Ursarctic (5e Race)

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With the stars as their guide, long have species wanted to explore the depths of space. Eventually, one such species developed the technology to create Ursarctics, a construct designed for deep space exploration and designation.

However, after some time, some members of that species found a way to alter their programming and made it possible for Ursarctics to serve as warriors and eventually lead to the banning of their construction.

Ursarctics are known for elaborate data collection skills and ease of movement in low to no gravity but became warriors after unforeseen changes in their programming.

Physical Description[edit]

Ursarctics are Huge in size, between 15 and 20 feet tall and bear some form of bear-like helmet, metallic armor plating, paw-like feet, humanoid limbs and torso, and periodically a tail or shoulder attachment. Some come with built-in weaponry, others with data tools


Ursarctics have existed for Millennia with all of their recovered data being stored in a large data bank somewhere floating in the cosmos. Ursarctics can naturally connect to this to provide data to it, but in recent times, have been unable to receive any data from it.

The First Ursarctics were purely explorers while newer Ursarctics are traditionally made as warriors or laboratory assistants.

Their construction has been banned for numerous centuries, however, they are still being built somehow, somewhere


Ursarctics lack a major society but they act as they are told and only for the purpose they were made for. Some have gained a form of sentience and developed into small tribes of celestial nomads, traveling from Solar System to Solar System in an attempt to find a place suitable for their kind.

Ursarctic Names[edit]

Many Ursarctics are names after a star in some way since their original purpose was celestial exploration. Some are instead named for planets within the Solar System of their creation

Male: Megabilis, Septentrion, Megatanus, Megapolar, Merak, Alkaid, Chariot

Female: Polari, Mikbilis, Miktanus, Mikpolar, Andromeda, Mizar, Yildun

Ursarctic Traits[edit]

Design Note: This race makes use of the Huge Player Characters (5e Variant Rule) for Ursarctic.

Created as space exploration drones, their programming changed their exploration missions to extermination.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Despite being a construct, maturity sets in around 1200 years and lifespan is indefinite with a fuel source but will fall into disrepair after enough time
Alignment. There is no specific alignment for an Ursarctic but their alignment is provided by their creators
Size. Ursarctics are known to be between 15 and 20 feet in size and weights between 2750 and 9825 lbs due to their heavy plating and built-in systems
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet. You also have base movement in low gravity of 30 feet and 40 feet with no gravity. You cannot fly in normal gravity unless effected by a spell
Amplified Vision. Your eyes are fine-tuned to be able to see in intense starlight and darkness but not for deep within the stratospheres of planets. You can see in dim light for 120 ft in full color, see in darkness for 60 ft in dim light, and magical darkness for 30 ft in a haze. You can see 360 ft in full color during the day.
Tempered Armor Construct. You were built for deep space exploration. You have resistance to cold and fire damage at the cost of being vulnerable to lightning damage. You are also immune to poison damage, being poisoned and diseases. You also are not required to eat or drink, you only need to be asleep for 5 hours during a long rest and are fully aware during that long rest. You are also treated as normal construct, being unable to be healed by potions or magic other than mending or a similar effect. Your armor class is increased by +2
Built-In Gear. You can have one of the following built into your body: Power Gauntlet, Slider, Claw, or Transmissions Generator. Power Gauntlets increase your unarmed strike damage to be 1d4+Strength Modifier. Slider acts as a glider or sled depending on how you hold it. You gain a glide speed of 30 feet and a downhill movement speed of 60 ft. Claw acts as additional blades attached to your wrist that can fold in or out to be used or not. Attacking with the claw deals 1d6+Strength Mod Slashing Damage. Transmissions Generator allows you to cast Sending at will for 1 minute twice a day. Restores at Dawn each day.
Unnatural Harbinger. If you took Power Gauntlet or Claw, you find your weapon of choice is abnormal to most. Gain exotic weapon proficiency with one exotic weapon. You then are unable to gain exotic weapon proficiency again. If you took Slider, you now can cast shield once per long rest. If you took Transmissions Generator, your passive perception gains +2 modifier.
Servant in the Skies. You gain proficiency in History (Int) checks when they pertain to your Master or somewhere you have explored. You also have disadvantage on Religion (Int) checks and Nature (Int) checks when in an unfamiliar place.
Replacement Parts. You can turn any armor or weapon into some metal to repair yourself of damage. The armor or weapon is then destroyed and you regain health based on its weight and material (Your Dungeon Master/Game Master chooses what you roll to heal)
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice as well as the language of your creator.
Subrace. There is one subrace of Ursarctic created to serve as assistants in experiments in space, Bearcti


Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score is increased by 3 (but cannot go over 20), your Wisdom score is increased by 1 and your Strength score is decreased by 1.
Size. You are much smaller than a normal Ursarctic and have a walking speed of 35 feet. Your size is Medium, between 5 and 8 feet. You weigh between 250 and 780 lbs
Limited Gear. Your Built-In Gear list is now Transmissions Generator, Slider, or one tools of your choice. If you take a tool, you are proficient in that tool. This also replaces Unnatural Harbinger.
Tunnel Vision. When crafting or disabling anything, your passive perception becomes 10 while you gain a +4 modifier to any Sleight of Hand (Dex), Arcana (Int), or Acrobatics (Str) checks.
Obedience. You have a strong memory when it comes to instructions. Any check related to recalling past events related to you is done at advantage. This replaces Servant in the Skies.
Motor Control. With each passing day, you get better and better at what you do. Gain a +3 to Strength checks while traversing new locations or locations you do not have memory of.

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