsenal

When you pick this Heroic Specialty, you are granted with the Caduceus Staff and the Caduceus Blaster. You can’t be disarmed of these against your will. Additionally, if you’re wearing light or medium armor, you can use your Angelic Descent passive, Guardian Angel ability, and Valkyrie ultimate.

Guardian Angel

Heroic Ability

Up to 2 times per round, you can use an action, a bonus action, or a free action to fly to a non-hostile creature or a spirit within 30 feet of you. Additionally, at any point during this movement, you can cancel into a launch going in any direction of your choice, propelling you either 20 feet forward and 10 feet upward, or 10 feet forward and 20 feet upward.


Heroic Ability

Cooldown: 5 Turns

As an action, you can revive a dead creature within 5 feet of you at full health as long as they haven’t been dead for any longer than 12 seconds (or two turns). After being resurrected, a creature will not be able to take any actions or move until the next round. A dead creature’s spirit will form in the shape of an orb at the location of exactly where they died at, a spirit can occupy the same space as another creature and physical material. You lose ½ of your movement speed after activating this ability, and it gets interrupted if you move 5 feet away or are affected by any incapacitating conditions. Cooldown begins regardless of if the ability is used successfully or not. This healing does not grant Ultimate Points.


Ultimate Ability

(100 x level) Ultimate Points

As a free action, you gain a flying speed equal to double your movement speed, your Caduceus Staff’s beam range doubles and branches out to all friendly creatures within 15 feet of the initial target (only applies if they’re within your initial target’s line of sight), your Guardian Angel ability gains an additional +10 feet on range, you can see the current hit points of creatures who are below their hit point maximum, you can attack with your Caduceus Blaster an additional time per attack action, and the healing your Caduceus Staff also adds your Heroic Ability modifier. This lasts until the end of your next turn.

Biotic Marksman (WIP)[edit]

Combat Medic (WIP)[edit]

Squire (WIP)[edit]

Solar Energy Manipulator (WIP)[edit]

Kitsune Art (WIP)[edit]

Bio-Light Manipulator (WIP)[edit]

Soundwave Manipulator[edit]

Wall Ride

Passive Ability

Your movement speed increases by 10 feet. You can use your movement to run on walls, and you can jump off a wall you’re running on to launch yourself up to 10 feet in any direction of your choice.


Heroic Ability

You constantly emit an empowering aura of music. You can give all allies within a 10 feet circle centered around you a Speed Boost or a Healing Boost, and you can swap between boosts with no action required, including on other creatures’ turns. Speed Boost provides every ally in your radius (including yourself) with an additional 10 feet of movement speed, Healing Boost heals every ally in your radius for 1d6, the boosts will apply their effects at the beginning of your turn depending on which one is active. You can not boost creatures through walls. The healing you receive from Healing Boost is halved (rounded up).

The boost increases to 15ft/3d6 at 3rd level, 20ft/6d6 at 7th level, 25ft/10d6 at 12th level, and 30ft/15d6 at 16th level.

Amp It Up

Heroic Ability

Cooldown: 2 Turns

You can increase the volume of your speakers for a short amount of time, boosting the effects of your music. At the beginning of your turn when your boost is applied, you can activate Amp It Up as a bonus action. When you activate Amp It Up, the Speed Boost it provides is doubled, and creatures gain double the amount of hit points from Healing Boost. You no longer have a self-healing penalty from your Healing Boost while Amp It Up is activated.


Heroic Ability

Cooldown: 1 Turn

You can produce a burst of sound in a 5 feet cone in place of an attack. This soundwave does 1d8 thunder damage and forces all creatures hit to make a Strength saving throw, pushing Large or smaller creatures 10 feet back on failure.

The damage increases to 2d8 at 3rd level, 3d8 at 7th level, 4d8 at 12th level, and 6d8 at 16th level.

Sound Barrier

Ultimate Ability

(130 x level) Ultimate Points

You can send a pulse of intense sonic waves to briefly provide you and nearby allies with Overhealth. As an action, you can imbue every ally within a circle triple the size of your boost radius centered around you with xd10 Overhealth. This Overhealth will automatically go away at the beginning of your next turn if not destroyed from outside sources of damage. (x = triple your level)

Dark Geneticist (WIP)[edit]

Space Medic (WIP)[edit]

The Iris[edit]

Power of The Iris

Passive Ability

You can hover a few feet off the ground instead of walking, and your quick melee deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage and knocks creatures back 10 feet. You can use Wisdom instead of Charisma for your Heroic Abilities, and you gain proficiency in Wisdom Saving Throws.

The damage of your quick melee increases to 2d8 at 3rd level, 3d8 at 7th level, 4d8 at 12th level, and 6d8 at 16th level.

Orbs of Destruction

You gain access to conjuring the Orbs of Destruction. You cannot be disarmed of these weapons, and they disappear when you die or are knocked unconscious. You are able to charge up these orbs to perform an Orb Volley, firing multiple orbs at once, making an attack roll for each one. For every attack action and bonus action you expend, you can charge up 1 orb, to a maximum of 5. You make Heroic Ability attack rolls when wielding the Orbs of Destruction.

Orb of Harmony

Heroic Ability

Cooldown: No Cooldown

As a bonus action, you can place an Orb of Harmony on an ally you can see within 50 feet of you. A creature will recover 1d12 hit points at the end of each round of combat. The orb disappears if you place it on somebody else, you fall unconscious, or the target stays out of your line of sight for an entire turn.

The boost increases to 3d12 at 3rd level, 6d12 at 7th level, 10d12 at 12th level, and 15d12 at 16th level.

Orbs of Discord

Heroic Ability

Cooldown: No Cooldown

As a bonus action, you can place an Orb of Discord on a creature that you can see within 50 feet of you, all damage that creature takes gains 1 additional damage die (if it's flat damage, add your Heroic Ability modifier in damage for every 10 damage dealt, or add half the damage rounded up if its less than 10). The orb disappears if you place it on somebody else, you fall unconscious, or the target stays out of your line of sight for an entire turn. You gain Ultimate Charge from the bonus damage you inflict.

The damage die increases to 2 at 3rd level, 3 at 7th level, 4 at 12th level, and 5 at 16th level.


Ultimate Ability

(115 x level) Ultimate Points

You are able to embrace the Iris and enter a state of heightened existence for a short period of time. As an action, you can transcend until the end of your next turn, your movement speed is doubled and you’re immune to all damage and negative conditions while Transcendence is active. All allies within a 20 foot radius regain xd8 hit points upon activation, this healing triggers again at the beginning of your next turn. You cannot do anything except move while using Transcendence. (x = double your level)


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:

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